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class ProjectContainer in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Tests/ContainerBuilderTest.php \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Tests\ProjectContainer


Expanded class hierarchy of ProjectContainer

1 string reference to 'ProjectContainer'
Kernel::getContainerClass in vendor/symfony/http-kernel/Kernel.php
Gets the container class.


vendor/symfony/dependency-injection/Tests/ContainerBuilderTest.php, line 852


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class ProjectContainer extends ContainerBuilder {
  public function getFoobazService() {
    throw new InactiveScopeException('foo', 'request');



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ContainerBuilder::$aliasDefinitions private property
ContainerBuilder::$compiler private property
ContainerBuilder::$definitions private property
ContainerBuilder::$expressionLanguage private property
ContainerBuilder::$expressionLanguageProviders private property
ContainerBuilder::$extensionConfigs private property
ContainerBuilder::$extensions private property
ContainerBuilder::$extensionsByNs private property
ContainerBuilder::$obsoleteDefinitions private property
ContainerBuilder::$proxyInstantiator private property
ContainerBuilder::$resources private property
ContainerBuilder::$trackResources private property
ContainerBuilder::addAliases public function Adds the service aliases.
ContainerBuilder::addClassResource public function Adds the given class hierarchy as resources.
ContainerBuilder::addCompilerPass public function Adds a compiler pass.
ContainerBuilder::addDefinitions public function Adds the service definitions.
ContainerBuilder::addExpressionLanguageProvider public function
ContainerBuilder::addObjectResource public function Adds the object class hierarchy as resources.
ContainerBuilder::addResource public function Adds a resource for this configuration.
ContainerBuilder::callMethod private function 1
ContainerBuilder::compile public function Compiles the container.
ContainerBuilder::createService public function Creates a service for a service definition.
ContainerBuilder::findDefinition public function Gets a service definition by id or alias.
ContainerBuilder::findTaggedServiceIds public function Returns service ids for a given tag. Overrides TaggedContainerInterface::findTaggedServiceIds
ContainerBuilder::findTags public function Returns all tags the defined services use.
ContainerBuilder::get public function Gets a service. Overrides ContainerInterface::get
ContainerBuilder::getAlias public function Gets an alias.
ContainerBuilder::getAliases public function Gets all defined aliases.
ContainerBuilder::getCompiler public function Returns the compiler.
ContainerBuilder::getCompilerPassConfig public function Returns the compiler pass config which can then be modified.
ContainerBuilder::getDefinition public function Gets a service definition.
ContainerBuilder::getDefinitions public function Gets all service definitions.
ContainerBuilder::getExpressionLanguage private function
ContainerBuilder::getExpressionLanguageProviders public function
ContainerBuilder::getExtension public function Returns an extension by alias or namespace.
ContainerBuilder::getExtensionConfig public function Returns the configuration array for the given extension.
ContainerBuilder::getExtensions public function Returns all registered extensions.
ContainerBuilder::getProxyInstantiator private function Retrieves the currently set proxy instantiator or instantiates one.
ContainerBuilder::getResources public function Returns an array of resources loaded to build this configuration.
ContainerBuilder::getScopeChildren public function Returns all Scope children.
ContainerBuilder::getScopes public function Returns all Scopes.
ContainerBuilder::getServiceConditionals public static function Returns the Service Conditionals.
ContainerBuilder::getServiceIds public function Gets all service ids.
ContainerBuilder::has public function Returns true if the given service is defined. Overrides ContainerInterface::has
ContainerBuilder::hasAlias public function Returns true if an alias exists under the given identifier.
ContainerBuilder::hasDefinition public function Returns true if a service definition exists under the given identifier.
ContainerBuilder::hasExtension public function Checks if we have an extension.
ContainerBuilder::isTrackingResources public function Checks if resources are tracked.
ContainerBuilder::loadFromExtension public function Loads the configuration for an extension.
ContainerBuilder::merge public function Merges a ContainerBuilder with the current ContainerBuilder configuration.
ContainerBuilder::prependExtensionConfig public function Prepends a config array to the configs of the given extension.
ContainerBuilder::register public function Registers a service definition. 1
ContainerBuilder::registerExtension public function Registers an extension.
ContainerBuilder::removeAlias public function Removes an alias.
ContainerBuilder::removeDefinition public function Removes a service definition.
ContainerBuilder::resolveServices public function Replaces service references by the real service instance and evaluates expressions.
ContainerBuilder::set public function Sets a service. Overrides ContainerInterface::set 1
ContainerBuilder::setAlias public function Sets an alias for an existing service.
ContainerBuilder::setAliases public function Sets the service aliases.
ContainerBuilder::setDefinition public function Sets a service definition.
ContainerBuilder::setDefinitions public function Sets the service definitions.
ContainerBuilder::setProxyInstantiator public function Sets the instantiator to be used when fetching proxies.
ContainerBuilder::setResources public function Sets the resources for this configuration.
ContainerBuilder::setResourceTracking public function Sets the track resources flag.
ContainerBuilder::shareService private function Shares a given service in the container.
ContainerBuilder::synchronize Deprecated private function Synchronizes a service change.
ContainerInterface::addScope public function Adds a scope to the container. 2
ContainerInterface::enterScope public function Enters the given scope. 2
ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE constant
ContainerInterface::getParameter public function Gets a parameter. 2
ContainerInterface::hasParameter public function Checks if a parameter exists. 2
ContainerInterface::hasScope public function Whether this container has the given scope. 2
ContainerInterface::IGNORE_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE constant
ContainerInterface::isScopeActive public function Determines whether the given scope is currently active. 2
ContainerInterface::leaveScope public function Leaves the current scope, and re-enters the parent scope. 2
ContainerInterface::NULL_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE constant
ContainerInterface::SCOPE_CONTAINER constant
ContainerInterface::SCOPE_PROTOTYPE constant
ContainerInterface::setParameter public function Sets a parameter. 3
ProjectContainer::getFoobazService public function