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function _acquia_purge_diagnostics_inv_domains in Acquia Purge 7

Invalidated domains.


string $t: Name of the t() function to call.

AcquiaPurgeService $service: The Acquia Purge service.

Return value

array Associative array with the following elements:

1 string reference to '_acquia_purge_diagnostics_inv_domains'
acquia_purge_acquia_purge_diagnostics in ./acquia_purge.module
Implements hook_acquia_purge_diagnostics().


./, line 481
Diagnostic self-tests and reports that aim to prevent runtime misery.


function _acquia_purge_diagnostics_inv_domains($t, $service) {
  $allriskmode = _acquia_purge_variable('acquia_purge_allriskmode');
  $hosting_info = $service
  $domains_link = drupal_get_path('module', 'acquia_purge') . '/';
  $domains_link = url($domains_link);
  $domains = $hosting_info
  $domains_c = count($domains);
  $test = array(
    'value' => implode(', ', $domains),
    'value' => $t('@mode: @domains', array(
      '@domains' => implode(' ', $domains),
      '@mode' => $hosting_info
        ->areDomainsHardcoded() ? $t('Manual') : $t('Automatic'),
    'title' => $t('Invalidated domains'),
    'description' => $t('The domains for which content gets cleared from your' . ' load balancers. Every domain name multiplies the work to be done,' . ' it is therefore important to <a href="!link" target="_blank">' . 'specify your domains</a> when the automatically detected list exceeds' . ' 4 domains or when it is incorrect.', array(
      '!link' => $domains_link,

  // One cannot have wildcards in domain names, test for this.
  $wildcard_domains_found = FALSE;
  foreach ($domains as $domain) {
    if (strpos($domain, '*') !== FALSE) {
      $wildcard_domains_found = $domain;

  // Evaluate domain names configuration and kick off warnings or even a full
  // block when the situation asks for it.
  if (!$domains_c) {
    $test['value'] = $t('0 domains detected.');
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('No domains have been detected which implies that' . ' something is seriously wrong. Pending purges will not be processed.');
  elseif ($wildcard_domains_found) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('The domain "@baddomain" has a asterisk in it,' . ' which implies that its subdomains require clearing. However, this is' . ' unfortunately not supported by Acquia Cloud and therefore will lead' . ' to purge failure. Please remove this domain from your configuration.', array(
      '@baddomain' => $wildcard_domains_found,
  elseif (php_sapi_name() === 'cli' && in_array('default', $domains)) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('The domain name "default" has been found' . ' indicating that you are running via Drush. Either you will need to' . ' specify your domains or provide --uri for the right site.');
  elseif ($domains_c <= 6) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_OK;
  elseif ($domains_c > 6 && $domains_c <= 8) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_WARNING;
    $test['description'] = $t('Because you have @no domain names there is a' . ' <b>high risk</b> that clearing your site will put stress on your' . ' servers, it is <b>strongly recommended</b> to <a href="!link"' . ' target="_blank">specify your domains</a> to not exceed 6 domains.', array(
      '!link' => $domains_link,
      '@no' => $domains_c,
  elseif ($allriskmode) {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_WARNING;
    $test['description'] = $t('Because you have @no domain names there is a' . ' <b>high risk</b> that clearing your site will put stress on your' . ' servers, it is <b>strongly recommended</b> to <a href="!link"' . ' target="_blank">specify your domains</a> to not exceed 6 domains.', array(
      '!link' => $domains_link,
      '@no' => $domains_c,
  else {
    $test['severity'] = ACQUIA_PURGE_SEVLEVEL_ERROR;
    $test['description'] = $t('Because you have @no domain names there is a' . ' <b>very high risk</b> that clearing your site will put stress on your' . ' servers, it is <b>strongly recommended</b> to <a href="!link"' . ' target="_blank">specify your domains</a> to not exceed 6 domains. To' . ' prevent system failure, pending purges will not be processed!', array(
      '!link' => $domains_link,
      '@no' => $domains_c,
  return $test;