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class XmlFileLoader in Zircon Profile 8

Same name in this branch
  1. 8 vendor/symfony/routing/Loader/XmlFileLoader.php \Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\XmlFileLoader
  2. 8 vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Loader/XmlFileLoader.php \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\XmlFileLoader
  3. 8 vendor/symfony/validator/Mapping/Loader/XmlFileLoader.php \Symfony\Component\Validator\Mapping\Loader\XmlFileLoader
  4. 8 vendor/symfony/serializer/Mapping/Loader/XmlFileLoader.php \Symfony\Component\Serializer\Mapping\Loader\XmlFileLoader
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 vendor/symfony/routing/Loader/XmlFileLoader.php \Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\XmlFileLoader

XmlFileLoader loads XML routing files.

@author Fabien Potencier <> @author Tobias Schultze <>


  • class \Symfony\Component\Routing\Loader\XmlFileLoader extends \Symfony\Component\Config\Loader\FileLoader

Expanded class hierarchy of XmlFileLoader

2 files declare their use of XmlFileLoader
CustomXmlFileLoader.php in vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Fixtures/CustomXmlFileLoader.php
XmlFileLoaderTest.php in vendor/symfony/routing/Tests/Loader/XmlFileLoaderTest.php


vendor/symfony/routing/Loader/XmlFileLoader.php, line 26


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class XmlFileLoader extends FileLoader {
  const NAMESPACE_URI = '';
  const SCHEME_PATH = '/schema/routing/routing-1.0.xsd';

   * Loads an XML file.
   * @param string      $file An XML file path
   * @param string|null $type The resource type
   * @return RouteCollection A RouteCollection instance
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the file cannot be loaded or when the XML cannot be
   *                                   parsed because it does not validate against the scheme.
  public function load($file, $type = null) {
    $path = $this->locator
    $xml = $this
    $collection = new RouteCollection();
      ->addResource(new FileResource($path));

    // process routes and imports
    foreach ($xml->documentElement->childNodes as $node) {
      if (!$node instanceof \DOMElement) {
        ->parseNode($collection, $node, $path, $file);
    return $collection;

   * Parses a node from a loaded XML file.
   * @param RouteCollection $collection Collection to associate with the node
   * @param \DOMElement     $node       Element to parse
   * @param string          $path       Full path of the XML file being processed
   * @param string          $file       Loaded file name
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the XML is invalid
  protected function parseNode(RouteCollection $collection, \DOMElement $node, $path, $file) {
    if (self::NAMESPACE_URI !== $node->namespaceURI) {
    switch ($node->localName) {
      case 'route':
          ->parseRoute($collection, $node, $path);
      case 'import':
          ->parseImport($collection, $node, $path, $file);
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown tag "%s" used in file "%s". Expected "route" or "import".', $node->localName, $path));

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function supports($resource, $type = null) {
    return is_string($resource) && 'xml' === pathinfo($resource, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) && (!$type || 'xml' === $type);

   * Parses a route and adds it to the RouteCollection.
   * @param RouteCollection $collection RouteCollection instance
   * @param \DOMElement     $node       Element to parse that represents a Route
   * @param string          $path       Full path of the XML file being processed
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the XML is invalid
  protected function parseRoute(RouteCollection $collection, \DOMElement $node, $path) {
    if ('' === ($id = $node
      ->getAttribute('id')) || !$node
      ->hasAttribute('pattern') && !$node
      ->hasAttribute('path')) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The <route> element in file "%s" must have an "id" and a "path" attribute.', $path));
    if ($node
      ->hasAttribute('pattern')) {
      if ($node
        ->hasAttribute('path')) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The <route> element in file "%s" cannot define both a "path" and a "pattern" attribute. Use only "path".', $path));
      @trigger_error(sprintf('The "pattern" option in file "%s" is deprecated since version 2.2 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the "path" option in the route definition instead.', $path), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
        ->setAttribute('path', $node
    $schemes = preg_split('/[\\s,\\|]++/', $node
      ->getAttribute('schemes'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
    $methods = preg_split('/[\\s,\\|]++/', $node
      ->getAttribute('methods'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
    list($defaults, $requirements, $options, $condition) = $this
      ->parseConfigs($node, $path);
    if (isset($requirements['_method'])) {
      if (0 === count($methods)) {
        $methods = explode('|', $requirements['_method']);
      @trigger_error(sprintf('The "_method" requirement of route "%s" in file "%s" is deprecated since version 2.2 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the "methods" attribute instead.', $id, $path), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    if (isset($requirements['_scheme'])) {
      if (0 === count($schemes)) {
        $schemes = explode('|', $requirements['_scheme']);
      @trigger_error(sprintf('The "_scheme" requirement of route "%s" in file "%s" is deprecated since version 2.2 and will be removed in 3.0. Use the "schemes" attribute instead.', $id, $path), E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    $route = new Route($node
      ->getAttribute('path'), $defaults, $requirements, $options, $node
      ->getAttribute('host'), $schemes, $methods, $condition);
      ->add($id, $route);

   * Parses an import and adds the routes in the resource to the RouteCollection.
   * @param RouteCollection $collection RouteCollection instance
   * @param \DOMElement     $node       Element to parse that represents a Route
   * @param string          $path       Full path of the XML file being processed
   * @param string          $file       Loaded file name
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the XML is invalid
  protected function parseImport(RouteCollection $collection, \DOMElement $node, $path, $file) {
    if ('' === ($resource = $node
      ->getAttribute('resource'))) {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The <import> element in file "%s" must have a "resource" attribute.', $path));
    $type = $node
    $prefix = $node
    $host = $node
      ->hasAttribute('host') ? $node
      ->getAttribute('host') : null;
    $schemes = $node
      ->hasAttribute('schemes') ? preg_split('/[\\s,\\|]++/', $node
      ->getAttribute('schemes'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) : null;
    $methods = $node
      ->hasAttribute('methods') ? preg_split('/[\\s,\\|]++/', $node
      ->getAttribute('methods'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) : null;
    list($defaults, $requirements, $options, $condition) = $this
      ->parseConfigs($node, $path);
    $subCollection = $this
      ->import($resource, '' !== $type ? $type : null, false, $file);

    /* @var $subCollection RouteCollection */
    if (null !== $host) {
    if (null !== $condition) {
    if (null !== $schemes) {
    if (null !== $methods) {

   * Loads an XML file.
   * @param string $file An XML file path
   * @return \DOMDocument
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When loading of XML file fails because of syntax errors
   *                                   or when the XML structure is not as expected by the scheme -
   *                                   see validate()
  protected function loadFile($file) {
    return XmlUtils::loadFile($file, __DIR__ . static::SCHEME_PATH);

   * Parses the config elements (default, requirement, option).
   * @param \DOMElement $node Element to parse that contains the configs
   * @param string      $path Full path of the XML file being processed
   * @return array An array with the defaults as first item, requirements as second and options as third.
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When the XML is invalid
  private function parseConfigs(\DOMElement $node, $path) {
    $defaults = array();
    $requirements = array();
    $options = array();
    $condition = null;
    foreach ($node
      ->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::NAMESPACE_URI, '*') as $n) {
      switch ($n->localName) {
        case 'default':
          if ($this
            ->isElementValueNull($n)) {
              ->getAttribute('key')] = null;
          else {
              ->getAttribute('key')] = trim($n->textContent);
        case 'requirement':
            ->getAttribute('key')] = trim($n->textContent);
        case 'option':
            ->getAttribute('key')] = trim($n->textContent);
        case 'condition':
          $condition = trim($n->textContent);
          throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unknown tag "%s" used in file "%s". Expected "default", "requirement" or "option".', $n->localName, $path));
    return array(
  private function isElementValueNull(\DOMElement $element) {
    $namespaceUri = '';
    if (!$element
      ->hasAttributeNS($namespaceUri, 'nil')) {
      return false;
    return 'true' === $element
      ->getAttributeNS($namespaceUri, 'nil') || '1' === $element
      ->getAttributeNS($namespaceUri, 'nil');



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
XmlFileLoader::isElementValueNull private function
XmlFileLoader::load public function Loads an XML file.
XmlFileLoader::loadFile protected function Loads an XML file. 1
XmlFileLoader::NAMESPACE_URI constant
XmlFileLoader::parseConfigs private function Parses the config elements (default, requirement, option).
XmlFileLoader::parseImport protected function Parses an import and adds the routes in the resource to the RouteCollection.
XmlFileLoader::parseNode protected function Parses a node from a loaded XML file.
XmlFileLoader::parseRoute protected function Parses a route and adds it to the RouteCollection.
XmlFileLoader::SCHEME_PATH constant
XmlFileLoader::supports public function