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Functions in Acquia Lift Connector 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
acquia_lift_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
acquia_lift_form_personalize_admin_form_alter ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
acquia_lift_form_personalize_agent_option_sets_form_alter ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
acquia_lift_form_personalize_blocks_form_alter ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
acquia_lift_form_personalize_campaign_wizard_alter ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
acquia_lift_form_personalize_elements_configuration_form_alter ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
acquia_lift_form_personalize_elements_form_alter ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
acquia_lift_form_personalize_status_change_form_alter ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
acquia_lift_generate_ignore_selector ./ Generates a selector for all of the regions of this page to ignore when selecting elements from the DOM. 1
acquia_lift_get_account_info ./acquia_lift.module Retrieve the Acquia Lift Credentials. 12
acquia_lift_get_agent_types ./acquia_lift.module Returns the agent types this module provides. 2
acquia_lift_get_campaign_details ./acquia_lift.module Generate an array of campaign settings that are currently configured. This administrative information is used for navigation and campaign management. 7
acquia_lift_get_fallback_audience_name ./acquia_lift.module Identifies the fallback audience among the audiences provided. 3
acquia_lift_get_mvt_name_for_agent ./acquia_lift.module 4
acquia_lift_get_nested_tests ./acquia_lift.module Returns the list of test agents that are nested under the specified agent. 12
acquia_lift_get_option_set_editable_settings ./acquia_lift.module Helper function to generate editable JavaScript settings for an option set. 2
acquia_lift_get_option_set_for_targeting ./acquia_lift.module Get the option set where targeting rules are defined. 31
acquia_lift_get_report_cache_table_schema ./acquia_lift.install Helper to get the schema for the cache table. 2
acquia_lift_get_report_dates_for_agent ./ Returns an array with start date and end date in Y-m-d format. 4
acquia_lift_get_retired_tests ./ Returns any retired tests that exist for the specified agent. 8
acquia_lift_get_structure_from_targeting ./ Returns a mapping of audiences to option IDs based on the targeting set-up. 11
acquia_lift_get_sync_operations_for_agent ./ Returns all operations required to sync the testing components of an agent. 5
acquia_lift_goal_create_modal_callback ./ Page callback to create a new goal by selecting the type of goal to create. 1
acquia_lift_goal_delete_complete_callback ./ Ctools form processing complete handler for deletion of a goal. 1
acquia_lift_goal_delete_form ./ Form handler to generate a confirmation form to delete a goal. 1
acquia_lift_goal_delete_form_submit ./ Submit handler for acquia_lift_goal_delete_form().
acquia_lift_goal_delete_modal_callback ./ Page callback to generate a goal delete confirm modal window. 1
acquia_lift_goal_rename_complete_callback ./ Ctools form processing complete handler for the renaming of a goal. 1
acquia_lift_goal_rename_form ./ Form handler to generate a form to change a goal name. 1
acquia_lift_goal_rename_form_submit ./ Submit handler for acquia_lift_goal_rename().
acquia_lift_goal_rename_modal_callback ./ Page callback to generate a goal rename modal window. 1
acquia_lift_goal_types_ui ./ Helper function to return a list of goal type metadata. 2
acquia_lift_goal_type_create_completed_callback ./ Ctools form processing complete handler for the creation of a new goal by type. 1
acquia_lift_goal_type_create_form ./ Form builder function to create a new goal in the modal process of a specific type. 1
acquia_lift_goal_type_create_form_submit ./ Submit handler to create a new goal for a campaign. 1
acquia_lift_goal_type_create_modal_callback ./ Page callback to generate the ctools modal form to create a goal of a specific type. 1
acquia_lift_help ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_help().
acquia_lift_implement_mvt ./ Sets up a multivariate test as defined by the variation sets created. 2
acquia_lift_implement_targeting ./ Takes whatever is in the 'lift_targeting' data property and converts it into the required campaign structure (including nested tests where needed). 11
acquia_lift_implement_test_structure ./ Implements the structure, including all sub-tests, required by the targeting. 1
acquia_lift_init ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_init().
acquia_lift_install ./acquia_lift.install Implements hook_install().
acquia_lift_is_configured ./acquia_lift.module Checks whether or not Acquia Lift has been properly configured. 2
acquia_lift_is_targeting_agent ./acquia_lift.module Returns whether or not the passed in agent is a targeting agent. 9
acquia_lift_is_testing_agent ./acquia_lift.module Returns whether or not the passed in agent is a testing agent. 3
acquia_lift_js_alter ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_js_alter().
acquia_lift_legacy_access ./acquia_lift.module Access callback for the Lift legacy campaign list.
acquia_lift_libraries_info ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
acquia_lift_library ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_library().
acquia_lift_library_alter ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_library_alter().


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