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function _acquia_purge_load in Acquia Purge 7

Load code on which Acquia Purge depends.

This function is a complex code loader and dependency injection container for Acquia Purge's object oriented core, which got introduced in 7.x-1.3. From files listed in, a "service name" is derived that is used as primary $dependency value throughout the Acquia Purge code.

This "dependency name" is generated by _acquia_purge_registry() and gets then fed to _acquia_purge_variable(). The latter comes up with the default class name or a file path when the dependency name is overridden using the variable system. This allows all classes to be swapped from settings.php like this:

  • $conf['_acquia_purge_service'] = "sites/all/modules/custommodule/s.php";
  • $conf['_acquia_purge_hosting_info'] = "sites.../myhostinginfo.php";

In order to find all default services and the classes they point to, run: $ drush php-eval "print_r(_acquia_purge_registry()['services']);"

The name of the derived file is assumed to also be the name of the class it contains, so if the "_acquia_purge_executors" service is pointed to the path "sites/all/modules/my/MyExecutor.php", the returned $class value is going to be "MyExecutor". Acquia Purge will instantiate that class by its derived name, so make sure to not just copy a file but rename the class!


string|string[] $dependency:

  • string[]: Unassociative array of dependencies, the last sets the class.
  • string: a relative or absolute file path (must contain '.' character).
  • string: dependency name derived from, see the drush command hereabove to find the possible values.

Return value

string The name of the class defined in the requested dependency.

See also


17 calls to _acquia_purge_load()
AcquiaPurgeExecutorBase::__construct in lib/executor/AcquiaPurgeExecutorBase.php
Construct a new AcquiaPurgeExecutorBase instance.
AcquiaPurgeExecutorsService::__construct in lib/executor/AcquiaPurgeExecutorsService.php
Construct a new AcquiaPurgeExecutorsService instance.
AcquiaPurgeProcessorsService::__construct in lib/processor/AcquiaPurgeProcessorsService.php
Construct a new AcquiaPurgeProcessorsService instance.
AcquiaPurgeQueueEfficient::__construct in lib/queue/AcquiaPurgeQueueEfficient.php
Construct a AcquiaPurgeQueueEfficient instance.
AcquiaPurgeQueueItem::__construct in lib/queue/AcquiaPurgeQueueItem.php
Constructs an queue item object.

... See full list


./acquia_purge.module, line 636
Acquia Purge, Top-notch Varnish purging on Acquia Cloud!


function _acquia_purge_load($dependency) {

  // When $dependency is an array, load all items and return the last class.
  if (is_array($dependency)) {
    foreach ($dependency as $subdependency) {
      $class = _acquia_purge_load($subdependency);
    return $class;

  // Initialize statically cached variables.
  static $path_module, $loaded;
  if (is_null($path_module)) {
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . variable_get('path_inc', 'includes/');
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
    require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/';
    $path_module = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'acquia_purge');
  if (is_null($loaded)) {
    $loaded = array();

  // Retrieve the code registry.
  $registry = _acquia_purge_registry();

  // SERVICES: lookup the actual class and file and recurse.
  $dependency_is_a_service = !(strpos($dependency, '.') !== FALSE);
  if ($dependency_is_a_service) {
    $class_or_path = _acquia_purge_variable($dependency);
    if (!(strpos($class_or_path, '.') !== FALSE)) {
      $path_index = $registry['classes'][$class_or_path];
      $class_or_path = $registry['paths'][$path_index];
    if (!(strpos($class_or_path, '.') !== FALSE)) {
      throw new LogicException("{$variable} doesn't point to a class known to AP or a file on disk.");
    return _acquia_purge_load($class_or_path);
  elseif (strpos($dependency, 'lib/') === 0) {
    $dependency = $path_module . '/' . $dependency;

    // The files in are ordered by dependency order, so we
    // always load files defined prior to our dependency.
    $load_up_to_index = FALSE;
    foreach ($registry['paths'] as $index => $path) {
      $path = $path_module . '/' . $path;
      if (strpos($dependency, $path) === 0) {
        $load_up_to_index = $index;
    if ($load_up_to_index) {
      foreach ($registry['paths'] as $index => $path) {
        $path = $path_module . '/' . $path;
        if (in_array($path, $loaded)) {
        if ($index < $load_up_to_index) {
    return _acquia_purge_load($dependency);
  else {
    if (!in_array($dependency, $loaded)) {
      $loaded[] = $dependency;
      require_once $dependency;

    // Return the classname which to help instantiating it.
    return str_replace('.php', '', basename($dependency));