class Reader in Zircon Profile 8
Same name in this branch
- 8 vendor/symfony/css-selector/Parser/Reader.php \Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Reader
- 8 vendor/zendframework/zend-feed/src/Reader/Reader.php \Zend\Feed\Reader\Reader
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.0 vendor/zendframework/zend-feed/src/Reader/Reader.php \Zend\Feed\Reader\Reader
- class \Zend\Feed\Reader\Reader implements ReaderImportInterface
Expanded class hierarchy of Reader
1 file declares its use of Reader
- DefaultParser.php in core/
modules/ aggregator/ src/ Plugin/ aggregator/ parser/ DefaultParser.php - Contains \Drupal\aggregator\Plugin\aggregator\parser\DefaultParser.
- vendor/
zendframework/ zend-feed/ src/ Reader/ Reader.php, line 20
Zend\Feed\ReaderView source
class Reader implements ReaderImportInterface {
* Namespace constants
const NAMESPACE_ATOM_03 = '';
const NAMESPACE_ATOM_10 = '';
const NAMESPACE_RDF = '';
const NAMESPACE_RSS_090 = '';
const NAMESPACE_RSS_10 = '';
* Feed type constants
const TYPE_ANY = 'any';
const TYPE_ATOM_03 = 'atom-03';
const TYPE_ATOM_10 = 'atom-10';
const TYPE_ATOM_10_ENTRY = 'atom-10-entry';
const TYPE_ATOM_ANY = 'atom';
const TYPE_RSS_090 = 'rss-090';
const TYPE_RSS_091 = 'rss-091';
const TYPE_RSS_091_NETSCAPE = 'rss-091n';
const TYPE_RSS_091_USERLAND = 'rss-091u';
const TYPE_RSS_092 = 'rss-092';
const TYPE_RSS_093 = 'rss-093';
const TYPE_RSS_094 = 'rss-094';
const TYPE_RSS_10 = 'rss-10';
const TYPE_RSS_20 = 'rss-20';
const TYPE_RSS_ANY = 'rss';
* Cache instance
* @var CacheStorage
protected static $cache = null;
* HTTP client object to use for retrieving feeds
* @var ZendHttp\Client
protected static $httpClient = null;
* Override HTTP PUT and DELETE request methods?
* @var bool
protected static $httpMethodOverride = false;
protected static $httpConditionalGet = false;
protected static $extensionManager = null;
protected static $extensions = [
'feed' => [
'entry' => [
'core' => [
* Get the Feed cache
* @return CacheStorage
public static function getCache() {
return static::$cache;
* Set the feed cache
* @param CacheStorage $cache
* @return void
public static function setCache(CacheStorage $cache) {
static::$cache = $cache;
* Set the HTTP client instance
* Sets the HTTP client object to use for retrieving the feeds.
* @param ZendHttp\Client $httpClient
* @return void
public static function setHttpClient(ZendHttp\Client $httpClient) {
static::$httpClient = $httpClient;
* Gets the HTTP client object. If none is set, a new ZendHttp\Client will be used.
* @return ZendHttp\Client
public static function getHttpClient() {
if (!static::$httpClient instanceof ZendHttp\Client) {
static::$httpClient = new ZendHttp\Client();
return static::$httpClient;
* Toggle using POST instead of PUT and DELETE HTTP methods
* Some feed implementations do not accept PUT and DELETE HTTP
* methods, or they can't be used because of proxies or other
* measures. This allows turning on using POST where PUT and
* DELETE would normally be used; in addition, an
* X-Method-Override header will be sent with a value of PUT or
* DELETE as appropriate.
* @param bool $override Whether to override PUT and DELETE.
* @return void
public static function setHttpMethodOverride($override = true) {
static::$httpMethodOverride = $override;
* Get the HTTP override state
* @return bool
public static function getHttpMethodOverride() {
return static::$httpMethodOverride;
* Set the flag indicating whether or not to use HTTP conditional GET
* @param bool $bool
* @return void
public static function useHttpConditionalGet($bool = true) {
static::$httpConditionalGet = $bool;
* Import a feed by providing a URI
* @param string $uri The URI to the feed
* @param string $etag OPTIONAL Last received ETag for this resource
* @param string $lastModified OPTIONAL Last-Modified value for this resource
* @return Feed\FeedInterface
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
public static function import($uri, $etag = null, $lastModified = null) {
$cache = self::getCache();
$client = self::getHttpClient();
$headers = new ZendHttp\Headers();
$cacheId = 'Zend_Feed_Reader_' . md5($uri);
if (static::$httpConditionalGet && $cache) {
$data = $cache
if ($data) {
if ($etag === null) {
$etag = $cache
->getItem($cacheId . '_etag');
if ($lastModified === null) {
$lastModified = $cache
->getItem($cacheId . '_lastmodified');
if ($etag) {
->addHeaderLine('If-None-Match', $etag);
if ($lastModified) {
->addHeaderLine('If-Modified-Since', $lastModified);
$response = $client
if ($response
->getStatusCode() !== 200 && $response
->getStatusCode() !== 304) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Feed failed to load, got response code ' . $response
if ($response
->getStatusCode() == 304) {
$responseXml = $data;
else {
$responseXml = $response
->setItem($cacheId, $responseXml);
if ($response
->get('ETag')) {
->setItem($cacheId . '_etag', $response
if ($response
->get('Last-Modified')) {
->setItem($cacheId . '_lastmodified', $response
return static::importString($responseXml);
elseif ($cache) {
$data = $cache
if ($data) {
return static::importString($data);
$response = $client
if ((int) $response
->getStatusCode() !== 200) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Feed failed to load, got response code ' . $response
$responseXml = $response
->setItem($cacheId, $responseXml);
return static::importString($responseXml);
else {
$response = $client
if ((int) $response
->getStatusCode() !== 200) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Feed failed to load, got response code ' . $response
$reader = static::importString($response
return $reader;
* Import a feed from a remote URI
* Performs similarly to import(), except it uses the HTTP client passed to
* the method, and does not take into account cached data.
* Primary purpose is to make it possible to use the Reader with alternate
* HTTP client implementations.
* @param string $uri
* @param Http\ClientInterface $client
* @return self
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException if response is not an Http\ResponseInterface
public static function importRemoteFeed($uri, Http\ClientInterface $client) {
$response = $client
if (!$response instanceof Http\ResponseInterface) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf('Did not receive a %s\\Http\\ResponseInterface from the provided HTTP client; received "%s"', __NAMESPACE__, is_object($response) ? get_class($response) : gettype($response)));
if ((int) $response
->getStatusCode() !== 200) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Feed failed to load, got response code ' . $response
$reader = static::importString($response
return $reader;
* Import a feed from a string
* @param string $string
* @return Feed\FeedInterface
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
public static function importString($string) {
$trimmed = trim($string);
if (!is_string($string) || empty($trimmed)) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Only non empty strings are allowed as input');
$libxmlErrflag = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
$oldValue = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$status = $dom
foreach ($dom->childNodes as $child) {
if ($child->nodeType === XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid XML: Detected use of illegal DOCTYPE');
if (!$status) {
// Build error message
$error = libxml_get_last_error();
if ($error && $error->message) {
$error->message = trim($error->message);
$errormsg = "DOMDocument cannot parse XML: {$error->message}";
else {
$errormsg = "DOMDocument cannot parse XML: Please check the XML document's validity";
throw new Exception\RuntimeException($errormsg);
$type = static::detectType($dom);
if (substr($type, 0, 3) == 'rss') {
$reader = new Feed\Rss($dom, $type);
elseif (substr($type, 8, 5) == 'entry') {
$reader = new Entry\Atom($dom->documentElement, 0, self::TYPE_ATOM_10);
elseif (substr($type, 0, 4) == 'atom') {
$reader = new Feed\Atom($dom, $type);
else {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException('The URI used does not point to a ' . 'valid Atom, RSS or RDF feed that Zend\\Feed\\Reader can parse.');
return $reader;
* Imports a feed from a file located at $filename.
* @param string $filename
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
* @return Feed\FeedInterface
public static function importFile($filename) {
$feed = file_get_contents($filename);
$err = ErrorHandler::stop();
if ($feed === false) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException("File '{$filename}' could not be loaded", 0, $err);
return static::importString($feed);
* Find feed links
* @param $uri
* @return FeedSet
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
public static function findFeedLinks($uri) {
$client = static::getHttpClient();
$response = $client
if ($response
->getStatusCode() !== 200) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException("Failed to access {$uri}, got response code " . $response
$responseHtml = $response
$libxmlErrflag = libxml_use_internal_errors(true);
$oldValue = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$status = $dom
if (!$status) {
// Build error message
$error = libxml_get_last_error();
if ($error && $error->message) {
$error->message = trim($error->message);
$errormsg = "DOMDocument cannot parse HTML: {$error->message}";
else {
$errormsg = "DOMDocument cannot parse HTML: Please check the XML document's validity";
throw new Exception\RuntimeException($errormsg);
$feedSet = new FeedSet();
$links = $dom
->addLinks($links, $uri);
return $feedSet;
* Detect the feed type of the provided feed
* @param Feed\AbstractFeed|DOMDocument|string $feed
* @param bool $specOnly
* @return string
* @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException
public static function detectType($feed, $specOnly = false) {
if ($feed instanceof Feed\AbstractFeed) {
$dom = $feed
elseif ($feed instanceof DOMDocument) {
$dom = $feed;
elseif (is_string($feed) && !empty($feed)) {
ErrorHandler::start(E_NOTICE | E_WARNING);
ini_set('track_errors', 1);
$oldValue = libxml_disable_entity_loader(true);
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$status = $dom
foreach ($dom->childNodes as $child) {
if ($child->nodeType === XML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid XML: Detected use of illegal DOCTYPE');
if (!$status) {
if (!isset($phpErrormsg)) {
if (function_exists('xdebug_is_enabled')) {
$phpErrormsg = '(error message not available, when XDebug is running)';
else {
$phpErrormsg = '(error message not available)';
throw new Exception\RuntimeException("DOMDocument cannot parse XML: {$phpErrormsg}");
else {
throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Invalid object/scalar provided: must' . ' be of type Zend\\Feed\\Reader\\Feed, DomDocument or string');
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
if ($xpath
->query('/rss')->length) {
$type = self::TYPE_RSS_ANY;
$version = $xpath
if (strlen($version) > 0) {
switch ($version) {
case '2.0':
$type = self::TYPE_RSS_20;
case '0.94':
$type = self::TYPE_RSS_094;
case '0.93':
$type = self::TYPE_RSS_093;
case '0.92':
$type = self::TYPE_RSS_092;
case '0.91':
$type = self::TYPE_RSS_091;
return $type;
->registerNamespace('rdf', self::NAMESPACE_RDF);
if ($xpath
->query('/rdf:RDF')->length) {
->registerNamespace('rss', self::NAMESPACE_RSS_10);
if ($xpath
->query('/rdf:RDF/rss:channel')->length || $xpath
->query('/rdf:RDF/rss:image')->length || $xpath
->query('/rdf:RDF/rss:item')->length || $xpath
->query('/rdf:RDF/rss:textinput')->length) {
return self::TYPE_RSS_10;
->registerNamespace('rss', self::NAMESPACE_RSS_090);
if ($xpath
->query('/rdf:RDF/rss:channel')->length || $xpath
->query('/rdf:RDF/rss:image')->length || $xpath
->query('/rdf:RDF/rss:item')->length || $xpath
->query('/rdf:RDF/rss:textinput')->length) {
return self::TYPE_RSS_090;
->registerNamespace('atom', self::NAMESPACE_ATOM_10);
if ($xpath
->query('//atom:feed')->length) {
return self::TYPE_ATOM_10;
if ($xpath
->query('//atom:entry')->length) {
if ($specOnly == true) {
return self::TYPE_ATOM_10;
else {
return self::TYPE_ATOM_10_ENTRY;
->registerNamespace('atom', self::NAMESPACE_ATOM_03);
if ($xpath
->query('//atom:feed')->length) {
return self::TYPE_ATOM_03;
return self::TYPE_ANY;
* Set plugin manager for use with Extensions
* @param ExtensionManagerInterface $extensionManager
public static function setExtensionManager(ExtensionManagerInterface $extensionManager) {
static::$extensionManager = $extensionManager;
* Get plugin manager for use with Extensions
* @return ExtensionManagerInterface
public static function getExtensionManager() {
if (!isset(static::$extensionManager)) {
static::setExtensionManager(new StandaloneExtensionManager());
return static::$extensionManager;
* Register an Extension by name
* @param string $name
* @return void
* @throws Exception\RuntimeException if unable to resolve Extension class
public static function registerExtension($name) {
$feedName = $name . '\\Feed';
$entryName = $name . '\\Entry';
$manager = static::getExtensionManager();
if (static::isRegistered($name)) {
if ($manager
->has($feedName) || $manager
->has($entryName)) {
if (!$manager
->has($feedName) && !$manager
->has($entryName)) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException('Could not load extension: ' . $name . ' using Plugin Loader. Check prefix paths are configured and extension exists.');
if ($manager
->has($feedName)) {
static::$extensions['feed'][] = $feedName;
if ($manager
->has($entryName)) {
static::$extensions['entry'][] = $entryName;
* Is a given named Extension registered?
* @param string $extensionName
* @return bool
public static function isRegistered($extensionName) {
$feedName = $extensionName . '\\Feed';
$entryName = $extensionName . '\\Entry';
if (in_array($feedName, static::$extensions['feed']) || in_array($entryName, static::$extensions['entry'])) {
return true;
return false;
* Get a list of extensions
* @return array
public static function getExtensions() {
return static::$extensions;
* Reset class state to defaults
* @return void
public static function reset() {
static::$cache = null;
static::$httpClient = null;
static::$httpMethodOverride = false;
static::$httpConditionalGet = false;
static::$extensionManager = null;
static::$extensions = [
'feed' => [
'entry' => [
'core' => [
* Register core (default) extensions
* @return void
protected static function registerCoreExtensions() {
* Utility method to apply array_unique operation to a multidimensional
* array.
* @param array
* @return array
public static function arrayUnique(array $array) {
foreach ($array as &$value) {
$value = serialize($value);
$array = array_unique($array);
foreach ($array as &$value) {
$value = unserialize($value);
return $array;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
Reader:: |
protected static | property | Cache instance | |
Reader:: |
protected static | property | ||
Reader:: |
protected static | property | ||
Reader:: |
protected static | property | HTTP client object to use for retrieving feeds | |
Reader:: |
protected static | property | ||
Reader:: |
protected static | property | Override HTTP PUT and DELETE request methods? | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Utility method to apply array_unique operation to a multidimensional array. | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Detect the feed type of the provided feed | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Find feed links | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Get the Feed cache | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Get plugin manager for use with Extensions | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Get a list of extensions | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Gets the HTTP client object. If none is set, a new ZendHttp\Client will be used. | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Get the HTTP override state | |
Reader:: |
public static | function |
Import a feed by providing a URI Overrides ReaderImportInterface:: |
Reader:: |
public static | function |
Imports a feed from a file located at $filename. Overrides ReaderImportInterface:: |
Reader:: |
public static | function |
Import a feed from a remote URI Overrides ReaderImportInterface:: |
Reader:: |
public static | function |
Import a feed from a string Overrides ReaderImportInterface:: |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Is a given named Extension registered? | |
Reader:: |
constant | Namespace constants | ||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
protected static | function | Register core (default) extensions | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Register an Extension by name | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Reset class state to defaults | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Set the feed cache | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Set plugin manager for use with Extensions | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Set the HTTP client instance | |
Reader:: |
public static | function | Toggle using POST instead of PUT and DELETE HTTP methods | |
Reader:: |
constant | Feed type constants | ||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
constant | |||
Reader:: |
public static | function | Set the flag indicating whether or not to use HTTP conditional GET |