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IntegrationTest.php in Zircon Profile 8.0


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 * This file is part of Twig.
 * (c) Fabien Potencier
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

// This function is defined to check that escaping strategies
// like html works even if a function with the same name is defined.
function html() {
  return 'foo';
class Twig_Tests_IntegrationTest extends Twig_Test_IntegrationTestCase {
  public function getExtensions() {
    $policy = new Twig_Sandbox_SecurityPolicy(array(), array(), array(), array(), array());
    return array(
      new Twig_Extension_Debug(),
      new Twig_Extension_Sandbox($policy, false),
      new Twig_Extension_StringLoader(),
      new TwigTestExtension(),
  public function getFixturesDir() {
    return dirname(__FILE__) . '/Fixtures/';

function test_foo($value = 'foo') {
  return $value;
class TwigTestFoo implements Iterator {
  const BAR_NAME = 'bar';
  public $position = 0;
  public $array = array(
  public function bar($param1 = null, $param2 = null) {
    return 'bar' . ($param1 ? '_' . $param1 : '') . ($param2 ? '-' . $param2 : '');
  public function getFoo() {
    return 'foo';
  public function getSelf() {
    return $this;
  public function is() {
    return 'is';
  public function in() {
    return 'in';
  public function not() {
    return 'not';
  public function strToLower($value) {
    return strtolower($value);
  public function rewind() {
    $this->position = 0;
  public function current() {
    return $this->array[$this->position];
  public function key() {
    return 'a';
  public function next() {
  public function valid() {
    return isset($this->array[$this->position]);

class TwigTestTokenParser_§ extends Twig_TokenParser {
  public function parse(Twig_Token $token) {
    return new Twig_Node_Print(new Twig_Node_Expression_Constant('§', -1), -1);
  public function getTag() {
    return '§';

class TwigTestExtension extends Twig_Extension {
  public function getTokenParsers() {
    return array(
      new TwigTestTokenParser_§(),
  public function getFilters() {
    return array(
      new Twig_SimpleFilter('§', array(
      new Twig_SimpleFilter('escape_and_nl2br', array(
      ), array(
        'needs_environment' => true,
        'is_safe' => array(
      new Twig_SimpleFilter('nl2br', array(
      ), array(
        'pre_escape' => 'html',
        'is_safe' => array(
      new Twig_SimpleFilter('escape_something', array(
      ), array(
        'is_safe' => array(
      new Twig_SimpleFilter('preserves_safety', array(
      ), array(
        'preserves_safety' => array(
      new Twig_SimpleFilter('*_path', array(
      new Twig_SimpleFilter('*_foo_*_bar', array(
  public function getFunctions() {
    return array(
      new Twig_SimpleFunction('§', array(
      new Twig_SimpleFunction('safe_br', array(
      ), array(
        'is_safe' => array(
      new Twig_SimpleFunction('unsafe_br', array(
      new Twig_SimpleFunction('*_path', array(
      new Twig_SimpleFunction('*_foo_*_bar', array(
  public function getTests() {
    return array(
      new Twig_SimpleTest('multi word', array(
  public function §Filter($value) {
    return "§{$value}§";
  public function §Function($value) {
    return "§{$value}§";

   * nl2br which also escapes, for testing escaper filters.
  public function escape_and_nl2br($env, $value, $sep = '<br />') {
    return $this
      ->nl2br(twig_escape_filter($env, $value, 'html'), $sep);

   * nl2br only, for testing filters with pre_escape.
  public function nl2br($value, $sep = '<br />') {

    // not secure if $value contains html tags (not only entities)
    // don't use
    return str_replace("\n", "{$sep}\n", $value);
  public function dynamic_path($element, $item) {
    return $element . '/' . $item;
  public function dynamic_foo($foo, $bar, $item) {
    return $foo . '/' . $bar . '/' . $item;
  public function escape_something($value) {
    return strtoupper($value);
  public function preserves_safety($value) {
    return strtoupper($value);
  public function br() {
    return '<br />';
  public function is_multi_word($value) {
    return false !== strpos($value, ' ');
  public function getName() {
    return 'integration_test';
