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class BrowserKitDriver in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 vendor/behat/mink-browserkit-driver/src/BrowserKitDriver.php \Behat\Mink\Driver\BrowserKitDriver

Symfony2 BrowserKit driver.

@author Konstantin Kudryashov <>


Expanded class hierarchy of BrowserKitDriver

3 files declare their use of BrowserKitDriver
BaseUrlTest.php in vendor/behat/mink-browserkit-driver/tests/Custom/BaseUrlTest.php
BrowserKitConfig.php in vendor/behat/mink-browserkit-driver/tests/BrowserKitConfig.php
ErrorHandlingTest.php in vendor/behat/mink-browserkit-driver/tests/Custom/ErrorHandlingTest.php


vendor/behat/mink-browserkit-driver/src/BrowserKitDriver.php, line 32


View source
class BrowserKitDriver extends CoreDriver {
  private $client;

   * @var Form[]
  private $forms = array();
  private $serverParameters = array();
  private $started = false;
  private $removeScriptFromUrl = false;
  private $removeHostFromUrl = false;

   * Initializes BrowserKit driver.
   * @param Client      $client  BrowserKit client instance
   * @param string|null $baseUrl Base URL for HttpKernel clients
  public function __construct(Client $client, $baseUrl = null) {
    $this->client = $client;
    if ($baseUrl !== null && $client instanceof HttpKernelClient) {
        ->setServerParameter('SCRIPT_FILENAME', parse_url($baseUrl, PHP_URL_PATH));

   * Returns BrowserKit HTTP client instance.
   * @return Client
  public function getClient() {
    return $this->client;

   * Tells driver to remove hostname from URL.
   * @param Boolean $remove
   * @deprecated Deprecated as of 1.2, to be removed in 2.0. Pass the base url in the constructor instead.
  public function setRemoveHostFromUrl($remove = true) {
    trigger_error('setRemoveHostFromUrl() is deprecated as of 1.2 and will be removed in 2.0. Pass the base url in the constructor instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    $this->removeHostFromUrl = (bool) $remove;

   * Tells driver to remove script name from URL.
   * @param Boolean $remove
   * @deprecated Deprecated as of 1.2, to be removed in 2.0. Pass the base url in the constructor instead.
  public function setRemoveScriptFromUrl($remove = true) {
    trigger_error('setRemoveScriptFromUrl() is deprecated as of 1.2 and will be removed in 2.0. Pass the base url in the constructor instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
    $this->removeScriptFromUrl = (bool) $remove;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function start() {
    $this->started = true;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function isStarted() {
    return $this->started;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function stop() {
    $this->started = false;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function reset() {

    // Restarting the client resets the cookies and the history
    $this->forms = array();
    $this->serverParameters = array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function visit($url) {
      ->request('GET', $this
      ->prepareUrl($url), array(), array(), $this->serverParameters);
    $this->forms = array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCurrentUrl() {
    $request = $this->client
    if ($request === null) {
      throw new DriverException('Unable to access the request before visiting a page');
    return $request

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function reload() {
    $this->forms = array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function forward() {
    $this->forms = array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function back() {
    $this->forms = array();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setBasicAuth($user, $password) {
    if (false === $user) {
      unset($this->serverParameters['PHP_AUTH_USER'], $this->serverParameters['PHP_AUTH_PW']);
    $this->serverParameters['PHP_AUTH_USER'] = $user;
    $this->serverParameters['PHP_AUTH_PW'] = $password;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setRequestHeader($name, $value) {
    $contentHeaders = array(
      'CONTENT_LENGTH' => true,
      'CONTENT_MD5' => true,
      'CONTENT_TYPE' => true,
    $name = str_replace('-', '_', strtoupper($name));

    // CONTENT_* are not prefixed with HTTP_ in PHP when building $_SERVER
    if (!isset($contentHeaders[$name])) {
      $name = 'HTTP_' . $name;
    $this->serverParameters[$name] = $value;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getResponseHeaders() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setCookie($name, $value = null) {
    if (null === $value) {
    $jar = $this->client
      ->set(new Cookie($name, $value));

   * Deletes a cookie by name.
   * @param string $name Cookie name.
  private function deleteCookie($name) {
    $path = $this
    $jar = $this->client
    do {
      if (null !== $jar
        ->get($name, $path)) {
          ->expire($name, $path);
      $path = preg_replace('/.$/', '', $path);
    } while ($path);

   * Returns current cookie path.
   * @return string
  private function getCookiePath() {
    $path = dirname(parse_url($this
      ->getCurrentUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH));
    if ('\\' === DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) {
      $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
    return $path;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getCookie($name) {

    // Note that the following doesn't work well because
    // Symfony\Component\BrowserKit\CookieJar stores cookies by name,
    // path, AND domain and if you don't fill them all in correctly then
    // you won't get the value that you're expecting.
    // $jar = $this->client->getCookieJar();
    // if (null !== $cookie = $jar->get($name)) {
    //     return $cookie->getValue();
    // }
    $allValues = $this->client
    if (isset($allValues[$name])) {
      return $allValues[$name];
    return null;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getStatusCode() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getContent() {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function findElementXpaths($xpath) {
    $nodes = $this
    $elements = array();
    foreach ($nodes as $i => $node) {
      $elements[] = sprintf('(%s)[%d]', $xpath, $i + 1);
    return $elements;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getTagName($xpath) {
    return $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getText($xpath) {
    $text = $this
    $text = str_replace("\n", ' ', $text);
    $text = preg_replace('/ {2,}/', ' ', $text);
    return trim($text);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getHtml($xpath) {

    // cut the tag itself (making innerHTML out of outerHTML)
    return preg_replace('/^\\<[^\\>]+\\>|\\<[^\\>]+\\>$/', '', $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getOuterHtml($xpath) {
    $node = $this
    return $node->ownerDocument

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getAttribute($xpath, $name) {
    $node = $this
    if ($this
      ->hasAttribute($name)) {
      return $node
    return null;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getValue($xpath) {
    if (in_array($this
      ->getAttribute($xpath, 'type'), array(
    ), true)) {
      return $this
        ->getAttribute($xpath, 'value');
    $node = $this
    if ('option' === $node->tagName) {
      return $this
    try {
      $field = $this
    } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
      return $this
        ->getAttribute($xpath, 'value');
    return $field

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setValue($xpath, $value) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function check($xpath) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function uncheck($xpath) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function selectOption($xpath, $value, $multiple = false) {
    $field = $this
    if (!$field instanceof ChoiceFormField) {
      throw new DriverException(sprintf('Impossible to select an option on the element with XPath "%s" as it is not a select or radio input', $xpath));
    if ($multiple) {
      $oldValue = (array) $field
      $oldValue[] = $value;
      $value = $oldValue;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function isSelected($xpath) {
    $optionValue = $this
    $selectField = $this
      ->getFormField('(' . $xpath . ')/ancestor-or-self::*[local-name()="select"]');
    $selectValue = $selectField
    return is_array($selectValue) ? in_array($optionValue, $selectValue, true) : $optionValue === $selectValue;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function click($xpath) {
    $crawler = $this
    $node = $this
    $tagName = $node->nodeName;
    if ('a' === $tagName) {
      $this->forms = array();
    elseif ($this
      ->canSubmitForm($node)) {
    elseif ($this
      ->canResetForm($node)) {
    else {
      $message = sprintf('%%s supports clicking on links and submit or reset buttons only. But "%s" provided', $tagName);
      throw new UnsupportedDriverActionException($message, $this);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function isChecked($xpath) {
    $field = $this
    if (!$field instanceof ChoiceFormField || 'select' === $field
      ->getType()) {
      throw new DriverException(sprintf('Impossible to get the checked state of the element with XPath "%s" as it is not a checkbox or radio input', $xpath));
    if ('checkbox' === $field
      ->getType()) {
      return $field
    $radio = $this
    return $radio
      ->getAttribute('value') === $field

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function attachFile($xpath, $path) {
    $field = $this
    if (!$field instanceof FileFormField) {
      throw new DriverException(sprintf('Impossible to attach a file on the element with XPath "%s" as it is not a file input', $xpath));

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function submitForm($xpath) {
    $crawler = $this

   * @return Response
   * @throws DriverException If there is not response yet
  protected function getResponse() {
    $response = $this->client
    if (null === $response) {
      throw new DriverException('Unable to access the response before visiting a page');
    return $response;

   * Prepares URL for visiting.
   * Removes "*.php/" from urls and then passes it to BrowserKitDriver::visit().
   * @param string $url
   * @return string
  protected function prepareUrl($url) {
    $replacement = ($this->removeHostFromUrl ? '' : '$1') . ($this->removeScriptFromUrl ? '' : '$2');
    return preg_replace('#(https?\\://[^/]+)(/[^/\\.]+\\.php)?#', $replacement, $url);

   * Returns form field from XPath query.
   * @param string $xpath
   * @return FormField
   * @throws DriverException
  protected function getFormField($xpath) {
    $fieldNode = $this
    $fieldName = str_replace('[]', '', $fieldNode
    $formNode = $this
    $formId = $this
    if (!isset($this->forms[$formId])) {
      $this->forms[$formId] = new Form($formNode, $this
    if (is_array($this->forms[$formId][$fieldName])) {
      return $this->forms[$formId][$fieldName][$this
    return $this->forms[$formId][$fieldName];

   * Returns the checkbox field from xpath query, ensuring it is valid.
   * @param string $xpath
   * @return ChoiceFormField
   * @throws DriverException when the field is not a checkbox
  private function getCheckboxField($xpath) {
    $field = $this
    if (!$field instanceof ChoiceFormField) {
      throw new DriverException(sprintf('Impossible to check the element with XPath "%s" as it is not a checkbox', $xpath));
    return $field;

   * @param \DOMElement $element
   * @return \DOMElement
   * @throws DriverException if the form node cannot be found
  private function getFormNode(\DOMElement $element) {
    if ($element
      ->hasAttribute('form')) {
      $formId = $element
      $formNode = $element->ownerDocument
      if (null === $formNode || 'form' !== $formNode->nodeName) {
        throw new DriverException(sprintf('The selected node has an invalid form attribute (%s).', $formId));
      return $formNode;
    $formNode = $element;
    do {

      // use the ancestor form element
      if (null === ($formNode = $formNode->parentNode)) {
        throw new DriverException('The selected node does not have a form ancestor.');
    } while ('form' !== $formNode->nodeName);
    return $formNode;

   * Gets the position of the field node among elements with the same name
   * BrowserKit uses the field name as index to find the field in its Form object.
   * When multiple fields have the same name (checkboxes for instance), it will return
   * an array of elements in the order they appear in the DOM.
   * @param \DOMElement $fieldNode
   * @return integer
  private function getFieldPosition(\DOMElement $fieldNode) {
    $elements = $this
      ->filterXPath('//*[@name=\'' . $fieldNode
      ->getAttribute('name') . '\']');
    if (count($elements) > 1) {

      // more than one element contains this name !
      // so we need to find the position of $fieldNode
      foreach ($elements as $key => $element) {

        /** @var \DOMElement $element */
        if ($element
          ->getNodePath() === $fieldNode
          ->getNodePath()) {
          return $key;
    return 0;
  private function submit(Form $form) {
    $formId = $this
    if (isset($this->forms[$formId])) {
        ->mergeForms($form, $this->forms[$formId]);

    // remove empty file fields from request
    foreach ($form
      ->getFiles() as $name => $field) {
      if (empty($field['name']) && empty($field['tmp_name'])) {
    foreach ($form
      ->all() as $field) {

      // Add a fix for to support Symfony versions which are not fixed
      if ($field instanceof TextareaFormField && null === $field
        ->getValue()) {
    $this->forms = array();
  private function resetForm(\DOMElement $fieldNode) {
    $formNode = $this
    $formId = $this

   * Determines if a node can submit a form.
   * @param \DOMElement $node Node.
   * @return boolean
  private function canSubmitForm(\DOMElement $node) {
    $type = $node
      ->hasAttribute('type') ? $node
      ->getAttribute('type') : null;
    if ('input' === $node->nodeName && in_array($type, array(
    ), true)) {
      return true;
    return 'button' === $node->nodeName && (null === $type || 'submit' === $type);

   * Determines if a node can reset a form.
   * @param \DOMElement $node Node.
   * @return boolean
  private function canResetForm(\DOMElement $node) {
    $type = $node
      ->hasAttribute('type') ? $node
      ->getAttribute('type') : null;
    return in_array($node->nodeName, array(
    ), true) && 'reset' === $type;

   * Returns form node unique identifier.
   * @param \DOMElement $form
   * @return string
  private function getFormNodeId(\DOMElement $form) {
    return md5($form
      ->getLineNo() . $form
      ->getNodePath() . $form->nodeValue);

   * Gets the value of an option element
   * @param \DOMElement $option
   * @return string
   * @see \Symfony\Component\DomCrawler\Field\ChoiceFormField::buildOptionValue
  private function getOptionValue(\DOMElement $option) {
    if ($option
      ->hasAttribute('value')) {
      return $option
    if (!empty($option->nodeValue)) {
      return $option->nodeValue;
    return '1';

    // DomCrawler uses 1 by default if there is no text in the option

   * Merges second form values into first one.
   * @param Form $to   merging target
   * @param Form $from merging source
  private function mergeForms(Form $to, Form $from) {
    foreach ($from
      ->all() as $name => $field) {
      $fieldReflection = new \ReflectionObject($field);
      $nodeReflection = $fieldReflection
      $valueReflection = $fieldReflection
      $isIgnoredField = $field instanceof InputFormField && in_array($nodeReflection
        ->getAttribute('type'), array(
      ), true);
      if (!$isIgnoredField) {
          ->setValue($to[$name], $valueReflection

   * Returns DOMElement from crawler instance.
   * @param Crawler $crawler
   * @return \DOMElement
   * @throws DriverException when the node does not exist
  private function getCrawlerNode(Crawler $crawler) {
    $node = $crawler
    if (null !== $node) {
      return $node;
    throw new DriverException('The element does not exist');

   * Returns a crawler filtered for the given XPath, requiring at least 1 result.
   * @param string $xpath
   * @return Crawler
   * @throws DriverException when no matching elements are found
  private function getFilteredCrawler($xpath) {
    if (!count($crawler = $this
      ->filterXPath($xpath))) {
      throw new DriverException(sprintf('There is no element matching XPath "%s"', $xpath));
    return $crawler;

   * Returns crawler instance (got from client).
   * @return Crawler
   * @throws DriverException
  private function getCrawler() {
    $crawler = $this->client
    if (null === $crawler) {
      throw new DriverException('Unable to access the response content before visiting a page');
    return $crawler;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
BrowserKitDriver::$client private property
BrowserKitDriver::$forms private property
BrowserKitDriver::$removeHostFromUrl private property
BrowserKitDriver::$removeScriptFromUrl private property
BrowserKitDriver::$serverParameters private property
BrowserKitDriver::$started private property
BrowserKitDriver::attachFile public function Attaches file path to file field located by it's XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::attachFile
BrowserKitDriver::back public function Moves browser backward 1 page. Overrides CoreDriver::back
BrowserKitDriver::canResetForm private function Determines if a node can reset a form.
BrowserKitDriver::canSubmitForm private function Determines if a node can submit a form.
BrowserKitDriver::check public function Checks checkbox by it's XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::check
BrowserKitDriver::click public function Clicks button or link located by it's XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::click
BrowserKitDriver::deleteCookie private function Deletes a cookie by name.
BrowserKitDriver::findElementXpaths public function Finds elements with specified XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::findElementXpaths
BrowserKitDriver::forward public function Moves browser forward 1 page. Overrides CoreDriver::forward
BrowserKitDriver::getAttribute public function Returns element's attribute by it's XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::getAttribute
BrowserKitDriver::getCheckboxField private function Returns the checkbox field from xpath query, ensuring it is valid.
BrowserKitDriver::getClient public function Returns BrowserKit HTTP client instance. 1
BrowserKitDriver::getContent public function Returns last response content. Overrides CoreDriver::getContent
BrowserKitDriver::getCookie public function Returns cookie by name. Overrides CoreDriver::getCookie
BrowserKitDriver::getCookiePath private function Returns current cookie path.
BrowserKitDriver::getCrawler private function Returns crawler instance (got from client).
BrowserKitDriver::getCrawlerNode private function Returns DOMElement from crawler instance.
BrowserKitDriver::getCurrentUrl public function Returns current URL address. Overrides CoreDriver::getCurrentUrl
BrowserKitDriver::getFieldPosition private function Gets the position of the field node among elements with the same name
BrowserKitDriver::getFilteredCrawler private function Returns a crawler filtered for the given XPath, requiring at least 1 result.
BrowserKitDriver::getFormField protected function Returns form field from XPath query.
BrowserKitDriver::getFormNode private function
BrowserKitDriver::getFormNodeId private function Returns form node unique identifier.
BrowserKitDriver::getHtml public function Returns element's inner html by it's XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::getHtml
BrowserKitDriver::getOptionValue private function Gets the value of an option element
BrowserKitDriver::getOuterHtml public function Returns element's outer html by it's XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::getOuterHtml
BrowserKitDriver::getResponse protected function
BrowserKitDriver::getResponseHeaders public function Returns last response headers. Overrides CoreDriver::getResponseHeaders
BrowserKitDriver::getStatusCode public function Returns last response status code. Overrides CoreDriver::getStatusCode
BrowserKitDriver::getTagName public function Returns element's tag name by it's XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::getTagName
BrowserKitDriver::getText public function Returns element's text by it's XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::getText
BrowserKitDriver::getValue public function Returns element's value by it's XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::getValue
BrowserKitDriver::isChecked public function Checks whether checkbox or radio button located by it's XPath query is checked. Overrides CoreDriver::isChecked
BrowserKitDriver::isSelected public function Checks whether select option, located by it's XPath query, is selected. Overrides CoreDriver::isSelected
BrowserKitDriver::isStarted public function Checks whether driver is started. Overrides CoreDriver::isStarted
BrowserKitDriver::mergeForms private function Merges second form values into first one.
BrowserKitDriver::prepareUrl protected function Prepares URL for visiting. Removes "*.php/" from urls and then passes it to BrowserKitDriver::visit(). 1
BrowserKitDriver::reload public function Reloads current page. Overrides CoreDriver::reload
BrowserKitDriver::reset public function Resets driver state. Overrides CoreDriver::reset 1
BrowserKitDriver::resetForm private function
BrowserKitDriver::selectOption public function Selects option from select field or value in radio group located by it's XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::selectOption
BrowserKitDriver::setBasicAuth public function Sets HTTP Basic authentication parameters. Overrides CoreDriver::setBasicAuth 1
BrowserKitDriver::setCookie public function Sets cookie. Overrides CoreDriver::setCookie
BrowserKitDriver::setRemoveHostFromUrl Deprecated public function Tells driver to remove hostname from URL.
BrowserKitDriver::setRemoveScriptFromUrl Deprecated public function Tells driver to remove script name from URL.
BrowserKitDriver::setRequestHeader public function Sets specific request header on client. Overrides CoreDriver::setRequestHeader
BrowserKitDriver::setValue public function Sets element's value by it's XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::setValue
BrowserKitDriver::start public function Starts driver. Overrides CoreDriver::start
BrowserKitDriver::stop public function Stops driver. Overrides CoreDriver::stop
BrowserKitDriver::submit private function
BrowserKitDriver::submitForm public function Submits the form. Overrides CoreDriver::submitForm
BrowserKitDriver::uncheck public function Unchecks checkbox by it's XPath query. Overrides CoreDriver::uncheck
BrowserKitDriver::visit public function Visit specified URL. Overrides CoreDriver::visit
BrowserKitDriver::__construct public function Initializes BrowserKit driver. 1
CoreDriver::$session private property 1
CoreDriver::blur public function Removes focus from element. Overrides DriverInterface::blur 1
CoreDriver::doubleClick public function Double-clicks button or link located by it's XPath query. Overrides DriverInterface::doubleClick
CoreDriver::dragTo public function Drag one element onto another. Overrides DriverInterface::dragTo 1
CoreDriver::evaluateScript public function Evaluates JS script. Overrides DriverInterface::evaluateScript
CoreDriver::executeScript public function Executes JS script. Overrides DriverInterface::executeScript
CoreDriver::find public function Finds elements with specified XPath query. Overrides DriverInterface::find 1
CoreDriver::focus public function Brings focus to element. Overrides DriverInterface::focus 1
CoreDriver::getScreenshot public function Capture a screenshot of the current window. Overrides DriverInterface::getScreenshot
CoreDriver::getWindowName public function Return the name of the currently active window. Overrides DriverInterface::getWindowName
CoreDriver::getWindowNames public function Return the names of all open windows. Overrides DriverInterface::getWindowNames
CoreDriver::isVisible public function Checks whether element visible located by it's XPath query. Overrides DriverInterface::isVisible 1
CoreDriver::keyDown public function Pressed down specific keyboard key. Overrides DriverInterface::keyDown
CoreDriver::keyPress public function Presses specific keyboard key. Overrides DriverInterface::keyPress
CoreDriver::keyUp public function Pressed up specific keyboard key. Overrides DriverInterface::keyUp
CoreDriver::maximizeWindow public function Maximizes the window if it is not maximized already. Overrides DriverInterface::maximizeWindow
CoreDriver::mouseOver public function Simulates a mouse over on the element. Overrides DriverInterface::mouseOver
CoreDriver::resizeWindow public function Set the dimensions of the window. Overrides DriverInterface::resizeWindow
CoreDriver::rightClick public function Right-clicks button or link located by it's XPath query. Overrides DriverInterface::rightClick
CoreDriver::setSession public function Sets driver's current session. Overrides DriverInterface::setSession 1
CoreDriver::switchToIFrame public function Switches to specific iFrame. Overrides DriverInterface::switchToIFrame 1
CoreDriver::switchToWindow public function Switches to specific browser window. Overrides DriverInterface::switchToWindow
CoreDriver::wait public function Waits some time or until JS condition turns true. Overrides DriverInterface::wait