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protected function AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::showAuditResults in Acquia Content Hub 8.2

Presents Results of the Audit and actions to take.


\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity: The entity to audit.

\Acquia\ContentHubClient\CDF\CDFObject $cdf: The CDF Object.

array $dependencies: The list of entity dependencies.

string $origin: The origin UUID.

string $remote_origin: The remote origin UUID.

Return value

bool The drush return.



1 call to AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::showAuditResults()
AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands::auditEntity in modules/acquia_contenthub_publisher/src/Commands/AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands.php
Audits an entity for differences with existing CDF in Acquia Content Hub.


modules/acquia_contenthub_publisher/src/Commands/AcquiaContentHubPublisherAuditEntityCommands.php, line 522


Drush commands for Acquia Content Hub Publishers Audit Entity.




protected function showAuditResults(EntityInterface $entity, CDFObject $cdf, array $dependencies, string $origin, string $remote_origin) : bool {
    ->writeln('Results from the Audit:');
  if ($this
    ->getResult(self::WEBHOOK_CHECK)) {
      ->writeln('<comment>* Possible Webhook Issue</comment>:');
      ->writeln('We detected that the entity did not have a <info>CONFIRMED</info> status. This could be caused by the site not receiving webhooks correctly.');
      ->writeln('Make sure the site is able to receive webhooks by checking that:');
      ->writeln(' - The Webhook URL is not suppressed.');
      ->writeln(' - A mis-configured "shield" module could be blocking the reception of webhooks.');
      ->writeln(' - An .htaccess apache redirect rule could be blocking the reception of webhooks.');
      ->writeln(' - A CDN rule could be preventing the site to receive webhooks.');
      ->writeln(' - etc. There are unlimited possible cases.');
      ->writeln('You can tell that the issue is solved if you see log strings starting with "Webhook landing" in the Drupal Watchdog.');
  if ($this
    ->getResult(self::RE_ORIGINATE)) {
      ->writeln('<error>* Client site ORIGIN does not match published Entity ORIGIN:</error>');
      ->writeln(sprintf('You are trying to publish an entity with an origin (%s) that does not have ownership over the entity with UUID = "%s" (origin = "%s")', $origin, $cdf
      ->getUuid(), $remote_origin));
      ->writeln('Are you sure you are in the correct site?")');
    $owner = $this->client
    if ($owner instanceof CDFObjectInterface) {
      $webhook = $owner
      $domain = $webhook['settings_url'] ?? '';
      $client_name = $owner
        ->writeln(sprintf('The client that has ownership of this content is: "%s" (%s).', $client_name, $domain));
    else {
      $clients = $this->client
      $origins = array_column($clients, 'name', 'uuid');
      if (isset($origins[$remote_origin])) {
          ->writeln(sprintf('The client that has ownership of this content is: "%s".', $origins[$remote_origin]));
      else {
          ->writeln('The client that has ownership of this content does not seem to exist anymore in this subscription.');
          ->writeln('<error>You cannot Export this content from this Publisher.</error>');
      ->writeln('In order to fix this issue you can:');
      ->writeln(' - Find the Site Origin where this content was originally published and run this command from there.');
      ->writeln(' - If the original publisher origin still exist you can re-originate this content to the new publisher.');
      ->writeln(' - If the original publisher origin does not exist anymore, you could purge the subscription and republish all content.');
    return TRUE;

  // If the entity needs to be re-exported.
  if ($this
    ->getResult(self::NEEDS_REEXPORT)) {
      ->writeln('<error>* Entity needs to be re-exported</error>:');
      ->writeln('The diagnostic shows that to fix the highlighted issues you need to re-export this content.');
    if ($this
      ->confirm('Do you want to re-export this entity and all it\'s dependencies?')) {
        ->reExportEntity($entity, $dependencies);
  else {
      ->writeln('Entity does not need to be re-exported.');
    ->writeln('Task completed.');
  return TRUE;