in Acquia Lift Connector 7.2
Same filename and directory in other branches Provides functions needed for the front-end UI.
acquia_lift.ui.incView source
* @file
* Provides functions needed for the front-end UI.
* Menu callback; Provide the top-level access point.
function acquia_lift_root_page() {
* Sends the Acquia Lift control menus.
function acquia_lift_controls_assets_callback() {
// The Acquia Lift module is responsible for assembling menu items into a
// single menu in the navbar.
$menu = menu_tree_all_data('acquia-lift-controls');
$response = array(
'#type' => 'container',
'#attributes' => array(
'class' => array(
'personalization' => menu_tree_output($menu),
return $response;
* Attaches the front-end controls to the page.
* @param $page
* The render array of the page.
function acquia_lift_build_page(&$page) {
// Attach the editor app toggle code on all non-admin pages.
// A special case is made for the block demo page which is not properly
// marked as an admin page by path_is_admin().
$is_admin = TRUE;
if (!path_is_admin(current_path()) && preg_match('/^admin\\/structure\\/block\\/demo\\//', current_path()) == 0) {
$is_admin = FALSE;
// Attach client-side controls for managing personalized content.
_acquia_lift_navigation_attach_assets($page['page_top'], $is_admin);
// Necessary ctools integration for modal windows. These are used only for
// administrative functionality.
if (user_access('manage personalized content')) {
// Have to add styling here. When added as part of a library it is always
// added before ctools and therefore cannot override styles.
$page['page_top']['#attached']['library'][] = array(
ctools_add_css('acquia_lift.ctools.modal', 'acquia_lift');
// Load data about active campaigns.
$settings['acquia_lift']['campaigns'] = acquia_lift_get_campaign_details();
// Load data about custom defined visitor actions.
$actions = visitor_actions_custom_load_multiple();
$settings['acquia_lift']['customActions'] = $actions;
$settings['acquia_lift']['dom_selector_ignore'] = acquia_lift_generate_ignore_selector();
$settings['acquia_lift']['edit_in_context_html_strip'] = variable_get('acquia_lift_html_context_strip', 1);
// Add any pending messages from the query string.
$params = drupal_get_query_parameters();
if (!empty($params['liftpm']) && strstr($params['liftpm'], '|') !== FALSE) {
list($type, $details) = explode('|', $params['liftpm']);
if ($type === 'new_block') {
$settings['acquia_lift']['pendingMessage'][] = t('Created the new %block_title personalized block. The block will not appear on your website until you add the block to a region on the !blocks page.', array(
'%block_title' => $details,
'!blocks' => l('Structure > Blocks', 'admin/structure/blocks'),
drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');
* Attaches the jQuery "chosen" behavior to the the passed in element.
* @param array $element
* An array representing a multi-select form element.
* @param array $classes
* An array of classes to be included on this element.
function acquia_lift_chosenify_element(&$element, $classes = array()) {
$chosen_path = libraries_get_path('chosen');
$classes[] = 'acquia-lift-chosen-select';
$options = array(
'scope' => 'footer',
'defer' => TRUE,
$element['#attributes']['class'] = $classes;
$element['#attributes']['data-placeholder'] = t('Choose a context...');
$element['#attached'] = array(
'js' => array(
$chosen_path . '/chosen.jquery.min.js' => array(
'group' => 'JS_LIBRARY',
drupal_get_path('module', 'acquia_lift') . '/js/acquia_lift.admin.js' => $options,
'css' => array(
$chosen_path . '/chosen.css' => array(),
* Generates a selector for all of the regions of this page to ignore when
* selecting elements from the DOM.
function acquia_lift_generate_ignore_selector() {
global $theme;
$classes = array();
$all_regions = system_region_list($theme, REGIONS_ALL);
$visible_regions = system_region_list($theme, REGIONS_VISIBLE);
$invisible_regions = array_diff($all_regions, $visible_regions);
foreach ($invisible_regions as $region_name => $region_label) {
$classes[] = drupal_region_class($region_name);
return $classes;
* =======================================================================
* S H A R E D U I
* =======================================================================
* Helper function to return a list of option set type metadata.
* @return array
* An array for each type of option set available with the following keys:
* - title: A title for the type of option set
* - description: A brief description
* - logo: a themed image that can be used to represent the option set type
* - path: the link to create an option set of this type
function acquia_lift_option_set_types_ui() {
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'acquia_lift');
return array(
'block' => array(
'title' => t('Drupal blocks'),
'description' => t('This variation style allows you to display personalized content in a Drupal block, wherever it may appear on your website.'),
'logo' => theme('image', array(
'path' => $path . '/images/variation-type-block.png',
'alt' => t('Drupal block'),
'title' => t('Select this option to create a variation set from Drupal content blocks.'),
'path' => 'admin/structure/personalize/variations/personalize-blocks/add',
'element' => array(
'title' => t('Webpage elements'),
'description' => t('This variation style allows you to select an item on a webpage and modify its HTML to create new variations of the content.'),
'logo' => theme('image', array(
'path' => $path . '/images/variation-type-element.png',
'alt' => t('Webpage element'),
'title' => t('Select this option to create a variation set from web page elements.'),
'path' => 'admin/structure/personalize/variations/personalize-elements/add',
* Helper function to return a list of goal type metadata.
* @return array
* An array for each goal type available wit the following keys:
* - title: A title for the type of goal
* - description: A brief description
* - logo: a themed image that can be used to represent the goal type
function acquia_lift_goal_types_ui() {
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'acquia_lift');
return array(
'existing' => array(
'title' => t('Predefined goal'),
'description' => t('Visitor actions that are already defined, such as signing in or submitting a form.'),
'path' => 'admin/structure/acquia_lift/goal/add/existing',
'logo' => theme('image', array(
'path' => $path . '/images/goal-type-predefined.png',
'alt' => t('Pre-existing goal'),
'title' => t('Select this option to create a goal from a pre-existing visitor action.'),
'element' => array(
'title' => t('New element goal'),
'description' => t('Visitor actions that involve clicking a link, hovering over a link, or submitting a form.'),
'path' => 'admin/structure/visitor_actions/add-in-context',
'logo' => theme('image', array(
'path' => $path . '/images/goal-type-element.png',
'alt' => t('Element goal'),
'title' => t('Select this option to create an element goal.'),
'page' => array(
'title' => t('New page goal'),
'description' => t('Visitor actions for a specific webpage that involve viewing, scrolling to the bottom of, or staying for a set timeframe.'),
'path' => 'admin/structure/acquia_lift/goal/add/page',
'logo' => theme('image', array(
'path' => $path . '/images/goal-type-page.png',
'alt' => t('Page goal'),
'title' => t('Select this option to create a page goal.'),
* =======================================================================
* F U N C T I O N S B A S E D O N N A V B A R
* These functions are only used/useful when navbar is not included.
* =======================================================================
* Builds the unified navbar as a structured array ready for drupal_render().
* @param array $element
* A renderable array
* @return
* A renderable array.
* @see navbar_pre_render().
* @see acquia_lift_page_build().
function acquia_lift_navbar_ui_pre_render($element) {
// Define the breakpoints to switch from vertical to horizontal
// navbar presentation.
$breakpoints = array(
'narrow' => 'only screen and (min-width: 16.5em)',
'standard' => 'only screen and (min-width: 38.125em)',
'wide' => 'only screen and (min-width: 50em)',
// Allow for altering of the breakpoints.
drupal_alter('acquia_lift_breakpoints', $breakpoints);
if (!empty($breakpoints)) {
$element['#attached']['js'][] = array(
'data' => array(
'acquia_lift' => array(
'unified_navbar' => array(
'breakpoints' => $breakpoints,
'type' => 'setting',
// Get the navigation items as defined for the navbar implementation.
$items = acquia_lift_navbar();
// Sort the children.
uasort($items, 'element_sort');
// Merge in the original navbar values.
$element = array_merge($element, $items);
// Render the children.
$element['#children'] = drupal_render_children($element);
return $element;
* Provides markup for associating a tray trigger with a tray element.
* A tray is a responsive container that wraps renderable content. Trays present
* content well on small and large screens alike.
* @param array $element
* A renderable array.
* @return
* A renderable array.
* @see navbar_pre_render_item().
function acquia_lift_navbar_ui_pre_render_item($element) {
// Assign each item a unique ID.
$id = drupal_html_id('navbar-item');
// If tray content is present, markup the tray and its associated trigger.
if (!empty($element['tray'])) {
// Provide attributes for the tray theme wrapper.
$attributes = array(
'id' => $id . '-tray',
'data-navbar-tray' => $id . '-tray',
'aria-owned-by' => $id,
// Merge in module-provided attributes.
if (!isset($element['tray']['#wrapper_attributes'])) {
$element['tray']['#wrapper_attributes'] = array();
$element['tray']['#wrapper_attributes'] += $attributes;
$element['tray']['#wrapper_attributes']['class'][] = 'navbar-tray';
if (!isset($element['tray']['#theme_wrappers'])) {
$element['tray']['#theme_wrappers'] = array();
// Add the standard theme_wrapper for trays.
array_unshift($element['tray']['#theme_wrappers'], 'acquia_lift_navbar_tray_wrapper');
// If a #heading is provided for the tray, provided a #theme_wrapper
// function to append it.
array_unshift($element['tray']['#theme_wrappers'], 'acquia_lift_navbar_tray_heading_wrapper');
return $element;
Name | Description |
acquia_lift_build_page | Attaches the front-end controls to the page. |
acquia_lift_chosenify_element | Attaches the jQuery "chosen" behavior to the the passed in element. |
acquia_lift_controls_assets_callback | Sends the Acquia Lift control menus. |
acquia_lift_generate_ignore_selector | Generates a selector for all of the regions of this page to ignore when selecting elements from the DOM. |
acquia_lift_goal_types_ui | Helper function to return a list of goal type metadata. |
acquia_lift_navbar_ui_pre_render | Builds the unified navbar as a structured array ready for drupal_render(). |
acquia_lift_navbar_ui_pre_render_item | Provides markup for associating a tray trigger with a tray element. |
acquia_lift_option_set_types_ui | Helper function to return a list of option set type metadata. |
acquia_lift_root_page | Menu callback; Provide the top-level access point. |