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Functions in Acquia Search 6.3

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
acquia_search_acquia_subscription_status ./acquia_search.module Implementation of hook_acquia_subscription_status().
acquia_search_apachesolr_query_alter ./acquia_search.module Implementation of hook_apachesolr_modify_query().
acquia_search_authenticator ./acquia_search.module Creates an authenticator based on a data string and HMAC-SHA1. 2
acquia_search_auth_cookie ./acquia_search.module Modify a solr base url and construct a hmac authenticator cookie. 1
acquia_search_derived_key_salt ./acquia_search.module Returns the subscription's salt used to generate the derived key. 1 3
acquia_search_disable ./acquia_search.module Implementation of hook_disable(). 1
acquia_search_drush_command drush/ Implements hook_drush_command().
acquia_search_drush_help drush/ Implements hook_drush_help().
acquia_search_enable ./acquia_search.module Implementation of hook_enable().
acquia_search_enable_acquia_solr_environment ./acquia_search.module Create a new record pointing to the Acquia apachesolr search server and set it as the default 2
acquia_search_environment_connected ./acquia_search.module Tests whether the environment is connected to Acquia Search. 4
acquia_search_environment_delete_access ./acquia_search.module Delete environment page access. 1
acquia_search_environment_edit_form_validate ./acquia_search.module 1
acquia_search_extract_hmac ./acquia_search.module Look in the headers and get the hmac_digest out 1
acquia_search_form_apachesolr_environment_edit_form_alter ./acquia_search.module Implementation of hook_form_[form_id]_alter().
acquia_search_form_apachesolr_settings_alter ./acquia_search.module Implementation of hook_form_[form_id]_alter().
acquia_search_get_environment ./acquia_search.module Predefined Acquia Search network environment 3
acquia_search_help ./acquia_search.module Implementation of hook_help().
acquia_search_install ./acquia_search.install Implementation of hook_install().
acquia_search_menu_alter ./acquia_search.module Implementation of hook_menu_alter().
acquia_search_random_bytes ./acquia_search.module Returns a string of highly randomized bytes (over the full 8-bit range). 1
acquia_search_requirements ./acquia_search.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
acquia_search_set_derived_key_for_env drush/ Drush callback Set the derived key for a specific environment, using an id and key. Also set the url to point to the acquia service to make it easier for customers to set any environment as an acquia environment 1
acquia_search_uninstall ./acquia_search.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
acquia_search_update_6300 ./acquia_search.install Removing acquia_search_url variable as it has been split up to acquia_search_base_url and acquia_search_path
acquia_search_valid_response ./acquia_search.module Validate the authenticity of returned data using a nonce and HMAC-SHA1. 1
_acquia_search_create_derived_key ./acquia_search.module Derive a key for the solr hmac using a salt, id and key. 4
_acquia_search_derived_key ./acquia_search.module Get the derived key for the solr hmac using the information shared with 2
_acquia_search_lower ./acquia_search.module Convert to lower-case any keywords containing a wildcard. 1
_acquia_search_set_version ./acquia_search.module Helper function to cache the Acquia Search version. 3

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