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functionsTest.php in Zircon Profile 8.0


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namespace GuzzleHttp\Promise\Tests;

use GuzzleHttp\Promise as P;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\FulfilledPromise;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Promise;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectedPromise;
class FunctionsTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
  public function testCreatesPromiseForValue() {
    $p = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\promise_for('foo');
      ->assertInstanceOf('GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\FulfilledPromise', $p);
  public function testReturnsPromiseForPromise() {
    $p = new Promise();
      ->assertSame($p, \GuzzleHttp\Promise\promise_for($p));
  public function testReturnsPromiseForThennable() {
    $p = new Thennable();
    $wrapped = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\promise_for($p);
      ->assertNotSame($p, $wrapped);
      ->assertInstanceOf('GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\PromiseInterface', $wrapped);
      ->assertEquals('foo', $wrapped
  public function testReturnsRejection() {
    $p = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\rejection_for('fail');
      ->assertInstanceOf('GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\RejectedPromise', $p);
      ->assertEquals('fail', $this
      ->readAttribute($p, 'reason'));
  public function testReturnsPromisesAsIsInRejectionFor() {
    $a = new Promise();
    $b = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\rejection_for($a);
      ->assertSame($a, $b);
  public function testWaitsOnAllPromisesIntoArray() {
    $e = new \Exception();
    $a = new Promise(function () use (&$a) {
    $b = new Promise(function () use (&$b) {
    $c = new Promise(function () use (&$c, $e) {
    $results = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\inspect_all([
        'state' => 'fulfilled',
        'value' => 'a',
        'state' => 'rejected',
        'reason' => 'b',
        'state' => 'rejected',
        'reason' => $e,
    ], $results);

   * @expectedException \GuzzleHttp\Promise\RejectionException
  public function testUnwrapsPromisesWithNoDefaultAndFailure() {
    $promises = [
      new FulfilledPromise('a'),
      new Promise(),
  public function testUnwrapsPromisesWithNoDefault() {
    $promises = [
      new FulfilledPromise('a'),
    ], \GuzzleHttp\Promise\unwrap($promises));
  public function testUnwrapsPromisesWithKeys() {
    $promises = [
      'foo' => new FulfilledPromise('a'),
      'bar' => new FulfilledPromise('b'),
      'foo' => 'a',
      'bar' => 'b',
    ], \GuzzleHttp\Promise\unwrap($promises));
  public function testAllAggregatesSortedArray() {
    $a = new Promise();
    $b = new Promise();
    $c = new Promise();
    $d = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\all([
      ->then(function ($value) use (&$result) {
      $result = $value;
    }, function ($reason) use (&$result) {
      $result = $reason;
    ], $result);
  public function testAllThrowsWhenAnyRejected() {
    $a = new Promise();
    $b = new Promise();
    $c = new Promise();
    $d = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\all([
      ->then(function ($value) use (&$result) {
      $result = $value;
    }, function ($reason) use (&$result) {
      $result = $reason;
      ->assertEquals('fail', $result);
  public function testSomeAggregatesSortedArrayWithMax() {
    $a = new Promise();
    $b = new Promise();
    $c = new Promise();
    $d = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\some(2, [
      ->then(function ($value) use (&$result) {
      $result = $value;
    ], $result);
  public function testSomeRejectsWhenTooManyRejections() {
    $a = new Promise();
    $b = new Promise();
    $d = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\some(2, [
      ->assertEquals($a::REJECTED, $d
      ->then(null, function ($reason) use (&$called) {
      $called = $reason;
      ->assertInstanceOf('GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\AggregateException', $called);
      ->assertContains('bad', $called
  public function testCanWaitUntilSomeCountIsSatisfied() {
    $a = new Promise(function () use (&$a) {
    $b = new Promise(function () use (&$b) {
    $c = new Promise(function () use (&$c) {
    $d = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\some(2, [
    ], $d

   * @expectedException \GuzzleHttp\Promise\AggregateException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage Not enough promises to fulfill count
  public function testThrowsIfImpossibleToWaitForSomeCount() {
    $a = new Promise(function () use (&$a) {
    $d = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\some(2, [

   * @expectedException \GuzzleHttp\Promise\AggregateException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage Not enough promises to fulfill count
  public function testThrowsIfResolvedWithoutCountTotalResults() {
    $a = new Promise();
    $b = new Promise();
    $d = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\some(3, [
  public function testAnyReturnsFirstMatch() {
    $a = new Promise();
    $b = new Promise();
    $c = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\any([


    //$this->assertEquals('fulfilled', $c->getState());
      ->then(function ($value) use (&$result) {
      $result = $value;
      ->assertEquals('b', $result);
  public function testSettleFulfillsWithFulfilledAndRejected() {
    $a = new Promise();
    $b = new Promise();
    $c = new Promise();
    $d = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\settle([
      ->assertEquals('fulfilled', $d
      ->then(function ($value) use (&$result) {
      $result = $value;
        'state' => 'rejected',
        'reason' => 'a',
        'state' => 'fulfilled',
        'value' => 'b',
        'state' => 'fulfilled',
        'value' => 'c',
    ], $result);
  public function testCanInspectFulfilledPromise() {
    $p = new FulfilledPromise('foo');
      'state' => 'fulfilled',
      'value' => 'foo',
    ], \GuzzleHttp\Promise\inspect($p));
  public function testCanInspectRejectedPromise() {
    $p = new RejectedPromise('foo');
      'state' => 'rejected',
      'reason' => 'foo',
    ], \GuzzleHttp\Promise\inspect($p));
  public function testCanInspectRejectedPromiseWithNormalException() {
    $e = new \Exception('foo');
    $p = new RejectedPromise($e);
      'state' => 'rejected',
      'reason' => $e,
    ], \GuzzleHttp\Promise\inspect($p));
  public function testCallsEachLimit() {
    $p = new Promise();
    $aggregate = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\each_limit($p, 2);
      ->assertEquals($p::FULFILLED, $aggregate
  public function testEachLimitAllRejectsOnFailure() {
    $p = [
      new FulfilledPromise('a'),
      new RejectedPromise('b'),
    $aggregate = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\each_limit_all($p, 2);
      ->assertEquals(P\PromiseInterface::REJECTED, $aggregate
    $result = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\inspect($aggregate);
      ->assertEquals('b', $result['reason']);
  public function testIterForReturnsIterator() {
    $iter = new \ArrayIterator();
      ->assertSame($iter, \GuzzleHttp\Promise\iter_for($iter));
  public function testKnowsIfFulfilled() {
    $p = new FulfilledPromise(null);
  public function testKnowsIfRejected() {
    $p = new RejectedPromise(null);
  public function testKnowsIfSettled() {
    $p = new RejectedPromise(null);
    $p = new Promise();
  public function testReturnsTrampoline() {
      ->assertInstanceOf('GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\TaskQueue', P\queue());
      ->assertSame(P\queue(), P\queue());
  public function testCanScheduleThunk() {
    $tramp = P\queue();
    $promise = P\task(function () {
      return 'Hi!';
    $c = null;
      ->then(function ($v) use (&$c) {
      $c = $v;
      ->assertEquals('Hi!', $c);
  public function testCanScheduleThunkWithRejection() {
    $tramp = P\queue();
    $promise = P\task(function () {
      throw new \Exception('Hi!');
    $c = null;
      ->otherwise(function ($v) use (&$c) {
      $c = $v;
      ->assertEquals('Hi!', $c
  public function testCanScheduleThunkWithWait() {
    $tramp = P\queue();
    $promise = P\task(function () {
      return 'a';
      ->assertEquals('a', $promise
  public function testYieldsFromCoroutine() {
    $promise = P\coroutine(function () {
      $value = (yield new P\FulfilledPromise('a'));
      (yield $value . 'b');
      ->then(function ($value) use (&$result) {
      $result = $value;
      ->assertEquals('ab', $result);
  public function testCanCatchExceptionsInCoroutine() {
    $promise = P\coroutine(function () {
      try {
        (yield new P\RejectedPromise('a'));
          ->fail('Should have thrown into the coroutine!');
      } catch (P\RejectionException $e) {
        $value = (yield new P\FulfilledPromise($e
        (yield $value . 'b');
      ->then(function ($value) use (&$result) {
      $result = $value;
      ->assertEquals(P\PromiseInterface::FULFILLED, $promise
      ->assertEquals('ab', $result);
  public function testRejectsParentExceptionWhenException() {
    $promise = P\coroutine(function () {
      (yield new P\FulfilledPromise(0));
      throw new \Exception('a');
      ->then(function () {
    }, function ($reason) use (&$result) {
      $result = $reason;
      ->assertInstanceOf('Exception', $result);
      ->assertEquals('a', $result
  public function testCanRejectFromRejectionCallback() {
    $promise = P\coroutine(function () {
      (yield new P\FulfilledPromise(0));
      (yield new P\RejectedPromise('no!'));
      ->then(function () {
    }, function ($reason) use (&$result) {
      $result = $reason;
      ->assertInstanceOf('GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\RejectionException', $result);
      ->assertEquals('no!', $result
  public function testCanAsyncReject() {
    $rej = new P\Promise();
    $promise = P\coroutine(function () use ($rej) {
      (yield new P\FulfilledPromise(0));
      (yield $rej);
      ->then(function () {
    }, function ($reason) use (&$result) {
      $result = $reason;
      ->assertInstanceOf('GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\RejectionException', $result);
      ->assertEquals('no!', $result
  public function testCanCatchAndThrowOtherException() {
    $promise = P\coroutine(function () {
      try {
        (yield new P\RejectedPromise('a'));
          ->fail('Should have thrown into the coroutine!');
      } catch (P\RejectionException $e) {
        throw new \Exception('foo');
      ->otherwise(function ($value) use (&$result) {
      $result = $value;
      ->assertEquals(P\PromiseInterface::REJECTED, $promise
      ->assertContains('foo', $result
  public function testCanCatchAndYieldOtherException() {
    $promise = P\coroutine(function () {
      try {
        (yield new P\RejectedPromise('a'));
          ->fail('Should have thrown into the coroutine!');
      } catch (P\RejectionException $e) {
        (yield new P\RejectedPromise('foo'));
      ->otherwise(function ($value) use (&$result) {
      $result = $value;
      ->assertEquals(P\PromiseInterface::REJECTED, $promise
      ->assertContains('foo', $result
  public function createLotsOfSynchronousPromise() {
    return P\coroutine(function () {
      $value = 0;
      for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
        $value = (yield new P\FulfilledPromise($i));
      (yield $value);
  public function testLotsOfSynchronousDoesNotBlowStack() {
    $promise = $this
      ->then(function ($v) use (&$r) {
      $r = $v;
      ->assertEquals(999, $r);
  public function testLotsOfSynchronousWaitDoesNotBlowStack() {
    $promise = $this
      ->then(function ($v) use (&$r) {
      $r = $v;
      ->assertEquals(999, $promise
      ->assertEquals(999, $r);
  private function createLotsOfFlappingPromise() {
    return P\coroutine(function () {
      $value = 0;
      for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
        try {
          if ($i % 2) {
            $value = (yield new P\FulfilledPromise($i));
          else {
            $value = (yield new P\RejectedPromise($i));
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
          $value = (yield new P\FulfilledPromise($i));
      (yield $value);
  public function testLotsOfTryCatchingDoesNotBlowStack() {
    $promise = $this
      ->then(function ($v) use (&$r) {
      $r = $v;
      ->assertEquals(999, $r);
  public function testLotsOfTryCatchingWaitingDoesNotBlowStack() {
    $promise = $this
      ->then(function ($v) use (&$r) {
      $r = $v;
      ->assertEquals(999, $promise
      ->assertEquals(999, $r);
  public function testAsyncPromisesWithCorrectlyYieldedValues() {
    $promises = [
      new P\Promise(),
      new P\Promise(),
      new P\Promise(),
    $promise = P\coroutine(function () use ($promises) {
      $value = null;
        ->assertEquals('skip', (yield new P\FulfilledPromise('skip')));
      foreach ($promises as $idx => $p) {
        $value = (yield $p);
          ->assertEquals($value, $idx);
          ->assertEquals('skip', (yield new P\FulfilledPromise('skip')));
        ->assertEquals('skip', (yield new P\FulfilledPromise('skip')));
      (yield $value);
      ->then(function ($v) use (&$r) {
      $r = $v;
      ->assertEquals(2, $r);
  public function testYieldFinalWaitablePromise() {
    $p1 = new P\Promise(function () use (&$p1) {
        ->resolve('skip me');
    $p2 = new P\Promise(function () use (&$p2) {
    $co = P\coroutine(function () use ($p1, $p2) {
      (yield $p1);
      (yield $p2);
      ->assertEquals('hello!', $co
  public function testCanYieldFinalPendingPromise() {
    $p1 = new P\Promise();
    $p2 = new P\Promise();
    $co = P\coroutine(function () use ($p1, $p2) {
      (yield $p1);
      (yield $p2);
      ->then(function ($value) use (&$result) {
      $result = $value;
      ->assertEquals('b', $result);
  public function testCanNestYieldsAndFailures() {
    $p1 = new P\Promise();
    $p2 = new P\Promise();
    $p3 = new P\Promise();
    $p4 = new P\Promise();
    $p5 = new P\Promise();
    $co = P\coroutine(function () use ($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5) {
      try {
        (yield $p1);
      } catch (\Exception $e) {
        (yield $p2);
        try {
          (yield $p3);
          (yield $p4);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
          (yield $p5);
      ->then(function ($value) use (&$result) {
      $result = $value;
      ->assertEquals('e', $result);
  public function testCanYieldErrorsAndSuccessesWithoutRecursion() {
    $promises = [];
    for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
      $promises[] = new P\Promise();
    $co = P\coroutine(function () use ($promises) {
      for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i += 4) {
        try {
          (yield $promises[$i]);
          (yield $promises[$i + 1]);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
          (yield $promises[$i + 2]);
          (yield $promises[$i + 3]);
    for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i += 4) {
      $promises[$i + 1]
        ->reject($i + 1);
      $promises[$i + 2]
        ->resolve($i + 2);
      $promises[$i + 3]
        ->resolve($i + 3);
      ->then(function ($value) use (&$result) {
      $result = $value;
      ->assertEquals('19', $result);
  public function testCanWaitOnPromiseAfterFulfilled() {
    $f = function () {
      static $i = 0;
      return $p = new P\Promise(function () use (&$p, $i) {
          ->resolve($i . '-bar');
    $promises = [];
    for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) {
      $promises[] = $f();
    $p = P\coroutine(function () use ($promises) {
      (yield new P\FulfilledPromise('foo!'));
      foreach ($promises as $promise) {
        (yield $promise);
      ->assertEquals('20-bar', $p
  public function testCanWaitOnErroredPromises() {
    $p1 = new P\Promise(function () use (&$p1) {
    $p2 = new P\Promise(function () use (&$p2) {
    $p3 = new P\Promise(function () use (&$p3) {
    $p4 = new P\Promise(function () use (&$p4) {
    $p5 = new P\Promise(function () use (&$p5) {
    $p6 = new P\Promise(function () use (&$p6) {
    $co = P\coroutine(function () use ($p1, $p2, $p3, $p4, $p5, $p6) {
      try {
        (yield $p1);
      } catch (\Exception $e) {
        (yield $p2);
        try {
          (yield $p3);
          (yield $p4);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
          (yield $p5);
          (yield $p6);
    $res = P\inspect($co);
      ->assertEquals('f', $res['reason']);
  public function testCoroutineOtherwiseIntegrationTest() {
    $a = new P\Promise();
    $b = new P\Promise();
    $promise = P\coroutine(function () use ($a, $b) {

      // Execute the pool of commands concurrently, and process errors.
      (yield $a);
      (yield $b);
      ->otherwise(function (\Exception $e) {

      // Throw errors from the operations as a specific Multipart error.
      throw new \OutOfBoundsException('a', 0, $e);
    $reason = P\inspect($promise)['reason'];
      ->assertInstanceOf('OutOfBoundsException', $reason);
      ->assertInstanceOf('GuzzleHttp\\Promise\\RejectionException', $reason



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