You are here in Acquia Purge 7

Deprecated functions.

Version 7.x-1.2 deprecated many functions and reorganized everything in a object oriented core. To prevent third-party code from just breaking, the old symbols are kept in this file and wrap around the new objects.

Nonetheless, this file is likely to go away in future versions, so the recommendation is to port your immediately!

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 * @file
 * Deprecated functions.
 * Version 7.x-1.2 deprecated many functions and reorganized everything in a
 * object oriented core. To prevent third-party code from just breaking, the old
 * symbols are kept in this file and wrap around the new objects.
 * Nonetheless, this file is likely to go away in future versions, so the
 * recommendation is to port your immediately!

 * Log about a deprecated helper being used.
 * @param string $new
 *   Suggested code replacement.
 * @param string|null $caller
 *   Caller that is deprecated, leave NULL for automatic backtrace lookup.
function _acquia_purge_deprecated($new, $caller = NULL) {
  $msg = "!old() is deprecated, port your code to !new immediately!";
  $backtrace = debug_backtrace();
  if ($caller == NULL) {
    $caller = $backtrace[1]['function'];
  $replacements = array(
    '!old' => $caller,
    '!new' => $new,
  watchdog('acquia_purge', $msg, $replacements, WATCHDOG_WARNING);

 * DEPRECATED: Determine if critical error conditions exists disallowing purges.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_are_we_allowed_to_purge() {
  return !_acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Determine whether we are running on Acquia Cloud or not.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_are_we_on_acquiacloud() {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Determine if its safe to use memcached based features.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_are_we_using_memcached() {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Turn a PHP variable into a string for debugging.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_export_debug_symbols($symbols) {
  return '';

 * DEPRECATED: Retrieve a variable or state data property.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_get($name, $get_default = FALSE) {
  try {
    return _acquia_purge_variable($name);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Get a list of bal IP addresses in front of this site.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_get_balancers() {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Calculate how many items can be purged during the
 * execution of this script.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_get_capacity($subtract = NULL) {
  $limit = _acquia_purge_service()
  if (!is_null($subtract)) {
  return $limit;

 * DEPRECATED: Calculate the slowdown factor based on configuration.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_get_capacity_factor() {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Calculate the maximum amount of outgoing HTTP requests we can
 * make.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_get_capacity_maxrequests() {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Perform a set of self-tests against the site.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_get_diagnosis($verbosity = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_INFO) {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Log diagnostic test results to watchdog.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_logged(array $items, $deduplicate = TRUE) {
  return _acquia_purge_service()
    ->log($items, $deduplicate);

 * DEPRECATED: Get a list of defined domains that we can purge for.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_get_domains() {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Add a domain to the domain list.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_get_domains_add($domain, array &$domains) {
  _acquia_purge_deprecated('$domains[] = "new domain";');
  $domains[] = $domain;

 * DEPRECATED: Get a list of protocol schemes that will be purged.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_get_protocol_schemes() {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Determine the Acquia site name.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_get_site_name() {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Determine the Acquia site group.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_get_site_group() {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Purge a single path on all domains and load balancers.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_purge($path) {

 * DEPRECATED: Process the HTTP requests for a single purge.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_purge_requests($requests) {

 * DEPRECATED: Check if the current request path is blacklisted.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_ui_path_blacklisted() {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Trigger client-side AJAX based purging during this request.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_ui_trigger_purge() {

  // Call onInit, which will call initializeClientSideProcessor when it should.

 * DEPRECATED: return the queue object in use for Acquia Purge.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_queue() {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: add a single purge to the queue.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_queue_add($path) {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: clear the queue and invalidate all running processes.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_queue_clear($state_only = FALSE) {
  if ($state_only) {
  else {

 * DEPRECATED: help prevent duplicate path queuing and purging.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_queue_deduplicate($path, $list = 'queued', $l = 500) {
  return _acquia_purge_service()
    ->deduplicate($path, $list, $l);

 * DEPRECATED: maintains a runtime list of purged URLs for UI visualization.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_queue_history($url = NULL) {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Determines if the current user owns a running purge session.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_queue_is_user_purging() {

  // Since ::isUserOwningTheQueue is static, call it through a small loophole.
  $service = _acquia_purge_service();
  $ajaxprocessor = $service
  return $ajaxprocessor::isUserOwningTheQueue($service);

 * DEPRECATED: acquire a lock and get permission to process the queue.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_queue_lock($acquire = TRUE) {
  if ($acquire === NULL) {
  else {
    return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: process as many items from the queue as capacity allows.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_queue_pop($processor = NULL) {
  if (!is_null($processor)) {
    _acquia_purge_deprecated('_acquia_purge_service()->process()', '_acquia_purge_queue_pop($processor)');
  else {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: purge a single path on all domains and load balancers.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_queue_processpurge($path) {
  return _acquia_purge_purge($path);

 * DEPRECATED: process the given HTTP requests and do it efficiently.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_queue_processpurge_requests($requests) {
  return _acquia_purge_curl($requests);

 * DEPRECATED: generate progress statistics on the purge queue.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_queue_stats($key = NULL) {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: load state data from the persistent storage location.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_state_initialize() {

 * DEPRECATED: commit the state data to its persistent storage location.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_state_commit() {

 * DEPRECATED: load a state data property.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_state_get($name, $default = NULL) {
  return _acquia_purge_service()
    ->get($name, $default)

 * DEPRECATED: store a state data property.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_state_set($name, $value) {

 * DEPRECATED: wipe all state data.
 * @deprecated
function _acquia_purge_state_wipe() {

 * DEPRECATED: queue a path and trigger the UI processor (if not using cron).
 * @deprecated
function acquia_purge_purge_path($path) {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: queue paths and trigger the UI processor (if not using cron).
 * @deprecated
function acquia_purge_purge_paths(array $paths) {
  return _acquia_purge_service()

 * DEPRECATED: Purge the paths from a node from Varnish.
 * @deprecated
 * @see expire_node_insert()
 * @see expire_node_update()
 * @see expire_node_delete()
function acquia_purge_purge_node(&$node) {
  $paths = array(
    'node/' . $node->nid,
  if (isset($node->path['alias']) && !empty($node->path['alias'])) {
    $paths[] = $node->path['alias'];
  if (isset($node->promote) && $node->promote) {
    $paths[] = '<front>';
    $paths[] = 'rss.xml';

  // Return the paths routine and return the statistics from the queue manager.
  return acquia_purge_purge_paths($paths);


Namesort descending Description
acquia_purge_purge_node DEPRECATED: Purge the paths from a node from Varnish.
acquia_purge_purge_path DEPRECATED: queue a path and trigger the UI processor (if not using cron).
acquia_purge_purge_paths DEPRECATED: queue paths and trigger the UI processor (if not using cron).
_acquia_purge_are_we_allowed_to_purge DEPRECATED: Determine if critical error conditions exists disallowing purges.
_acquia_purge_are_we_on_acquiacloud DEPRECATED: Determine whether we are running on Acquia Cloud or not.
_acquia_purge_are_we_using_memcached DEPRECATED: Determine if its safe to use memcached based features.
_acquia_purge_deprecated Log about a deprecated helper being used.
_acquia_purge_export_debug_symbols DEPRECATED: Turn a PHP variable into a string for debugging.
_acquia_purge_get DEPRECATED: Retrieve a variable or state data property.
_acquia_purge_get_balancers DEPRECATED: Get a list of bal IP addresses in front of this site.
_acquia_purge_get_capacity DEPRECATED: Calculate how many items can be purged during the execution of this script.
_acquia_purge_get_capacity_factor DEPRECATED: Calculate the slowdown factor based on configuration.
_acquia_purge_get_capacity_maxrequests DEPRECATED: Calculate the maximum amount of outgoing HTTP requests we can make.
_acquia_purge_get_diagnosis DEPRECATED: Perform a set of self-tests against the site.
_acquia_purge_get_diagnosis_logged DEPRECATED: Log diagnostic test results to watchdog.
_acquia_purge_get_domains DEPRECATED: Get a list of defined domains that we can purge for.
_acquia_purge_get_domains_add DEPRECATED: Add a domain to the domain list.
_acquia_purge_get_protocol_schemes DEPRECATED: Get a list of protocol schemes that will be purged.
_acquia_purge_get_site_group DEPRECATED: Determine the Acquia site group.
_acquia_purge_get_site_name DEPRECATED: Determine the Acquia site name.
_acquia_purge_purge DEPRECATED: Purge a single path on all domains and load balancers.
_acquia_purge_purge_requests DEPRECATED: Process the HTTP requests for a single purge.
_acquia_purge_queue DEPRECATED: return the queue object in use for Acquia Purge.
_acquia_purge_queue_add DEPRECATED: add a single purge to the queue.
_acquia_purge_queue_clear DEPRECATED: clear the queue and invalidate all running processes.
_acquia_purge_queue_deduplicate DEPRECATED: help prevent duplicate path queuing and purging.
_acquia_purge_queue_history DEPRECATED: maintains a runtime list of purged URLs for UI visualization.
_acquia_purge_queue_is_user_purging DEPRECATED: Determines if the current user owns a running purge session.
_acquia_purge_queue_lock DEPRECATED: acquire a lock and get permission to process the queue.
_acquia_purge_queue_pop DEPRECATED: process as many items from the queue as capacity allows.
_acquia_purge_queue_processpurge DEPRECATED: purge a single path on all domains and load balancers.
_acquia_purge_queue_processpurge_requests DEPRECATED: process the given HTTP requests and do it efficiently.
_acquia_purge_queue_stats DEPRECATED: generate progress statistics on the purge queue.
_acquia_purge_state_commit DEPRECATED: commit the state data to its persistent storage location.
_acquia_purge_state_get DEPRECATED: load a state data property.
_acquia_purge_state_initialize DEPRECATED: load state data from the persistent storage location.
_acquia_purge_state_set DEPRECATED: store a state data property.
_acquia_purge_state_wipe DEPRECATED: wipe all state data.
_acquia_purge_ui_path_blacklisted DEPRECATED: Check if the current request path is blacklisted.
_acquia_purge_ui_trigger_purge DEPRECATED: Trigger client-side AJAX based purging during this request.