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class D in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 vendor/symfony/class-loader/Tests/Fixtures/ClassesWithParents/D.php \ClassesWithParents\D


  • class \ClassesWithParents\B implements CInterface
    • class \ClassesWithParents\A
      • class \ClassesWithParents\D uses BTrait

Expanded class hierarchy of D

21 string references to 'D'
ConfigTranslationUiTest::testDateFormatTranslation in core/modules/config_translation/src/Tests/ConfigTranslationUiTest.php
Tests date format translation.
hook_views_pre_build in core/modules/views/views.api.php
Act on the view before the query is built, but after displays are attached.
LocaleConfigTranslationTest::testConfigTranslation in core/modules/locale/src/Tests/LocaleConfigTranslationTest.php
Tests basic configuration translation.
NestedArrayTest::testMergeExplicitKeys in core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Utility/NestedArrayTest.php
Tests that even with explicit keys, values are appended, not merged.
NestedArrayTest::testMergeOutOfSequenceKeys in core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Utility/NestedArrayTest.php
Tests that array keys values on the first array are ignored when merging.

... See full list


vendor/symfony/class-loader/Tests/Fixtures/ClassesWithParents/D.php, line 5


View source
class D extends A {
  use BTrait;

