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function zoomapi_user_update_info in Zoom API 7

Update User Info.


object $account: The Drupal user account to generate the Zoom account for.

array $options: Optional array of Zoom user configuration options.

Return value

array An array of the Zoom user account information.


./zoomapi.module, line 314
Main file for the Zoom API module.


function zoomapi_user_update_info($account, array $options) {

  // In some cases an outdated account is passed without the zoom_user_id. If it
  // doesn't exist then try reloading the account.
  if (empty($account->data['zoomapi_user_id'])) {
    $account = user_load($account->uid);
  if (empty($account->data['zoomapi_user_id'])) {
    watchdog(__FUNCTION__, 'Unable to update account (uid: !uid) due to missing zoom_user_id', [
      '!uid' => $account->uid,
    return [];
  $zoomapi_user = new ZoomAPIUser();
  $zoom_user = $zoomapi_user
    ->update($account->data['zoomapi_user_id'], $options);
  return $zoom_user;