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class Tokenizer in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name in this branch
  1. 8.0 vendor/symfony/css-selector/Parser/Tokenizer/Tokenizer.php \Symfony\Component\CssSelector\Parser\Tokenizer\Tokenizer
  2. 8.0 vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Parser/Tokenizer.php \Masterminds\HTML5\Parser\Tokenizer
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Parser/Tokenizer.php \Masterminds\HTML5\Parser\Tokenizer

The HTML5 tokenizer.

The tokenizer's role is reading data from the scanner and gathering it into semantic units. From the tokenizer, data is emitted to an event handler, which may (for example) create a DOM tree.

The HTML5 specification has a detailed explanation of tokenizing HTML5. We follow that specification to the maximum extent that we can. If you find a discrepancy that is not documented, please file a bug and/or submit a patch.

This tokenizer is implemented as a recursive descent parser.

Within the API documentation, you may see references to the specific section of the HTML5 spec that the code attempts to reproduce. Example: This refers to section of the HTML5 CR specification.


Expanded class hierarchy of Tokenizer

See also

4 files declare their use of Tokenizer
DOMTreeBuilderTest.php in vendor/masterminds/html5/test/HTML5/Parser/DOMTreeBuilderTest.php
Test the Tree Builder.
HTML5.php in vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5.php
TokenizerTest.php in vendor/masterminds/html5/test/HTML5/Parser/TokenizerTest.php
TreeBuildingRulesTest.php in vendor/masterminds/html5/test/HTML5/Parser/TreeBuildingRulesTest.php
Test the Tree Builder's special-case rules.


vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Parser/Tokenizer.php, line 26


View source
class Tokenizer {
  protected $scanner;
  protected $events;
  protected $tok;

   * Buffer for text.
  protected $text = '';

  // When this goes to false, the parser stops.
  protected $carryOn = true;
  protected $textMode = 0;

  protected $untilTag = null;
  const WHITE = "\t\n\f ";

   * Create a new tokenizer.
   * Typically, parsing a document involves creating a new tokenizer, giving
   * it a scanner (input) and an event handler (output), and then calling
   * the Tokenizer::parse() method.`
   * @param \Masterminds\HTML5\Parser\Scanner $scanner
   *            A scanner initialized with an input stream.
   * @param \Masterminds\HTML5\Parser\EventHandler $eventHandler
   *            An event handler, initialized and ready to receive
   *            events.
  public function __construct($scanner, $eventHandler) {
    $this->scanner = $scanner;
    $this->events = $eventHandler;

   * Begin parsing.
   * This will begin scanning the document, tokenizing as it goes.
   * Tokens are emitted into the event handler.
   * Tokenizing will continue until the document is completely
   * read. Errors are emitted into the event handler, but
   * the parser will attempt to continue parsing until the
   * entire input stream is read.
  public function parse() {
    $p = 0;
    do {
      $p = $this->scanner

      // FIXME: Add infinite loop protection.
    } while ($this->carryOn);

   * Set the text mode for the character data reader.
   * HTML5 defines three different modes for reading text:
   * - Normal: Read until a tag is encountered.
   * - RCDATA: Read until a tag is encountered, but skip a few otherwise-
   * special characters.
   * - Raw: Read until a special closing tag is encountered (viz. pre, script)
   * This allows those modes to be set.
   * Normally, setting is done by the event handler via a special return code on
   * startTag(), but it can also be set manually using this function.
   * @param integer $textmode
   *            One of Elements::TEXT_*
   * @param string $untilTag
   *            The tag that should stop RAW or RCDATA mode. Normal mode does not
   *            use this indicator.
  public function setTextMode($textmode, $untilTag = null) {
    $this->textMode = $textmode & (Elements::TEXT_RAW | Elements::TEXT_RCDATA);
    $this->untilTag = $untilTag;

   * Consume a character and make a move.
   * HTML5
  protected function consumeData() {

    // Character Ref

     * $this->characterReference() || $this->tagOpen() || $this->eof() || $this->characterData();
    return $this->carryOn;

   * Parse anything that looks like character data.
   * Different rules apply based on the current text mode.
   * @see Elements::TEXT_RAW Elements::TEXT_RCDATA.
  protected function characterData() {
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() === false) {
      return false;
    switch ($this->textMode) {
      case Elements::TEXT_RAW:
        return $this
      case Elements::TEXT_RCDATA:
        return $this
        $tok = $this->scanner
        if (strspn($tok, "<&")) {
          return false;
        return $this

   * This buffers the current token as character data.
  protected function text() {
    $tok = $this->scanner

    // This should never happen...
    if ($tok === false) {
      return false;

    // Null
    if ($tok === "\0") {
        ->parseError("Received null character.");

    // fprintf(STDOUT, "Writing '%s'", $tok);
    return true;

   * Read text in RAW mode.
  protected function rawText() {
    if (is_null($this->untilTag)) {
      return $this
    $sequence = '</' . $this->untilTag . '>';
    $txt = $this
    return $this

   * Read text in RCDATA mode.
  protected function rcdata() {
    if (is_null($this->untilTag)) {
      return $this
    $sequence = '</' . $this->untilTag;
    $txt = '';
    $tok = $this->scanner
    $caseSensitive = !Elements::isHtml5Element($this->untilTag);
    while ($tok !== false && !($tok == '<' && $this
      ->sequenceMatches($sequence, $caseSensitive))) {
      if ($tok == '&') {
        $txt .= $this
        $tok = $this->scanner
      else {
        $txt .= $tok;
        $tok = $this->scanner
    $len = strlen($sequence);
    $len += strlen($this->scanner
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() !== '>') {
        ->parseError("Unclosed RCDATA end tag");
    return $this

   * If the document is read, emit an EOF event.
  protected function eof() {
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() === false) {

      // fprintf(STDOUT, "EOF");
      $this->carryOn = false;
      return true;
    return false;

   * Handle character references (aka entities).
   * This version is specific to PCDATA, as it buffers data into the
   * text buffer. For a generic version, see decodeCharacterReference().
   * HTML5
  protected function characterReference() {
    $ref = $this
    if ($ref !== false) {
      return true;
    return false;

   * Emit a tagStart event on encountering a tag.
  protected function tagOpen() {
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() != '<') {
      return false;

    // Any buffered text data can go out now.
    return $this
      ->markupDeclaration() || $this
      ->endTag() || $this
      ->processingInstruction() || $this
      ->tagName() || $this
      ->parseError("Illegal tag opening") || $this

   * Look for markup.
  protected function markupDeclaration() {
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() != '!') {
      return false;
    $tok = $this->scanner

    // Comment:
    if ($tok == '-' && $this->scanner
      ->peek() == '-') {

      // Consume the other '-'

      // Next char.
      return $this
    elseif ($tok == 'D' || $tok == 'd') {

      // Doctype
      return $this
    elseif ($tok == '[') {

      // CDATA section
      return $this

    // FINISH
      ->parseError("Expected <!--, <![CDATA[, or <!DOCTYPE. Got <!%s", $tok);
    return true;

   * Consume an end tag.
  protected function endTag() {
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() != '/') {
      return false;
    $tok = $this->scanner

    // a-zA-Z -> tagname
    // > -> parse error
    // EOF -> parse error
    // -> parse error
    if (!ctype_alpha($tok)) {
        ->parseError("Expected tag name, got '%s'", $tok);
      if ($tok == "\0" || $tok === false) {
        return false;
      return $this
    $name = strtolower($this->scanner
      ->charsUntil("\n\f \t>"));

    // Trash whitespace.
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() != '>') {
        ->parseError("Expected >, got '%s'", $this->scanner

      // We just trash stuff until we get to the next tag close.
    return true;

   * Consume a tag name and body.
  protected function tagName() {
    $tok = $this->scanner
    if (!ctype_alpha($tok)) {
      return false;

    // We know this is at least one char.
    $name = strtolower($this->scanner
    $attributes = array();
    $selfClose = false;

    // Handle attribute parse exceptions here so that we can
    // react by trying to build a sensible parse tree.
    try {
      do {
      } while (!$this
    } catch (ParseError $e) {
      $selfClose = false;
    $mode = $this->events
      ->startTag($name, $attributes, $selfClose);

    // Should we do this? What does this buy that selfClose doesn't?
    if ($selfClose) {
    elseif (is_int($mode)) {

      // fprintf(STDOUT, "Event response says move into mode %d for tag %s", $mode, $name);
        ->setTextMode($mode, $name);
    return true;

   * Check if the scanner has reached the end of a tag.
  protected function isTagEnd(&$selfClose) {
    $tok = $this->scanner
    if ($tok == '/') {
      if ($this->scanner
        ->current() == '>') {
        $selfClose = true;
        return true;
      if ($this->scanner
        ->current() === false) {
          ->parseError("Unexpected EOF inside of tag.");
        return true;

      // Basically, we skip the / token and go on.
      // See
        ->parseError("Unexpected '%s' inside of a tag.", $this->scanner
      return false;
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() == '>') {
      return true;
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() === false) {
        ->parseError("Unexpected EOF inside of tag.");
      return true;
    return false;

   * Parse attributes from inside of a tag.
  protected function attribute(&$attributes) {
    $tok = $this->scanner
    if ($tok == '/' || $tok == '>' || $tok === false) {
      return false;
    if ($tok == '<') {
        ->parseError("Unexepcted '<' inside of attributes list.");

      // Push the < back onto the stack.

      // Let the caller figure out how to handle this.
      throw new ParseError("Start tag inside of attribute.");
    $name = strtolower($this->scanner
      ->charsUntil("/>=\n\f\t "));
    if (strlen($name) == 0) {
        ->parseError("Expected an attribute name, got %s.", $this->scanner

      // Really, only '=' can be the char here. Everything else gets absorbed
      // under one rule or another.
      $name = $this->scanner
    $isValidAttribute = true;

    // Attribute names can contain most Unicode characters for HTML5.
    // But method "DOMElement::setAttribute" is throwing exception
    // because of it's own internal restriction so these have to be filtered.
    // see issue #23:
    // and
    if (preg_match("/[\1-,\\/;-@[-^`{-]/u", $name)) {
        ->parseError("Unexpected characters in attribute name: %s", $name);
      $isValidAttribute = false;
    else {
      if (preg_match("/^[0-9.-]/u", $name)) {
          ->parseError("Unexpected character at the begining of attribute name: %s", $name);
        $isValidAttribute = false;

    $val = $this
    if ($isValidAttribute) {
      $attributes[$name] = $val;
    return true;

   * Consume an attribute value.
   * and after.
  protected function attributeValue() {
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() != '=') {
      return null;

    $tok = $this->scanner
    switch ($tok) {
      case "\n":
      case "\f":
      case " ":
      case "\t":

        // Whitespace here indicates an empty value.
        return null;
      case '"':
      case "'":
        return $this
      case '>':

        // case '/': // seems to allow foo=/ as a valid attr.
          ->parseError("Expected attribute value, got tag end.");
        return null;
      case '=':
      case '`':
          ->parseError("Expecting quotes, got %s.", $tok);
        return $this
        return $this

   * Get an attribute value string.
   * @param string $quote
   *            IMPORTANT: This is a series of chars! Any one of which will be considered
   *            termination of an attribute's value. E.g. "\"'" will stop at either
   *            ' or ".
   * @return string The attribute value.
  protected function quotedAttributeValue($quote) {
    $stoplist = "\f" . $quote;
    $val = '';
    $tok = $this->scanner
    while (strspn($tok, $stoplist) == 0 && $tok !== false) {
      if ($tok == '&') {
        $val .= $this
        $tok = $this->scanner
      else {
        $val .= $tok;
        $tok = $this->scanner
    return $val;
  protected function unquotedAttributeValue() {
    $stoplist = "\t\n\f >";
    $val = '';
    $tok = $this->scanner
    while (strspn($tok, $stoplist) == 0 && $tok !== false) {
      if ($tok == '&') {
        $val .= $this
        $tok = $this->scanner
      else {
        if (strspn($tok, "\"'<=`") > 0) {
            ->parseError("Unexpected chars in unquoted attribute value %s", $tok);
        $val .= $tok;
        $tok = $this->scanner
    return $val;

   * Consume malformed markup as if it were a comment.
   * The spec requires that the ENTIRE tag-like thing be enclosed inside of
   * the comment. So this will generate comments like:
   * &lt;!--&lt/+foo&gt;--&gt;
   * @param string $leading
   *            Prepend any leading characters. This essentially
   *            negates the need to backtrack, but it's sort of
   *            a hack.
  protected function bogusComment($leading = '') {

    // TODO: This can be done more efficiently when the
    // scanner exposes a readUntil() method.
    $comment = $leading;
    $tok = $this->scanner
    do {
      $comment .= $tok;
      $tok = $this->scanner
    } while ($tok !== false && $tok != '>');
      ->comment($comment . $tok);
    return true;

   * Read a comment.
   * Expects the first tok to be inside of the comment.
  protected function comment() {
    $tok = $this->scanner
    $comment = '';

    // <!-->. Emit an empty comment because says to.
    if ($tok == '>') {

      // Parse error. Emit the comment token.
        ->parseError("Expected comment data, got '>'");
      return true;

    // Replace NULL with the replacement char.
    if ($tok == "\0") {
      $tok = UTF8Utils::FFFD;
    while (!$this
      ->isCommentEnd()) {
      $comment .= $tok;
      $tok = $this->scanner
    return true;

   * Check if the scanner has reached the end of a comment.
  protected function isCommentEnd() {

    // EOF
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() === false) {

      // Hit the end.
        ->parseError("Unexpected EOF in a comment.");
      return true;

    // If it doesn't start with -, not the end.
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() != '-') {
      return false;

    // Advance one, and test for '->'
    if ($this->scanner
      ->next() == '-' && $this->scanner
      ->peek() == '>') {

      // Consume the last '>'
      return true;

    // Unread '-';
    return false;

   * Parse a DOCTYPE.
   * Parse a DOCTYPE declaration. This method has strong bearing on whether or
   * not Quirksmode is enabled on the event handler.
   * @todo This method is a little long. Should probably refactor.
  protected function doctype() {
    if (strcasecmp($this->scanner
      ->current(), 'D')) {
      return false;

    // Check that string is DOCTYPE.
    $chars = $this->scanner
    if (strcasecmp($chars, 'DOCTYPE')) {
        ->parseError('Expected DOCTYPE, got %s', $chars);
      return $this
        ->bogusComment('<!' . $chars);
    $tok = $this->scanner

    // EOF: die.
    if ($tok === false) {
        ->doctype('html5', EventHandler::DOCTYPE_NONE, '', true);
      return $this
    $doctypeName = '';

    // NULL char: convert.
    if ($tok === "\0") {
        ->parseError("Unexpected null character in DOCTYPE.");
      $doctypeName .= UTF8::FFFD;
      $tok = $this->scanner
    $stop = " \n\f>";
    $doctypeName = $this->scanner

    // Lowercase ASCII, replace \0 with FFFD
    $doctypeName = strtolower(strtr($doctypeName, "\0", UTF8Utils::FFFD));
    $tok = $this->scanner

    // If false, emit a parse error, DOCTYPE, and return.
    if ($tok === false) {
        ->parseError('Unexpected EOF in DOCTYPE declaration.');
        ->doctype($doctypeName, EventHandler::DOCTYPE_NONE, null, true);
      return true;

    // Short DOCTYPE, like <!DOCTYPE html>
    if ($tok == '>') {

      // DOCTYPE without a name.
      if (strlen($doctypeName) == 0) {
          ->parseError("Expected a DOCTYPE name. Got nothing.");
          ->doctype($doctypeName, 0, null, true);
        return true;
      return true;
    $pub = strtoupper($this->scanner
    $white = strlen($this->scanner
    $tok = $this->scanner

    // Get ID, and flag it as pub or system.
    if (($pub == 'PUBLIC' || $pub == 'SYSTEM') && $white > 0) {

      // Get the sys ID.
      $type = $pub == 'PUBLIC' ? EventHandler::DOCTYPE_PUBLIC : EventHandler::DOCTYPE_SYSTEM;
      $id = $this
      if ($id === false) {
          ->doctype($doctypeName, $type, $pub, false);
        return false;

      // Premature EOF.
      if ($this->scanner
        ->current() === false) {
          ->parseError("Unexpected EOF in DOCTYPE");
          ->doctype($doctypeName, $type, $id, true);
        return true;

      // Well-formed complete DOCTYPE.
      if ($this->scanner
        ->current() == '>') {
          ->doctype($doctypeName, $type, $id, false);
        return true;

      // If we get here, we have <!DOCTYPE foo PUBLIC "bar" SOME_JUNK
      // Throw away the junk, parse error, quirks mode, return true.
        ->parseError("Malformed DOCTYPE.");
        ->doctype($doctypeName, $type, $id, true);
      return true;

    // Else it's a bogus DOCTYPE.
    // Consume to > and trash.
      ->parseError("Expected PUBLIC or SYSTEM. Got %s.", $pub);
      ->doctype($doctypeName, 0, null, true);
    return true;

   * Utility for reading a quoted string.
   * @param string $stopchars
   *            Characters (in addition to a close-quote) that should stop the string.
   *            E.g. sometimes '>' is higher precedence than '"' or "'".
   * @return mixed String if one is found (quotations omitted)
  protected function quotedString($stopchars) {
    $tok = $this->scanner
    if ($tok == '"' || $tok == "'") {
      $ret = $this->scanner
        ->charsUntil($tok . $stopchars);
      if ($this->scanner
        ->current() == $tok) {
      else {

        // Parse error because no close quote.
          ->parseError("Expected %s, got %s", $tok, $this->scanner
      return $ret;
    return false;

   * Handle a CDATA section.
  protected function cdataSection() {
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() != '[') {
      return false;
    $cdata = '';
    $chars = $this->scanner
    if ($chars != 'CDATA' || $this->scanner
      ->current() != '[') {
        ->parseError('Expected [CDATA[, got %s', $chars);
      return $this
        ->bogusComment('<![' . $chars);
    $tok = $this->scanner
    do {
      if ($tok === false) {
          ->parseError('Unexpected EOF inside CDATA.');
          ->bogusComment('<![CDATA[' . $cdata);
        return true;
      $cdata .= $tok;
      $tok = $this->scanner
    } while (!$this

    // Consume ]]>
    return true;

  // ================================================================
  // Non-HTML5
  // ================================================================

   * Handle a processing instruction.
   * XML processing instructions are supposed to be ignored in HTML5,
   * treated as "bogus comments". However, since we're not a user
   * agent, we allow them. We consume until ?> and then issue a
   * EventListener::processingInstruction() event.
  protected function processingInstruction() {
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() != '?') {
      return false;
    $tok = $this->scanner
    $procName = $this->scanner
    $white = strlen($this->scanner

    // If not a PI, send to bogusComment.
    if (strlen($procName) == 0 || $white == 0 || $this->scanner
      ->current() == false) {
        ->parseError("Expected processing instruction name, got {$tok}");
        ->bogusComment('<?' . $tok . $procName);
      return true;
    $data = '';

    // As long as it's not the case that the next two chars are ? and >.
    while (!($this->scanner
      ->current() == '?' && $this->scanner
      ->peek() == '>')) {
      $data .= $this->scanner
      $tok = $this->scanner
      if ($tok === false) {
          ->parseError("Unexpected EOF in processing instruction.");
          ->processingInstruction($procName, $data);
        return true;

    // >

    // Next token.
      ->processingInstruction($procName, $data);
    return true;

  // ================================================================
  // ================================================================

   * Read from the input stream until we get to the desired sequene
   * or hit the end of the input stream.
  protected function readUntilSequence($sequence) {
    $buffer = '';

    // Optimization for reading larger blocks faster.
    $first = substr($sequence, 0, 1);
    while ($this->scanner
      ->current() !== false) {
      $buffer .= $this->scanner

      // Stop as soon as we hit the stopping condition.
      if ($this
        ->sequenceMatches($sequence, false)) {
        return $buffer;
      $buffer .= $this->scanner

    // If we get here, we hit the EOF.
      ->parseError("Unexpected EOF during text read.");
    return $buffer;

   * Check if upcomming chars match the given sequence.
   * This will read the stream for the $sequence. If it's
   * found, this will return true. If not, return false.
   * Since this unconsumes any chars it reads, the caller
   * will still need to read the next sequence, even if
   * this returns true.
   * Example: $this->sequenceMatches('</script>') will
   * see if the input stream is at the start of a
   * '</script>' string.
  protected function sequenceMatches($sequence, $caseSensitive = true) {
    $len = strlen($sequence);
    $buffer = '';
    for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {
      $buffer .= $this->scanner

      // EOF. Rewind and let the caller handle it.
      if ($this->scanner
        ->current() === false) {
        return false;
    return $caseSensitive ? $buffer == $sequence : strcasecmp($buffer, $sequence) === 0;

   * Send a TEXT event with the contents of the text buffer.
   * This emits an EventHandler::text() event with the current contents of the
   * temporary text buffer. (The buffer is used to group as much PCDATA
   * as we can instead of emitting lots and lots of TEXT events.)
  protected function flushBuffer() {
    if ($this->text === '') {
    $this->text = '';

   * Add text to the temporary buffer.
   * @see flushBuffer()
  protected function buffer($str) {
    $this->text .= $str;

   * Emit a parse error.
   * A parse error always returns false because it never consumes any
   * characters.
  protected function parseError($msg) {
    $args = func_get_args();
    if (count($args) > 1) {
      $msg = vsprintf($msg, $args);
    $line = $this->scanner
    $col = $this->scanner
      ->parseError($msg, $line, $col);
    return false;

   * Decode a character reference and return the string.
   * Returns false if the entity could not be found. If $inAttribute is set
   * to true, a bare & will be returned as-is.
   * @param boolean $inAttribute
   *            Set to true if the text is inside of an attribute value.
   *            false otherwise.
  protected function decodeCharacterReference($inAttribute = false) {

    // If it fails this, it's definitely not an entity.
    if ($this->scanner
      ->current() != '&') {
      return false;

    // Next char after &.
    $tok = $this->scanner
    $entity = '';
    $start = $this->scanner
    if ($tok == false) {
      return '&';

    // These indicate not an entity. We return just
    // the &.
    if (strspn($tok, static::WHITE . "&<") == 1) {

      // $this->scanner->next();
      return '&';

    // Numeric entity
    if ($tok == '#') {
      $tok = $this->scanner

      // Hexidecimal encoding.
      // X[0-9a-fA-F]+;
      // x[0-9a-fA-F]+;
      if ($tok == 'x' || $tok == 'X') {
        $tok = $this->scanner

        // Consume x
        // Convert from hex code to char.
        $hex = $this->scanner
        if (empty($hex)) {
            ->parseError("Expected &#xHEX;, got &#x%s", $tok);

          // We unconsume because we don't know what parser rules might
          // be in effect for the remaining chars. For example. '&#>'
          // might result in a specific parsing rule inside of tag
          // contexts, while not inside of pcdata context.
          return '&';
        $entity = CharacterReference::lookupHex($hex);
      else {

        // Convert from decimal to char.
        $numeric = $this->scanner
        if ($numeric === false) {
            ->parseError("Expected &#DIGITS;, got &#%s", $tok);
          return '&';
        $entity = CharacterReference::lookupDecimal($numeric);
    else {

      // Attempt to consume a string up to a ';'.
      // [a-zA-Z0-9]+;
      $cname = $this->scanner
      $entity = CharacterReference::lookupName($cname);

      // When no entity is found provide the name of the unmatched string
      // and continue on as the & is not part of an entity. The & will
      // be converted to &amp; elsewhere.
      if ($entity == null) {
          ->parseError("No match in entity table for '%s'", $cname);
          ->position() - $start);
        return '&';

    // The scanner has advanced the cursor for us.
    $tok = $this->scanner

    // We have an entity. We're done here.
    if ($tok == ';') {
      return $entity;

    // If in an attribute, then failing to match ; means unconsume the
    // entire string. Otherwise, failure to match is an error.
    if ($inAttribute) {
        ->position() - $start);
      return '&';
      ->parseError("Expected &ENTITY;, got &ENTITY%s (no trailing ;) ", $tok);
    return '&' . $entity;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
Tokenizer::$carryOn protected property
Tokenizer::$events protected property
Tokenizer::$scanner protected property
Tokenizer::$text protected property Buffer for text.
Tokenizer::$textMode protected property
Tokenizer::$tok protected property
Tokenizer::$untilTag protected property
Tokenizer::attribute protected function Parse attributes from inside of a tag.
Tokenizer::attributeValue protected function Consume an attribute value. and after.
Tokenizer::bogusComment protected function Consume malformed markup as if it were a comment.
Tokenizer::buffer protected function Add text to the temporary buffer.
Tokenizer::cdataSection protected function Handle a CDATA section.
Tokenizer::characterData protected function Parse anything that looks like character data.
Tokenizer::characterReference protected function Handle character references (aka entities).
Tokenizer::comment protected function Read a comment.
Tokenizer::consumeData protected function Consume a character and make a move. HTML5
Tokenizer::decodeCharacterReference protected function Decode a character reference and return the string.
Tokenizer::doctype protected function Parse a DOCTYPE.
Tokenizer::endTag protected function Consume an end tag.
Tokenizer::eof protected function If the document is read, emit an EOF event.
Tokenizer::flushBuffer protected function Send a TEXT event with the contents of the text buffer.
Tokenizer::isCommentEnd protected function Check if the scanner has reached the end of a comment.
Tokenizer::isTagEnd protected function Check if the scanner has reached the end of a tag.
Tokenizer::markupDeclaration protected function Look for markup.
Tokenizer::parse public function Begin parsing.
Tokenizer::parseError protected function Emit a parse error.
Tokenizer::processingInstruction protected function Handle a processing instruction.
Tokenizer::quotedAttributeValue protected function Get an attribute value string.
Tokenizer::quotedString protected function Utility for reading a quoted string.
Tokenizer::rawText protected function Read text in RAW mode.
Tokenizer::rcdata protected function Read text in RCDATA mode.
Tokenizer::readUntilSequence protected function Read from the input stream until we get to the desired sequene or hit the end of the input stream.
Tokenizer::sequenceMatches protected function Check if upcomming chars match the given sequence.
Tokenizer::setTextMode public function Set the text mode for the character data reader.
Tokenizer::tagName protected function Consume a tag name and body.
Tokenizer::tagOpen protected function Emit a tagStart event on encountering a tag.
Tokenizer::text protected function This buffers the current token as character data.
Tokenizer::unquotedAttributeValue protected function
Tokenizer::WHITE constant
Tokenizer::__construct public function Create a new tokenizer.