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function ad_permission_check in Advertisement 5.2

Determine whether the user has a given privilege.

1 call to ad_permission_check()
ad_permission in ./ad.module
Stub for ad_permission module, used to determine whether the user has a given privilege. If the ad_permission module is not enabled, all permissions are granted.
1 string reference to 'ad_permission_check'
ad_permission in ./ad.module
Stub for ad_permission module, used to determine whether the user has a given privilege. If the ad_permission module is not enabled, all permissions are granted.


permission/ad_permission.module, line 409
Provide granular permissions for advertisements.


function ad_permission_check($aid, $string, $account) {
  static $permissions = array();
  if (!isset($permissions[$aid][$account->uid])) {
    $oid = db_result(db_query("SELECT oid FROM {ad_owners} WHERE aid = %d and uid = %d", $aid, $account->uid));
    $permissions[$aid][$account->uid] = explode('|,|', db_result(db_query("SELECT permissions FROM {ad_permissions} WHERE oid = %d", $oid)));
  return in_array("{$string}", $permissions[$aid][$account->uid]);