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Functions in Acquia Lift Connector 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
acquia_lift_visitor_actions_ui_selector_ignore ./acquia_lift.module Implements hook_visitor_actions_ui_selector_ignore
acquia_lift_visitor_action_edit_complete_callback ./ Ctools processing complete handler for the editing of a visitor action. 1
acquia_lift_visitor_action_edit_form ./ Form handler to generate a form to edit a visitor action. 1
acquia_lift_visitor_action_edit_form_submit ./ Submit handler for acquia_lift_visitor_action_edit_form().
acquia_lift_visitor_action_edit_modal_callback ./ Page callback to generate a visitor action edit modal window. 1
drush_acquia_lift_campaign_sync ./ Syncs the Acquia Lift Campaigns.
drush_acquia_lift_menu_rebuild ./ Rebuilds the Drupal menu items.
drush_acquia_lift_profiles_get_segments acquia_lift_profiles/ Prints out all the segments in Acquia Lift Web for the configured customer.
template_preprocess_acquia_lift_navbar_menu_tree ./acquia_lift.module Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_acquia_lift_navbar_menu_tree(). 1
template_preprocess_acquia_lift_radio_list ./acquia_lift.module Implements template_preprocess_HOOK() for theme_acquia_lift_button_list(). 1
theme_acquia_lift_add_card_button theme/ Theme function to convert a submit button to an "add" button within the wizard process
theme_acquia_lift_card theme/ Theme function to show a card element.
theme_acquia_lift_create_type_change theme/ Theme function to change the type of form shown in the campaign creation process.
theme_acquia_lift_debugger theme/ Theme function to return the markup required for the personalize debugger.
theme_acquia_lift_edit_mode_personalize_in_context_links theme/ Theme function for the in-context personalization controls.
theme_acquia_lift_feature_filter_links theme/ Theme function to output links for filtering by feature,
theme_acquia_lift_goal_total theme/
theme_acquia_lift_high_low theme/ Theme function for generating the mark-up to display a high-low value.
theme_acquia_lift_navbar theme/ Returns HTML that wraps the administration navbar.
theme_acquia_lift_navbar_item theme/ Returns HTML for a navbar item.
theme_acquia_lift_navbar_menu_tree ./acquia_lift.module Returns HTML for a wrapper for the acquia lift navbar subtree. 1
theme_acquia_lift_navbar_tray_heading_wrapper theme/ Returns HTML for prepending a heading to a navbar tray.
theme_acquia_lift_navbar_tray_wrapper theme/ Returns HTML for wrapping a navbar tray.
theme_acquia_lift_percentage theme/ Theme function to output a control for entering percentage values.
theme_acquia_lift_personalizable_field_form theme/ Returns HTML for a personalized form element.
theme_acquia_lift_personalize_field_weight_field_wrapper theme/ Theme wrapper for the personalize option weight field.
theme_acquia_lift_profiles_lift_event_value_form_table acquia_lift_profiles/theme/ Theme callback for the form table.
theme_acquia_lift_radio_list theme/ Theme function to return a radio button that appears as a list of options.
theme_acquia_lift_radio_list_item theme/ Theme wrapper function to wrap an individual radio button with it's image and container.
theme_acquia_lift_report_overview theme/ Theme function for formatting a report overview item
theme_acquia_lift_revealing_input theme/ Theme wrapper function to wrap an input as a revealing input.
theme_acquia_lift_single_variation theme/ Theme function to output the option set and option name when showing variation listings.
theme_acquia_lift_type_list theme/ Theme function for a type selection list.
theme_acquia_lift_variations_list theme/ Theme function to output a list of variations as displays.
theme_acquia_lift_wizard_section_help theme/ Section level help for the campaign wizard.
_acquia_lift_build_menu ./acquia_lift.install Helper function to generate the menus for the Acquia Lift controls. 14
_acquia_lift_convert_libraries_to_library ./acquia_lift.module Converts a libraries module array to a hook_library array. 1
_acquia_lift_existing_goal_create_form ./ Loads the existing goal selection form for a campaign. 2
_acquia_lift_get_subreport ./ Builds a limited report for a test directly from the test stats.
_acquia_lift_libraries_filter_null_values ./acquia_lift.module Determines if an item is empty or not. 1
_acquia_lift_libraries_get_preferred_variant_name ./acquia_lift.module Returns the variant that should be loaded based on order preference. 1
_acquia_lift_libraries_get_version ./acquia_lift.module Determines the version of a library. 1
_acquia_lift_libraries_variant_exists ./acquia_lift.module Libraries API variant callback. 1
_acquia_lift_missing_library_warning ./acquia_lift.module Helper function to display a message when a missing library is detected. 1
_acquia_lift_navigation_attach_assets ./acquia_lift.module Create and attach the assets for Acquia Lift navigation to an element on the page. 1
_acquia_lift_page_goal_create_form ./ Loads the page goals selection form for a campaign. 2
_acquia_lift_page_goal_create_form_validate ./ Form validation for creating a new page goal simplified form. 1
_acquia_lift_personalize_campaign_wizard_block_single_save ./ Helper submit function to save a single block variation. 2
_acquia_lift_personalize_campaign_wizard_change_type_form ./ Helper function to generate a change type sub-section of a form. 2
_acquia_lift_personalize_campaign_wizard_element_single_save ./ Helper submit function to save a single existing element variation. 2


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