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class ApplicationTest in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 vendor/symfony/console/Tests/ApplicationTest.php \Symfony\Component\Console\Tests\ApplicationTest


  • class \Symfony\Component\Console\Tests\ApplicationTest extends \Symfony\Component\Console\Tests\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase

Expanded class hierarchy of ApplicationTest


vendor/symfony/console/Tests/ApplicationTest.php, line 33


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class ApplicationTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
  protected static $fixturesPath;
  public static function setUpBeforeClass() {
    self::$fixturesPath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/');
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/FooCommand.php';
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/Foo1Command.php';
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/Foo2Command.php';
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/Foo3Command.php';
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/Foo4Command.php';
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/Foo5Command.php';
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/FoobarCommand.php';
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/BarBucCommand.php';
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/FooSubnamespaced1Command.php';
    require_once self::$fixturesPath . '/FooSubnamespaced2Command.php';
  protected function normalizeLineBreaks($text) {
    return str_replace(PHP_EOL, "\n", $text);

   * Replaces the dynamic placeholders of the command help text with a static version.
   * The placeholder %command.full_name% includes the script path that is not predictable
   * and can not be tested against.
  protected function ensureStaticCommandHelp(Application $application) {
    foreach ($application
      ->all() as $command) {
        ->setHelp(str_replace('%command.full_name%', 'app/console', $command
  public function testConstructor() {
    $application = new Application('foo', 'bar');
      ->assertEquals('foo', $application
      ->getName(), '__construct() takes the application name as its first argument');
      ->assertEquals('bar', $application
      ->getVersion(), '__construct() takes the application version as its second argument');
    ), array_keys($application
      ->all()), '__construct() registered the help and list commands by default');
  public function testSetGetName() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->assertEquals('foo', $application
      ->getName(), '->setName() sets the name of the application');
  public function testSetGetVersion() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->assertEquals('bar', $application
      ->getVersion(), '->setVersion() sets the version of the application');
  public function testGetLongVersion() {
    $application = new Application('foo', 'bar');
      ->assertEquals('<info>foo</info> version <comment>bar</comment>', $application
      ->getLongVersion(), '->getLongVersion() returns the long version of the application');
  public function testHelp() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_gethelp.txt', $this
      ->getHelp()), '->getHelp() returns a help message');
  public function testAll() {
    $application = new Application();
    $commands = $application
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\HelpCommand', $commands['help'], '->all() returns the registered commands');
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
    $commands = $application
      ->assertCount(1, $commands, '->all() takes a namespace as its first argument');
  public function testRegister() {
    $application = new Application();
    $command = $application
      ->assertEquals('foo', $command
      ->getName(), '->register() registers a new command');
  public function testAdd() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add($foo = new \FooCommand());
    $commands = $application
      ->assertEquals($foo, $commands['foo:bar'], '->add() registers a command');
    $application = new Application();
      $foo = new \FooCommand(),
      $foo1 = new \Foo1Command(),
    $commands = $application
    ), array(
    ), '->addCommands() registers an array of commands');

   * @expectedException \LogicException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage Command class "Foo5Command" is not correctly initialized. You probably forgot to call the parent constructor.
  public function testAddCommandWithEmptyConstructor() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \Foo5Command());
  public function testHasGet() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->has('list'), '->has() returns true if a named command is registered');
      ->has('afoobar'), '->has() returns false if a named command is not registered');
      ->add($foo = new \FooCommand());
      ->has('afoobar'), '->has() returns true if an alias is registered');
      ->assertEquals($foo, $application
      ->get('foo:bar'), '->get() returns a command by name');
      ->assertEquals($foo, $application
      ->get('afoobar'), '->get() returns a command by alias');
    $application = new Application();
      ->add($foo = new \FooCommand());

    // simulate --help
    $r = new \ReflectionObject($application);
    $p = $r
      ->setValue($application, true);
    $command = $application
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\HelpCommand', $command, '->get() returns the help command if --help is provided as the input');
  public function testSilentHelp() {
    $application = new Application();
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      '-h' => true,
      '-q' => true,
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,

   * @expectedException        \InvalidArgumentException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage The command "foofoo" does not exist.
  public function testGetInvalidCommand() {
    $application = new Application();
  public function testGetNamespaces() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->add(new \Foo1Command());
    ), $application
      ->getNamespaces(), '->getNamespaces() returns an array of unique used namespaces');
  public function testFindNamespace() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->assertEquals('foo', $application
      ->findNamespace('foo'), '->findNamespace() returns the given namespace if it exists');
      ->assertEquals('foo', $application
      ->findNamespace('f'), '->findNamespace() finds a namespace given an abbreviation');
      ->add(new \Foo2Command());
      ->assertEquals('foo', $application
      ->findNamespace('foo'), '->findNamespace() returns the given namespace if it exists');
  public function testFindNamespaceWithSubnamespaces() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooSubnamespaced1Command());
      ->add(new \FooSubnamespaced2Command());
      ->assertEquals('foo', $application
      ->findNamespace('foo'), '->findNamespace() returns commands even if the commands are only contained in subnamespaces');

   * @expectedException        \InvalidArgumentException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage The namespace "f" is ambiguous (foo, foo1).
  public function testFindAmbiguousNamespace() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \BarBucCommand());
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->add(new \Foo2Command());

   * @expectedException        \InvalidArgumentException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage There are no commands defined in the "bar" namespace.
  public function testFindInvalidNamespace() {
    $application = new Application();

   * @expectedException        \InvalidArgumentException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage Command "foo1" is not defined
  public function testFindUniqueNameButNamespaceName() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->add(new \Foo1Command());
      ->add(new \Foo2Command());
      ->find($commandName = 'foo1');
  public function testFind() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->assertInstanceOf('FooCommand', $application
      ->find('foo:bar'), '->find() returns a command if its name exists');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\HelpCommand', $application
      ->find('h'), '->find() returns a command if its name exists');
      ->assertInstanceOf('FooCommand', $application
      ->find('f:bar'), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation for the namespace exists');
      ->assertInstanceOf('FooCommand', $application
      ->find('f:b'), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation for the namespace and the command name exist');
      ->assertInstanceOf('FooCommand', $application
      ->find('a'), '->find() returns a command if the abbreviation exists for an alias');

   * @dataProvider provideAmbiguousAbbreviations
  public function testFindWithAmbiguousAbbreviations($abbreviation, $expectedExceptionMessage) {
      ->setExpectedException('InvalidArgumentException', $expectedExceptionMessage);
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->add(new \Foo1Command());
      ->add(new \Foo2Command());
  public function provideAmbiguousAbbreviations() {
    return array(
        'Command "f" is not defined.',
        'Command "a" is ambiguous (afoobar, afoobar1 and 1 more).',
        'Command "foo:b" is ambiguous (foo:bar, foo:bar1 and 1 more).',
  public function testFindCommandEqualNamespace() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \Foo3Command());
      ->add(new \Foo4Command());
      ->assertInstanceOf('Foo3Command', $application
      ->find('foo3:bar'), '->find() returns the good command even if a namespace has same name');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Foo4Command', $application
      ->find('foo3:bar:toh'), '->find() returns a command even if its namespace equals another command name');
  public function testFindCommandWithAmbiguousNamespacesButUniqueName() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->add(new \FoobarCommand());
      ->assertInstanceOf('FoobarCommand', $application
  public function testFindCommandWithMissingNamespace() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \Foo4Command());
      ->assertInstanceOf('Foo4Command', $application

   * @dataProvider             provideInvalidCommandNamesSingle
   * @expectedException        \InvalidArgumentException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage Did you mean this
  public function testFindAlternativeExceptionMessageSingle($name) {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \Foo3Command());
  public function provideInvalidCommandNamesSingle() {
    return array(
  public function testFindAlternativeExceptionMessageMultiple() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->add(new \Foo1Command());
      ->add(new \Foo2Command());

    // Command + plural
    try {
        ->fail('->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist, with alternatives');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->assertInstanceOf('\\InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist, with alternatives');
        ->assertRegExp('/Did you mean one of these/', $e
        ->getMessage(), '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist, with alternatives');
        ->assertRegExp('/foo1:bar/', $e
        ->assertRegExp('/foo:bar/', $e

    // Namespace + plural
    try {
        ->fail('->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist, with alternatives');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->assertInstanceOf('\\InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist, with alternatives');
        ->assertRegExp('/Did you mean one of these/', $e
        ->getMessage(), '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist, with alternatives');
        ->assertRegExp('/foo1/', $e
      ->add(new \Foo3Command());
      ->add(new \Foo4Command());

    // Subnamespace + plural
    try {
      $a = $application
        ->fail('->find() should throw an \\InvalidArgumentException if a command is ambiguous because of a subnamespace, with alternatives');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->assertInstanceOf('\\InvalidArgumentException', $e);
        ->assertRegExp('/foo3:bar/', $e
        ->assertRegExp('/foo3:bar:toh/', $e
  public function testFindAlternativeCommands() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->add(new \Foo1Command());
      ->add(new \Foo2Command());
    try {
        ->find($commandName = 'Unknown command');
        ->fail('->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->assertInstanceOf('\\InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist');
        ->assertEquals(sprintf('Command "%s" is not defined.', $commandName), $e
        ->getMessage(), '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist, without alternatives');

    // Test if "bar1" command throw an "\InvalidArgumentException" and does not contain
    // "foo:bar" as alternative because "bar1" is too far from "foo:bar"
    try {
        ->find($commandName = 'bar1');
        ->fail('->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->assertInstanceOf('\\InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist');
        ->assertRegExp(sprintf('/Command "%s" is not defined./', $commandName), $e
        ->getMessage(), '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist, with alternatives');
        ->assertRegExp('/afoobar1/', $e
        ->getMessage(), '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist, with alternative : "afoobar1"');
        ->assertRegExp('/foo:bar1/', $e
        ->getMessage(), '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist, with alternative : "foo:bar1"');
        ->assertNotRegExp('/foo:bar(?>!1)/', $e
        ->getMessage(), '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if command does not exist, without "foo:bar" alternative');
  public function testFindAlternativeCommandsWithAnAlias() {
    $fooCommand = new \FooCommand();
    $application = new Application();
    $result = $application
      ->assertSame($fooCommand, $result);
  public function testFindAlternativeNamespace() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->add(new \Foo1Command());
      ->add(new \Foo2Command());
      ->add(new \foo3Command());
    try {
        ->fail('->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if namespace does not exist');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->assertInstanceOf('\\InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if namespace does not exist');
        ->assertEquals('There are no commands defined in the "Unknown-namespace" namespace.', $e
        ->getMessage(), '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if namespace does not exist, without alternatives');
    try {
        ->fail('->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if namespace does not exist');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->assertInstanceOf('\\InvalidArgumentException', $e, '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if namespace does not exist');
        ->assertRegExp('/There are no commands defined in the "foo2" namespace./', $e
        ->getMessage(), '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if namespace does not exist, with alternative');
        ->assertRegExp('/foo/', $e
        ->getMessage(), '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if namespace does not exist, with alternative : "foo"');
        ->assertRegExp('/foo1/', $e
        ->getMessage(), '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if namespace does not exist, with alternative : "foo1"');
        ->assertRegExp('/foo3/', $e
        ->getMessage(), '->find() throws an \\InvalidArgumentException if namespace does not exist, with alternative : "foo3"');
  public function testFindNamespaceDoesNotFailOnDeepSimilarNamespaces() {
    $application = $this
      ->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application', array(
      ->assertEquals('foo:sublong', $application

   * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage Command "foo::bar" is not defined.
  public function testFindWithDoubleColonInNameThrowsException() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->add(new \Foo4Command());
  public function testSetCatchExceptions() {
    $application = $this
      ->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application', array(
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      'command' => 'foo',
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception1.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->setCatchExceptions() sets the catch exception flag');
    try {
        'command' => 'foo',
      ), array(
        'decorated' => false,
        ->fail('->setCatchExceptions() sets the catch exception flag');
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        ->assertInstanceOf('\\Exception', $e, '->setCatchExceptions() sets the catch exception flag');
        ->assertEquals('Command "foo" is not defined.', $e
        ->getMessage(), '->setCatchExceptions() sets the catch exception flag');

   * @group legacy
  public function testLegacyAsText() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_astext1.txt', $this
      ->asText()), '->asText() returns a text representation of the application');
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_astext2.txt', $this
      ->asText('foo')), '->asText() returns a text representation of the application');

   * @group legacy
  public function testLegacyAsXml() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
      ->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_asxml1.txt', $application
      ->asXml(), '->asXml() returns an XML representation of the application');
      ->assertXmlStringEqualsXmlFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_asxml2.txt', $application
      ->asXml('foo'), '->asXml() returns an XML representation of the application');
  public function testRenderException() {
    $application = $this
      ->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application', array(
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      'command' => 'foo',
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception1.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->renderException() renders a pretty exception');
      'command' => 'foo',
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      'verbosity' => Output::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE,
      ->assertContains('Exception trace', $tester
      ->getDisplay(), '->renderException() renders a pretty exception with a stack trace when verbosity is verbose');
      'command' => 'list',
      '--foo' => true,
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception2.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->renderException() renders the command synopsis when an exception occurs in the context of a command');
      ->add(new \Foo3Command());
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      'command' => 'foo3:bar',
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception3.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->renderException() renders a pretty exceptions with previous exceptions');
      'command' => 'foo3:bar',
    ), array(
      'decorated' => true,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception3decorated.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->renderException() renders a pretty exceptions with previous exceptions');
    $application = $this
      ->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application', array(
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      'command' => 'foo',
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception4.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->renderException() wraps messages when they are bigger than the terminal');
  public function testRenderExceptionWithDoubleWidthCharacters() {
    if (!function_exists('mb_strwidth')) {
        ->markTestSkipped('The "mb_strwidth" function is not available');
    $application = $this
      ->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application', array(
      ->setCode(function () {
      throw new \Exception('エラーメッセージ');
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      'command' => 'foo',
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception_doublewidth1.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->renderException() renders a pretty exceptions with previous exceptions');
      'command' => 'foo',
    ), array(
      'decorated' => true,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception_doublewidth1decorated.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->renderException() renders a pretty exceptions with previous exceptions');
    $application = $this
      ->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application', array(
      ->setCode(function () {
      throw new \Exception('コマンドの実行中にエラーが発生しました。');
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      'command' => 'foo',
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_renderexception_doublewidth2.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->renderException() wraps messages when they are bigger than the terminal');
  public function testRun() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add($command = new \Foo1Command());
    $_SERVER['argv'] = array(
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput', $command->input, '->run() creates an ArgvInput by default if none is given');
      ->assertInstanceOf('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput', $command->output, '->run() creates a ConsoleOutput by default if none is given');
    $application = new Application();
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      ->run(array(), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_run1.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->run() runs the list command if no argument is passed');
      '--help' => true,
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_run2.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->run() runs the help command if --help is passed');
      '-h' => true,
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_run2.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->run() runs the help command if -h is passed');
      'command' => 'list',
      '--help' => true,
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_run3.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->run() displays the help if --help is passed');
      'command' => 'list',
      '-h' => true,
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_run3.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->run() displays the help if -h is passed');
      '--ansi' => true,
      ->isDecorated(), '->run() forces color output if --ansi is passed');
      '--no-ansi' => true,
      ->isDecorated(), '->run() forces color output to be disabled if --no-ansi is passed');
      '--version' => true,
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_run4.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->run() displays the program version if --version is passed');
      '-V' => true,
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertStringEqualsFile(self::$fixturesPath . '/application_run4.txt', $tester
      ->getDisplay(true), '->run() displays the program version if -v is passed');
      'command' => 'list',
      '--quiet' => true,
      ->assertSame('', $tester
      ->getDisplay(), '->run() removes all output if --quiet is passed');
      'command' => 'list',
      '-q' => true,
      ->assertSame('', $tester
      ->getDisplay(), '->run() removes all output if -q is passed');
      'command' => 'list',
      '--verbose' => true,
      ->assertSame(Output::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, $tester
      ->getVerbosity(), '->run() sets the output to verbose if --verbose is passed');
      'command' => 'list',
      '--verbose' => 1,
      ->assertSame(Output::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, $tester
      ->getVerbosity(), '->run() sets the output to verbose if --verbose=1 is passed');
      'command' => 'list',
      '--verbose' => 2,
      ->assertSame(Output::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE, $tester
      ->getVerbosity(), '->run() sets the output to very verbose if --verbose=2 is passed');
      'command' => 'list',
      '--verbose' => 3,
      ->assertSame(Output::VERBOSITY_DEBUG, $tester
      ->getVerbosity(), '->run() sets the output to debug if --verbose=3 is passed');
      'command' => 'list',
      '--verbose' => 4,
      ->assertSame(Output::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, $tester
      ->getVerbosity(), '->run() sets the output to verbose if unknown --verbose level is passed');
      'command' => 'list',
      '-v' => true,
      ->assertSame(Output::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, $tester
      ->getVerbosity(), '->run() sets the output to verbose if -v is passed');
      'command' => 'list',
      '-vv' => true,
      ->assertSame(Output::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE, $tester
      ->getVerbosity(), '->run() sets the output to verbose if -v is passed');
      'command' => 'list',
      '-vvv' => true,
      ->assertSame(Output::VERBOSITY_DEBUG, $tester
      ->getVerbosity(), '->run() sets the output to verbose if -v is passed');
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      'command' => 'foo:bar',
      '--no-interaction' => true,
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertSame('called' . PHP_EOL, $tester
      ->getDisplay(), '->run() does not call interact() if --no-interaction is passed');
      'command' => 'foo:bar',
      '-n' => true,
    ), array(
      'decorated' => false,
      ->assertSame('called' . PHP_EOL, $tester
      ->getDisplay(), '->run() does not call interact() if -n is passed');

   * Issue #9285.
   * If the "verbose" option is just before an argument in ArgvInput,
   * an argument value should not be treated as verbosity value.
   * This test will fail with "Not enough arguments." if broken
  public function testVerboseValueNotBreakArguments() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->add(new \FooCommand());
    $output = new StreamOutput(fopen('php://memory', 'w', false));
    $input = new ArgvInput(array(
      ->run($input, $output);
    $input = new ArgvInput(array(
      ->run($input, $output);
  public function testRunReturnsIntegerExitCode() {
    $exception = new \Exception('', 4);
    $application = $this
      ->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application', array(
    $exitCode = $application
      ->run(new ArrayInput(array()), new NullOutput());
      ->assertSame(4, $exitCode, '->run() returns integer exit code extracted from raised exception');
  public function testRunReturnsExitCodeOneForExceptionCodeZero() {
    $exception = new \Exception('', 0);
    $application = $this
      ->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application', array(
    $exitCode = $application
      ->run(new ArrayInput(array()), new NullOutput());
      ->assertSame(1, $exitCode, '->run() returns exit code 1 when exception code is 0');

   * @expectedException \LogicException
   * @dataProvider getAddingAlreadySetDefinitionElementData
  public function testAddingAlreadySetDefinitionElementData($def) {
    $application = new Application();
      ->setCode(function (InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
    $input = new ArrayInput(array(
      'command' => 'foo',
    $output = new NullOutput();
      ->run($input, $output);
  public function getAddingAlreadySetDefinitionElementData() {
    return array(
        new InputArgument('command', InputArgument::REQUIRED),
        new InputOption('quiet', '', InputOption::VALUE_NONE),
        new InputOption('query', 'q', InputOption::VALUE_NONE),
  public function testGetDefaultHelperSetReturnsDefaultValues() {
    $application = new Application();
    $helperSet = $application
  public function testAddingSingleHelperSetOverwritesDefaultValues() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->setHelperSet(new HelperSet(array(
      new FormatterHelper(),
    $helperSet = $application

    // no other default helper set should be returned
  public function testOverwritingDefaultHelperSetOverwritesDefaultValues() {
    $application = new CustomApplication();
      ->setHelperSet(new HelperSet(array(
      new FormatterHelper(),
    $helperSet = $application

    // no other default helper set should be returned
  public function testGetDefaultInputDefinitionReturnsDefaultValues() {
    $application = new Application();
    $inputDefinition = $application
  public function testOverwritingDefaultInputDefinitionOverwritesDefaultValues() {
    $application = new CustomApplication();
    $inputDefinition = $application

    // check whether the default arguments and options are not returned any more
  public function testSettingCustomInputDefinitionOverwritesDefaultValues() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->setDefinition(new InputDefinition(array(
      new InputOption('--custom', '-c', InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Set the custom input definition.'),
    $inputDefinition = $application

    // check whether the default arguments and options are not returned any more
  public function testRunWithDispatcher() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->setCode(function (InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      'command' => 'foo',
      ->assertEquals('' . PHP_EOL, $tester

   * @expectedException        \LogicException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage caught
  public function testRunWithExceptionAndDispatcher() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->setCode(function (InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
      throw new \RuntimeException('foo');
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      'command' => 'foo',
  public function testRunDispatchesAllEventsWithException() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->setCode(function (InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
      throw new \RuntimeException('foo');
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      'command' => 'foo',
      ->assertContains('', $tester
  public function testRunWithDispatcherSkippingCommand() {
    $application = new Application();
      ->setCode(function (InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
    $exitCode = $tester
      'command' => 'foo',
      ->assertContains('before.after.', $tester
      ->assertEquals(ConsoleCommandEvent::RETURN_CODE_DISABLED, $exitCode);
  public function testTerminalDimensions() {
    $application = new Application();
    $originalDimensions = $application
      ->assertCount(2, $originalDimensions);
    $width = 80;
    if ($originalDimensions[0] == $width) {
      $width = 100;
      ->setTerminalDimensions($width, 80);
    ), $application
  protected function getDispatcher($skipCommand = false) {
    $dispatcher = new EventDispatcher();
      ->addListener('console.command', function (ConsoleCommandEvent $event) use ($skipCommand) {
      if ($skipCommand) {
      ->addListener('console.terminate', function (ConsoleTerminateEvent $event) use ($skipCommand) {
      if (!$skipCommand) {
      ->addListener('console.exception', function (ConsoleExceptionEvent $event) {
        ->setException(new \LogicException('caught.', $event
        ->getExitCode(), $event
    return $dispatcher;
  public function testSetRunCustomDefaultCommand() {
    $command = new \FooCommand();
    $application = new Application();
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      ->assertEquals('interact called' . PHP_EOL . 'called' . PHP_EOL, $tester
      ->getDisplay(), 'Application runs the default set command if different from \'list\' command');
    $application = new CustomDefaultCommandApplication();
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      ->assertEquals('interact called' . PHP_EOL . 'called' . PHP_EOL, $tester
      ->getDisplay(), 'Application runs the default set command if different from \'list\' command');
  public function testCanCheckIfTerminalIsInteractive() {
    if (!function_exists('posix_isatty')) {
        ->markTestSkipped('posix_isatty function is required');
    $application = new CustomDefaultCommandApplication();
    $tester = new ApplicationTester($application);
      'command' => 'help',
    $inputStream = $application
      ->isInteractive(), @posix_isatty($inputStream));



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ApplicationTest::$fixturesPath protected static property
ApplicationTest::ensureStaticCommandHelp protected function Replaces the dynamic placeholders of the command help text with a static version. The placeholder %command.full_name% includes the script path that is not predictable and can not be tested against.
ApplicationTest::getAddingAlreadySetDefinitionElementData public function
ApplicationTest::getDispatcher protected function
ApplicationTest::normalizeLineBreaks protected function
ApplicationTest::provideAmbiguousAbbreviations public function
ApplicationTest::provideInvalidCommandNamesSingle public function
ApplicationTest::setUpBeforeClass public static function
ApplicationTest::testAdd public function
ApplicationTest::testAddCommandWithEmptyConstructor public function @expectedException \LogicException @expectedExceptionMessage Command class "Foo5Command" is not correctly initialized. You probably forgot to call the parent constructor.
ApplicationTest::testAddingAlreadySetDefinitionElementData public function @expectedException \LogicException @dataProvider getAddingAlreadySetDefinitionElementData
ApplicationTest::testAddingSingleHelperSetOverwritesDefaultValues public function
ApplicationTest::testAll public function
ApplicationTest::testCanCheckIfTerminalIsInteractive public function
ApplicationTest::testConstructor public function
ApplicationTest::testFind public function
ApplicationTest::testFindAlternativeCommands public function
ApplicationTest::testFindAlternativeCommandsWithAnAlias public function
ApplicationTest::testFindAlternativeExceptionMessageMultiple public function
ApplicationTest::testFindAlternativeExceptionMessageSingle public function @dataProvider provideInvalidCommandNamesSingle @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException @expectedExceptionMessage Did you mean this
ApplicationTest::testFindAlternativeNamespace public function
ApplicationTest::testFindAmbiguousNamespace public function @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException @expectedExceptionMessage The namespace "f" is ambiguous (foo, foo1).
ApplicationTest::testFindCommandEqualNamespace public function
ApplicationTest::testFindCommandWithAmbiguousNamespacesButUniqueName public function
ApplicationTest::testFindCommandWithMissingNamespace public function
ApplicationTest::testFindInvalidNamespace public function @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException @expectedExceptionMessage There are no commands defined in the "bar" namespace.
ApplicationTest::testFindNamespace public function
ApplicationTest::testFindNamespaceDoesNotFailOnDeepSimilarNamespaces public function
ApplicationTest::testFindNamespaceWithSubnamespaces public function
ApplicationTest::testFindUniqueNameButNamespaceName public function @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException @expectedExceptionMessage Command "foo1" is not defined
ApplicationTest::testFindWithAmbiguousAbbreviations public function @dataProvider provideAmbiguousAbbreviations
ApplicationTest::testFindWithDoubleColonInNameThrowsException public function @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException @expectedExceptionMessage Command "foo::bar" is not defined.
ApplicationTest::testGetDefaultHelperSetReturnsDefaultValues public function
ApplicationTest::testGetDefaultInputDefinitionReturnsDefaultValues public function
ApplicationTest::testGetInvalidCommand public function @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException @expectedExceptionMessage The command "foofoo" does not exist.
ApplicationTest::testGetLongVersion public function
ApplicationTest::testGetNamespaces public function
ApplicationTest::testHasGet public function
ApplicationTest::testHelp public function
ApplicationTest::testLegacyAsText public function @group legacy
ApplicationTest::testLegacyAsXml public function @group legacy
ApplicationTest::testOverwritingDefaultHelperSetOverwritesDefaultValues public function
ApplicationTest::testOverwritingDefaultInputDefinitionOverwritesDefaultValues public function
ApplicationTest::testRegister public function
ApplicationTest::testRenderException public function
ApplicationTest::testRenderExceptionWithDoubleWidthCharacters public function
ApplicationTest::testRun public function
ApplicationTest::testRunDispatchesAllEventsWithException public function
ApplicationTest::testRunReturnsExitCodeOneForExceptionCodeZero public function
ApplicationTest::testRunReturnsIntegerExitCode public function
ApplicationTest::testRunWithDispatcher public function
ApplicationTest::testRunWithDispatcherSkippingCommand public function
ApplicationTest::testRunWithExceptionAndDispatcher public function @expectedException \LogicException @expectedExceptionMessage caught
ApplicationTest::testSetCatchExceptions public function
ApplicationTest::testSetGetName public function
ApplicationTest::testSetGetVersion public function
ApplicationTest::testSetRunCustomDefaultCommand public function
ApplicationTest::testSettingCustomInputDefinitionOverwritesDefaultValues public function
ApplicationTest::testSilentHelp public function
ApplicationTest::testTerminalDimensions public function
ApplicationTest::testVerboseValueNotBreakArguments public function Issue #9285.