acquia_purge_acquia_purge_diagnostics |
./acquia_purge.module |
Implements hook_acquia_purge_diagnostics(). |
acquia_purge_autocomplete |
./ |
Menu callback to fulfill autocompletes on manual purging forms. |
1 |
acquia_purge_block_info |
./acquia_purge.module |
Implements hook_block_info(). |
acquia_purge_block_view |
./acquia_purge.module |
Implements hook_block_view(). |
acquia_purge_cron |
./acquia_purge.module |
Implements hook_cron(). |
3 |
acquia_purge_drush_command |
./ |
Implements hook_drush_command(). |
acquia_purge_drush_help |
./ |
Implements hook_drush_help(). |
acquia_purge_exit |
./acquia_purge.module |
Implements hook_exit(). |
acquia_purge_expire_cache |
./acquia_purge.module |
Implements hook_expire_cache(). |
acquia_purge_form_expire_admin_settings_form_alter |
./acquia_purge.module |
Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter(). |
acquia_purge_form_system_performance_settings_alter |
./acquia_purge.module |
Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter(). |
acquia_purge_form_system_performance_settings_submit |
./acquia_purge.module |
Form submit callback. |
1 |
acquia_purge_init |
./acquia_purge.module |
Implements hook_init(). |
acquia_purge_install |
./acquia_purge.install |
Implements hook_install(). |
acquia_purge_manualpurge_form_full |
./ |
UX rich form that lets administrative users purge paths manually. |
1 |
acquia_purge_manualpurge_form_page |
./ |
Single button form that lets administrative users purge the current page. |
acquia_purge_manualpurge_form_paths |
./ |
Bare bones form that lets administrative users purge paths manually. |
acquia_purge_menu |
./acquia_purge.module |
Implements hook_menu(). |
acquia_purge_permission |
./acquia_purge.module |
Implements hook_permission(). |
acquia_purge_purge_node |
./ |
DEPRECATED: Purge the paths from a node from Varnish. |
acquia_purge_purge_path |
./ |
DEPRECATED: queue a path and trigger the UI processor (if not using cron). |
acquia_purge_purge_paths |
./ |
DEPRECATED: queue paths and trigger the UI processor (if not using cron). |
1 |
acquia_purge_requirements |
./acquia_purge.install |
Implements hook_requirements(). |
acquia_purge_rules_action_info |
./ |
Implements hook_rules_action_info(). |
acquia_purge_rules_action_info_alter |
./ |
Implements hook_rules_action_info_alter(). |
acquia_purge_theme |
./acquia_purge.module |
Implements hook_theme(). |
acquia_purge_uninstall |
./acquia_purge.install |
Implements hook_uninstall(). |
acquia_purge_update_7100 |
./acquia_purge.install |
Remove the 'acquia_purge_reportpurges' variable. |
acquia_purge_update_7101 |
./acquia_purge.install |
Rename variable 'acquia_purge_queue_owner' to 'acquia_purge_queue_owners'. |
acquia_purge_update_7102 |
./acquia_purge.install |
Remove two variables used for state data instead of configuration. |
acquia_purge_update_7103 |
./acquia_purge.install |
Rename the 'purge notification' permission into 'purge on-screen'. |
acquia_purge_update_7104 |
./acquia_purge.install |
Set 'expire_status', 'expire_debug' and 'expire_include_base_url' correctly. |
acquia_purge_update_7105 |
./acquia_purge.install |
Locks are stored in Acquia Purge's state API now, remove old left over locks. |
acquia_purge_update_7106 |
./acquia_purge.install |
Introduce the new permission 'use manual purge blocks'. |
drush_acquia_purge_ap_diagnosis |
./ |
Perform a series of diagnostic self-tests. |
2 |
drush_acquia_purge_ap_domains |
./ |
List all detected domain names that Acquia Purge will purge. |
drush_acquia_purge_ap_forget |
./ |
Forget all scheduled purges and empty the queue. |
drush_acquia_purge_ap_list |
./ |
List all the items that are in the queue. |
drush_acquia_purge_ap_process |
./ |
Purge all queued items from the command line. |
1 |
drush_acquia_purge_ap_purge |
./ |
Purge a specified path from your balancers. |
hook_acquia_purge_diagnostics |
./acquia_purge.api.php |
Register pre-flight diagnostic check functions. |
hook_acquia_purge_domains_alter |
./acquia_purge.api.php |
Alter the list of domains Acquia Purge operates on. |
hook_acquia_purge_executors |
./acquia_purge.api.php |
Register executor backends to run after Acquia Purge's core executors. |
hook_acquia_purge_purge_failure |
./acquia_purge.api.php |
DEPRECATED: React after paths paths purged failed. |
hook_acquia_purge_purge_success |
./acquia_purge.api.php |
DEPRECATED: React after paths paths purged successfully. |
hook_acquia_purge_variations_alter |
./acquia_purge.api.php |
Edit/extend the list of variations for $path. |
theme_acquia_purge_status_bar_widget |
./ |
Returns HTML for the Acquia Purge progress bar widget. |
theme_acquia_purge_status_report |
./ |
Returns HTML for the status report. |
theme_acquia_purge_status_widget |
./ |
Returns HTML for the Acquia Purge status widget. |
_acquia_purge_action_flush_url |
./ |
Purge URL(s) and Path(s), directly using Acquia Purge's APIs. |
1 |
1 |