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memcache_admin.module in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 modules/memcache/memcache_admin/memcache_admin.module


View source

 * For the collection of memcache stats. This small .js file makes sure that the
 * HTML displaying the stats is inside of the <body> part of the HTML
 * document.
function memcache_admin_init() {
  global $user;
  if ($user->uid == 0 || strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'update.php') || isset($_GET['q']) && (in_array($_GET['q'], array(
  )) || substr($_GET['q'], 0, strlen('system/files')) == 'system/files' || substr($_GET['q'], 0, strlen('batch')) == 'batch' || strstr($_GET['q'], 'autocomplete'))) {

    // update.php relies on standard error handler
  else {
    if ($user->uid) {
      drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'memcache_admin') . '/memcache.js');

 * Implements hook_perm().
function memcache_admin_permission() {
  return array(
    'access memcache statistics' => array(
      'title' => t('Access memcache statistics'),
    'access slab cachedump' => array(
      'title' => t('Access cachedump of memcache slab'),
      'restrict access' => TRUE,

 * Implements hook_menu().
function memcache_admin_menu() {
  $items['admin/config/system/memcache'] = array(
    'title' => 'Memcache',
    'description' => 'Show or hide memcache statistics at the bottom of each page.',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
  $items['admin/reports/memcache'] = array(
    'title' => 'Memcache statistics',
    'description' => "View statistics for all configured memcache servers.",
    'page callback' => 'memcache_admin_stats',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'access memcache statistics',
    'weight' => 1,
  $memcache_servers = variable_get('memcache_servers', array(
    '' => 'default',
  $clusters = array();
  foreach ($memcache_servers as $server => $cluster) {
    $clusters[$cluster]['servers'][] = $server;
    $clusters[$cluster]['bin'] = _memcache_admin_get_bin_for_cluster($cluster);
  $count = 0;
  foreach ($clusters as $cluster => $cluster_info) {
    if ($cluster_info['bin']) {
      if (empty($current_cluster)) {
        $current_cluster = arg(3);
        if (empty($current_cluster)) {
          $current_cluster = $cluster;
      $items['admin/reports/memcache/' . $cluster] = array(
        'title' => $cluster,
        'type' => $count == 0 ? MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK : MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
        'page callback' => 'memcache_admin_stats',
        'page arguments' => array(
        'access arguments' => array(
          'access memcache statistics',
        'weight' => $count++,
      foreach ($cluster_info['servers'] as $server) {
        $items["admin/reports/memcache/{$cluster}/{$server}"] = array(
          'title' => check_plain($server),
          'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
          'page callback' => 'memcache_admin_stats_raw',
          'page arguments' => array(
          'access arguments' => array(
            'access memcache statistics',
        foreach (memcache_admin_stats_types($cluster) as $type) {
          $items["admin/reports/memcache/{$cluster}/{$server}/{$type}"] = array(
            'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
            'page callback' => 'memcache_admin_stats_raw',
            'page arguments' => array(
            'title' => $type,
            'access arguments' => array(
              'access memcache statistics',
  return $items;

 * Settings form.
function memcache_admin_admin_settings() {
  $form['show_memcache_statistics'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
    '#title' => t('Show memcache statistics at the bottom of each page'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('show_memcache_statistics', FALSE),
    '#description' => t("These statistics will be visible to users with the 'access memcache statistics' permission."),
  return system_settings_form($form);
function _memcache_admin_default_bin($bin) {
  if ($bin == 'default') {
    return 'cache';
  return $bin;
function _memcache_admin_stats_connections($stats) {
  return t('!current open of !total total', array(
    '!current' => number_format($stats['curr_connections']),
    '!total' => number_format($stats['total_connections']),

 * Statistics report: calculate # of set cmds and total cmds.
function _memcache_admin_stats_sets($stats) {
  if ($stats['cmd_set'] + $stats['cmd_get'] == 0) {
    $sets = 0;
  else {
    $sets = $stats['cmd_set'] / ($stats['cmd_set'] + $stats['cmd_get']) * 100;
  if (empty($stats['uptime'])) {
    $average = 0;
  else {
    $average = $sets / $stats['uptime'];
  return t('!average/s; !set sets (!sets%) of !total commands', array(
    '!average' => number_format($average, 2),
    '!sets' => number_format($sets, 2),
    '!set' => number_format($stats['cmd_set']),
    '!total' => number_format($stats['cmd_set'] + $stats['cmd_get']),

 * Statistics report: calculate # of get cmds, broken down by hits and misses.
function _memcache_admin_stats_gets($stats) {
  if ($stats['cmd_set'] + $stats['cmd_get'] == 0) {
    $gets = 0;
  else {
    $gets = $stats['cmd_get'] / ($stats['cmd_set'] + $stats['cmd_get']) * 100;
  if (empty($stats['uptime'])) {
    $average = 0;
  else {
    $average = $stats['cmd_get'] / $stats['uptime'];
  return t('!average/s; !total gets (!gets%); !hit hits (!percent_hit%) !miss misses (!percent_miss%)', array(
    '!average' => number_format($average, 2),
    '!gets' => number_format($gets, 2),
    '!hit' => number_format($stats['get_hits']),
    '!percent_hit' => $stats['cmd_get'] > 0 ? number_format($stats['get_hits'] / $stats['cmd_get'] * 100, 2) : '0.00',
    '!miss' => number_format($stats['get_misses']),
    '!percent_miss' => $stats['cmd_get'] > 0 ? number_format($stats['get_misses'] / $stats['cmd_get'] * 100, 2) : '0.00',
    '!total' => number_format($stats['cmd_get']),

 * Statistics report: calculate # of increments and decrements.
function _memcache_admin_stats_counters($stats) {
  $stats += array(
    'incr_hits' => 0,
    'incr_misses' => 0,
    'decr_hits' => 0,
    'decr_misses' => 0,
  return t('!incr increments, !decr decrements', array(
    '!incr' => number_format($stats['incr_hits'] + $stats['incr_misses']),
    '!decr' => number_format($stats['decr_hits'] + $stats['decr_misses']),

 * Statistics report: calculate bytes transferred.
function _memcache_admin_stats_transfer($stats) {
  if ($stats['bytes_written'] == 0) {
    $written = 0;
  else {
    $written = $stats['bytes_read'] / $stats['bytes_written'] * 100;
  return t('!to:!from (!written% to cache)', array(
    '!to' => format_size((int) $stats['bytes_read']),
    '!from' => format_size((int) $stats['bytes_written']),
    '!written' => number_format($written, 2),

 * Statistics report: calculate per-connection averages.
function _memcache_admin_stats_average($stats) {
  if ($stats['total_connections'] == 0) {
    $get = 0;
    $set = 0;
    $read = 0;
    $write = 0;
  else {
    $get = $stats['cmd_get'] / $stats['total_connections'];
    $set = $stats['cmd_set'] / $stats['total_connections'];
    $read = $stats['bytes_written'] / $stats['total_connections'];
    $write = $stats['bytes_read'] / $stats['total_connections'];
  return t('!read in !get gets; !write in !set sets', array(
    '!get' => number_format($get, 2),
    '!set' => number_format($set, 2),
    '!read' => format_size(number_format($read, 2)),
    '!write' => format_size(number_format($write, 2)),

 * Statistics report: calculate available memory.
function _memcache_admin_stats_memory($stats) {
  if ($stats['limit_maxbytes'] == 0) {
    $percent = 0;
  else {
    $percent = 100 - $stats['bytes'] / $stats['limit_maxbytes'] * 100;
  return t('!available (!percent%) of !total', array(
    '!available' => format_size($stats['limit_maxbytes'] - $stats['bytes']),
    '!percent' => number_format($percent, 2),
    '!total' => format_size($stats['limit_maxbytes']),

 * Helper function, reverse map the memcache_bins variable.
function memcache_admin_bin_mapping($bin = 'cache') {
  $bins = array_flip(variable_get('memcache_bins', array(
    'cache' => 'default',
  if (isset($bins[$bin])) {
    return $bins[$bin];
  else {

    // The default bin is 'cache'.
    return _memcache_admin_default_bin($bin);

 * Memcache Stats page
 * @return string
function memcache_admin_stats($bin = 'default') {
  $bin = memcache_admin_bin_mapping($bin);
  $stats = dmemcache_stats($bin, 'default', TRUE);
  $memcache_servers = variable_get('memcache_servers', array(
    '' => 'default',
  if (is_array($stats[$bin]) && count($stats[$bin])) {
    $stats = $stats[$bin];
    $mc = dmemcache_object($bin);
    if ($mc instanceof Memcached) {
      $version = t('Memcached v!version', array(
        '!version' => phpversion('Memcached'),
    elseif ($mc instanceof Memcache) {
      $version = t('Memcache v!version', array(
        '!version' => phpversion('Memcache'),
    else {
      $version = t('Unknown');
      drupal_set_message(t('Failed to detect the memcache PECL extension.'), 'error');

    // Building per-server stats for the current memcache bin.
    $servers = array();
    foreach ($memcache_servers as $server => $b) {
      $b = memcache_admin_bin_mapping($b);
      if ($b == $bin) {
        $servers[] = $server;
        if (empty($stats[$server]['uptime'])) {
          drupal_set_message(t('Failed to connect to server at %server.', array(
            '%server' => $server,
          )), 'error');
        $data['server_overview'][$server] = t('v!version running !uptime', array(
          '!version' => check_plain($stats[$server]['version']),
          '!uptime' => format_interval($stats[$server]['uptime']),
        $data['server_pecl'][$server] = t('n/a');
        $data['server_time'][$server] = format_date($stats[$server]['time']);
        $data['server_connections'][$server] = _memcache_admin_stats_connections($stats[$server]);
        $data['cache_sets'][$server] = _memcache_admin_stats_sets($stats[$server]);
        $data['cache_gets'][$server] = _memcache_admin_stats_gets($stats[$server]);
        $data['cache_counters'][$server] = _memcache_admin_stats_counters($stats[$server]);
        $data['cache_transfer'][$server] = _memcache_admin_stats_transfer($stats[$server]);
        $data['cache_average'][$server] = _memcache_admin_stats_average($stats[$server]);
        $data['memory_available'][$server] = _memcache_admin_stats_memory($stats[$server]);
        $data['memory_evictions'][$server] = number_format($stats[$server]['evictions']);

    // Building a report as a custom formatted array of arrays that gets
    // properly displayed by theme_memcache_admin_stats_table.
    $report = array(
      'Server overview' => array(
          'header' => t('Uptime'),
        ), array(
          'total' => t('n/a'),
        ), $data['server_overview']),
          'header' => t('PECL extension'),
        ), array(
          'total' => $version,
        ), $data['server_pecl']),
          'header' => t('Server time'),
        ), array(
          'total' => t('n/a'),
        ), $data['server_time']),
          'header' => t('Connections'),
        ), array(
          'total' => _memcache_admin_stats_connections($stats['total']),
        ), $data['server_connections']),
      'Cache statistics' => array(
          'header' => t('Sets'),
        ), array(
          'total' => _memcache_admin_stats_sets($stats['total']),
        ), $data['cache_sets']),
          'header' => t('Gets'),
        ), array(
          'total' => _memcache_admin_stats_gets($stats['total']),
        ), $data['cache_gets']),
          'header' => t('Counters'),
        ), array(
          'total' => _memcache_admin_stats_counters($stats['total']),
        ), $data['cache_counters']),
          'header' => t('Transferred'),
        ), array(
          'total' => _memcache_admin_stats_transfer($stats['total']),
        ), $data['cache_transfer']),
          'header' => t('Per-connection average'),
        ), array(
          'total' => _memcache_admin_stats_average($stats['total']),
        ), $data['cache_average']),
      'Memory overview' => array(
          'header' => t('Available memory'),
        ), array(
          'total' => _memcache_admin_stats_memory($stats['total']),
        ), $data['memory_available']),
          'header' => t('Evictions'),
        ), array(
          'total' => $stats['total']['evictions'],
        ), $data['memory_evictions']),
    $output = theme('memcache_admin_stats_table', array(
      'bin' => $bin,
      'servers' => $servers,
      'report' => $report,
  else {
    $output = '';
    drupal_set_message(t('There are no statistics being reported for this bin.'), 'error');
  return $output;
function memcache_admin_stats_raw($bin, $server, $type = 'default') {
  $cluster = memcache_admin_bin_mapping($bin);
  $slab = (int) arg(7);
  if (arg(6) == 'cachedump' && !empty($slab) && user_access('access slab cachedump')) {
    $stats = dmemcache_stats($cluster, arg(7), FALSE);
  else {
    $stats = dmemcache_stats($cluster, $type, FALSE);
  $breadcrumbs = array(
    l(t('Home'), NULL),
    l(t('Administer'), 'admin'),
    l(t('Reports'), 'admin/reports'),
    l(t('Memcache'), 'admin/reports/memcache'),
    l(t($bin), "admin/reports/memcache/{$bin}"),
  if ($type == 'slabs' && arg(6) == 'cachedump' && user_access('access slab cachedump')) {
    $breadcrumbs[] = l($server, "admin/reports/memcache/{$bin}/{$server}");
    $breadcrumbs[] = l('slabs', "admin/reports/memcache/{$bin}/{$server}/{$type}");
  if (isset($stats[$cluster][$server]) && is_array($stats[$cluster][$server]) && count($stats[$cluster][$server])) {
    $output = theme('memcache_admin_stats_raw_table', array(
      'cluster' => $cluster,
      'server' => $server,
      'stats' => $stats[$cluster][$server],
      'type' => $type,
  elseif ($type == 'slabs' && is_array($stats[$cluster]) && count($stats[$cluster])) {
    $output = theme('memcache_admin_stats_raw_table', array(
      'cluster' => $cluster,
      'server' => $server,
      'stats' => $stats[$cluster],
      'type' => $type,
  else {
    $output = theme('memcache_admin_stats_raw_table', array(
      'cluster' => $cluster,
      'server' => $server,
      'stats' => array(),
      'type' => $type,
    drupal_set_message(t('No @type statistics for this bin.', array(
      '@type' => $type,
  return $output;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function memcache_admin_theme() {
  return array(
    'memcache_admin_stats_table' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'bin' => NULL,
        'servers' => NULL,
        'report' => NULL,
    'memcache_admin_stats_raw_table' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'bin' => NULL,
        'server' => NULL,
        'stats' => NULL,
        'type' => NULL,

 * Theme function for rendering the output from memcache_admin_stats
function theme_memcache_admin_stats_table($variables) {
  $bin = $variables['bin'];
  $servers = $variables['servers'];
  $stats = $variables['report'];
  $output = '';
  $links = array();
  $memcache_bins = variable_get('memcache_bins', array(
    'cache' => 'default',
  foreach ($servers as $server) {
    $link_bin = $memcache_bins[$bin];
    $links[] = l($server, check_plain("admin/reports/memcache/{$link_bin}/{$server}"));
  $headers = array_merge(array(
  ), $links);
  foreach ($stats as $table => $data) {
    $rows = array();
    foreach ($data as $row) {
      if (isset($row[2]) && is_array($row[2])) {
        $row[2] = implode(', ', $row[2]);
      else {
        $row[2] = '';
      $rows[] = $row;
    $output .= theme('table', array(
      'header' => $headers,
      'rows' => $rows,
  return $output;
function memcache_admin_stats_types($bin) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'memcache', 'dmemcache');
  if ($mc = dmemcache_object($bin)) {
    if ($mc instanceof Memcache) {

      // TODO: Determine which versions of the PECL memcache extension have
      // these other stats types: 'malloc', 'maps', optionally detect this
      // version and expose them.  These stats are "subject to change without
      // warning" unfortunately.
      return array(
    else {

      // The Memcached PECL extension only offers the default statistics.
      return array(
  else {
    return array();
function theme_memcache_admin_stats_raw_table($variables) {
  $cluster = $variables['cluster'];
  $server = $variables['server'];
  $stats = $variables['stats'];
  $current_type = isset($variables['type']) ? $variables['type'] : 'default';
  $memcache_bins = variable_get('memcache_bins', array());
  $bin = isset($memcache_bins[$cluster]) ? $memcache_bins[$cluster] : 'default';

  // Provide navigation for the various memcache stats types
  if (count(memcache_admin_stats_types($bin)) > 1) {
    foreach (memcache_admin_stats_types($bin) as $type) {
      if ($current_type == $type) {
        $links[] = '<strong>' . l(t($type), "admin/reports/memcache/{$bin}/{$server}/" . ($type == 'default' ? '' : $type)) . '</strong>';
      else {
        $links[] = l(t($type), "admin/reports/memcache/{$bin}/{$server}/" . ($type == 'default' ? '' : $type));
  $output = !empty($links) ? implode($links, ' | ') : '';
  $headers = array(
  $rows = array();

  // Items are returned as an array within an array within an array.  We step
  // in one level to properly display the contained statistics.
  if ($current_type == 'items' && isset($stats['items'])) {
    $stats = $stats['items'];
  foreach ($stats as $key => $value) {

    // Add navigation for getting a cachedump of individual slabs
    if (($current_type == 'slabs' || $current_type == 'items') && is_int($key) && user_access('access slab cachedump')) {
      $key = l($key, "admin/reports/memcache/{$bin}/{$server}/slabs/cachedump/{$key}");
    if (is_array($value)) {
      $rs = array();
      foreach ($value as $k => $v) {

        // Format timestamp when viewing cachedump of individual slabs.
        if ($current_type == 'slabs' && user_access('access slab cachedump') && arg(6) == 'cachedump' && $k == 0) {
          $k = t('Size');
          $v = format_size($v);
        else {
          if ($current_type == 'slabs' && user_access('access slab cachedump') && arg(6) == 'cachedump' && $k == 1) {
            $k = t('Expire');
            $full_stats = dmemcache_stats($cluster, 'default');
            $infinite = $full_stats[$cluster][$server]['time'] - $full_stats[$cluster][$server]['uptime'];
            if ($v == $infinite) {
              $v = t('infinite');
            else {
              $v = t('in @time', array(
                '@time' => format_interval($v - time()),
        $rs[] = array(
      $rows[] = array(
        theme('table', array(
          'rows' => $rs,
    else {
      $rows[] = array(
  $output .= theme('table', array(
    'header' => $headers,
    'rows' => $rows,
  return $output;

 * Retrieve the cluster for any given bin
 * @param string $cluster - Cluster ID
 * @return string
function _memcache_admin_get_bin_for_cluster($cluster) {
  static $cluster_map = array();
  if (!isset($cluster_map[$cluster])) {
    $memcache_bins = variable_get('memcache_bins', array());
    if ($mapping = array_search($cluster, $memcache_bins)) {
      $cluster_map[$cluster] = $mapping;
    else {
      $cluster_map[$cluster] = 'default';
  return $cluster_map[$cluster];

 * See memcache_admin_init() which registers this function as a shutdown function.
 * Displays memcache stats in the footer.
function memcache_admin_shutdown() {
  global $_memcache_statistics;

  // Don't call theme() during shutdown if the registry has been rebuilt (such
  // as when enabling/disabling modules on admin/build/modules) as things break.
  // Instead, simply exit without displaying admin statistics for this page
  // load.  See for discussion.
  if (!function_exists('theme_get_registry') || !theme_get_registry()) {

  // Try not to break non-HTML pages.
  if (function_exists('drupal_get_http_header')) {
    $header = drupal_get_http_header('content-type');
    if ($header) {
      $formats = array(
      foreach ($formats as $format) {
        if (strstr($header, $format)) {
  if (variable_get('show_memcache_statistics', FALSE) && function_exists('user_access') && user_access('access memcache statistics')) {
    if (!empty($_memcache_statistics)) {
      foreach ($_memcache_statistics as $row => $stats) {
        $_memcache_statistics[$row][1] = check_plain($stats[1]);
        $_memcache_statistics[$row][2] = check_plain($stats[2]);
      $variables = array(
        'header' => array(
        'rows' => $_memcache_statistics,
      $output = theme('table', $variables);

      // this makes sure all of the HTML is within the <body> even though this <script> is outside it
      print '<div id="memcache-devel"><h2>' . t('Memcache statistics') . '</h2>' . $output . '</div>';


Namesort descending Description
memcache_admin_admin_settings Settings form.
memcache_admin_bin_mapping Helper function, reverse map the memcache_bins variable.
memcache_admin_init For the collection of memcache stats. This small .js file makes sure that the HTML displaying the stats is inside of the <body> part of the HTML document.
memcache_admin_menu Implements hook_menu().
memcache_admin_permission Implements hook_perm().
memcache_admin_shutdown See memcache_admin_init() which registers this function as a shutdown function. Displays memcache stats in the footer.
memcache_admin_stats Memcache Stats page
memcache_admin_theme Implements hook_theme().
theme_memcache_admin_stats_table Theme function for rendering the output from memcache_admin_stats
_memcache_admin_get_bin_for_cluster Retrieve the cluster for any given bin
_memcache_admin_stats_average Statistics report: calculate per-connection averages.
_memcache_admin_stats_counters Statistics report: calculate # of increments and decrements.
_memcache_admin_stats_gets Statistics report: calculate # of get cmds, broken down by hits and misses.
_memcache_admin_stats_memory Statistics report: calculate available memory.
_memcache_admin_stats_sets Statistics report: calculate # of set cmds and total cmds.
_memcache_admin_stats_transfer Statistics report: calculate bytes transferred.