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class AcsfExtraCommands in Acquia Cloud Site Factory Connector 8.2

Provides drush commands for site related operations.

This class' namespace is off but it is necessary. All the commands in this file are executed with the --include flag, and without reusing this namespace the commands would not be found.


Expanded class hierarchy of AcsfExtraCommands


src/Commands/AcsfExtraCommands.php, line 18


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class AcsfExtraCommands extends DrushCommands {

   * Print credentials retrieved from the factory.
   * @return \Consolidation\OutputFormatters\StructuredData\PropertyList
   *   Gives back the creds in json format.
   * @throws \Drupal\acsf\AcsfException
   *   If the function couldn't retrieve the necessary creds.
   * @command acsf-get-factory-creds
   * @bootstrap root
  public function getFactoryCreds() {
    if (!class_exists('\\Drupal\\acsf\\AcsfConfigDefault')) {

      // Since there might not be a bootstrap, we need to find our config
      // objects.
      $include_path = realpath(dirname(__FILE__));
      require_once $include_path . '/src/AcsfConfig.php';
      require_once $include_path . '/src/AcsfConfigDefault.php';
      require_once $include_path . '/src/AcsfConfigIncompleteException.php';
      require_once $include_path . '/src/AcsfConfigMissingCredsException.php';
    try {
      $config = new AcsfConfigDefault();
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      throw new AcsfException('Failed to get config: ' . $e
    $creds = [
      'url' => $config
      'username' => $config
      'password' => $config
      'url_suffix' => $config
    return new PropertyList($creds);

   * Set a site offline.
   * @command go-offline
   * @aliases go-off
   * @bootstrap full
  public function offline() {
    $lock = \Drupal::lock();
    $acsf_settings = \Drupal::configFactory()

    // Track if a site admin purposely put their site into maintenance.
    $maintenance_mode = \Drupal::state()
    if ($maintenance_mode) {

      // Site is in maintenance mode already. We need to keep that in mind.
        ->set('site_owner_maintenance_mode', TRUE)

    // For now hard-code a 10 minute expected offline time.
    $expected = time() + 10 * 60;
      ->set('system.maintenance_mode', TRUE);
      ->set('maintenance_time', $expected)

    // Get the cron lock to prevent cron from running during an update.
    // Use a large lock timeout because an update can take a long time.
    // All cron processes are stopped before update begins, so the lock will
    // be available.
      ->acquire('cron', 1200.0);

   * Runs after a go-offline command executes. Verifies maintenance mode.
   * @hook post-command go-offline
  public function postOffline() {
    $offline = \Drupal::state()
    if ($offline) {
        ->success(dt('Site has been placed offline.'));
    else {
        ->error(dt('Site has not been placed offline.'));

   * Set a site online.
   * @command go-online
   * @aliases go-on
   * @bootstrap full
  public function online() {
    $lock = \Drupal::lock();

    // Determine whether the user intended the site to be in maintenance mode.
    $content = \Drupal::config('acsf.settings')

    // Clearing maintenance mode.
      ->set('system.maintenance_mode', FALSE);
      ->set('maintenance_time', 0)
    if (!empty($content)) {
        ->set('system.maintenance_mode', TRUE);

    // Release cron lock.

   * Runs after a go-online command executes. Verifies maintenance mode.
   * @hook post-command go-online
  public function postOnline() {
    $content = \Drupal::state()
    if (empty($content)) {
        ->success(dt('Site has been placed online.'));
    else {
      $content = \Drupal::config('acsf.settings')
      if (empty($content)) {
          ->error(dt('Site has not been placed online.'));
      else {
          ->success(dt('Site has been left offline as set by the site owner.'));

        // Unset our maintenance mode setting.
          ->set('site_owner_maintenance_mode', FALSE)

   * Fetches the version of the acsf moduleset.
   * @param string $path
   *   The path to the acsf moduleset.
   * @command acsf-version-get
   * @bootstrap root
  public function versionGet($path) {
    if (empty($path)) {
      $path = __DIR__;
    $version = '0.0';
    $acsf_file_path = rtrim($path, '/') . '/';
    if (file_exists($acsf_file_path)) {
      $info_parser = new InfoParser();
      $info = $info_parser
      $version = isset($info['acsf_version']) ? $info['acsf_version'] : '0.1';

   * Reports process completion back to the factory.
   * @param array $options
   *   The command options supplied to the executed command.
   * @throws \Drupal\acsf\AcsfException;
   *   If the data argument is invalid.
   * @command report-complete-async-process
   * @bootstrap root
   * @option data Serialized PHP data regarding the caller.
  public function completeAsyncProcess(array $options = [
    'data' => NULL,
  ]) {
    $data = unserialize($options['data']);
    if (empty($data->callback) || empty($data->object_id) || empty($data->acsf_path)) {
      throw new AcsfException(dt('Requires serialized object in --data argument with $data->callback and $data->object_id populated.'));

    // Since this does not bootstrap drupal fully, we need to manually require
    // the classes necessary to send a message to the Factory.
    require_once $data->acsf_path . '/src/AcsfConfig.php';
    require_once $data->acsf_path . '/src/AcsfConfigDefault.php';
    require_once $data->acsf_path . '/src/AcsfConfigIncompleteException.php';
    require_once $data->acsf_path . '/src/AcsfConfigMissingCredsException.php';
    require_once $data->acsf_path . '/src/AcsfMessage.php';
    require_once $data->acsf_path . '/src/AcsfMessageEmptyResponseException.php';
    require_once $data->acsf_path . '/src/AcsfMessageFailedResponseException.php';
    require_once $data->acsf_path . '/src/AcsfMessageFailureException.php';
    require_once $data->acsf_path . '/src/AcsfMessageMalformedResponseException.php';
    require_once $data->acsf_path . '/src/AcsfMessageRest.php';
    require_once $data->acsf_path . '/src/AcsfMessageResponse.php';
    require_once $data->acsf_path . '/src/AcsfMessageResponseRest.php';
    $arguments = [
      'wid' => $data->object_id,
      'signal' => 1,
      'state' => isset($data->state) ? $data->state : NULL,
      'data' => $data,
    try {

      // We do not have a Drupal bootstrap at this point, so we need to use
      // AcsfConfigDefault to obtain the shared credentials.
      $config = new AcsfConfigDefault();
      $message = new AcsfMessageRest('POST', $data->callback, $arguments, $config);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
      syslog(LOG_ERR, dt('Unable to contact the factory via AcsfMessage.'));



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
AcsfExtraCommands::completeAsyncProcess public function Reports process completion back to the factory.
AcsfExtraCommands::getFactoryCreds public function Print credentials retrieved from the factory.
AcsfExtraCommands::offline public function Set a site offline.
AcsfExtraCommands::online public function Set a site online.
AcsfExtraCommands::postOffline public function Runs after a go-offline command executes. Verifies maintenance mode.
AcsfExtraCommands::postOnline public function Runs after a go-online command executes. Verifies maintenance mode.
AcsfExtraCommands::versionGet public function Fetches the version of the acsf moduleset.