class ClientManager in Acquia Content Hub 8
Provides a service for managing pending server tasks.
- class \Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Client\ClientManager implements ClientManagerInterface uses StringTranslationTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of ClientManager
1 string reference to 'ClientManager'
1 service uses ClientManager
- src/
Client/ ClientManager.php, line 23
Drupal\acquia_contenthub\ClientView source
class ClientManager implements ClientManagerInterface {
use StringTranslationTrait;
* Logger Factory.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactoryInterface
protected $loggerFactory;
* Config Factory.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface
protected $configFactory;
* The Acquia Content Hub Client.
* @var \Acquia\ContentHubClient\ContentHub
protected $client;
* The language manager.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface
protected $languageManager;
* The Drupal Configuration.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Config\Config
protected $config;
* Content Hub Module User Agent.
* @var string
protected $clientUserAgent;
* The Service collector for middlewares.
* @var \Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Middleware\MiddlewareCollector
protected $collector;
* ClientManager constructor.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelFactoryInterface $logger_factory
* The logger factory.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory
* The config factory.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface $language_manager
* The language manager.
* @param \Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Middleware\MiddlewareCollector $collector
* The middleware.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleExtensionList $module_extension_list
* The module extension list.
public function __construct(LoggerChannelFactoryInterface $logger_factory, ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, LanguageManagerInterface $language_manager, MiddlewareCollector $collector, ModuleExtensionList $module_extension_list) {
$this->loggerFactory = $logger_factory;
// Set the client user agent.
// phpcs:ignore
$module_info = array_merge($module_extension_list
->getAllInstalledInfo()['acquia_contenthub'], [
'version' => '0.0.0',
'core' => '0.0.0',
$this->clientUserAgent = 'AcquiaContentHub/' . $module_info['core'] . '-' . $module_info['version'];
$this->configFactory = $config_factory;
$this->languageManager = $language_manager;
$this->collector = $collector;
// Get the content hub config settings.
$this->config = $this->configFactory
// Initializing Client.
* Function returns content hub client.
* @param array $config
* Configuration array.
* @return \Acquia\ContentHubClient\ContentHub
* Returns the Content Hub Client
* @throws \Drupal\acquia_contenthub\ContentHubException
* Throws exception when cannot connect to Content Hub.
protected function setConnection(array $config = []) {
$this->client =& drupal_static(__METHOD__);
if (NULL === $this->client) {
$hostname = $this->config
// Override configuration.
$config = array_merge([
'base_url' => $hostname,
'client-user-agent' => $this->clientUserAgent,
'adapterConfig' => [
'schemaId' => 'Drupal8',
'defaultLanguageId' => $this->languageManager
], $config);
// Get API information.
$api = $this->config
$secret = $this->config
$client_name = $this->config
$origin = $this->config
// If any of these variables is empty, then we do NOT have a valid
// connection.
if (!Uuid::isValid($origin) || empty($client_name) || empty($hostname) || empty($api) || empty($secret)) {
return FALSE;
$this->client = new ContentHub($origin, $this->collector
->getMiddlewares(), $config);
return $this;
* Function returns the Acquia Content Hub client.
public function getConnection(array $config = []) {
return $this->client;
* Resets the connection to allow to pass connection variables.
* This should be used when we need to pass connection variables instead
* of using the ones stored in Drupal variables.
* @param array $variables
* The array of variables to pass through.
* @param array $config
* The Configuration options.
public function resetConnection(array $variables, array $config = []) {
// Manually pass in the api/secret keys to the middlewares.
$api = $variables['api'] ?? '';
$secret = $variables['secret'] ?? '';
foreach ($this->collector
->getMiddlewares() as $middleware) {
// If not overwritten, these should use the same configured variables.
$hostname = $variables['hostname'] ?? $this->config
$origin = $variables['origin'] ?? $this->config
// Override configuration.
$config = array_merge([
'base_url' => $hostname,
'client-user-agent' => $this->clientUserAgent,
'adapterConfig' => [
'schemaId' => 'Drupal8',
'defaultLanguageId' => $this->languageManager
], $config);
$this->client = new ContentHub($origin, $this->collector
->getMiddlewares(), $config);
* Checks whether the current client has a valid connection to Content Hub.
* @return bool
* TRUE if client is connected, FALSE otherwise.
public function isConnected() {
// Always do a quick check.
if (empty($this
->getConnection())) {
return FALSE;
// If we reached here then client has a valid connection.
return TRUE;
* Checks whether the client name given is available in this Subscription.
* @param string $client_name
* The client name to check availability.
* @return bool
* TRUE if available, FALSE otherwise.
public function isClientNameAvailable($client_name) {
if ($site = $this
->createRequest('getClientByName', [
])) {
if (isset($site['uuid']) && Uuid::isValid($site['uuid'])) {
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* Extracts HMAC signature from the request.
* @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request
* The Request to evaluate signature.
* @param string $secret_key
* The Secret Key.
* @return string
* A base64 encoded string signature.
public function getRequestSignature(Request $request, $secret_key = '') {
// Extract signature information from the request.
$headers = array_map('current', $request->headers
$http_verb = $request
// Adding the Request Query string.
$path = $request
$body = $request
// If the headers are not given, then the request is probably not coming
// from the Content Hub. Replace them for empty string to fail validation.
$content_type = isset($headers['content-type']) ? $headers['content-type'] : '';
$date = isset($headers['date']) ? $headers['date'] : '';
$message_array = [
$message = implode("\n", $message_array);
$s = hash_hmac('sha256', $message, $secret_key, TRUE);
$signature = base64_encode($s);
return $signature;
* Makes an API Call Request to Acquia Content Hub, with exception handling.
* It handles generic exceptions and allows for text overrides.
* @param string $request
* The name of the request.
* @param array $args
* The arguments to pass to the request.
* @param array $exception_messages
* The exception messages to overwrite.
* @return bool|mixed
* The return value of the request if succeeds, FALSE otherwise.
public function createRequest($request, array $args = [], array $exception_messages = []) {
try {
// Check that we have a valid connection.
if (empty($this
->getConnection())) {
$error = $this
->t('This client is NOT registered to Content Hub. Please register first');
throw new \Exception($error);
// Process each individual request.
switch ($request) {
// Case for all API calls with no arguments that do NOT require
// authentication.
case 'ping':
case 'definition':
return $this
// Case for all API calls with no argument that require authentication.
case 'getSettings':
case 'purge':
case 'restore':
case 'reindex':
case 'mapping':
case 'regenerateSharedSecret':
return $this->client
// Case for all API calls with 1 argument.
case 'register':
case 'getClientByName':
case 'createEntity':
case 'createEntities':
case 'putEntities':
case 'readEntity':
case 'readEntities':
case 'updateEntities':
case 'deleteEntity':
case 'listEntities':
case 'addWebhook':
case 'deleteWebhook':
// This request only requires one argument (webhook_uuid), but we
// are using the second one to pass the webhook_url.
case 'searchEntity':
if (!isset($args[0])) {
$error = $this
->t('Request %request requires %num argument.', [
'%request' => $request,
'%num' => 1,
throw new \Exception($error);
return $this->client
// Case for all API calls with 2 arguments.
case 'logs':
case 'updateEntity':
if (!isset($args[0]) || !isset($args[1])) {
$error = $this
->t('Request %request requires %num arguments.', [
'%request' => $request,
'%num' => 2,
throw new \Exception($error);
return $this->client
->{$request}($args[0], $args[1]);
} catch (ServerException $ex) {
$msg = $this
->getExceptionMessage($request, $args, $ex, $exception_messages);
} catch (ConnectException $ex) {
$msg = $this
->getExceptionMessage($request, $args, $ex, $exception_messages);
} catch (ClientException $ex) {
$response = json_decode($ex
->getBody(), TRUE);
$msg = $this
->getExceptionMessage($request, $args, $ex, $exception_messages, $response);
} catch (RequestException $ex) {
$msg = $this
->getExceptionMessage($request, $args, $ex, $exception_messages);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
$msg = $this
->getExceptionMessage($request, $args, $ex, $exception_messages);
// Now show and log the error message.
if (isset($msg)) {
if ($msg !== FALSE) {
// Throw $ex;.
else {
// If the message is FALSE, then there is no error message, which
// means the request was expecting an exception to be successful.
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Obtains the appropriate exception message for the selected exception.
* This is the place to set up exception messages per request.
* @param string $request
* The Request to Plexus, as defined in the content-hub-php library.
* @param array $args
* The Request arguments.
* @param object $ex
* The Exception object.
* @param array $exception_messages
* The array of messages to overwrite, keyed by Exception name.
* @param object|void $response
* The response to the request.
* @return null|string
* The text to write in the messages.
protected function getExceptionMessage($request, array $args, $ex, array $exception_messages = [], $response = NULL) {
// Obtain the class name.
$exception = implode('', array_slice(explode('\\', get_class($ex)), -1));
switch ($exception) {
case 'ServerException':
if (isset($exception_messages['ServerException'])) {
$msg = $exception_messages['ServerException'];
else {
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Could not reach the Content Hub. Please verify your hostname and Credentials. [Error message: @msg]', [
'@msg' => $ex
case 'ConnectException':
if (isset($exception_messages['ConnectException'])) {
$msg = $exception_messages['ConnectException'];
else {
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Could not reach the Content Hub. Please verify your hostname URL. [Error message: @msg]', [
'@msg' => $ex
case 'ClientException':
case 'BadResponseException':
case 'ServerErrorResponseException':
if (isset($exception_messages[$exception])) {
$msg = $exception_messages[$exception];
else {
if (isset($response) && isset($response['error'])) {
// In the case of ClientException there are custom message that need
// to be set depending on the request.
$error = $response['error'];
switch ($request) {
// Customize the error message per request here.
case 'register':
$client_name = $args[0];
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error registering client with name="@name" (Error Code = @error_code: @error_message)', [
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@name' => $client_name,
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
case 'getClientByName':
// If status code = 404, then this site name is available.
$code = $ex
if ($code == 404) {
// All good! client name is available!
return FALSE;
else {
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to connect to the Content Hub" (Error Code = @error_code: @error_message)', [
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
case 'addWebhook':
$webhook_url = $args[0];
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('There was a problem trying to register Webhook URL = %URL. Please try again. (Error Code = @error_code: @error_message)', [
'%URL' => $webhook_url,
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
case 'deleteWebhook':
// This function only requires one argument (webhook_uuid), but
// we are using the second one to pass the webhook_url.
$webhook_url = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : $args[0];
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('There was a problem trying to <b>unregister</b> Webhook URL = %URL. Please try again. (Error Code = @error_code: @error_message)', [
'%URL' => $webhook_url,
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
case 'purge':
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error purging entities from the Content Hub [Error Code = @error_code: @error_message]', [
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
case 'readEntity':
$uuid = $args[0];
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Entity with UUID="@uuid" was referenced by another entity, but could not be found in Content Hub. To resolve this warning, enable publishing of that entity type on the publishing site and re-export the entity. (Error Code = @error_code: @error_message)', [
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@uuid' => $uuid,
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
case 'createEntity':
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to create an entity in Content Hub (Error Code = @error_code: @error_message)', [
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
case 'createEntities':
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to create entities in Content Hub (Error Code = @error_code: @error_message)', [
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
case 'updateEntity':
$uuid = $args[1];
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to update an entity with UUID="@uuid" in Content Hub (Error Code = @error_code: @error_message)', [
'@uuid' => $uuid,
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
case 'updateEntities':
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to update some entities in Content Hub (Error Code = @error_code: @error_message)', [
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
case 'deleteEntity':
$uuid = $args[0];
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to delete entity with UUID="@uuid" in Content Hub (Error Code = @error_code: @error_message)', [
'@uuid' => $uuid,
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
case 'searchEntity':
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to make a search query to Content Hub. Are your credentials inserted correctly? (Error Code = @error_code: @error_message)', [
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to connect to the Content Hub" (Error Code = @error_code: @error_message)', [
'@error_code' => $error['code'],
'@error_message' => $error['message'],
else {
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to connect to the Content Hub (Error Message = @error_message)', [
'@error_message' => $ex
case 'RequestException':
if (isset($exception_messages['RequestException'])) {
$msg = $exception_messages['RequestException'];
else {
switch ($request) {
// Customize the error message per request here.
case 'register':
$client_name = $args[0];
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Could not get authorization from Content Hub to register client @name. Are your credentials inserted correctly? (Error message = @error_message)', [
'@name' => $client_name,
'@error_message' => $ex
case 'createEntity':
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to create an entity in Content Hub (Error Message: @error_message)', [
'@error_message' => $ex
case 'createEntities':
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to create entities in Content Hub (Error Message = @error_message)', [
'@error_message' => $ex
case 'updateEntity':
$uuid = $args[1];
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to update entity with UUID="@uuid" in Content Hub (Error Message = @error_message)', [
'@uuid' => $uuid,
'@error_message' => $ex
case 'updateEntities':
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to update some entities in Content Hub (Error Message = @error_message)', [
'@error_message' => $ex
case 'deleteEntity':
$uuid = $args[0];
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to delete entity with UUID="@uuid" in Content Hub (Error Message = @error_message)', [
'@uuid' => $uuid,
'@error_message' => $ex
case 'searchEntity':
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to make a search query to Content Hub. Are your credentials inserted correctly? (Error Message = @error_message)', [
'@error_message' => $ex
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to connect to the Content Hub. Are your credentials inserted correctly? (Error Message = @error_message)', [
'@error_message' => $ex
case 'Exception':
if (isset($exception_messages['Exception'])) {
$msg = $exception_messages['Exception'];
else {
$msg = new FormattableMarkup('Error trying to connect to the Content Hub (Error Message = @error_message)', [
'@error_message' => $ex
return $msg;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
ClientManager:: |
protected | property | The Acquia Content Hub Client. | |
ClientManager:: |
protected | property | Content Hub Module User Agent. | |
ClientManager:: |
protected | property | The Service collector for middlewares. | |
ClientManager:: |
protected | property | The Drupal Configuration. | |
ClientManager:: |
protected | property | Config Factory. | |
ClientManager:: |
protected | property | The language manager. | |
ClientManager:: |
protected | property | Logger Factory. | |
ClientManager:: |
public | function |
Makes an API Call Request to Acquia Content Hub, with exception handling. Overrides ClientManagerInterface:: |
ClientManager:: |
public | function |
Function returns the Acquia Content Hub client. Overrides ClientManagerInterface:: |
ClientManager:: |
protected | function | Obtains the appropriate exception message for the selected exception. | |
ClientManager:: |
public | function |
Extracts HMAC signature from the request. Overrides ClientManagerInterface:: |
ClientManager:: |
public | function | Checks whether the client name given is available in this Subscription. | |
ClientManager:: |
public | function |
Checks whether the current client has a valid connection to Content Hub. Overrides ClientManagerInterface:: |
ClientManager:: |
public | function |
Resets the connection to allow to pass connection variables. Overrides ClientManagerInterface:: |
ClientManager:: |
protected | function | Function returns content hub client. | |
ClientManager:: |
public | function | ClientManager constructor. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | property | The string translation service. | 1 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Formats a string containing a count of items. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the string translation service. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the string translation service to use. | 2 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Translates a string to the current language or to a given language. |