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class MemCacheClearCase in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name in this branch
  1. 8.0 modules/memcache/tests/memcache.test \MemCacheClearCase
  2. 8.0 modules/memcache/tests/memcache6.test \MemCacheClearCase
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 modules/memcache/tests/memcache.test \MemCacheClearCase
  2. 8 modules/memcache/tests/memcache6.test \MemCacheClearCase

Test cache clearing methods.


Expanded class hierarchy of MemCacheClearCase


modules/memcache/tests/memcache.test, line 238

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class MemCacheClearCase extends MemcacheTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Cache clear test',
      'description' => 'Check our clearing is done the proper way.',
      'group' => 'Memcache',
  function setUp() {
    $this->default_value = $this

   * Test clearing the cache with a cid, no cache lifetime.
  function testClearCidNoLifetime() {

   * Test clearing the cache with a cid, with cache lifetime.
  function testClearCidLifetime() {
    variable_set('cache_lifetime', 6000);

   * Test clearing using wildcard prefixes, no cache lifetime.
  function testClearWildcardNoLifetime() {

   * Test clearing using wildcard prefix, with cache lifetime.
  function testClearWildcardLifetime() {
    variable_set('cache_lifetime', 6000);

   * Test full bin flushes with no cache lifetime.
  function testClearWildcardFull() {
    cache_set('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
    cache_set('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) && $this
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value), t('Two caches were created for checking cid "*" with wildcard true.'));
    cache_clear_all('*', $this->default_bin, TRUE);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) || $this
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value), t('Two caches removed after clearing cid "*" with wildcard true.'));

   * Test full bin flushes with cache lifetime.
  function testClearCacheLifetime() {
    variable_set('cache_lifetime', 600);

    // Set a cache item with an expiry.
    cache_set('test_cid', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin, time() + 3600);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid', $this->default_value), 'Cache item was created successfully.');

    // Set a permanent cache item.
    cache_set('test_cid_2', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);

    // Clear the page and block caches.
    cache_clear_all(MEMCACHE_CONTENT_CLEAR, $this->default_bin);

    // Since the cache was cleared within the current session, cache_get()
    // should return false.
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid', $this->default_value), 'Cache item was cleared successfully.');

    // However permament items should stay in place.
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_2', $this->default_value), 'Cache item was not cleared');

    // If $_SESSION['cache_flush'] is not set, then the expired item should be returned.
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid', $this->default_value), 'Cache item is still returned due to minimum cache lifetime.');

    // Set a much shorter cache lifetime.
    variable_set('cache_content_flush_' . $this->default_bin, 0);
    variable_set('cache_lifetime', 1);
    cache_set('test_cid_1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin, time() + 6000);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid', $this->default_value), 'Cache item was created successfully.');
    cache_clear_all(MEMCACHE_CONTENT_CLEAR, $this->default_bin);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid', $this->default_value), 'Cache item is not returned once minimum cache lifetime has expired.');

    // Reset the cache clear variables.
    variable_set('cache_content_flush_' . $this->default_bin, 0);
    variable_set('cache_lifetime', 6000);

    // Confirm that cache_lifetime does not take effect for full bin flushes.
    cache_set('test_cid', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin, time() + 6000);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid', $this->default_value), 'Cache item was created successfully.');
    cache_set('test_cid_2', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_2', $this->default_value), 'Cache item was created successfully.');

    // Now flush the bin.
    cache_clear_all('*', $this->default_bin, TRUE);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid', $this->default_value), 'Cache item was cleared successfully.');
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_2', $this->default_value), 'Cache item was cleared successfully.');

   * Test different wildcards to verify the wildcard optimizations.
  function testWildCardOptimizations() {

    // Set and clear a cache with a short cid/wildcard.
    cache_set('foo:1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
      ->assertCacheExists(t('Foo cache was set.'), $this->default_value, 'foo:1');
    cache_clear_all('foo', $this->default_bin, TRUE);
      ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Foo cache was invalidated.'), 'foo:1');

    // Set additional longer caches.
    cache_set('foobar', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
    cache_set('foofoo', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
      ->assertCacheExists(t('Foobar cache set.'), $this->default_value, 'foobar');
      ->assertCacheExists(t('Foofoo cache set.'), $this->default_value, 'foofoo');

    // Clear one of them with a wildcard and make sure the other one is still
    // valid.
    cache_clear_all('foobar', $this->default_bin, TRUE);
      ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Foobar cache invalidated.'), 'foobar');
      ->assertCacheExists(t('Foofoo cache still valid.'), $this->default_value, 'foofoo');

    // Set and clear a cache with a different, equally short cid/wildcard.
    cache_set('bar:1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
      ->assertCacheExists(t('Bar cache was set.'), $this->default_value, 'bar:1');
    cache_clear_all('bar', $this->default_bin, TRUE);
      ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Bar cache invalidated.'), 'bar:1');
      ->assertCacheExists(t('Foofoo cache still valid.'), $this->default_value, 'foofoo');

    // Clear cache with an even shorter wildcard. This results in a full bin
    // bin clear, all entries are marked invalid.
    cache_set('bar:2', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
    cache_clear_all('ba', $this->default_bin, TRUE);
      ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Bar:1 cache invalidated.'), 'bar:1');
      ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Bar:2 cache invalidated.'), 'bar:2');
      ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Foofoo cache invalidated.'), 'foofoo');

   * Test clearing using a cid.
  function clearCidTest() {
    cache_set('test_cid_clear', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
      ->assertCacheExists(t('Cache was set for clearing cid.'), $this->default_value, 'test_cid_clear');
    cache_clear_all('test_cid_clear', $this->default_bin);
      ->assertCacheRemoved(t('Cache was removed after clearing cid.'), 'test_cid_clear');
    cache_set('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
    cache_set('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) && $this
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value), t('Two caches were created for checking cid "*" with wildcard false.'));
    cache_clear_all('*', $this->default_bin);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear1', $this->default_value) && $this
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear2', $this->default_value), t('Two caches still exists after clearing cid "*" with wildcard false.'));

   * Test cache clears using wildcard prefixes.
  function clearWildcardPrefixTest() {
    cache_set('test_cid_clear:1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
    cache_set('test_cid_clear:2', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear:1', $this->default_value) && $this
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear:2', $this->default_value), t('Two caches were created for checking cid substring with wildcard true.'));
    cache_clear_all('test_cid_clear:', $this->default_bin, TRUE);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear:1', $this->default_value) || $this
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear:2', $this->default_value), t('Two caches removed after clearing cid substring with wildcard true.'));

    // Test for the case where a wildcard object disappears, for example a
    // partial memcache restart or eviction.
    cache_set('test_cid_clear:1', $this->default_value, $this->default_bin);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear:1', $this->default_value), 'The cache was created successfully.');
    cache_clear_all('test_', $this->default_bin, TRUE);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear:1', $this->default_value), 'The cache was cleared successfully.');

    // Delete the wildcard manually to simulate an eviction.
    $wildcard = '.wildcard-' . 'test_cid_clear:';
    dmemcache_delete($wildcard, $this->default_bin);

    // Reset the memcache_wildcards() static cache.
    // @todo: this is a class object in D7.

    //memcache_wildcards(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
      ->checkCacheExists('test_cid_clear:1', $this->default_value), 'The cache was cleared successfully.');

   * Test wildcard flushing on separate pages to ensure no static cache is used.
  function testClearWildcardOnSeparatePages() {
    $random_wildcard = $this
      ->randomName(2) . ':' . $this
    $random_key = $random_wildcard . ':' . $this
      ->randomName(4) . ':' . $this
    $random_value = $this
    $data = $this
      ->drupalGetAJAX('memcache-test/set/' . $random_key . '/' . $random_value);
      ->assertTrue(is_array($data), 'Cache has data.');
      ->assertEqual($random_key, $data['cid'], 'Cache keys match.');
      ->assertEqual($random_value, $data['data'], 'Cache values match.');
    $data = $this
      ->drupalGetAJAX('memcache-test/get/' . $random_key);
      ->assertEqual($random_key, $data['cid'], 'Cache keys match.');
      ->assertEqual($random_value, $data['data'], 'Cache values match.');
      ->drupalGet('memcache-test/wildcard-clear/' . $random_wildcard);
    $data = $this
      ->drupalGetAJAX('memcache-test/get/' . $random_key);
      ->assertFalse($data, 'Cache was properly flushed.');
    $data = $this
      ->drupalGetAJAX('memcache-test/set/' . $random_key . '/' . $random_value);
      ->assertTrue(is_array($data), 'Cache has data.');
      ->assertEqual($random_key, $data['cid'], 'Cache keys match.');
      ->assertEqual($random_value, $data['data'], 'Cache values match.');
    $data = $this
      ->drupalGetAJAX('memcache-test/get/' . $random_key);
      ->assertEqual($random_key, $data['cid'], 'Cache keys match.');
      ->assertEqual($random_value, $data['data'], 'Cache values match.');
      ->drupalGet('memcache-test/wildcard-clear/' . $random_wildcard);
    $data = $this
      ->drupalGetAJAX('memcache-test/get/' . $random_key);
      ->assertFalse($data, 'Cache was properly flushed.');



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
MemCacheClearCase::clearCidTest function Test clearing using a cid.
MemCacheClearCase::clearWildcardPrefixTest function Test cache clears using wildcard prefixes.
MemCacheClearCase::getInfo public static function
MemCacheClearCase::setUp function
MemCacheClearCase::testClearCacheLifetime function Test full bin flushes with cache lifetime.
MemCacheClearCase::testClearCidLifetime function Test clearing the cache with a cid, with cache lifetime.
MemCacheClearCase::testClearCidNoLifetime function Test clearing the cache with a cid, no cache lifetime.
MemCacheClearCase::testClearWildcardFull function Test full bin flushes with no cache lifetime.
MemCacheClearCase::testClearWildcardLifetime function Test clearing using wildcard prefix, with cache lifetime.
MemCacheClearCase::testClearWildcardNoLifetime function Test clearing using wildcard prefixes, no cache lifetime.
MemCacheClearCase::testClearWildcardOnSeparatePages function Test wildcard flushing on separate pages to ensure no static cache is used.
MemCacheClearCase::testWildCardOptimizations function Test different wildcards to verify the wildcard optimizations.