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class PHPUnit_Util_Test in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/Test.php \PHPUnit_Util_Test

Test helpers.

@since Class available since Release 3.0.0


Expanded class hierarchy of PHPUnit_Util_Test

1 file declares its use of PHPUnit_Util_Test
TestDiscovery.php in core/modules/simpletest/src/TestDiscovery.php
Contains \Drupal\simpletest\TestDiscovery.


vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/Test.php, line 23

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class PHPUnit_Util_Test {
  const REGEX_DATA_PROVIDER = '/@dataProvider\\s+([a-zA-Z0-9._:-\\\\x7f-\\xff]+)/';
  const REGEX_TEST_WITH = '/@testWith\\s+/';
  const REGEX_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION = '(@expectedException\\s+([:.\\w\\\\x7f-\\xff]+)(?:[\\t ]+(\\S*))?(?:[\\t ]+(\\S*))?\\s*$)m';
  const REGEX_REQUIRES_VERSION = '/@requires\\s+(?P<name>PHP(?:Unit)?)\\s+(?P<value>[\\d\\.-]+(dev|(RC|alpha|beta)[\\d\\.])?)[ \\t]*\\r?$/m';
  const REGEX_REQUIRES_OS = '/@requires\\s+OS\\s+(?P<value>.+?)[ \\t]*\\r?$/m';
  const REGEX_REQUIRES = '/@requires\\s+(?P<name>function|extension)\\s+(?P<value>([^ ]+?))[ \\t]*\\r?$/m';
  const UNKNOWN = -1;
  const SMALL = 0;
  const MEDIUM = 1;
  const LARGE = 2;
  private static $annotationCache = array();
  private static $hookMethods = array();

   * @param  PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test
   * @param  bool                   $asString
   * @return mixed
  public static function describe(PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, $asString = true) {
    if ($asString) {
      if ($test instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_SelfDescribing) {
        return $test
      else {
        return get_class($test);
    else {
      if ($test instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase) {
        return array(
      elseif ($test instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_SelfDescribing) {
        return array(
      else {
        return array(

   * @param  string                                  $className
   * @param  string                                  $methodName
   * @return array|bool
   * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_CodeCoverageException
   * @since  Method available since Release 4.0.0
  public static function getLinesToBeCovered($className, $methodName) {
    $annotations = self::parseTestMethodAnnotations($className, $methodName);
    if (isset($annotations['class']['coversNothing']) || isset($annotations['method']['coversNothing'])) {
      return false;
    return self::getLinesToBeCoveredOrUsed($className, $methodName, 'covers');

   * Returns lines of code specified with the @uses annotation.
   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @return array
   * @since  Method available since Release 4.0.0
  public static function getLinesToBeUsed($className, $methodName) {
    return self::getLinesToBeCoveredOrUsed($className, $methodName, 'uses');

   * @param  string                                  $className
   * @param  string                                  $methodName
   * @param  string                                  $mode
   * @return array
   * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_CodeCoverageException
   * @since  Method available since Release 4.2.0
  private static function getLinesToBeCoveredOrUsed($className, $methodName, $mode) {
    $annotations = self::parseTestMethodAnnotations($className, $methodName);
    $classShortcut = null;
    if (!empty($annotations['class'][$mode . 'DefaultClass'])) {
      if (count($annotations['class'][$mode . 'DefaultClass']) > 1) {
        throw new PHPUnit_Framework_CodeCoverageException(sprintf('More than one @%sClass annotation in class or interface "%s".', $mode, $className));
      $classShortcut = $annotations['class'][$mode . 'DefaultClass'][0];
    $list = array();
    if (isset($annotations['class'][$mode])) {
      $list = $annotations['class'][$mode];
    if (isset($annotations['method'][$mode])) {
      $list = array_merge($list, $annotations['method'][$mode]);
    $codeList = array();
    foreach (array_unique($list) as $element) {
      if ($classShortcut && strncmp($element, '::', 2) === 0) {
        $element = $classShortcut . $element;
      $element = preg_replace('/[\\s()]+$/', '', $element);
      $element = explode(' ', $element);
      $element = $element[0];
      $codeList = array_merge($codeList, self::resolveElementToReflectionObjects($element));
    return self::resolveReflectionObjectsToLines($codeList);

   * Returns the requirements for a test.
   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @return array
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.6.0
  public static function getRequirements($className, $methodName) {
    $reflector = new ReflectionClass($className);
    $docComment = $reflector
    $reflector = new ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
    $docComment .= "\n" . $reflector
    $requires = array();
    if ($count = preg_match_all(self::REGEX_REQUIRES_OS, $docComment, $matches)) {
      $requires['OS'] = sprintf('/%s/i', addcslashes($matches['value'][$count - 1], '/'));
    if ($count = preg_match_all(self::REGEX_REQUIRES_VERSION, $docComment, $matches)) {
      for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
        $requires[$matches['name'][$i]] = $matches['value'][$i];

    $matches = array();
    if ($count = preg_match_all(self::REGEX_REQUIRES, $docComment, $matches)) {
      for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
        $name = $matches['name'][$i] . 's';
        if (!isset($requires[$name])) {
          $requires[$name] = array();
        $requires[$name][] = $matches['value'][$i];
    return $requires;

   * Returns the missing requirements for a test.
   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @return array
   * @since  Method available since Release 4.3.0
  public static function getMissingRequirements($className, $methodName) {
    $required = static::getRequirements($className, $methodName);
    $missing = array();
    if (!empty($required['PHP']) && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, $required['PHP'], '<')) {
      $missing[] = sprintf('PHP %s (or later) is required.', $required['PHP']);
    if (!empty($required['PHPUnit'])) {
      $phpunitVersion = PHPUnit_Runner_Version::id();
      if (version_compare($phpunitVersion, $required['PHPUnit'], '<')) {
        $missing[] = sprintf('PHPUnit %s (or later) is required.', $required['PHPUnit']);
    if (!empty($required['OS']) && !preg_match($required['OS'], PHP_OS)) {
      $missing[] = sprintf('Operating system matching %s is required.', $required['OS']);
    if (!empty($required['functions'])) {
      foreach ($required['functions'] as $function) {
        $pieces = explode('::', $function);
        if (2 === count($pieces) && method_exists($pieces[0], $pieces[1])) {
        if (function_exists($function)) {
        $missing[] = sprintf('Function %s is required.', $function);
    if (!empty($required['extensions'])) {
      foreach ($required['extensions'] as $extension) {
        if (!extension_loaded($extension)) {
          $missing[] = sprintf('Extension %s is required.', $extension);
    return $missing;

   * Returns the expected exception for a test.
   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @return array
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.3.6
  public static function getExpectedException($className, $methodName) {
    $reflector = new ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
    $docComment = $reflector
    $docComment = substr($docComment, 3, -2);
    if (preg_match(self::REGEX_EXPECTED_EXCEPTION, $docComment, $matches)) {
      $annotations = self::parseTestMethodAnnotations($className, $methodName);
      $class = $matches[1];
      $code = null;
      $message = '';
      $messageRegExp = '';
      if (isset($matches[2])) {
        $message = trim($matches[2]);
      elseif (isset($annotations['method']['expectedExceptionMessage'])) {
        $message = self::parseAnnotationContent($annotations['method']['expectedExceptionMessage'][0]);
      if (isset($annotations['method']['expectedExceptionMessageRegExp'])) {
        $messageRegExp = self::parseAnnotationContent($annotations['method']['expectedExceptionMessageRegExp'][0]);
      if (isset($matches[3])) {
        $code = $matches[3];
      elseif (isset($annotations['method']['expectedExceptionCode'])) {
        $code = self::parseAnnotationContent($annotations['method']['expectedExceptionCode'][0]);
      if (is_numeric($code)) {
        $code = (int) $code;
      elseif (is_string($code) && defined($code)) {
        $code = (int) constant($code);
      return array(
        'class' => $class,
        'code' => $code,
        'message' => $message,
        'message_regex' => $messageRegExp,
    return false;

   * Parse annotation content to use constant/class constant values
   * Constants are specified using a starting '@'. For example: @ClassName::CONST_NAME
   * If the constant is not found the string is used as is to ensure maximum BC.
   * @param  string $message
   * @return string
  private static function parseAnnotationContent($message) {
    if (strpos($message, '::') !== false && count(explode('::', $message) == 2)) {
      if (defined($message)) {
        $message = constant($message);
    return $message;

   * Returns the provided data for a method.
   * @param  string                      $className
   * @param  string                      $methodName
   * @return array|Iterator              when a data provider is specified and exists
   *                                                null           when no data provider is specified
   * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_Exception
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.2.0
  public static function getProvidedData($className, $methodName) {
    $reflector = new ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
    $docComment = $reflector
    $data = null;
    if ($dataProviderData = self::getDataFromDataProviderAnnotation($docComment, $className, $methodName)) {
      $data = $dataProviderData;
    if ($testWithData = self::getDataFromTestWithAnnotation($docComment)) {
      $data = $testWithData;
    if ($data !== null) {
      if (is_object($data)) {
        $data = iterator_to_array($data);
      foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
        if (!is_array($value)) {
          throw new PHPUnit_Framework_Exception(sprintf('Data set %s is invalid.', is_int($key) ? '#' . $key : '"' . $key . '"'));
    return $data;

   * Returns the provided data for a method.
   * @param  string                      $docComment
   * @param  string                      $className
   * @param  string                      $methodName
   * @return array|Iterator              when a data provider is specified and exists
   *                                                null           when no data provider is specified
   * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_Exception
  private static function getDataFromDataProviderAnnotation($docComment, $className, $methodName) {
    if (preg_match(self::REGEX_DATA_PROVIDER, $docComment, $matches)) {
      $dataProviderMethodNameNamespace = explode('\\', $matches[1]);
      $leaf = explode('::', array_pop($dataProviderMethodNameNamespace));
      $dataProviderMethodName = array_pop($leaf);
      if (!empty($dataProviderMethodNameNamespace)) {
        $dataProviderMethodNameNamespace = implode('\\', $dataProviderMethodNameNamespace) . '\\';
      else {
        $dataProviderMethodNameNamespace = '';
      if (!empty($leaf)) {
        $dataProviderClassName = $dataProviderMethodNameNamespace . array_pop($leaf);
      else {
        $dataProviderClassName = $className;
      $dataProviderClass = new ReflectionClass($dataProviderClassName);
      $dataProviderMethod = $dataProviderClass
      if ($dataProviderMethod
        ->isStatic()) {
        $object = null;
      else {
        $object = $dataProviderClass
      if ($dataProviderMethod
        ->getNumberOfParameters() == 0) {
        $data = $dataProviderMethod
      else {
        $data = $dataProviderMethod
          ->invoke($object, $methodName);
      return $data;

   * @param  string                      $docComment full docComment string
   * @return array                       when @testWith annotation is defined
   *                                                null  when @testWith annotation is omitted
   * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_Exception when @testWith annotation is defined but cannot be parsed
  public static function getDataFromTestWithAnnotation($docComment) {
    $docComment = self::cleanUpMultiLineAnnotation($docComment);
    if (preg_match(self::REGEX_TEST_WITH, $docComment, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
      $offset = strlen($matches[0][0]) + $matches[0][1];
      $annotationContent = substr($docComment, $offset);
      $data = array();
      foreach (explode("\n", $annotationContent) as $candidateRow) {
        $candidateRow = trim($candidateRow);
        $dataSet = json_decode($candidateRow, true);
        if (json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
        $data[] = $dataSet;
      if (!$data) {
        throw new PHPUnit_Framework_Exception('The dataset for the @testWith annotation cannot be parsed.');
      return $data;
  private static function cleanUpMultiLineAnnotation($docComment) {

    //removing initial '   * ' for docComment
    $docComment = preg_replace('/' . '\\n' . '\\s*' . '\\*' . '\\s?' . '/', "\n", $docComment);
    $docComment = substr($docComment, 0, -1);
    $docComment = rtrim($docComment, "\n");
    return $docComment;

   * @param  string              $className
   * @param  string              $methodName
   * @return array
   * @throws ReflectionException
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.4.0
  public static function parseTestMethodAnnotations($className, $methodName = '') {
    if (!isset(self::$annotationCache[$className])) {
      $class = new ReflectionClass($className);
      self::$annotationCache[$className] = self::parseAnnotations($class
    if (!empty($methodName) && !isset(self::$annotationCache[$className . '::' . $methodName])) {
      try {
        $method = new ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
        $annotations = self::parseAnnotations($method
      } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
        $annotations = array();
      self::$annotationCache[$className . '::' . $methodName] = $annotations;
    return array(
      'class' => self::$annotationCache[$className],
      'method' => !empty($methodName) ? self::$annotationCache[$className . '::' . $methodName] : array(),

   * @param  string $docblock
   * @return array
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.4.0
  private static function parseAnnotations($docblock) {
    $annotations = array();

    // Strip away the docblock header and footer to ease parsing of one line annotations
    $docblock = substr($docblock, 3, -2);
    if (preg_match_all('/@(?P<name>[A-Za-z_-]+)(?:[ \\t]+(?P<value>.*?))?[ \\t]*\\r?$/m', $docblock, $matches)) {
      $numMatches = count($matches[0]);
      for ($i = 0; $i < $numMatches; ++$i) {
        $annotations[$matches['name'][$i]][] = $matches['value'][$i];
    return $annotations;

   * Returns the backup settings for a test.
   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @return array
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.4.0
  public static function getBackupSettings($className, $methodName) {
    return array(
      'backupGlobals' => self::getBooleanAnnotationSetting($className, $methodName, 'backupGlobals'),
      'backupStaticAttributes' => self::getBooleanAnnotationSetting($className, $methodName, 'backupStaticAttributes'),

   * Returns the dependencies for a test class or method.
   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @return array
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.4.0
  public static function getDependencies($className, $methodName) {
    $annotations = self::parseTestMethodAnnotations($className, $methodName);
    $dependencies = array();
    if (isset($annotations['class']['depends'])) {
      $dependencies = $annotations['class']['depends'];
    if (isset($annotations['method']['depends'])) {
      $dependencies = array_merge($dependencies, $annotations['method']['depends']);
    return array_unique($dependencies);

   * Returns the error handler settings for a test.
   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @return bool
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.4.0
  public static function getErrorHandlerSettings($className, $methodName) {
    return self::getBooleanAnnotationSetting($className, $methodName, 'errorHandler');

   * Returns the groups for a test class or method.
   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @return array
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.2.0
  public static function getGroups($className, $methodName = '') {
    $annotations = self::parseTestMethodAnnotations($className, $methodName);
    $groups = array();
    if (isset($annotations['method']['author'])) {
      $groups = $annotations['method']['author'];
    elseif (isset($annotations['class']['author'])) {
      $groups = $annotations['class']['author'];
    if (isset($annotations['class']['group'])) {
      $groups = array_merge($groups, $annotations['class']['group']);
    if (isset($annotations['method']['group'])) {
      $groups = array_merge($groups, $annotations['method']['group']);
    if (isset($annotations['class']['ticket'])) {
      $groups = array_merge($groups, $annotations['class']['ticket']);
    if (isset($annotations['method']['ticket'])) {
      $groups = array_merge($groups, $annotations['method']['ticket']);
    foreach (array(
    ) as $element) {
      foreach (array(
      ) as $size) {
        if (isset($annotations[$element][$size])) {
          $groups[] = $size;
          break 2;
        if (isset($annotations[$element][$size])) {
          $groups[] = $size;
          break 2;
    return array_unique($groups);

   * Returns the size of the test.
   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @return int
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.6.0
  public static function getSize($className, $methodName) {
    $groups = array_flip(self::getGroups($className, $methodName));
    $size = self::UNKNOWN;
    $class = new ReflectionClass($className);
    if (isset($groups['large']) || class_exists('PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_TestCase', false) && $class
      ->isSubclassOf('PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_TestCase') || class_exists('PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase', false) && $class
      ->isSubclassOf('PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase')) {
      $size = self::LARGE;
    elseif (isset($groups['medium'])) {
      $size = self::MEDIUM;
    elseif (isset($groups['small'])) {
      $size = self::SMALL;
    return $size;

   * Returns the tickets for a test class or method.
   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @return array
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.4.0
  public static function getTickets($className, $methodName) {
    $annotations = self::parseTestMethodAnnotations($className, $methodName);
    $tickets = array();
    if (isset($annotations['class']['ticket'])) {
      $tickets = $annotations['class']['ticket'];
    if (isset($annotations['method']['ticket'])) {
      $tickets = array_merge($tickets, $annotations['method']['ticket']);
    return array_unique($tickets);

   * Returns the process isolation settings for a test.
   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @return bool
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.4.1
  public static function getProcessIsolationSettings($className, $methodName) {
    $annotations = self::parseTestMethodAnnotations($className, $methodName);
    if (isset($annotations['class']['runTestsInSeparateProcesses']) || isset($annotations['method']['runInSeparateProcess'])) {
      return true;
    else {
      return false;

   * Returns the preserve global state settings for a test.
   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @return bool
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.4.0
  public static function getPreserveGlobalStateSettings($className, $methodName) {
    return self::getBooleanAnnotationSetting($className, $methodName, 'preserveGlobalState');

   * @param  string $className
   * @return array
   * @since  Method available since Release 4.0.8
  public static function getHookMethods($className) {
    if (!class_exists($className, false)) {
      return self::emptyHookMethodsArray();
    if (!isset(self::$hookMethods[$className])) {
      self::$hookMethods[$className] = self::emptyHookMethodsArray();
      try {
        $class = new ReflectionClass($className);
        foreach ($class
          ->getMethods() as $method) {
          if (self::isBeforeClassMethod($method)) {
            self::$hookMethods[$className]['beforeClass'][] = $method
          if (self::isBeforeMethod($method)) {
            self::$hookMethods[$className]['before'][] = $method
          if (self::isAfterMethod($method)) {
            self::$hookMethods[$className]['after'][] = $method
          if (self::isAfterClassMethod($method)) {
            self::$hookMethods[$className]['afterClass'][] = $method
      } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
    return self::$hookMethods[$className];

   * @return array
   * @since  Method available since Release 4.0.9
  private static function emptyHookMethodsArray() {
    return array(
      'beforeClass' => array(
      'before' => array(
      'after' => array(
      'afterClass' => array(

   * @param  string $className
   * @param  string $methodName
   * @param  string $settingName
   * @return bool
   * @since  Method available since Release 3.4.0
  private static function getBooleanAnnotationSetting($className, $methodName, $settingName) {
    $annotations = self::parseTestMethodAnnotations($className, $methodName);
    $result = null;
    if (isset($annotations['class'][$settingName])) {
      if ($annotations['class'][$settingName][0] == 'enabled') {
        $result = true;
      elseif ($annotations['class'][$settingName][0] == 'disabled') {
        $result = false;
    if (isset($annotations['method'][$settingName])) {
      if ($annotations['method'][$settingName][0] == 'enabled') {
        $result = true;
      elseif ($annotations['method'][$settingName][0] == 'disabled') {
        $result = false;
    return $result;

   * @param  string                                         $element
   * @return array
   * @throws PHPUnit_Framework_InvalidCoversTargetException
   * @since  Method available since Release 4.0.0
  private static function resolveElementToReflectionObjects($element) {
    $codeToCoverList = array();
    if (strpos($element, '\\') !== false && function_exists($element)) {
      $codeToCoverList[] = new ReflectionFunction($element);
    else {
      if (strpos($element, '::') !== false) {
        list($className, $methodName) = explode('::', $element);
        if (isset($methodName[0]) && $methodName[0] == '<') {
          $classes = array(
          foreach ($classes as $className) {
            if (!class_exists($className) && !interface_exists($className)) {
              throw new PHPUnit_Framework_InvalidCoversTargetException(sprintf('Trying to @cover or @use not existing class or ' . 'interface "%s".', $className));
            $class = new ReflectionClass($className);
            $methods = $class
            $inverse = isset($methodName[1]) && $methodName[1] == '!';
            if (strpos($methodName, 'protected')) {
              $visibility = 'isProtected';
            elseif (strpos($methodName, 'private')) {
              $visibility = 'isPrivate';
            elseif (strpos($methodName, 'public')) {
              $visibility = 'isPublic';
            foreach ($methods as $method) {
              if ($inverse && !$method
                ->{$visibility}()) {
                $codeToCoverList[] = $method;
              elseif (!$inverse && $method
                ->{$visibility}()) {
                $codeToCoverList[] = $method;
        else {
          $classes = array(
          foreach ($classes as $className) {
            if ($className == '' && function_exists($methodName)) {
              $codeToCoverList[] = new ReflectionFunction($methodName);
            else {
              if (!((class_exists($className) || interface_exists($className) || trait_exists($className)) && method_exists($className, $methodName))) {
                throw new PHPUnit_Framework_InvalidCoversTargetException(sprintf('Trying to @cover or @use not existing method "%s::%s".', $className, $methodName));
              $codeToCoverList[] = new ReflectionMethod($className, $methodName);
      else {
        $extended = false;
        if (strpos($element, '<extended>') !== false) {
          $element = str_replace('<extended>', '', $element);
          $extended = true;
        $classes = array(
        if ($extended) {
          $classes = array_merge($classes, class_implements($element), class_parents($element));
        foreach ($classes as $className) {
          if (!class_exists($className) && !interface_exists($className) && !trait_exists($className)) {
            throw new PHPUnit_Framework_InvalidCoversTargetException(sprintf('Trying to @cover or @use not existing class or ' . 'interface "%s".', $className));
          $codeToCoverList[] = new ReflectionClass($className);
    return $codeToCoverList;

   * @param  array $reflectors
   * @return array
  private static function resolveReflectionObjectsToLines(array $reflectors) {
    $result = array();
    foreach ($reflectors as $reflector) {
      $filename = $reflector
      if (!isset($result[$filename])) {
        $result[$filename] = array();
      $result[$filename] = array_unique(array_merge($result[$filename], range($reflector
        ->getStartLine(), $reflector
    return $result;

   * @param  ReflectionMethod $method
   * @return bool
   * @since  Method available since Release 4.0.8
  private static function isBeforeClassMethod(ReflectionMethod $method) {
    return $method
      ->isStatic() && strpos($method
      ->getDocComment(), '@beforeClass') !== false;

   * @param  ReflectionMethod $method
   * @return bool
   * @since  Method available since Release 4.0.8
  private static function isBeforeMethod(ReflectionMethod $method) {
    return preg_match('/@before\\b/', $method

   * @param  ReflectionMethod $method
   * @return bool
   * @since  Method available since Release 4.0.8
  private static function isAfterClassMethod(ReflectionMethod $method) {
    return $method
      ->isStatic() && strpos($method
      ->getDocComment(), '@afterClass') !== false;

   * @param  ReflectionMethod $method
   * @return bool
   * @since  Method available since Release 4.0.8
  private static function isAfterMethod(ReflectionMethod $method) {
    return preg_match('/@after\\b/', $method



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
PHPUnit_Util_Test::$annotationCache private static property
PHPUnit_Util_Test::$hookMethods private static property
PHPUnit_Util_Test::cleanUpMultiLineAnnotation private static function
PHPUnit_Util_Test::describe public static function
PHPUnit_Util_Test::emptyHookMethodsArray private static function @since Method available since Release 4.0.9
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getBackupSettings public static function Returns the backup settings for a test.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getBooleanAnnotationSetting private static function @since Method available since Release 3.4.0
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getDataFromDataProviderAnnotation private static function Returns the provided data for a method.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getDataFromTestWithAnnotation public static function
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getDependencies public static function Returns the dependencies for a test class or method.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getErrorHandlerSettings public static function Returns the error handler settings for a test.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getExpectedException public static function Returns the expected exception for a test.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getGroups public static function Returns the groups for a test class or method.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getHookMethods public static function @since Method available since Release 4.0.8
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getLinesToBeCovered public static function @since Method available since Release 4.0.0
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getLinesToBeCoveredOrUsed private static function @since Method available since Release 4.2.0
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getLinesToBeUsed public static function Returns lines of code specified with the @uses annotation.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getMissingRequirements public static function Returns the missing requirements for a test.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getPreserveGlobalStateSettings public static function Returns the preserve global state settings for a test.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getProcessIsolationSettings public static function Returns the process isolation settings for a test.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getProvidedData public static function Returns the provided data for a method.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getRequirements public static function Returns the requirements for a test.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getSize public static function Returns the size of the test.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::getTickets public static function Returns the tickets for a test class or method.
PHPUnit_Util_Test::isAfterClassMethod private static function @since Method available since Release 4.0.8
PHPUnit_Util_Test::isAfterMethod private static function @since Method available since Release 4.0.8
PHPUnit_Util_Test::isBeforeClassMethod private static function @since Method available since Release 4.0.8
PHPUnit_Util_Test::isBeforeMethod private static function @since Method available since Release 4.0.8
PHPUnit_Util_Test::LARGE constant
PHPUnit_Util_Test::MEDIUM constant
PHPUnit_Util_Test::parseAnnotationContent private static function Parse annotation content to use constant/class constant values
PHPUnit_Util_Test::parseAnnotations private static function @since Method available since Release 3.4.0
PHPUnit_Util_Test::parseTestMethodAnnotations public static function @since Method available since Release 3.4.0
PHPUnit_Util_Test::REGEX_DATA_PROVIDER constant
PHPUnit_Util_Test::REGEX_REQUIRES constant
PHPUnit_Util_Test::REGEX_REQUIRES_OS constant
PHPUnit_Util_Test::REGEX_TEST_WITH constant
PHPUnit_Util_Test::resolveElementToReflectionObjects private static function @since Method available since Release 4.0.0
PHPUnit_Util_Test::resolveReflectionObjectsToLines private static function
PHPUnit_Util_Test::SMALL constant
PHPUnit_Util_Test::UNKNOWN constant