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Entry.php in Zircon Profile 8.0


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 * Zend Framework (
 * @link for the canonical source repository
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2015 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
 * @license New BSD License
namespace Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension\Atom;

use DateTime;
use DOMDocument;
use DOMElement;
use stdClass;
use Zend\Feed\Reader;
use Zend\Feed\Reader\Collection;
use Zend\Feed\Reader\Extension;
use Zend\Feed\Uri;
class Entry extends Extension\AbstractEntry {

   * Get the specified author
   * @param  int $index
   * @return string|null
  public function getAuthor($index = 0) {
    $authors = $this
    if (isset($authors[$index])) {
      return $authors[$index];

   * Get an array with feed authors
   * @return Collection\Author
  public function getAuthors() {
    if (array_key_exists('authors', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['authors'];
    $authors = [];
    $list = $this
      ->getXpathPrefix() . '//atom:author');
    if (!$list->length) {

       * TODO: Limit query to feed level els only!
      $list = $this
    if ($list->length) {
      foreach ($list as $author) {
        $author = $this
        if (!empty($author)) {
          $authors[] = $author;
    if (count($authors) == 0) {
      $authors = new Collection\Author();
    else {
      $authors = new Collection\Author(Reader\Reader::arrayUnique($authors));
    $this->data['authors'] = $authors;
    return $this->data['authors'];

   * Get the entry content
   * @return string
  public function getContent() {
    if (array_key_exists('content', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['content'];
    $content = null;
    $el = $this
      ->getXpathPrefix() . '/atom:content');
    if ($el->length > 0) {
      $el = $el
      $type = $el
      switch ($type) {
        case '':
        case 'text':
        case 'text/plain':
        case 'html':
        case 'text/html':
          $content = $el->nodeValue;
        case 'xhtml':
            ->registerNamespace('xhtml', '');
          $xhtml = $this
            ->getXpathPrefix() . '/atom:content/xhtml:div')
          $d = new DOMDocument('1.0', $this
          $deep = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7', 'ge') ? 1 : true;
          $xhtmls = $d
            ->importNode($xhtml, $deep);
          $content = $this
            ->saveXML(), $d
    if (!$content) {
      $content = $this
    $this->data['content'] = trim($content);
    return $this->data['content'];

   * Parse out XHTML to remove the namespacing
   * @param $xhtml
   * @param $prefix
   * @return mixed
  protected function collectXhtml($xhtml, $prefix) {
    if (!empty($prefix)) {
      $prefix = $prefix . ':';
    $matches = [
      "/<\\?xml[^<]*>[^<]*<" . $prefix . "div[^<]*/",
      "/<\\/" . $prefix . "div>\\s*\$/",
    $xhtml = preg_replace($matches, '', $xhtml);
    if (!empty($prefix)) {
      $xhtml = preg_replace("/(<[\\/]?)" . $prefix . "([a-zA-Z]+)/", '$1$2', $xhtml);
    return $xhtml;

   * Get the entry creation date
   * @return string
  public function getDateCreated() {
    if (array_key_exists('datecreated', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['datecreated'];
    $date = null;
    if ($this
      ->getAtomType() === Reader\Reader::TYPE_ATOM_03) {
      $dateCreated = $this
        ->evaluate('string(' . $this
        ->getXpathPrefix() . '/atom:created)');
    else {
      $dateCreated = $this
        ->evaluate('string(' . $this
        ->getXpathPrefix() . '/atom:published)');
    if ($dateCreated) {
      $date = new DateTime($dateCreated);
    $this->data['datecreated'] = $date;
    return $this->data['datecreated'];

   * Get the entry modification date
   * @return string
  public function getDateModified() {
    if (array_key_exists('datemodified', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['datemodified'];
    $date = null;
    if ($this
      ->getAtomType() === Reader\Reader::TYPE_ATOM_03) {
      $dateModified = $this
        ->evaluate('string(' . $this
        ->getXpathPrefix() . '/atom:modified)');
    else {
      $dateModified = $this
        ->evaluate('string(' . $this
        ->getXpathPrefix() . '/atom:updated)');
    if ($dateModified) {
      $date = new DateTime($dateModified);
    $this->data['datemodified'] = $date;
    return $this->data['datemodified'];

   * Get the entry description
   * @return string
  public function getDescription() {
    if (array_key_exists('description', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['description'];
    $description = $this
      ->evaluate('string(' . $this
      ->getXpathPrefix() . '/atom:summary)');
    if (!$description) {
      $description = null;
    $this->data['description'] = $description;
    return $this->data['description'];

   * Get the entry enclosure
   * @return string
  public function getEnclosure() {
    if (array_key_exists('enclosure', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['enclosure'];
    $enclosure = null;
    $nodeList = $this
      ->getXpathPrefix() . '/atom:link[@rel="enclosure"]');
    if ($nodeList->length > 0) {
      $enclosure = new stdClass();
      $enclosure->url = $nodeList
      $enclosure->length = $nodeList
      $enclosure->type = $nodeList
    $this->data['enclosure'] = $enclosure;
    return $this->data['enclosure'];

   * Get the entry ID
   * @return string
  public function getId() {
    if (array_key_exists('id', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['id'];
    $id = $this
      ->evaluate('string(' . $this
      ->getXpathPrefix() . '/atom:id)');
    if (!$id) {
      if ($this
        ->getPermalink()) {
        $id = $this
      elseif ($this
        ->getTitle()) {
        $id = $this
      else {
        $id = null;
    $this->data['id'] = $id;
    return $this->data['id'];

   * Get the base URI of the feed (if set).
   * @return string|null
  public function getBaseUrl() {
    if (array_key_exists('baseUrl', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['baseUrl'];
    $baseUrl = $this
      ->evaluate('string(' . $this
      ->getXpathPrefix() . '/@xml:base[1]' . ')');
    if (!$baseUrl) {
      $baseUrl = $this
    if (!$baseUrl) {
      $baseUrl = null;
    $this->data['baseUrl'] = $baseUrl;
    return $this->data['baseUrl'];

   * Get a specific link
   * @param  int $index
   * @return string
  public function getLink($index = 0) {
    if (!array_key_exists('links', $this->data)) {
    if (isset($this->data['links'][$index])) {
      return $this->data['links'][$index];

   * Get all links
   * @return array
  public function getLinks() {
    if (array_key_exists('links', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['links'];
    $links = [];
    $list = $this
      ->getXpathPrefix() . '//atom:link[@rel="alternate"]/@href' . '|' . $this
      ->getXpathPrefix() . '//atom:link[not(@rel)]/@href');
    if ($list->length) {
      foreach ($list as $link) {
        $links[] = $this
    $this->data['links'] = $links;
    return $this->data['links'];

   * Get a permalink to the entry
   * @return string
  public function getPermalink() {
    return $this

   * Get the entry title
   * @return string
  public function getTitle() {
    if (array_key_exists('title', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['title'];
    $title = $this
      ->evaluate('string(' . $this
      ->getXpathPrefix() . '/atom:title)');
    if (!$title) {
      $title = null;
    $this->data['title'] = $title;
    return $this->data['title'];

   * Get the number of comments/replies for current entry
   * @return int
  public function getCommentCount() {
    if (array_key_exists('commentcount', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['commentcount'];
    $count = null;
      ->registerNamespace('thread10', '');
    $list = $this
      ->getXpathPrefix() . '//atom:link[@rel="replies"]/@thread10:count');
    if ($list->length) {
      $count = $list
    $this->data['commentcount'] = $count;
    return $this->data['commentcount'];

   * Returns a URI pointing to the HTML page where comments can be made on this entry
   * @return string
  public function getCommentLink() {
    if (array_key_exists('commentlink', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['commentlink'];
    $link = null;
    $list = $this
      ->getXpathPrefix() . '//atom:link[@rel="replies" and @type="text/html"]/@href');
    if ($list->length) {
      $link = $list
      $link = $this
    $this->data['commentlink'] = $link;
    return $this->data['commentlink'];

   * Returns a URI pointing to a feed of all comments for this entry
   * @param string $type
   * @return string
  public function getCommentFeedLink($type = 'atom') {
    if (array_key_exists('commentfeedlink', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['commentfeedlink'];
    $link = null;
    $list = $this
      ->getXpathPrefix() . '//atom:link[@rel="replies" and @type="application/' . $type . '+xml"]/@href');
    if ($list->length) {
      $link = $list
      $link = $this
    $this->data['commentfeedlink'] = $link;
    return $this->data['commentfeedlink'];

   * Get all categories
   * @return Collection\Category
  public function getCategories() {
    if (array_key_exists('categories', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['categories'];
    if ($this
      ->getAtomType() == Reader\Reader::TYPE_ATOM_10) {
      $list = $this
        ->getXpathPrefix() . '//atom:category');
    else {

       * Since Atom 0.3 did not support categories, it would have used the
       * Dublin Core extension. However there is a small possibility Atom 0.3
       * may have been retrofitted to use Atom 1.0 instead.
        ->registerNamespace('atom10', Reader\Reader::NAMESPACE_ATOM_10);
      $list = $this
        ->getXpathPrefix() . '//atom10:category');
    if ($list->length) {
      $categoryCollection = new Collection\Category();
      foreach ($list as $category) {
        $categoryCollection[] = [
          'term' => $category
          'scheme' => $category
          'label' => $category
    else {
      return new Collection\Category();
    $this->data['categories'] = $categoryCollection;
    return $this->data['categories'];

   * Get source feed metadata from the entry
   * @return Reader\Feed\Atom\Source|null
  public function getSource() {
    if (array_key_exists('source', $this->data)) {
      return $this->data['source'];
    $source = null;

    // TODO: Investigate why _getAtomType() fails here. Is it even needed?
    if ($this
      ->getType() == Reader\Reader::TYPE_ATOM_10) {
      $list = $this
        ->getXpathPrefix() . '/atom:source[1]');
      if ($list->length) {
        $element = $list
        $source = new Reader\Feed\Atom\Source($element, $this
    $this->data['source'] = $source;
    return $this->data['source'];

   *  Attempt to absolutise the URI, i.e. if a relative URI apply the
   *  xml:base value as a prefix to turn into an absolute URI.
   * @param $link
   * @return string
  protected function absolutiseUri($link) {
    if (!Uri::factory($link)
      ->isAbsolute()) {
      if ($this
        ->getBaseUrl() !== null) {
        $link = $this
          ->getBaseUrl() . $link;
        if (!Uri::factory($link)
          ->isValid()) {
          $link = null;
    return $link;

   * Get an author entry
   * @param DOMElement $element
   * @return string
  protected function getAuthorFromElement(DOMElement $element) {
    $author = [];
    $emailNode = $element
    $nameNode = $element
    $uriNode = $element
    if ($emailNode->length && strlen($emailNode
      ->item(0)->nodeValue) > 0) {
      $author['email'] = $emailNode
    if ($nameNode->length && strlen($nameNode
      ->item(0)->nodeValue) > 0) {
      $author['name'] = $nameNode
    if ($uriNode->length && strlen($uriNode
      ->item(0)->nodeValue) > 0) {
      $author['uri'] = $uriNode
    if (empty($author)) {
    return $author;

   * Register the default namespaces for the current feed format
  protected function registerNamespaces() {
    switch ($this
      ->getAtomType()) {
      case Reader\Reader::TYPE_ATOM_03:
          ->registerNamespace('atom', Reader\Reader::NAMESPACE_ATOM_03);
          ->registerNamespace('atom', Reader\Reader::NAMESPACE_ATOM_10);

   * Detect the presence of any Atom namespaces in use
   * @return string
  protected function getAtomType() {
    $dom = $this
    $prefixAtom03 = $dom
    $prefixAtom10 = $dom
    if ($dom
      ->isDefaultNamespace(Reader\Reader::NAMESPACE_ATOM_03) || !empty($prefixAtom03)) {
      return Reader\Reader::TYPE_ATOM_03;
    if ($dom
      ->isDefaultNamespace(Reader\Reader::NAMESPACE_ATOM_10) || !empty($prefixAtom10)) {
      return Reader\Reader::TYPE_ATOM_10;



Namesort descending Description