class vfsStreamTestCase in Zircon Profile 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.0 vendor/mikey179/vfsStream/src/test/php/org/bovigo/vfs/vfsStreamTestCase.php \org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStreamTestCase
Test for org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStream.
- class \org\bovigo\vfs\vfsStreamTestCase extends \org\bovigo\vfs\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
Expanded class hierarchy of vfsStreamTestCase
- vendor/
mikey179/ vfsStream/ src/ test/ php/ org/ bovigo/ vfs/ vfsStreamTestCase.php, line 14
org\bovigo\vfsView source
class vfsStreamTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
* set up test environment
public function setUp() {
* assure that path2url conversion works correct
* @test
public function url() {
->assertEquals('vfs://foo', vfsStream::url('foo'));
->assertEquals('vfs://foo/bar.baz', vfsStream::url('foo/bar.baz'));
->assertEquals('vfs://foo/bar.baz', vfsStream::url('foo\\bar.baz'));
* assure that url2path conversion works correct
* @test
public function path() {
->assertEquals('foo', vfsStream::path('vfs://foo'));
->assertEquals('foo/bar.baz', vfsStream::path('vfs://foo/bar.baz'));
->assertEquals('foo/bar.baz', vfsStream::path('vfs://foo\\bar.baz'));
* windows directory separators are converted into default separator
* @author Gabriel Birke
* @test
public function pathConvertsWindowsDirectorySeparators() {
->assertEquals('foo/bar', vfsStream::path('vfs://foo\\bar'));
* trailing whitespace should be removed
* @author Gabriel Birke
* @test
public function pathRemovesTrailingWhitespace() {
->assertEquals('foo/bar', vfsStream::path('vfs://foo/bar '));
* trailing slashes are removed
* @author Gabriel Birke
* @test
public function pathRemovesTrailingSlash() {
->assertEquals('foo/bar', vfsStream::path('vfs://foo/bar/'));
* trailing slash and whitespace should be removed
* @author Gabriel Birke
* @test
public function pathRemovesTrailingSlashAndWhitespace() {
->assertEquals('foo/bar', vfsStream::path('vfs://foo/bar/ '));
* double slashes should be replaced by single slash
* @author Gabriel Birke
* @test
public function pathRemovesDoubleSlashes() {
// Regular path
->assertEquals('my/path', vfsStream::path('vfs://my/path'));
// Path with double slashes
->assertEquals('my/path', vfsStream::path('vfs://my//path'));
* test to create a new file
* @test
public function newFile() {
$file = vfsStream::newFile('filename.txt');
->assertInstanceOf('org\\bovigo\\vfs\\vfsStreamFile', $file);
->assertEquals('filename.txt', $file
->assertEquals(0666, $file
* test to create a new file with non-default permissions
* @test
* @group permissions
public function newFileWithDifferentPermissions() {
$file = vfsStream::newFile('filename.txt', 0644);
->assertInstanceOf('org\\bovigo\\vfs\\vfsStreamFile', $file);
->assertEquals('filename.txt', $file
->assertEquals(0644, $file
* test to create a new directory structure
* @test
public function newSingleDirectory() {
$foo = vfsStream::newDirectory('foo');
->assertEquals('foo', $foo
->assertEquals(0, count($foo
->assertEquals(0777, $foo
* test to create a new directory structure with non-default permissions
* @test
* @group permissions
public function newSingleDirectoryWithDifferentPermissions() {
$foo = vfsStream::newDirectory('foo', 0755);
->assertEquals('foo', $foo
->assertEquals(0, count($foo
->assertEquals(0755, $foo
* test to create a new directory structure
* @test
public function newDirectoryStructure() {
$foo = vfsStream::newDirectory('foo/bar/baz');
->assertEquals('foo', $foo
->assertEquals(0777, $foo
$bar = $foo
->assertEquals('bar', $bar
->assertEquals(0777, $bar
$baz1 = $bar
->assertEquals('baz', $baz1
->assertEquals(0777, $baz1
$baz2 = $foo
->assertSame($baz1, $baz2);
* test that correct directory structure is created
* @test
public function newDirectoryWithSlashAtStart() {
$foo = vfsStream::newDirectory('/foo/bar/baz', 0755);
->assertEquals('foo', $foo
->assertEquals(0755, $foo
$bar = $foo
->assertEquals('bar', $bar
->assertEquals(0755, $bar
$baz1 = $bar
->assertEquals('baz', $baz1
->assertEquals(0755, $baz1
$baz2 = $foo
->assertSame($baz1, $baz2);
* @test
* @group setup
* @since 0.7.0
public function setupRegistersStreamWrapperAndCreatesRootDirectoryWithDefaultNameAndPermissions() {
$root = vfsStream::setup();
->assertSame($root, vfsStreamWrapper::getRoot());
->assertEquals('root', $root
->assertEquals(0777, $root
* @test
* @group setup
* @since 0.7.0
public function setupRegistersStreamWrapperAndCreatesRootDirectoryWithGivenNameAndDefaultPermissions() {
$root = vfsStream::setup('foo');
->assertSame($root, vfsStreamWrapper::getRoot());
->assertEquals('foo', $root
->assertEquals(0777, $root
* @test
* @group setup
* @since 0.7.0
public function setupRegistersStreamWrapperAndCreatesRootDirectoryWithGivenNameAndPermissions() {
$root = vfsStream::setup('foo', 0444);
->assertSame($root, vfsStreamWrapper::getRoot());
->assertEquals('foo', $root
->assertEquals(0444, $root
* @test
* @group issue_14
* @group issue_20
* @since 0.10.0
public function setupWithEmptyArrayIsEqualToSetup() {
$root = vfsStream::setup('example', 0755, array());
->assertEquals('example', $root
->assertEquals(0755, $root
* @test
* @group issue_14
* @group issue_20
* @since 0.10.0
public function setupArraysAreTurnedIntoSubdirectories() {
$root = vfsStream::setup('root', null, array(
'test' => array(),
->assertInstanceOf('org\\bovigo\\vfs\\vfsStreamDirectory', $root
* @test
* @group issue_14
* @group issue_20
* @since 0.10.0
public function setupStringsAreTurnedIntoFilesWithContent() {
$root = vfsStream::setup('root', null, array(
'test.txt' => 'some content',
->getChild('test.txt'), 'some content');
* @test
* @group issue_14
* @group issue_20
* @since 0.10.0
public function setupWorksRecursively() {
$root = vfsStream::setup('root', null, array(
'test' => array(
'foo' => array(
'test.txt' => 'hello',
'baz.txt' => 'world',
$test = $root
->assertInstanceOf('org\\bovigo\\vfs\\vfsStreamDirectory', $test);
->getChild('baz.txt'), 'world');
$foo = $test
->assertInstanceOf('org\\bovigo\\vfs\\vfsStreamDirectory', $foo);
->getChild('test.txt'), 'hello');
* @test
* @group issue_17
* @group issue_20
public function setupCastsNumericDirectoriesToStrings() {
$root = vfsStream::setup('root', null, array(
2011 => array(
'test.txt' => 'some content',
$directory = $root
->getChild('test.txt'), 'some content');
* @test
* @group issue_20
* @since 0.11.0
public function createArraysAreTurnedIntoSubdirectories() {
$baseDir = vfsStream::create(array(
'test' => array(),
), new vfsStreamDirectory('baseDir'));
->assertInstanceOf('org\\bovigo\\vfs\\vfsStreamDirectory', $baseDir
* @test
* @group issue_20
* @since 0.11.0
public function createArraysAreTurnedIntoSubdirectoriesOfRoot() {
$root = vfsStream::setup();
->assertSame($root, vfsStream::create(array(
'test' => array(),
->assertInstanceOf('org\\bovigo\\vfs\\vfsStreamDirectory', $root
* @test
* @group issue_20
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
* @since 0.11.0
public function createThrowsExceptionIfNoBaseDirGivenAndNoRootSet() {
'test' => array(),
* @test
* @group issue_20
* @since 0.11.0
public function createWorksRecursively() {
$baseDir = vfsStream::create(array(
'test' => array(
'foo' => array(
'test.txt' => 'hello',
'baz.txt' => 'world',
), new vfsStreamDirectory('baseDir'));
$test = $baseDir
->assertInstanceOf('org\\bovigo\\vfs\\vfsStreamDirectory', $test);
->getChild('baz.txt'), 'world');
$foo = $test
->assertInstanceOf('org\\bovigo\\vfs\\vfsStreamDirectory', $foo);
->getChild('test.txt'), 'hello');
* @test
* @group issue_20
* @since 0.11.0
public function createWorksRecursivelyWithRoot() {
$root = vfsStream::setup();
->assertSame($root, vfsStream::create(array(
'test' => array(
'foo' => array(
'test.txt' => 'hello',
'baz.txt' => 'world',
$test = $root
->assertInstanceOf('org\\bovigo\\vfs\\vfsStreamDirectory', $test);
->getChild('baz.txt'), 'world');
$foo = $test
->assertInstanceOf('org\\bovigo\\vfs\\vfsStreamDirectory', $foo);
->getChild('test.txt'), 'hello');
* @test
* @group issue_20
* @since 0.10.0
public function createStringsAreTurnedIntoFilesWithContent() {
$baseDir = vfsStream::create(array(
'test.txt' => 'some content',
), new vfsStreamDirectory('baseDir'));
->getChild('test.txt'), 'some content');
* @test
* @group issue_20
* @since 0.11.0
public function createStringsAreTurnedIntoFilesWithContentWithRoot() {
$root = vfsStream::setup();
->assertSame($root, vfsStream::create(array(
'test.txt' => 'some content',
->getChild('test.txt'), 'some content');
* @test
* @group issue_20
* @since 0.11.0
public function createCastsNumericDirectoriesToStrings() {
$baseDir = vfsStream::create(array(
2011 => array(
'test.txt' => 'some content',
), new vfsStreamDirectory('baseDir'));
$directory = $baseDir
->getChild('test.txt'), 'some content');
* @test
* @group issue_20
* @since 0.11.0
public function createCastsNumericDirectoriesToStringsWithRoot() {
$root = vfsStream::setup();
->assertSame($root, vfsStream::create(array(
2011 => array(
'test.txt' => 'some content',
$directory = $root
->getChild('test.txt'), 'some content');
* helper function for assertions on vfsStreamFile
* @param vfsStreamFile $file
* @param string $content
protected function assertVfsFile(vfsStreamFile $file, $content) {
->assertInstanceOf('org\\bovigo\\vfs\\vfsStreamFile', $file);
->assertEquals($content, $file
* @test
* @group issue_10
* @since 0.10.0
public function inspectWithContentGivesContentToVisitor() {
$mockContent = $this
$mockVisitor = $this
->assertSame($mockVisitor, vfsStream::inspect($mockVisitor, $mockContent));
* @test
* @group issue_10
* @since 0.10.0
public function inspectWithoutContentGivesRootToVisitor() {
$root = vfsStream::setup();
$mockVisitor = $this
->assertSame($mockVisitor, vfsStream::inspect($mockVisitor));
* @test
* @group issue_10
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
* @since 0.10.0
public function inspectWithoutContentAndWithoutRootThrowsInvalidArgumentException() {
$mockVisitor = $this
* returns path to file system copy resource directory
* @return string
protected function getFileSystemCopyDir() {
return realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../resources/filesystemcopy');
* @test
* @group issue_4
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
* @since 0.11.0
public function copyFromFileSystemThrowsExceptionIfNoBaseDirGivenAndNoRootSet() {
* @test
* @group issue_4
* @since 0.11.0
public function copyFromEmptyFolder() {
$baseDir = vfsStream::copyFromFileSystem($this
->getFileSystemCopyDir() . '/emptyFolder', vfsStream::newDirectory('test'));
* @test
* @group issue_4
* @since 0.11.0
public function copyFromEmptyFolderWithRoot() {
$root = vfsStream::setup();
->assertEquals($root, vfsStream::copyFromFileSystem($this
->getFileSystemCopyDir() . '/emptyFolder'));
* @test
* @group issue_4
* @since 0.11.0
public function copyFromWithSubFolders() {
$baseDir = vfsStream::copyFromFileSystem($this
->getFileSystemCopyDir(), vfsStream::newDirectory('test'), 3);
$subfolderDir = $baseDir
->getChild('subfolder1/file1.txt'), ' ');
->getChild('aFile.txt'), 'foo');
* @test
* @group issue_4
* @since 0.11.0
public function copyFromWithSubFoldersWithRoot() {
$root = vfsStream::setup();
->assertEquals($root, vfsStream::copyFromFileSystem($this
->getFileSystemCopyDir(), null, 3));
$subfolderDir = $root
->getChild('subfolder1/file1.txt'), ' ');
->getChild('aFile.txt'), 'foo');
* @test
* @group issue_4
* @group issue_29
* @since 0.11.2
public function copyFromPreservesFilePermissions() {
->markTestSkipped('Only applicable on Linux style systems.');
$copyDir = $this
$root = vfsStream::setup();
->assertEquals($root, vfsStream::copyFromFileSystem($copyDir, null));
->assertEquals(fileperms($copyDir . '/withSubfolders') - vfsStreamContent::TYPE_DIR, $root
->assertEquals(fileperms($copyDir . '/withSubfolders/aFile.txt') - vfsStreamContent::TYPE_FILE, $root
* To test this the max file size is reduced to something reproduceable.
* @test
* @group issue_91
* @since 1.5.0
public function copyFromFileSystemMocksLargeFiles() {
->markTestSkipped('Only applicable on Linux style systems.');
$copyDir = $this
$root = vfsStream::setup();
vfsStream::copyFromFileSystem($copyDir, $root, 3);
->assertEquals(' ', $root
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
protected | function | helper function for assertions on vfsStreamFile | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_4 @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_4 @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | To test this the max file size is reduced to something reproduceable. | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_4 @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_4 @group issue_29 @since 0.11.2 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_4 @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_4 @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_20 @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_20 @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_20 @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_20 @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_20 @since 0.10.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_20 @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_20 @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_20 @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_20 @since 0.11.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
protected | function | returns path to file system copy resource directory | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_10 @since 0.10.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_10 @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException @since 0.10.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_10 @since 0.10.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | test to create a new directory structure | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | test that correct directory structure is created | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | test to create a new file | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | test to create a new file with non-default permissions | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | test to create a new directory structure | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | test to create a new directory structure with non-default permissions | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | assure that url2path conversion works correct | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | windows directory separators are converted into default separator | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | double slashes should be replaced by single slash | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | trailing slashes are removed | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | trailing slash and whitespace should be removed | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | trailing whitespace should be removed | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | set up test environment | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_14 @group issue_20 @since 0.10.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_17 @group issue_20 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group setup @since 0.7.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group setup @since 0.7.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group setup @since 0.7.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_14 @group issue_20 @since 0.10.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_14 @group issue_20 @since 0.10.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | @test @group issue_14 @group issue_20 @since 0.10.0 | |
vfsStreamTestCase:: |
public | function | assure that path2url conversion works correct |