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public function ProjectUrlMatcher::match in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name in this branch
  1. 8.0 vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Fixtures/dumper/url_matcher1.php \ProjectUrlMatcher::match()
  2. 8.0 vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Fixtures/dumper/url_matcher2.php \ProjectUrlMatcher::match()
  3. 8.0 vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Fixtures/dumper/url_matcher3.php \ProjectUrlMatcher::match()
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Fixtures/dumper/url_matcher1.php \ProjectUrlMatcher::match()
  2. 8 vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Fixtures/dumper/url_matcher2.php \ProjectUrlMatcher::match()
  3. 8 vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Fixtures/dumper/url_matcher3.php \ProjectUrlMatcher::match()

Tries to match a URL path with a set of routes.

If the matcher can not find information, it must throw one of the exceptions documented below.


string $pathinfo The path info to be parsed (raw format, i.e. not urldecoded):

Return value

array An array of parameters


ResourceNotFoundException If the resource could not be found

MethodNotAllowedException If the resource was found but the request method is not allowed

Overrides UrlMatcher::match


vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Fixtures/dumper/url_matcher2.php, line 23




public function match($pathinfo) {
  $allow = array();
  $pathinfo = rawurldecode($pathinfo);
  $context = $this->context;
  $request = $this->request;

  // foo
  if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/foo') && preg_match('#^/foo/(?P<bar>baz|symfony)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
    return $this
      ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
      '_route' => 'foo',
    )), array(
      'def' => 'test',
  if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/bar')) {

    // bar
    if (preg_match('#^/bar/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
      if (!in_array($this->context
        ->getMethod(), array(
      ))) {
        $allow = array_merge($allow, array(
        goto not_bar;
      return $this
        ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
        '_route' => 'bar',
      )), array());

    // barhead
    if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/barhead') && preg_match('#^/barhead/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
      if (!in_array($this->context
        ->getMethod(), array(
      ))) {
        $allow = array_merge($allow, array(
        goto not_barhead;
      return $this
        ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
        '_route' => 'barhead',
      )), array());
  if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/test')) {
    if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/test/baz')) {

      // baz
      if ($pathinfo === '/test/baz') {
        return array(
          '_route' => 'baz',

      // baz2
      if ($pathinfo === '/test/baz.html') {
        return array(
          '_route' => 'baz2',

      // baz3
      if (rtrim($pathinfo, '/') === '/test/baz3') {
        if (substr($pathinfo, -1) !== '/') {
          return $this
            ->redirect($pathinfo . '/', 'baz3');
        return array(
          '_route' => 'baz3',

    // baz4
    if (preg_match('#^/test/(?P<foo>[^/]++)/?$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
      if (substr($pathinfo, -1) !== '/') {
        return $this
          ->redirect($pathinfo . '/', 'baz4');
      return $this
        ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
        '_route' => 'baz4',
      )), array());

    // baz5
    if (preg_match('#^/test/(?P<foo>[^/]++)/$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
      if ($this->context
        ->getMethod() != 'POST') {
        $allow[] = 'POST';
        goto not_baz5;
      return $this
        ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
        '_route' => 'baz5',
      )), array());

    // baz.baz6
    if (preg_match('#^/test/(?P<foo>[^/]++)/$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
      if ($this->context
        ->getMethod() != 'PUT') {
        $allow[] = 'PUT';
        goto not_bazbaz6;
      return $this
        ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
        '_route' => 'baz.baz6',
      )), array());

  // foofoo
  if ($pathinfo === '/foofoo') {
    return array(
      'def' => 'test',
      '_route' => 'foofoo',

  // quoter
  if (preg_match('#^/(?P<quoter>[\']+)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
    return $this
      ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
      '_route' => 'quoter',
    )), array());

  // space
  if ($pathinfo === '/spa ce') {
    return array(
      '_route' => 'space',
  if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a')) {
    if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a/b\'b')) {

      // foo1
      if (preg_match('#^/a/b\'b/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
        return $this
          ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
          '_route' => 'foo1',
        )), array());

      // bar1
      if (preg_match('#^/a/b\'b/(?P<bar>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
        return $this
          ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
          '_route' => 'bar1',
        )), array());

    // overridden
    if (preg_match('#^/a/(?P<var>.*)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
      return $this
        ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
        '_route' => 'overridden',
      )), array());
    if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a/b\'b')) {

      // foo2
      if (preg_match('#^/a/b\'b/(?P<foo1>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
        return $this
          ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
          '_route' => 'foo2',
        )), array());

      // bar2
      if (preg_match('#^/a/b\'b/(?P<bar1>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
        return $this
          ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
          '_route' => 'bar2',
        )), array());
  if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/multi')) {

    // helloWorld
    if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/multi/hello') && preg_match('#^/multi/hello(?:/(?P<who>[^/]++))?$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
      return $this
        ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
        '_route' => 'helloWorld',
      )), array(
        'who' => 'World!',

    // overridden2
    if ($pathinfo === '/multi/new') {
      return array(
        '_route' => 'overridden2',

    // hey
    if (rtrim($pathinfo, '/') === '/multi/hey') {
      if (substr($pathinfo, -1) !== '/') {
        return $this
          ->redirect($pathinfo . '/', 'hey');
      return array(
        '_route' => 'hey',

  // foo3
  if (preg_match('#^/(?P<_locale>[^/]++)/b/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
    return $this
      ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
      '_route' => 'foo3',
    )), array());

  // bar3
  if (preg_match('#^/(?P<_locale>[^/]++)/b/(?P<bar>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
    return $this
      ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
      '_route' => 'bar3',
    )), array());
  if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/aba')) {

    // ababa
    if ($pathinfo === '/ababa') {
      return array(
        '_route' => 'ababa',

    // foo4
    if (preg_match('#^/aba/(?P<foo>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
      return $this
        ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
        '_route' => 'foo4',
      )), array());
  $host = $this->context
  if (preg_match('#^a\\.example\\.com$#si', $host, $hostMatches)) {

    // route1
    if ($pathinfo === '/route1') {
      return array(
        '_route' => 'route1',

    // route2
    if ($pathinfo === '/c2/route2') {
      return array(
        '_route' => 'route2',
  if (preg_match('#^b\\.example\\.com$#si', $host, $hostMatches)) {

    // route3
    if ($pathinfo === '/c2/route3') {
      return array(
        '_route' => 'route3',
  if (preg_match('#^a\\.example\\.com$#si', $host, $hostMatches)) {

    // route4
    if ($pathinfo === '/route4') {
      return array(
        '_route' => 'route4',
  if (preg_match('#^c\\.example\\.com$#si', $host, $hostMatches)) {

    // route5
    if ($pathinfo === '/route5') {
      return array(
        '_route' => 'route5',

  // route6
  if ($pathinfo === '/route6') {
    return array(
      '_route' => 'route6',
  if (preg_match('#^(?P<var1>[^\\.]++)\\.example\\.com$#si', $host, $hostMatches)) {
    if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route1')) {

      // route11
      if ($pathinfo === '/route11') {
        return $this
          ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, array(
          '_route' => 'route11',
        )), array());

      // route12
      if ($pathinfo === '/route12') {
        return $this
          ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, array(
          '_route' => 'route12',
        )), array(
          'var1' => 'val',

      // route13
      if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route13') && preg_match('#^/route13/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
        return $this
          ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, $matches, array(
          '_route' => 'route13',
        )), array());

      // route14
      if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route14') && preg_match('#^/route14/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
        return $this
          ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($hostMatches, $matches, array(
          '_route' => 'route14',
        )), array(
          'var1' => 'val',
  if (preg_match('#^c\\.example\\.com$#si', $host, $hostMatches)) {

    // route15
    if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route15') && preg_match('#^/route15/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
      return $this
        ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
        '_route' => 'route15',
      )), array());
  if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route1')) {

    // route16
    if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/route16') && preg_match('#^/route16/(?P<name>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
      return $this
        ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
        '_route' => 'route16',
      )), array(
        'var1' => 'val',

    // route17
    if ($pathinfo === '/route17') {
      return array(
        '_route' => 'route17',
  if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a')) {

    // a
    if ($pathinfo === '/a/a...') {
      return array(
        '_route' => 'a',
    if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a/b')) {

      // b
      if (preg_match('#^/a/b/(?P<var>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
        return $this
          ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
          '_route' => 'b',
        )), array());

      // c
      if (0 === strpos($pathinfo, '/a/b/c') && preg_match('#^/a/b/c/(?P<var>[^/]++)$#s', $pathinfo, $matches)) {
        return $this
          ->mergeDefaults(array_replace($matches, array(
          '_route' => 'c',
        )), array());

  // secure
  if ($pathinfo === '/secure') {
    $requiredSchemes = array(
      'https' => 0,
    if (!isset($requiredSchemes[$this->context
      ->getScheme()])) {
      return $this
        ->redirect($pathinfo, 'secure', key($requiredSchemes));
    return array(
      '_route' => 'secure',

  // nonsecure
  if ($pathinfo === '/nonsecure') {
    $requiredSchemes = array(
      'http' => 0,
    if (!isset($requiredSchemes[$this->context
      ->getScheme()])) {
      return $this
        ->redirect($pathinfo, 'nonsecure', key($requiredSchemes));
    return array(
      '_route' => 'nonsecure',
  throw 0 < count($allow) ? new MethodNotAllowedException(array_unique($allow)) : new ResourceNotFoundException();