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Functions in Absolute Messages 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
absolute_messages_admin_settings_form ./ Implements hook_admin_settings(). 1
absolute_messages_install ./absolute_messages.install Implements hook_install().
absolute_messages_menu ./absolute_messages.module Implements hook_menu().
absolute_messages_page_build ./absolute_messages.module Implements hook_page_build().
absolute_messages_permission ./absolute_messages.module Implements hook_permission().
absolute_messages_theme ./absolute_messages.module Implements hook_theme().
absolute_messages_theme_registry_alter ./absolute_messages.module Implements hook_theme_registry_alter(). Replace original messages theming function with our own.
absolute_messages_uninstall ./absolute_messages.install Implements hook_uninstall().
absolute_messages_update_7000 ./absolute_messages.install Update weight to enable compatibility with Disable Messages
theme_absolute_messages ./absolute_messages.module Theme function, overriding Drupal's theme_status_messages(). 1
theme_absolute_messages_grouped_message ./absolute_messages.module Theme function used to additionally format a single message when "Group duplicate messages" option is enabled, by adding the number of repetitions at the end of grouped messages.
theme_absolute_messages_messages ./absolute_messages.module Theme function, which could be overriden by other modules/themes.
_absolute_messages_group_duplicates ./absolute_messages.module Finds all duplicate messages and groups them together. 1
_absolute_messages_is_devel_message ./absolute_messages.module Checks whether provided message is a devel message. 1
_absolute_messages_message_types ./absolute_messages.module Returns array of standard Drupal's message types. Provides hook_message_types_alter() to other modules, allowing them to add new message types if required. 2
_absolute_messages_visibility_pages ./absolute_messages.module Based on visibility setting this function returns TRUE if AM should be enabled on the current page or FALSE otherwise. 1
_absolute_messages_visibility_roles ./absolute_messages.module Based on visibility setting this function returns TRUE if AM should be enabled for the current role or FALSE otherwise. 1

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