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class AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo in Acquia Purge 7

Provides technical information accessors for the Acquia Cloud environment.


Expanded class hierarchy of AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo


lib/AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo.php, line 11
Contains AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo.

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class AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo {

   * The load balancer IP adresses installed in front of this site.
   * @var string[]
  protected $balancerAddresses = array();

   * The token used to authenticate cache invalidations with
   * @var string
  protected $balancerToken = '';

   * The list of defined domains that get purged.
   * @var string[]
  protected $domains = array();

   * The backend class the page cache operates on.
   * @var string
  protected $pageCacheBackend = 'DrupalDatabaseCache';

   * The list of protocol schemes to be purged.
   * @var string[]
  protected $schemes = [];

   * The Acquia site environment.
   * @var string
  protected $siteEnvironment = '';

   * The Acquia site group.
   * @var boolean|string
  protected $siteGroup = FALSE;

   * The Acquia site name.
   * @var boolean|string
  protected $siteName = FALSE;

   * Whether Drupal's caches are powered by memcache.
   * @var boolean
  protected $isMemcachedUsed = FALSE;

   * Whether the current hosting environment is Acquia Cloud.
   * @var boolean
  protected $isThisAcquiaCloud = FALSE;

   * Constructs a AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo object.
  public function __construct() {

    // Fetch the sitename and sitegroup from the environment.
    if (isset($_ENV['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT']) && !empty($_ENV['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT'])) {
      $this->siteEnvironment = $_ENV['AH_SITE_ENVIRONMENT'];
    if (isset($_ENV['AH_SITE_NAME']) && !empty($_ENV['AH_SITE_NAME'])) {
      $this->siteName = $_ENV['AH_SITE_NAME'];
    if (isset($_ENV['AH_SITE_GROUP']) && !empty($_ENV['AH_SITE_GROUP'])) {
      $this->siteGroup = $_ENV['AH_SITE_GROUP'];
    if (!empty($GLOBALS['gardens_site_settings'])) {
      $this->siteEnvironment = $GLOBALS['gardens_site_settings']['env'];
      $this->siteGroup = $GLOBALS['gardens_site_settings']['site'];
      $this->siteName = $this->siteGroup . '.' . $this->siteEnvironment;

    // Determine the balancer token and IP addresses.
    if (is_array($reverse_proxies = variable_get('reverse_proxies'))) {
      foreach ($reverse_proxies as $reverse_proxy) {
        if ($reverse_proxy && strpos($reverse_proxy, '.')) {
          $this->balancerAddresses[] = $reverse_proxy;
    $this->balancerToken = $this->siteName;
    if ($token_configured = _acquia_purge_variable('acquia_purge_token')) {
      $this->balancerToken = (string) trim($token_configured);

    // Determine what the page cache is operating on.
    $cache = variable_get('cache_default_class', $this->pageCacheBackend);
    $this->pageCacheBackend = variable_get('cache_class_cache_page', $cache);

    // Determine what the protocol schemes are based on settings.
    if (_acquia_purge_variable('acquia_purge_http')) {
      $this->schemes[] = 'http';
    if (_acquia_purge_variable('acquia_purge_https')) {
      $this->schemes[] = 'https';

    // Determine whether memcached is powering Drupal's caches or not.
    if (_acquia_purge_variable('acquia_purge_memcache')) {
      if ($cache == 'MemCacheDrupal' && function_exists('dmemcache_get')) {
        $this->isMemcachedUsed = TRUE;

    // Test the gathered information to determine if this is/isn't Acquia Cloud.
    $this->isThisAcquiaCloud = count($this->balancerAddresses) && $this->balancerToken && $this->siteEnvironment && $this->siteName && $this->siteGroup && function_exists('curl_init');

    // Gather the domains to be purged.

   * Initialize $this->domains.
  protected function domains() {

    // Avoid automatic detection when 'acquia_purge_domains' contains hardcodes.
    if ($this
      ->areDomainsHardcoded()) {
      foreach (_acquia_purge_variable('acquia_purge_domains') as $hardcode) {
        $this->domains[] = $hardcode;
    else {

      // Source domains from the Acquia Cloud platform. However, only source
      // them for the 'default' site so that multisite configs don't blow up.
      if ($this
        ->isThisAcquiaCloud() && conf_path() == 'sites/default') {

    // Allow alteration of the domains list and assure that our list is clean.

   * Fire off hook_acquia_purge_domains_alter().
  protected function domainsAlter() {
    foreach (module_implements('acquia_purge_domains_alter') as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_acquia_purge_domains_alter';

   * Normalize $this->domains, so that it contains no:
   *  - uppercase strings.
   *  - empty strings
   *  - asterisks
   *  - duplicates
   *  - leading or traling spaces
  protected function domainsNormalize() {
    if (!function_exists('drupal_strtolower')) {
      include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';

    // Normalize all domains.
    $domains = array();
    foreach ($this->domains as $domain) {
      $domain = trim(drupal_strtolower($domain));
      $domain = str_replace('.*.', '', $domain);
      $domain = str_replace('*.', '', $domain);
      $domain = str_replace('*', '', $domain);
      if (!empty($domain) && !in_array($domain, $domains)) {
        $domains[] = $domain;

    // Remove the domain when there's more then just one domain
    // name discovered, if not, we're likely running on a dev/stage environment.
    if (count($domains) > 1) {
      foreach ($domains as $i => $domain) {
        if (strpos($domain, '') !== FALSE) {
    $this->domains = $domains;

   * Extract domain names from HTTP_HOST and Drupal's url() function.
  protected function domainsAddFromDrupal() {
    $this->domains[] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
    if ($parsed_url = parse_url(url('', array(
      'absolute' => TRUE,
    )))) {
      $this->domains[] = $parsed_url['host'];

   * Source domains from sites/sites.php by reverse parsing it.
   * @warning
   *   The way the sites/sites.php array was designed was to make it a
   *   lookup map with the current active URI as lookup resource, it makes
   *   that relatively easy to do. However, we want to get all domains that
   *   point to the currently chosen site. As the array keys are in the
   *   format of '<port>.<domain>.<path>' this is relatively hackish.
  protected function domainsAddFromSitesPhp() {
    $sitesphpskippath = _acquia_purge_variable('acquia_purge_sphpskippath');
    $stripports = _acquia_purge_variable('acquia_purge_stripports');
    $sitedir = str_replace('sites/', '', conf_path());
    $tlds = array();

    // Only interpret the $sites array if the file sites/sites.php exists.
    if (!file_exists('sites/sites.php')) {

    // Define the full list of TLD's we have to check against to determine if a
    // embedded domain name in '<port>.<domain>.<path>' seems valid for us.
    include drupal_get_path('module', 'acquia_purge') . '/';

    // Include the file which will (re)propagate the $sites array for us.
    $sites = array();
    include 'sites/sites.php';

    // Protect ourselves against badly written code inside sites.php.
    if (!isset($sites) || empty($sites)) {

    // Iterate and validate each record in the resulting $sites array.
    foreach ($sites as $site => $directory) {

      // Skip those that point to a different site directory then we are on.
      if ($directory != $sitedir) {

      // Split $site that can be defined in the form of '<port>.<domain>.<path>'.
      $site = explode('.', $site);

      // Strip TCP port's in '<port>....'.
      if (is_numeric($site[0]) && in_array((int) $site[0], $stripports)) {

      // Every record in sites.php that has a TLD in the middle of it, are assumed
      // to be in the '<domain>.<path>' format, which means we have a path we
      // really need to get rid of.  When the last octet isn't in $tlds, we
      // assume this scenario to be a reality and start scanning each octet. If
      // on of the middle octets then matches a valid TLD, we rewrite the domain.
      if (!in_array(end($site), $tlds)) {
        if ($sitesphpskippath) {
        else {
          $replacement = array();
          foreach ($site as $octet) {
            $replacement[] = $octet;
            if (in_array($octet, $tlds) && $octet !== end($site)) {
              $site = $replacement;

      // What's left should be a 99.99% correct domain name we want to see purged.
      $this->domains[] = implode('.', $site);

   * Source the domain names configured on Acquia Cloud.
  protected function domainsAddFromAcquiaCloud() {
    $detected_domains = array();

    // Source the domain names from config.json.
    $config_json = '/var/www/site-php/' . $this->siteName . '/config.json';
    if (file_exists($config_json) && is_readable($config_json)) {
      $config = json_decode(file_get_contents($config_json, TRUE), TRUE);
      if (isset($config['domains'])) {
        if (is_array($config['domains'])) {
          foreach ($config['domains'] as $detected_domain) {
            $detected_domains[] = (string) $detected_domain;
    elseif (file_exists('/etc/apache2/conf.d')) {
      $server_name = shell_exec("grep -r 'ServerName' /etc/apache2/conf.d/" . $this->siteName . "-*.conf");
      foreach (explode('ServerName', $server_name) as $testable) {
        foreach (explode(' ', trim($testable)) as $domain) {
          $detected_domains[] = $domain;
      $server_alias = shell_exec("grep -r 'ServerAlias' /etc/apache2/conf.d/" . $this->siteName . "-*.conf");
      foreach (explode('ServerAlias', $server_alias) as $testable) {
        foreach (explode(' ', trim($testable)) as $domain) {
          $detected_domains[] = $domain;

    // Remove the domain as we don't want that one purged.
    if (count($detected_domains)) {
      foreach ($detected_domains as $i => $detected_domain) {
        if (strpos($detected_domain, '') !== FALSE) {

    // Register all detected domain names.
    foreach ($detected_domains as $i => $detected_domain) {
      $this->domains[] = $detected_domain;

   * Get the load balancer IP adresses installed in front of this site.
   * @return string[]
   *   Unassociative list of adresses in the form of 'I.P.V.4', or empty array.
  public function getBalancerAddresses() {
    return $this->balancerAddresses;

   * Get the token used in the X-Acquia-Purge header.
   * @return string[]
   *   Token string, e.g. 'oursecret' or 'sitedev'.
  public function getBalancerToken() {
    return $this->balancerToken;

   * Get a list of defined domains that we can purge for.
   * @return string[]
   *   String values for each DNS domain name being purged.
  public function getDomains() {
    return $this->domains;

   * Get the backend class the page cache operates on.
   * @return string
   *   Class name, e.g. 'DrupalDatabaseCache', 'DrupalFakeCache' or different.
  public function getPageCacheBackend() {
    return $this->pageCacheBackend;

   * Get a list of protocol schemes that will be purged.
   * @return string[]
   *   Array with scheme strings like 'http' and 'https'.
  public function getSchemes() {
    return $this->schemes;

   * Get the Acquia site environment.
   * @return string
   *   The site environment, e.g. 'dev'.
  public function getSiteEnvironment() {
    return $this->siteEnvironment;

   * Get the Acquia site group.
   * @return boolean|string
   *   The site group, e.g. 'site' or '' when unavailable.
  public function getSiteGroup() {
    return $this->siteGroup;

   * Get the Acquia site name.
   * @return boolean|string
   *   The site group, e.g. 'sitedev' or '' when unavailable.
  public function getSiteName() {
    return $this->siteName;

   * Are the domains manually hardcoded?
   * @return bool
   *   Boolean TRUE if domains are hardcoded, FALSE if automatically discovered.
  public function areDomainsHardcoded() {
    $hardcodes = _acquia_purge_variable('acquia_purge_domains');
    return is_array($hardcodes) && count($hardcodes);

   * Determine if Drupal's caches are powered by memcache.
   * @return bool
   *   Boolean TRUE memcached is in use, FALSE if not.
  public function isMemcachedUsed() {
    return $this->isMemcachedUsed;

   * Determine whether DrupalFakeCache is powering the page cache or not.
   * @return boolean
   *   True when DrupalFakeCache is active, FALSE otherwise.
  public function isPageCacheFake() {
    return $this->pageCacheBackend === 'DrupalFakeCache' ? TRUE : FALSE;

   * Determine whether the current hosting environment is Acquia Cloud or not.
   * @return boolean
   *   Boolean expression where 'true' indicates Acquia Cloud or 'false'.
  public function isThisAcquiaCloud() {
    return $this->isThisAcquiaCloud;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::$balancerAddresses protected property The load balancer IP adresses installed in front of this site.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::$balancerToken protected property The token used to authenticate cache invalidations with
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::$domains protected property The list of defined domains that get purged.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::$isMemcachedUsed protected property Whether Drupal's caches are powered by memcache.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::$isThisAcquiaCloud protected property Whether the current hosting environment is Acquia Cloud.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::$pageCacheBackend protected property The backend class the page cache operates on.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::$schemes protected property The list of protocol schemes to be purged.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::$siteEnvironment protected property The Acquia site environment.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::$siteGroup protected property The Acquia site group.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::$siteName protected property The Acquia site name.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::areDomainsHardcoded public function Are the domains manually hardcoded?
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::domains protected function Initialize $this->domains.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::domainsAddFromAcquiaCloud protected function Source the domain names configured on Acquia Cloud.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::domainsAddFromDrupal protected function Extract domain names from HTTP_HOST and Drupal's url() function.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::domainsAddFromSitesPhp protected function Source domains from sites/sites.php by reverse parsing it.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::domainsAlter protected function Fire off hook_acquia_purge_domains_alter().
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::domainsNormalize protected function Normalize $this->domains, so that it contains no:
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::getBalancerAddresses public function Get the load balancer IP adresses installed in front of this site.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::getBalancerToken public function Get the token used in the X-Acquia-Purge header.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::getDomains public function Get a list of defined domains that we can purge for.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::getPageCacheBackend public function Get the backend class the page cache operates on.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::getSchemes public function Get a list of protocol schemes that will be purged.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::getSiteEnvironment public function Get the Acquia site environment.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::getSiteGroup public function Get the Acquia site group.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::getSiteName public function Get the Acquia site name.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::isMemcachedUsed public function Determine if Drupal's caches are powered by memcache.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::isPageCacheFake public function Determine whether DrupalFakeCache is powering the page cache or not.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::isThisAcquiaCloud public function Determine whether the current hosting environment is Acquia Cloud or not.
AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo::__construct public function Constructs a AcquiaPurgeHostingInfo object.