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class DOMTreeBuilder in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Parser/DOMTreeBuilder.php \Masterminds\HTML5\Parser\DOMTreeBuilder

Create an HTML5 DOM tree from events.

This attempts to create a DOM from events emitted by a parser. This attempts (but does not guarantee) to up-convert older HTML documents to HTML5. It does this by applying HTML5's rules, but it will not change the architecture of the document itself.

Many of the error correction and quirks features suggested in the specification are implemented herein; however, not all of them are. Since we do not assume a graphical user agent, no presentation-specific logic is conducted during tree building.

FIXME: The present tree builder does not exactly follow the state machine rules for insert modes as outlined in the HTML5 spec. The processor needs to be re-written to accomodate this. See, for example, the Go language HTML5 parser.


Expanded class hierarchy of DOMTreeBuilder

3 files declare their use of DOMTreeBuilder
DOMTreeBuilderTest.php in vendor/masterminds/html5/test/HTML5/Parser/DOMTreeBuilderTest.php
Test the Tree Builder.
HTML5.php in vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5.php
TreeBuildingRulesTest.php in vendor/masterminds/html5/test/HTML5/Parser/TreeBuildingRulesTest.php
Test the Tree Builder's special-case rules.


vendor/masterminds/html5/src/HTML5/Parser/DOMTreeBuilder.php, line 24


View source
class DOMTreeBuilder implements EventHandler {

   * Defined in
  const NAMESPACE_HTML = '';
  const NAMESPACE_MATHML = '';
  const NAMESPACE_SVG = '';
  const NAMESPACE_XLINK = '';
  const NAMESPACE_XML = '';
  const NAMESPACE_XMLNS = '';
  const OPT_DISABLE_HTML_NS = 'disable_html_ns';
  const OPT_TARGET_DOC = 'target_document';
  const OPT_IMPLICIT_NS = 'implicit_namespaces';

   * Holds the HTML5 element names that causes a namespace switch
   * @var array
  protected $nsRoots = array(
    'html' => self::NAMESPACE_HTML,
    'svg' => self::NAMESPACE_SVG,
    'math' => self::NAMESPACE_MATHML,

   * Holds the always available namespaces (which does not require the XMLNS declaration).
   * @var array
  protected $implicitNamespaces = array(
    'xml' => self::NAMESPACE_XML,
    'xmlns' => self::NAMESPACE_XMLNS,
    'xlink' => self::NAMESPACE_XLINK,

   * Holds a stack of currently active namespaces.
   * @var array
  protected $nsStack = array();

   * Holds the number of namespaces declared by a node.
   * @var array
  protected $pushes = array();

   * Defined in 8.2.5.
  const IM_INITIAL = 0;
  const IM_BEFORE_HTML = 1;
  const IM_BEFORE_HEAD = 2;
  const IM_IN_HEAD = 3;
  const IM_IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT = 4;
  const IM_AFTER_HEAD = 5;
  const IM_IN_BODY = 6;
  const IM_TEXT = 7;
  const IM_IN_TABLE = 8;
  const IM_IN_TABLE_TEXT = 9;
  const IM_IN_CAPTION = 10;
  const IM_IN_COLUMN_GROUP = 11;
  const IM_IN_TABLE_BODY = 12;
  const IM_IN_ROW = 13;
  const IM_IN_CELL = 14;
  const IM_IN_SELECT = 15;
  const IM_IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE = 16;
  const IM_AFTER_BODY = 17;
  const IM_IN_FRAMESET = 18;
  const IM_AFTER_FRAMESET = 19;
  const IM_AFTER_AFTER_BODY = 20;
  const IM_IN_SVG = 22;
  const IM_IN_MATHML = 23;
  protected $options = array();
  protected $stack = array();
  protected $current;

  // Pointer in the tag hierarchy.
  protected $doc;
  protected $frag;
  protected $processor;
  protected $insertMode = 0;

   * Track if we are in an element that allows only inline child nodes
   * @var string|null
  protected $onlyInline;

   * Quirks mode is enabled by default.
   * Any document that is missing the
   * DT will be considered to be in quirks mode.
  protected $quirks = true;
  protected $errors = array();
  public function __construct($isFragment = false, array $options = array()) {
    $this->options = $options;
    if (isset($options[self::OPT_TARGET_DOC])) {
      $this->doc = $options[self::OPT_TARGET_DOC];
    else {
      $impl = new \DOMImplementation();

      // XXX:
      // Create the doctype. For now, we are always creating HTML5
      // documents, and attempting to up-convert any older DTDs to HTML5.
      $dt = $impl

      // $this->doc = \DOMImplementation::createDocument(NULL, 'html', $dt);
      $this->doc = $impl
        ->createDocument(null, null, $dt);
    $this->errors = array();
    $this->current = $this->doc;

    // ->documentElement;
    // Create a rules engine for tags.
    $this->rules = new TreeBuildingRules($this->doc);
    $implicitNS = array();
    if (isset($this->options[self::OPT_IMPLICIT_NS])) {
      $implicitNS = $this->options[self::OPT_IMPLICIT_NS];
    elseif (isset($this->options["implicitNamespaces"])) {
      $implicitNS = $this->options["implicitNamespaces"];

    // Fill $nsStack with the defalut HTML5 namespaces, plus the "implicitNamespaces" array taken form $options
    array_unshift($this->nsStack, $implicitNS + array(
      '' => self::NAMESPACE_HTML,
    ) + $this->implicitNamespaces);
    if ($isFragment) {
      $this->insertMode = static::IM_IN_BODY;
      $this->frag = $this->doc
      $this->current = $this->frag;

   * Get the document.
  public function document() {
    return $this->doc;

   * Get the DOM fragment for the body.
   * This returns a DOMNodeList because a fragment may have zero or more
   * DOMNodes at its root.
   * @see
   * @return \DOMFragmentDocumentFragment
  public function fragment() {
    return $this->frag;

   * Provide an instruction processor.
   * This is used for handling Processor Instructions as they are
   * inserted. If omitted, PI's are inserted directly into the DOM tree.
  public function setInstructionProcessor(\Masterminds\HTML5\InstructionProcessor $proc) {
    $this->processor = $proc;
  public function doctype($name, $idType = 0, $id = null, $quirks = false) {

    // This is used solely for setting quirks mode. Currently we don't
    // try to preserve the inbound DT. We convert it to HTML5.
    $this->quirks = $quirks;
    if ($this->insertMode > static::IM_INITIAL) {
        ->parseError("Illegal placement of DOCTYPE tag. Ignoring: " . $name);
    $this->insertMode = static::IM_BEFORE_HTML;

   * Process the start tag.
   * @todo - XMLNS namespace handling (we need to parse, even if it's not valid)
   *       - XLink, MathML and SVG namespace handling
   *       - Omission rules: Optional tags
  public function startTag($name, $attributes = array(), $selfClosing = false) {

    // fprintf(STDOUT, $name);
    $lname = $this

    // Make sure we have an html element.
    if (!$this->doc->documentElement && $name !== 'html' && !$this->frag) {

    // Set quirks mode if we're at IM_INITIAL with no doctype.
    if ($this->insertMode == static::IM_INITIAL) {
      $this->quirks = true;
        ->parseError("No DOCTYPE specified.");

    // Spec says do this, and "don't ask."
    if ($name == 'image') {
      $name = 'img';

    // Autoclose p tags where appropriate.
    if ($this->insertMode >= static::IM_IN_BODY && Elements::isA($name, Elements::AUTOCLOSE_P)) {

    // Set insert mode:
    switch ($name) {
      case 'html':
        $this->insertMode = static::IM_BEFORE_HEAD;
      case 'head':
        if ($this->insertMode > static::IM_BEFORE_HEAD) {
            ->parseError("Unexpected head tag outside of head context.");
        else {
          $this->insertMode = static::IM_IN_HEAD;
      case 'body':
        $this->insertMode = static::IM_IN_BODY;
      case 'svg':
        $this->insertMode = static::IM_IN_SVG;
      case 'math':
        $this->insertMode = static::IM_IN_MATHML;
      case 'noscript':
        if ($this->insertMode == static::IM_IN_HEAD) {
          $this->insertMode = static::IM_IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT;

    // Special case handling for SVG.
    if ($this->insertMode == static::IM_IN_SVG) {
      $lname = Elements::normalizeSvgElement($lname);
    $pushes = 0;

    // when we found a tag thats appears inside $nsRoots, we have to switch the defalut namespace
    if (isset($this->nsRoots[$lname]) && $this->nsStack[0][''] !== $this->nsRoots[$lname]) {
      array_unshift($this->nsStack, array(
        '' => $this->nsRoots[$lname],
      ) + $this->nsStack[0]);
    $needsWorkaround = false;
    if (isset($this->options["xmlNamespaces"]) && $this->options["xmlNamespaces"]) {

      // when xmlNamespaces is true a and we found a 'xmlns' or 'xmlns:*' attribute, we should add a new item to the $nsStack
      foreach ($attributes as $aName => $aVal) {
        if ($aName === 'xmlns') {
          $needsWorkaround = $aVal;
          array_unshift($this->nsStack, array(
            '' => $aVal,
          ) + $this->nsStack[0]);
        elseif ((($pos = strpos($aName, ':')) ? substr($aName, 0, $pos) : '') === 'xmlns') {
          array_unshift($this->nsStack, array(
            substr($aName, $pos + 1) => $aVal,
          ) + $this->nsStack[0]);
    if ($this->onlyInline && Elements::isA($lname, Elements::BLOCK_TAG)) {
      $this->onlyInline = null;
    try {
      $prefix = ($pos = strpos($lname, ':')) ? substr($lname, 0, $pos) : '';
      if ($needsWorkaround !== false) {
        $xml = "<{$lname} xmlns=\"{$needsWorkaround}\" " . (strlen($prefix) && isset($this->nsStack[0][$prefix]) ? "xmlns:{$prefix}=\"" . $this->nsStack[0][$prefix] . "\"" : "") . "/>";
        $frag = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
        $ele = $this->doc
          ->importNode($frag->documentElement, true);
      else {
        if (!isset($this->nsStack[0][$prefix]) || $prefix === "" && isset($this->options[self::OPT_DISABLE_HTML_NS]) && $this->options[self::OPT_DISABLE_HTML_NS]) {
          $ele = $this->doc
        else {
          $ele = $this->doc
            ->createElementNS($this->nsStack[0][$prefix], $lname);
    } catch (\DOMException $e) {
        ->parseError("Illegal tag name: <{$lname}>. Replaced with <invalid>.");
      $ele = $this->doc
    if (Elements::isA($lname, Elements::BLOCK_ONLY_INLINE)) {
      $this->onlyInline = $lname;

    // When we add some namespacess, we have to track them. Later, when "endElement" is invoked, we have to remove them.
    // When we are on a void tag, we do not need to care about namesapce nesting.
    if ($pushes > 0 && !Elements::isA($name, Elements::VOID_TAG)) {

      // PHP tends to free the memory used by DOM,
      // to avoid spl_object_hash collisions whe have to avoid garbage collection of $ele storing it into $pushes
      // see
      $this->pushes[spl_object_hash($ele)] = array(

      // SEE
      if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) {
          ->setAttribute('html5-php-fake-id-attribute', spl_object_hash($ele));
    foreach ($attributes as $aName => $aVal) {

      // xmlns attributes can't be set
      if ($aName === 'xmlns') {
      if ($this->insertMode == static::IM_IN_SVG) {
        $aName = Elements::normalizeSvgAttribute($aName);
      elseif ($this->insertMode == static::IM_IN_MATHML) {
        $aName = Elements::normalizeMathMlAttribute($aName);
      try {
        $prefix = ($pos = strpos($aName, ':')) ? substr($aName, 0, $pos) : false;
        if ($prefix === 'xmlns') {
            ->setAttributeNs(self::NAMESPACE_XMLNS, $aName, $aVal);
        elseif ($prefix !== false && isset($this->nsStack[0][$prefix])) {
            ->setAttributeNs($this->nsStack[0][$prefix], $aName, $aVal);
        else {
            ->setAttribute($aName, $aVal);
      } catch (\DOMException $e) {
          ->parseError("Illegal attribute name for tag {$name}. Ignoring: {$aName}");

      // This is necessary on a non-DTD schema, like HTML5.
      if ($aName == 'id') {
          ->setIdAttribute('id', true);

    // Some elements have special processing rules. Handle those separately.
    if ($this->rules
      ->hasRules($name) && $this->frag !== $this->current) {
      $this->current = $this->rules
        ->evaluate($ele, $this->current);
    else {

      // XXX: Need to handle self-closing tags and unary tags.
      if (!Elements::isA($name, Elements::VOID_TAG)) {
        $this->current = $ele;

    // This is sort of a last-ditch attempt to correct for cases where no head/body
    // elements are provided.
    if ($this->insertMode <= static::IM_BEFORE_HEAD && $name != 'head' && $name != 'html') {
      $this->insertMode = static::IM_IN_BODY;

    // When we are on a void tag, we do not need to care about namesapce nesting,
    // but we have to remove the namespaces pushed to $nsStack.
    if ($pushes > 0 && Elements::isA($name, Elements::VOID_TAG)) {

      // remove the namespaced definded by current node
      for ($i = 0; $i < $pushes; $i++) {

    // Return the element mask, which the tokenizer can then use to set
    // various processing rules.
    return Elements::element($name);
  public function endTag($name) {
    $lname = $this

    // Ignore closing tags for unary elements.
    if (Elements::isA($name, Elements::VOID_TAG)) {
    if ($this->insertMode <= static::IM_BEFORE_HTML) {

      if (in_array($name, array(
      ))) {
        $this->insertMode = static::IM_BEFORE_HEAD;

      // Ignore the tag.
        ->parseError("Illegal closing tag at global scope.");

    // Special case handling for SVG.
    if ($this->insertMode == static::IM_IN_SVG) {
      $lname = Elements::normalizeSvgElement($lname);

    // See
    if (defined('HHVM_VERSION') && ($cid = $this->current
      ->getAttribute('html5-php-fake-id-attribute'))) {
    else {
      $cid = spl_object_hash($this->current);

    // XXX: Not sure whether we need this anymore.
    // if ($name != $lname) {
    // return $this->quirksTreeResolver($lname);
    // }
    // XXX: HTML has no parent. What do we do, though,
    // if this element appears in the wrong place?
    if ($lname == 'html') {

    // remove the namespaced definded by current node
    if (isset($this->pushes[$cid])) {
      for ($i = 0; $i < $this->pushes[$cid][0]; $i++) {
    if (!$this
      ->autoclose($lname)) {
        ->parseError('Could not find closing tag for ' . $lname);

    // switch ($this->insertMode) {
    switch ($lname) {
      case "head":
        $this->insertMode = static::IM_AFTER_HEAD;
      case "body":
        $this->insertMode = static::IM_AFTER_BODY;
      case "svg":
      case "mathml":
        $this->insertMode = static::IM_IN_BODY;
  public function comment($cdata) {

    // TODO: Need to handle case where comment appears outside of the HTML tag.
    $node = $this->doc
  public function text($data) {

    // XXX: Hmmm.... should we really be this strict?
    if ($this->insertMode < static::IM_IN_HEAD) {

      // Per ' The "before head" insertion mode' the characters
      // " \t\n\r\f" should be ignored but no mention of a parse error. This is
      // practical as most documents contain these characters. Other text is not
      // expected here so recording a parse error is necessary.
      $dataTmp = trim($data, " \t\n\r\f");
      if (!empty($dataTmp)) {

        // fprintf(STDOUT, "Unexpected insert mode: %d", $this->insertMode);
          ->parseError("Unexpected text. Ignoring: " . $dataTmp);

    // fprintf(STDOUT, "Appending text %s.", $data);
    $node = $this->doc
  public function eof() {

    // If the $current isn't the $root, do we need to do anything?
  public function parseError($msg, $line = 0, $col = 0) {
    $this->errors[] = sprintf("Line %d, Col %d: %s", $line, $col, $msg);
  public function getErrors() {
    return $this->errors;
  public function cdata($data) {
    $node = $this->doc
  public function processingInstruction($name, $data = null) {

    // XXX: Ignore initial XML declaration, per the spec.
    if ($this->insertMode == static::IM_INITIAL && 'xml' == strtolower($name)) {

    // Important: The processor may modify the current DOM tree however
    // it sees fit.
    if (isset($this->processor)) {
      $res = $this->processor
        ->process($this->current, $name, $data);
      if (!empty($res)) {
        $this->current = $res;

    // Otherwise, this is just a dumb PI element.
    $node = $this->doc
      ->createProcessingInstruction($name, $data);

  // ==========================================================================
  // ==========================================================================

   * Apply normalization rules to a tag name.
   * See sections 2.9 and 8.1.2.
   * @param string $name
   *            The tag name.
   * @return string The normalized tag name.
  protected function normalizeTagName($name) {

     * Section 2.9 suggests that we should not do this. if (strpos($name, ':') !== false) { // We know from the grammar that there must be at least one other // char besides :, since : is not a legal tag start. $parts = explode(':', $name); return array_pop($parts); }
    return $name;
  protected function quirksTreeResolver($name) {
    throw new \Exception("Not implemented.");

   * Automatically climb the tree and close the closest node with the matching $tag.
  protected function autoclose($tag) {
    $working = $this->current;
    do {
      if ($working->nodeType != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
        return false;
      if ($working->tagName == $tag) {
        $this->current = $working->parentNode;
        return true;
    } while ($working = $working->parentNode);
    return false;

   * Checks if the given tagname is an ancestor of the present candidate.
   * If $this->current or anything above $this->current matches the given tag
   * name, this returns true.
  protected function isAncestor($tagname) {
    $candidate = $this->current;
    while ($candidate->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
      if ($candidate->tagName == $tagname) {
        return true;
      $candidate = $candidate->parentNode;
    return false;

   * Returns true if the immediate parent element is of the given tagname.
  protected function isParent($tagname) {
    return $this->current->tagName == $tagname;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DOMTreeBuilder::$current protected property
DOMTreeBuilder::$doc protected property
DOMTreeBuilder::$errors protected property
DOMTreeBuilder::$frag protected property
DOMTreeBuilder::$implicitNamespaces protected property Holds the always available namespaces (which does not require the XMLNS declaration).
DOMTreeBuilder::$insertMode protected property
DOMTreeBuilder::$nsRoots protected property Holds the HTML5 element names that causes a namespace switch
DOMTreeBuilder::$nsStack protected property Holds a stack of currently active namespaces.
DOMTreeBuilder::$onlyInline protected property Track if we are in an element that allows only inline child nodes
DOMTreeBuilder::$options protected property
DOMTreeBuilder::$processor protected property
DOMTreeBuilder::$pushes protected property Holds the number of namespaces declared by a node.
DOMTreeBuilder::$quirks protected property Quirks mode is enabled by default. Any document that is missing the DT will be considered to be in quirks mode.
DOMTreeBuilder::$stack protected property
DOMTreeBuilder::autoclose protected function Automatically climb the tree and close the closest node with the matching $tag.
DOMTreeBuilder::cdata public function A CDATA section. Overrides EventHandler::cdata
DOMTreeBuilder::comment public function A comment section (unparsed character data). Overrides EventHandler::comment
DOMTreeBuilder::doctype public function A doctype declaration. Overrides EventHandler::doctype
DOMTreeBuilder::document public function Get the document.
DOMTreeBuilder::endTag public function An end-tag. Overrides EventHandler::endTag
DOMTreeBuilder::eof public function Indicates that the document has been entirely processed. Overrides EventHandler::eof
DOMTreeBuilder::fragment public function Get the DOM fragment for the body.
DOMTreeBuilder::getErrors public function
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_AFTER_AFTER_BODY constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_AFTER_BODY constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_AFTER_FRAMESET constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_AFTER_HEAD constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_BEFORE_HEAD constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_BEFORE_HTML constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_INITIAL constant Defined in 8.2.5.
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_BODY constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_CAPTION constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_CELL constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_COLUMN_GROUP constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_FRAMESET constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_HEAD constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_HEAD_NOSCRIPT constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_MATHML constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_ROW constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_SELECT constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_SVG constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_TABLE constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_TABLE_BODY constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_IN_TABLE_TEXT constant
DOMTreeBuilder::IM_TEXT constant
DOMTreeBuilder::isAncestor protected function Checks if the given tagname is an ancestor of the present candidate.
DOMTreeBuilder::isParent protected function Returns true if the immediate parent element is of the given tagname.
DOMTreeBuilder::NAMESPACE_HTML constant Defined in
DOMTreeBuilder::NAMESPACE_MATHML constant
DOMTreeBuilder::NAMESPACE_SVG constant
DOMTreeBuilder::NAMESPACE_XLINK constant
DOMTreeBuilder::NAMESPACE_XML constant
DOMTreeBuilder::NAMESPACE_XMLNS constant
DOMTreeBuilder::normalizeTagName protected function Apply normalization rules to a tag name.
DOMTreeBuilder::OPT_DISABLE_HTML_NS constant
DOMTreeBuilder::OPT_IMPLICIT_NS constant
DOMTreeBuilder::OPT_TARGET_DOC constant
DOMTreeBuilder::parseError public function Emitted when the parser encounters an error condition. Overrides EventHandler::parseError
DOMTreeBuilder::processingInstruction public function This is a holdover from the XML spec. Overrides EventHandler::processingInstruction
DOMTreeBuilder::quirksTreeResolver protected function
DOMTreeBuilder::setInstructionProcessor public function Provide an instruction processor.
DOMTreeBuilder::startTag public function Process the start tag. Overrides EventHandler::startTag
DOMTreeBuilder::text public function A unit of parsed character data. Overrides EventHandler::text
DOMTreeBuilder::__construct public function
EventHandler::DOCTYPE_NONE constant
EventHandler::DOCTYPE_PUBLIC constant
EventHandler::DOCTYPE_SYSTEM constant