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function theme_absolute_messages_grouped_message in Absolute Messages 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 absolute_messages.module \theme_absolute_messages_grouped_message()

Theme function used to additionally format a single message when "Group duplicate messages" option is enabled, by adding the number of repetitions at the end of grouped messages.

1 theme call to theme_absolute_messages_grouped_message()
_absolute_messages_group_duplicates in ./absolute_messages.module
Finds all duplicate messages and groups them together.


./absolute_messages.module, line 195
Module displaying system messages in colored horizontal bars on top of the page, similar to Stack Overflow / Stack Exchange network notifications.


function theme_absolute_messages_grouped_message($variables) {
  $output = $variables['message'];
  if ($variables['count'] > 1) {
    $output .= strtr(' <span title="!title">(x!count)</span>', array(
      '!title' => t('This message has been repeated !count times.', array(
        '!count' => $variables['count'],
      '!count' => $variables['count'],
  return $output;