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class PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Text in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/CodeCoverage/Report/Text.php \PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Text

Generates human readable output from an PHP_CodeCoverage object.

The output gets put into a text file our written to the CLI.

@since Class available since Release 1.1.0


Expanded class hierarchy of PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Text


vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/CodeCoverage/Report/Text.php, line 18

View source
class PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Text {
  protected $lowUpperBound;
  protected $highLowerBound;
  protected $showUncoveredFiles;
  protected $showOnlySummary;
  protected $colors = array(
    'green' => "\33[30;42m",
    'yellow' => "\33[30;43m",
    'red' => "\33[37;41m",
    'header' => "\33[1;37;40m",
    'reset' => "\33[0m",
    'eol' => "\33[2K",
  public function __construct($lowUpperBound, $highLowerBound, $showUncoveredFiles, $showOnlySummary) {
    $this->lowUpperBound = $lowUpperBound;
    $this->highLowerBound = $highLowerBound;
    $this->showUncoveredFiles = $showUncoveredFiles;
    $this->showOnlySummary = $showOnlySummary;

   * @param  PHP_CodeCoverage $coverage
   * @param  bool             $showColors
   * @return string
  public function process(PHP_CodeCoverage $coverage, $showColors = false) {
    $output = PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
    $report = $coverage
    $colors = array(
      'header' => '',
      'classes' => '',
      'methods' => '',
      'lines' => '',
      'reset' => '',
      'eol' => '',
    if ($showColors) {
      $colors['classes'] = $this
        ->getNumTestedClassesAndTraits(), $report
      $colors['methods'] = $this
        ->getNumTestedMethods(), $report
      $colors['lines'] = $this
        ->getNumExecutedLines(), $report
      $colors['reset'] = $this->colors['reset'];
      $colors['header'] = $this->colors['header'];
      $colors['eol'] = $this->colors['eol'];
    $classes = sprintf('  Classes: %6s (%d/%d)', PHP_CodeCoverage_Util::percent($report
      ->getNumTestedClassesAndTraits(), $report
      ->getNumClassesAndTraits(), true), $report
      ->getNumTestedClassesAndTraits(), $report
    $methods = sprintf('  Methods: %6s (%d/%d)', PHP_CodeCoverage_Util::percent($report
      ->getNumTestedMethods(), $report
      ->getNumMethods(), true), $report
      ->getNumTestedMethods(), $report
    $lines = sprintf('  Lines:   %6s (%d/%d)', PHP_CodeCoverage_Util::percent($report
      ->getNumExecutedLines(), $report
      ->getNumExecutableLines(), true), $report
      ->getNumExecutedLines(), $report
    $padding = max(array_map('strlen', array(
    if ($this->showOnlySummary) {
      $title = 'Code Coverage Report Summary:';
      $padding = max($padding, strlen($title));
      $output .= $this
        ->format($colors['header'], $padding, $title);
    else {
      $date = date('  Y-m-d H:i:s', $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME']);
      $title = 'Code Coverage Report:';
      $output .= $this
        ->format($colors['header'], $padding, $title);
      $output .= $this
        ->format($colors['header'], $padding, $date);
      $output .= $this
        ->format($colors['header'], $padding, '');
      $output .= $this
        ->format($colors['header'], $padding, ' Summary:');
    $output .= $this
      ->format($colors['classes'], $padding, $classes);
    $output .= $this
      ->format($colors['methods'], $padding, $methods);
    $output .= $this
      ->format($colors['lines'], $padding, $lines);
    if ($this->showOnlySummary) {
      return $output . PHP_EOL;
    $classCoverage = array();
    foreach ($report as $item) {
      if (!$item instanceof PHP_CodeCoverage_Report_Node_File) {
      $classes = $item
      foreach ($classes as $className => $class) {
        $classStatements = 0;
        $coveredClassStatements = 0;
        $coveredMethods = 0;
        $classMethods = 0;
        foreach ($class['methods'] as $method) {
          if ($method['executableLines'] == 0) {
          $classStatements += $method['executableLines'];
          $coveredClassStatements += $method['executedLines'];
          if ($method['coverage'] == 100) {
        if (!empty($class['package']['namespace'])) {
          $namespace = '\\' . $class['package']['namespace'] . '::';
        elseif (!empty($class['package']['fullPackage'])) {
          $namespace = '@' . $class['package']['fullPackage'] . '::';
        else {
          $namespace = '';
        $classCoverage[$namespace . $className] = array(
          'namespace' => $namespace,
          'className ' => $className,
          'methodsCovered' => $coveredMethods,
          'methodCount' => $classMethods,
          'statementsCovered' => $coveredClassStatements,
          'statementCount' => $classStatements,
    $methodColor = '';
    $linesColor = '';
    $resetColor = '';
    foreach ($classCoverage as $fullQualifiedPath => $classInfo) {
      if ($classInfo['statementsCovered'] != 0 || $this->showUncoveredFiles) {
        if ($showColors) {
          $methodColor = $this
            ->getCoverageColor($classInfo['methodsCovered'], $classInfo['methodCount']);
          $linesColor = $this
            ->getCoverageColor($classInfo['statementsCovered'], $classInfo['statementCount']);
          $resetColor = $colors['reset'];
        $output .= PHP_EOL . $fullQualifiedPath . PHP_EOL . '  ' . $methodColor . 'Methods: ' . $this
          ->printCoverageCounts($classInfo['methodsCovered'], $classInfo['methodCount'], 2) . $resetColor . ' ' . '  ' . $linesColor . 'Lines: ' . $this
          ->printCoverageCounts($classInfo['statementsCovered'], $classInfo['statementCount'], 3) . $resetColor;
    return $output . PHP_EOL;
  protected function getCoverageColor($numberOfCoveredElements, $totalNumberOfElements) {
    $coverage = PHP_CodeCoverage_Util::percent($numberOfCoveredElements, $totalNumberOfElements);
    if ($coverage >= $this->highLowerBound) {
      return $this->colors['green'];
    elseif ($coverage > $this->lowUpperBound) {
      return $this->colors['yellow'];
    return $this->colors['red'];
  protected function printCoverageCounts($numberOfCoveredElements, $totalNumberOfElements, $presicion) {
    $format = '%' . $presicion . 's';
    return PHP_CodeCoverage_Util::percent($numberOfCoveredElements, $totalNumberOfElements, true, true) . ' (' . sprintf($format, $numberOfCoveredElements) . '/' . sprintf($format, $totalNumberOfElements) . ')';
  private function format($color, $padding, $string) {
    $reset = $color ? $this->colors['reset'] : '';
    return $color . str_pad($string, $padding) . $reset . PHP_EOL;

