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class AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands in Acquia Content Hub 8.2

Drush commands for Acquia Content Hub Publishers Audit Entity.

@package Drupal\acquia_contenthub_publisher\Commands


Expanded class hierarchy of AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands

1 string reference to 'AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands' in modules/acquia_contenthub_publisher/
1 service uses AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands
acquia_contenthub_publisher_audit_entity.commands in modules/acquia_contenthub_publisher/


modules/acquia_contenthub_publisher/src/Commands/AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands.php, line 23


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class AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands extends DrushCommands {
  use DependencySerializationTrait;

   * The queue object.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Queue\QueueInterface
  protected $queue;

   * The published entity tracker.
   * @var \Drupal\acquia_contenthub_publisher\PublisherTracker
  protected $tracker;

   * The Publisher Actions Service.
   * @var \Drupal\acquia_contenthub_publisher\PublisherActions
  protected $publisherActions;

   * The Content Hub Common Actions Service.
   * @var \Drupal\acquia_contenthub\ContentHubCommonActions
  protected $commonActions;

   * The Content Hub Client Factory.
   * @var \Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Client\ClientFactory
  protected $factory;

   * Sets the Result of the evaluation.
   * @var string[]
  protected $results = [];

   * The Content Hub Client.
   * @var \Acquia\ContentHubClient\ContentHubClient
  protected $client;

   * AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands constructor.
   * @param \Drupal\acquia_contenthub_publisher\PublisherTracker $tracker
   *   The published entity tracker.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Queue\QueueFactory $queue_factory
   *   Queue factory.
   * @param \Drupal\acquia_contenthub_publisher\PublisherActions $publisher_actions
   *   The Dependency Calculator.
   * @param \Drupal\acquia_contenthub\ContentHubCommonActions $common_actions
   *   The Content Hub Common Actions Service.
   * @param \Drupal\acquia_contenthub\Client\ClientFactory $factory
   *   The Content Hub Client Factory.
  public function __construct(PublisherTracker $tracker, QueueFactory $queue_factory, PublisherActions $publisher_actions, ContentHubCommonActions $common_actions, ClientFactory $factory) {
    $this->queue = $queue_factory
    $this->tracker = $tracker;
    $this->publisherActions = $publisher_actions;
    $this->commonActions = $common_actions;
    $this->factory = $factory;

   * Audits an entity for differences with existing CDF in Acquia Content Hub.
   * @param string $entity_type
   *   Entity type.
   * @param string $id
   *   Entity ID or UUID.
   * @usage drush acquia:contenthub-audit-entity node 123
   *   Audits the node with nid = 123 and all its dependencies.
   * @usage drush ach-audit-entity taxonomy_term d470026c-f248-4771-acd1-300a7d6ccbce
   *   Audits the taxonomy term with UUID=d470026c-f248-4771-acd1-300a7d6ccbce.
   * @usage drush ach-ae node 53fd2ed2-5d29-4028-9423-0713ef2f82b3
   *   Audits the node with UUID = 53fd2ed2-5d29-4028-9423-0713ef2f82b3.
   * @command acquia:contenthub-audit-entity
   * @aliases ach-audit-entity, ach-ae
   * @throws \Exception
  public function auditEntity(string $entity_type, string $id) {
    if (empty($entity_type) || empty($id)) {
      throw new \Exception(dt("Missing required parameters: entity_type and entity_id (or entity_uuid)"));
    $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    if (empty($storage)) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf("The provided entity_type = '%s' does not exist.", $entity_type));
    if (Uuid::isValid($id)) {
      $entity = $storage
        'uuid' => $id,
      $entity = reset($entity);
    else {
      $entity = $storage
    if (empty($entity)) {
      throw new \Exception(sprintf("The entity (%s, %s) does not exist.", $entity_type, $id));

    // Obtaining Client Connection to Acquia Content Hub.
    $this->client = $this->factory
    if (empty($this->client)) {
      throw new \Exception("This site is not Connected to Acquia Content Hub. Please check your configuration settings.");
    $remote_cdf = $this->client
    if (!$remote_cdf instanceof CDFObjectInterface) {
      throw new \Exception("This entity was not exported yet. Please export it first.");

    // Calculate the dependencies for the local entity.
    $data = $this->commonActions
    $cdf = $data[$entity
    $hash = $cdf
    $remote_hash = $remote_cdf
    $remote_dependencies = $remote_cdf
    $dependencies = $cdf

    // Verifying local and remote origins.
    $origin = $cdf
    $remote_origin = $remote_cdf

    // Auditing given Entity.
      ->auditEntityCdf($entity, $origin, $remote_origin, $hash, $remote_hash, $dependencies, $remote_dependencies, $cdf, $remote_cdf);

    // Only keep analyzing if we are in the correct site.
    if ($origin == $remote_origin) {

      // Analyzing entity dependencies.
        ->auditEntityDependencies($entity, $cdf, $dependencies, $data, $remote_dependencies, $hash, $remote_hash);

      // Analyzing module dependencies.
        ->auditModuleDependencies($cdf, $remote_cdf);

    // Present the action that needs to be taken.
    return $this
      ->showAuditResults($entity, $cdf, $dependencies, $origin, $remote_origin);

   * Audits the Entity CDF.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity to audit.
   * @param string $origin
   *   The locally generated origin.
   * @param string $remote_origin
   *   The remote origin from the CDF.
   * @param string $hash
   *   The locally generated hash.
   * @param string $remote_hash
   *   The remote hash.
   * @param array $dependencies
   *   The locally generated entity dependencies.
   * @param array $remote_dependencies
   *   The remote dependencies obtained from the CDF.
   * @param \Acquia\ContentHubClient\CDF\CDFObjectInterface $cdf
   *   The CDF locally generated CDF.
   * @param \Acquia\ContentHubClient\CDF\CDFObjectInterface $remote_cdf
   *   The remote CDF stored in Acquia Content Hub.
  protected function auditEntityCdf(EntityInterface $entity, string $origin, string $remote_origin, string $hash, string $remote_hash, array $dependencies, array $remote_dependencies, CDFObjectInterface $cdf, CDFObjectInterface $remote_cdf) {

    // Obtaining the record in the Publisher Tracking Table.
    $tracked_entity = $this->tracker
    $tracked_state = strtoupper($tracked_entity->status);
    if ($tracked_entity->status === PublisherTracker::QUEUED) {
      $tracked_status = "<fg=yellow;options=bold>{$tracked_state}</>";
      $queue_id = $this->tracker
      if ($queue_id) {
        $tracked_label = sprintf("<comment>Entity is already in the Publisher Queue with item_id = %s.</comment>", $queue_id);
      else {
        $tracked_label = sprintf("<error>Entity is reported as Queued but is not in the Publisher Queue. Requires a re-export.</error>", $queue_id);
    elseif ($tracked_entity->status === PublisherTracker::EXPORTED) {
      $tracked_status = "<fg=yellow;options=bold>{$tracked_state}</>";
      $tracked_label = '<comment>Entity did not receive confirmation status. Check that this site is receiving webhooks.</comment>';
    else {
      $tracked_status = "<info>{$tracked_state}</info>";
      $tracked_label = '<info>OK</info>';

    // Verifying the origin matches remote origin.
    if ($origin !== $remote_origin) {
      $origin_label = sprintf('<error>Remote CDF was exported from another origin. Requires re-origination or purge to fix.</error>', $tracked_entity->hash);
    else {
      $origin_label = "<info>OK</info>";

    // Verifying that the tracked hash coincides with local or remote CDF.
    if ($tracked_entity->hash !== $hash) {
      $hash_label = sprintf('<error>Exported with an outdated hash: "%s". Requires a re-export.</error>', $tracked_entity->hash);
    elseif ($hash !== $remote_hash) {
      $hash_label = '<error>Hash Mismatch. Requires a re-export.</error>';
    else {
      $hash_label = '<info>OK</info>';

    // Verifying number of dependencies.
    if (count($dependencies) == count($remote_dependencies)) {
      $dependencies_label = '<info>OK</info>';
    else {
      $dependencies_label = '<error># of Dependencies Mismatch. Requires a re-export.</error>';

    // Writing data into the terminal.
    $content = [
        'Entity Type',
        'Entity Bundle',
        'Entity ID',
        'Entity UUID',
        'Publisher Tracker Status',
        'Publisher Tracker Created',
        'There could be small variations.',
        'Publisher Tracker Modified',
        'There could be small variations.',
        '# of Dependencies',
    $message = sprintf("Analyzing CDF Entity: {$entity->getEntityTypeId()}/{$entity->id()}: {$entity->uuid()}");
    $headers = [
      ->printTableOutput($message, $headers, $content);

   * Audits Entity Dependencies.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity to analyze.
   * @param \Acquia\ContentHubClient\CDF\CDFObjectInterface $cdf
   *   The locally generated CDF.
   * @param array $dependencies
   *   An array of depedendencies.
   * @param array $data
   *   An array of CDF Objects generated locally.
   * @param array $remote_dependencies
   *   The remote dependencies.
   * @param string $hash
   *   The locally generated entity hash.
   * @param string $remote_hash
   *   The remote CDF hash.
   * @throws \Exception
  protected function auditEntityDependencies(EntityInterface $entity, CDFObjectInterface $cdf, array $dependencies, array $data, array $remote_dependencies, string $hash, string $remote_hash) {
    $entity_type = $entity
    $content = [];
    $dep = 0;
    $content[] = [
      $remote_hash === $hash ? '<info>OK</info>' : '<error>Fail</error>',
    $dependencies_check = TRUE;
    foreach ($dependencies as $duuid => $dhash) {
      $remote_hash = $remote_dependencies[$duuid] ?: '<error>Not found</error>';
      if (isset($remote_dependencies[$duuid])) {
      $content[] = [
          ->getAttribute('bundle') ? $data[$duuid]
          ->getValue()['und'] : '',
        $remote_hash === $dhash ? '<info>OK</info>' : '<error>Fail</error>',
      $dependencies_check = $dependencies_check && $remote_hash === $dhash;

    // Iterating among the last remote dependencies.
    foreach ($remote_dependencies as $ruuid => $rhash) {
      $dependencies_check = FALSE;

      // Check if we can get the remote entity.
      $remote_entity = $this->client
      if ($remote_entity) {
        $remote_type = $this
        $rentity_type = $remote_entity
        $remote_bundle = $remote_entity
          ->getAttribute('bundle') ? $remote_entity
          ->getValue()['und'] : NULL;
      $content[] = [
        $remote_type ?: '<comment>Unknown</comment>',
        $rentity_type ?: '<comment>Unknown</comment>',
        $remote_bundle ?: '<comment>Unknown</comment>',
    if (!$dependencies_check) {
    $message = sprintf('CDF Entity Dependencies, Local vs Remote Analysis:');
    $headers = [
      'Entity Type',
      'Entity Bundle',
      'Remote Hash',
      ->printTableOutput($message, $headers, $content);

   * Audits module dependencies.
   * @param \Acquia\ContentHubClient\CDF\CDFObjectInterface $cdf
   *   The locally generated CDF.
   * @param \Acquia\ContentHubClient\CDF\CDFObjectInterface $remote_cdf
   *   The remote CDF.
  protected function auditModuleDependencies(CDFObjectInterface $cdf, CDFObjectInterface $remote_cdf) {
    $modules = $cdf
    $remote_modules = $remote_cdf
    $m = 1;
    $modules_check = TRUE;
    $content = [];
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
      $remote_module = NULL;
      if (in_array($module, $remote_modules)) {
        $remote_module = $module;
        $remote_modules = array_diff($remote_modules, [
      $content[] = [
        $remote_module ?? '',
        $remote_module ? '<info>OK</info>' : '<error>Fail</error>',
      $modules_check = $modules_check && (bool) $remote_module;
    foreach ($remote_modules as $remote_module) {
      $content[] = [
      $modules_check = FALSE;
    if (!$modules_check) {
    $message = sprintf('CDF Module Dependencies, Local vs Remote Analysis:');
    $headers = [
      ->printTableOutput($message, $headers, $content);

   * Prints Table Output.
   * @param string $title
   *   The title of the Table.
   * @param array $headers
   *   The headers of the table.
   * @param array $content
   *   The content of the table.
  protected function printTableOutput(string $title, array $headers, array $content) {
    (new Table($this->output))

   * Deletes depcalc cache, nullify hashes and enqueues entity.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   *   Entity to export.
   * @param array $dependencies
   *   An array of dependencies.
   * @throws \Exception
  protected function reExportEntity(EntityInterface $entity, array $dependencies) {
      ->reExportEntityFull($entity, $dependencies);
      ->writeln(sprintf('Entity (%s, %s): "%s" has been enqueued for export.', $entity
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $entity
      ->id(), $entity
      ->writeln('Also, the "depcalc" cache for this entity and all its dependencies has been cleared and Hashes Nullified.');

   * Returns the abbreviated version of the CDF Type.
   * @param string $type
   *   The CDF type.
   * @return string|null
   *   The Abbreviated version of the type or null.
  protected function getTypeShort(string $type) {
    switch ($type) {
      case 'drupal8_config_entity':
        return 'config';
      case 'drupal8_content_entity':
        return 'content';
        return NULL;

   * Presents Results of the Audit and actions to take.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity
   *   The entity to audit.
   * @param \Acquia\ContentHubClient\CDF\CDFObject $cdf
   *   The CDF Object.
   * @param array $dependencies
   *   The list of entity dependencies.
   * @param string $origin
   *   The origin UUID.
   * @param string $remote_origin
   *   The remote origin UUID.
   * @return bool
   *   The drush return.
   * @throws \Exception
  protected function showAuditResults(EntityInterface $entity, CDFObject $cdf, array $dependencies, string $origin, string $remote_origin) : bool {
      ->writeln('Results from the Audit:');
    if ($this
      ->getResult(self::WEBHOOK_CHECK)) {
        ->writeln('<comment>* Possible Webhook Issue</comment>:');
        ->writeln('We detected that the entity did not have a <info>CONFIRMED</info> status. This could be caused by the site not receiving webhooks correctly.');
        ->writeln('Make sure the site is able to receive webhooks by checking that:');
        ->writeln(' - The Webhook URL is not suppressed.');
        ->writeln(' - A mis-configured "shield" module could be blocking the reception of webhooks.');
        ->writeln(' - An .htaccess apache redirect rule could be blocking the reception of webhooks.');
        ->writeln(' - A CDN rule could be preventing the site to receive webhooks.');
        ->writeln(' - etc. There are unlimited possible cases.');
        ->writeln('You can tell that the issue is solved if you see log strings starting with "Webhook landing" in the Drupal Watchdog.');
    if ($this
      ->getResult(self::RE_ORIGINATE)) {
        ->writeln('<error>* Client site ORIGIN does not match published Entity ORIGIN:</error>');
        ->writeln(sprintf('You are trying to publish an entity with an origin (%s) that does not have ownership over the entity with UUID = "%s" (origin = "%s")', $origin, $cdf
        ->getUuid(), $remote_origin));
        ->writeln('Are you sure you are in the correct site?")');
      $owner = $this->client
      if ($owner instanceof CDFObjectInterface) {
        $webhook = $owner
        $domain = $webhook['settings_url'] ?? '';
        $client_name = $owner
          ->writeln(sprintf('The client that has ownership of this content is: "%s" (%s).', $client_name, $domain));
      else {
        $clients = $this->client
        $origins = array_column($clients, 'name', 'uuid');
        if (isset($origins[$remote_origin])) {
            ->writeln(sprintf('The client that has ownership of this content is: "%s".', $origins[$remote_origin]));
        else {
            ->writeln('The client that has ownership of this content does not seem to exist anymore in this subscription.');
            ->writeln('<error>You cannot Export this content from this Publisher.</error>');
        ->writeln('In order to fix this issue you can:');
        ->writeln(' - Find the Site Origin where this content was originally published and run this command from there.');
        ->writeln(' - If the original publisher origin still exist you can re-originate this content to the new publisher.');
        ->writeln(' - If the original publisher origin does not exist anymore, you could purge the subscription and republish all content.');
      return TRUE;

    // If the entity needs to be re-exported.
    if ($this
      ->getResult(self::NEEDS_REEXPORT)) {
        ->writeln('<error>* Entity needs to be re-exported</error>:');
        ->writeln('The diagnostic shows that to fix the highlighted issues you need to re-export this content.');
      if ($this
        ->confirm('Do you want to re-export this entity and all it\'s dependencies?')) {
          ->reExportEntity($entity, $dependencies);
    else {
        ->writeln('Entity does not need to be re-exported.');
      ->writeln('Task completed.');
    return TRUE;

   * Adds a result state to the results array.
   * @param string $result
   *   The result state.
  protected function setResults(string $result) {
    if (!in_array($result, $this->results)) {
      $this->results[] = $result;

   * Checks if the result state is found.
   * @param string $result
   *   The result state to check for.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if it is found, FALSE otherwise.
  protected function getResult(string $result) : bool {
    return in_array($result, $this->results);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::$client protected property The Content Hub Client.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::$commonActions protected property The Content Hub Common Actions Service.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::$factory protected property The Content Hub Client Factory.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::$publisherActions protected property The Publisher Actions Service.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::$queue protected property The queue object.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::$results protected property Sets the Result of the evaluation.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::$tracker protected property The published entity tracker.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::auditEntity public function Audits an entity for differences with existing CDF in Acquia Content Hub.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::auditEntityCdf protected function Audits the Entity CDF.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::auditEntityDependencies protected function Audits Entity Dependencies.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::auditModuleDependencies protected function Audits module dependencies.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::getResult protected function Checks if the result state is found.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::getTypeShort protected function Returns the abbreviated version of the CDF Type.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::NEEDS_REEXPORT constant
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::printTableOutput protected function Prints Table Output.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::reExportEntity protected function Deletes depcalc cache, nullify hashes and enqueues entity.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::RE_ORIGINATE constant
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::setResults protected function Adds a result state to the results array.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::showAuditResults protected function Presents Results of the Audit and actions to take.
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::WEBHOOK_CHECK constant
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::__construct public function AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands constructor.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages protected property An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function 1
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2