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class RendererPlaceholdersTest in Zircon Profile 8

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  1. 8.0 core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Render/RendererPlaceholdersTest.php \Drupal\Tests\Core\Render\RendererPlaceholdersTest

@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Render\Renderer @group Render


Expanded class hierarchy of RendererPlaceholdersTest


core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Render/RendererPlaceholdersTest.php, line 19
Contains \Drupal\Tests\Core\Render\RendererPlaceholdersTest.


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class RendererPlaceholdersTest extends RendererTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    // Disable the required cache contexts, so that this test can test just the
    // placeholder replacement behavior.
    $this->rendererConfig['required_cache_contexts'] = [];

   * Provides the two classes of placeholders: cacheable and uncacheable.
   * i.e. with or without #cache[keys].
   * Also, different types:
   * - A) automatically generated placeholder
   *   - 1) manually triggered (#create_placeholder = TRUE)
   *   - 2) automatically triggered (based on max-age = 0 at the top level)
   *   - 3) automatically triggered (based on high cardinality cache contexts at
   *        the top level)
   *   - 4) automatically triggered (based on high-invalidation frequency cache
   *        tags at the top level)
   *   - 5) automatically triggered (based on max-age = 0 in its subtree, i.e.
   *        via bubbling)
   *   - 6) automatically triggered (based on high cardinality cache contexts in
   *        its subtree, i.e. via bubbling)
   *   - 7) automatically triggered (based on high-invalidation frequency cache
   *        tags in its subtree, i.e. via bubbling)
   * - B) manually generated placeholder
   * So, in total 2*8 = 16 permutations. (On one axis: uncacheable vs.
   * uncacheable = 2; on the other axis: A1–7 and B = 8.)
   * @todo Case A5 is not yet supported by core. So that makes for only 14
   *   permutations currently, instead of 16. That will be done in
   * @return array
  public function providerPlaceholders() {
    $args = [
    $generate_placeholder_markup = function ($cache_keys = NULL) use ($args) {
      $token_render_array = [
        '#lazy_builder' => [
      if (is_array($cache_keys)) {
        $token_render_array['#cache']['keys'] = $cache_keys;
      $token = hash('crc32b', serialize($token_render_array));

      // \Drupal\Core\Render\Markup::create() is necessary as the render
      // system would mangle this markup. As this is exactly what happens at
      // runtime this is a valid use-case.
      return Markup::create('<drupal-render-placeholder callback="Drupal\\Tests\\Core\\Render\\PlaceholdersTest::callback" arguments="' . '0=' . $args[0] . '" token="' . $token . '"></drupal-render-placeholder>');
    $extract_placeholder_render_array = function ($placeholder_render_array) {
      return array_intersect_key($placeholder_render_array, [
        '#lazy_builder' => TRUE,
        '#cache' => TRUE,

    // Note the presence of '#create_placeholder'.
    $base_element_a1 = [
      '#attached' => [
        'drupalSettings' => [
          'foo' => 'bar',
      'placeholder' => [
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [],
        '#create_placeholder' => TRUE,
        '#lazy_builder' => [

    // Note the absence of '#create_placeholder', presence of max-age=0 at the
    // top level.
    $base_element_a2 = [
      '#attached' => [
        'drupalSettings' => [
          'foo' => 'bar',
      'placeholder' => [
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [],
          'max-age' => 0,
        '#lazy_builder' => [

    // Note the absence of '#create_placeholder', presence of high cardinality
    // cache context at the top level.
    $base_element_a3 = [
      '#attached' => [
        'drupalSettings' => [
          'foo' => 'bar',
      'placeholder' => [
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [
        '#lazy_builder' => [

    // Note the absence of '#create_placeholder', presence of high-invalidation
    // frequency cache tag at the top level.
    $base_element_a4 = [
      '#attached' => [
        'drupalSettings' => [
          'foo' => 'bar',
      'placeholder' => [
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [],
          'tags' => [
        '#lazy_builder' => [

    // Note the absence of '#create_placeholder', presence of max-age=0 created
    // by the #lazy_builder callback.
    // @todo in
    $base_element_a5 = [];

    // Note the absence of '#create_placeholder', presence of high cardinality
    // cache context created by the #lazy_builder callback.
    // @see \Drupal\Tests\Core\Render\PlaceholdersTest::callbackPerUser()
    $base_element_a6 = [
      '#attached' => [
        'drupalSettings' => [
          'foo' => 'bar',
      'placeholder' => [
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [],
        '#lazy_builder' => [

    // Note the absence of '#create_placeholder', presence of high-invalidation
    // frequency cache tag created by the #lazy_builder callback.
    // @see \Drupal\Tests\Core\Render\PlaceholdersTest::callbackTagCurrentTemperature()
    $base_element_a7 = [
      '#attached' => [
        'drupalSettings' => [
          'foo' => 'bar',
      'placeholder' => [
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [],
        '#lazy_builder' => [

    // Note the absence of '#create_placeholder', but the presence of
    // '#attached[placeholders]'.
    $base_element_b = [
      '#markup' => $generate_placeholder_markup(),
      '#attached' => [
        'drupalSettings' => [
          'foo' => 'bar',
        'placeholders' => [
          (string) $generate_placeholder_markup() => [
            '#lazy_builder' => [
    $keys = [
    $cases = [];

    // Case one: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - automatically created, but manually triggered (#create_placeholder = TRUE)
    // - uncacheable
    $element_without_cache_keys = $base_element_a1;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array = $extract_placeholder_render_array($base_element_a1['placeholder']);
    $cases[] = [

    // Case two: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - automatically created, but manually triggered (#create_placeholder = TRUE)
    // - cacheable
    $element_with_cache_keys = $base_element_a1;
    $element_with_cache_keys['placeholder']['#cache']['keys'] = $keys;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array['#cache']['keys'] = $keys;
    $cases[] = [
        '#markup' => '<p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>',
        '#attached' => [
          'drupalSettings' => [
            'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [],
          'tags' => [],
          'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,

    // Case three: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - automatically created, and automatically triggered due to max-age=0
    // - uncacheable
    $element_without_cache_keys = $base_element_a2;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array = $extract_placeholder_render_array($base_element_a2['placeholder']);
    $cases[] = [

    // Case four: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - automatically created, but automatically triggered due to max-age=0
    // - cacheable
    $element_with_cache_keys = $base_element_a2;
    $element_with_cache_keys['placeholder']['#cache']['keys'] = $keys;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array['#cache']['keys'] = $keys;
    $cases[] = [

    // Case five: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - automatically created, and automatically triggered due to high
    //   cardinality cache contexts
    // - uncacheable
    $element_without_cache_keys = $base_element_a3;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array = $extract_placeholder_render_array($base_element_a3['placeholder']);
    $cases[] = [

    // Case six: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - automatically created, and automatically triggered due to high
    //   cardinality cache contexts
    // - cacheable
    $element_with_cache_keys = $base_element_a3;
    $element_with_cache_keys['placeholder']['#cache']['keys'] = $keys;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array['#cache']['keys'] = $keys;

    // The CID parts here consist of the cache keys plus the 'user' cache
    // context, which in this unit test is simply the given cache context token,
    // see \Drupal\Tests\Core\Render\RendererTestBase::setUp().
    $cid_parts = array_merge($keys, [
    $cases[] = [
        '#markup' => '<p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>',
        '#attached' => [
          'drupalSettings' => [
            'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [
          'tags' => [],
          'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,

    // Case seven: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - automatically created, and automatically triggered due to high
    //   invalidation frequency cache tags
    // - uncacheable
    $element_without_cache_keys = $base_element_a4;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array = $extract_placeholder_render_array($base_element_a4['placeholder']);
    $cases[] = [

    // Case eight: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - automatically created, and automatically triggered due to high
    //   invalidation frequency cache tags
    // - cacheable
    $element_with_cache_keys = $base_element_a4;
    $element_with_cache_keys['placeholder']['#cache']['keys'] = $keys;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array['#cache']['keys'] = $keys;
    $cases[] = [
        '#markup' => '<p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>',
        '#attached' => [
          'drupalSettings' => [
            'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [],
          'tags' => [
          'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,

    // Case nine: render array that DOES NOT have a placeholder that is:
    // - NOT created, despite max-age=0 that is bubbled
    // - uncacheable
    // (because the render element with #lazy_builder does not have #cache[keys]
    // and hence the max-age=0 bubbles up further)
    // @todo in
    // Case ten: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - automatically created, and automatically triggered due to max-age=0
    //   that is bubbled
    // - cacheable
    // @todo in
    // Case eleven: render array that DOES NOT have a placeholder that is:
    // - NOT created, despite high cardinality cache contexts that are bubbled
    // - uncacheable
    $element_without_cache_keys = $base_element_a6;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array = $extract_placeholder_render_array($base_element_a6['placeholder']);
    $cases[] = [

    // Case twelve: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - automatically created, and automatically triggered due to high
    //   cardinality cache contexts that are bubbled
    // - cacheable
    $element_with_cache_keys = $base_element_a6;
    $element_with_cache_keys['placeholder']['#cache']['keys'] = $keys;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array['#cache']['keys'] = $keys;
    $cases[] = [
        '#markup' => '<p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>',
        '#attached' => [
          'drupalSettings' => [
            'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [
          'tags' => [],
          'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,

    // Case thirteen: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - automatically created, and automatically triggered due to high
    //   invalidation frequency cache tags that are bubbled
    // - uncacheable
    $element_without_cache_keys = $base_element_a7;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array = $extract_placeholder_render_array($base_element_a7['placeholder']);
    $cases[] = [

    // Case fourteen: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - automatically created, and automatically triggered due to high
    //   invalidation frequency cache tags that are bubbled
    // - cacheable
    $element_with_cache_keys = $base_element_a7;
    $element_with_cache_keys['placeholder']['#cache']['keys'] = $keys;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array['#cache']['keys'] = $keys;
    $cases[] = [
        '#markup' => '<p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>',
        '#attached' => [
          'drupalSettings' => [
            'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [],
          'tags' => [
          'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,

    // Case fifteen: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - manually created
    // - uncacheable
    $x = $base_element_b;
    $expected_placeholder_render_array = $x['#attached']['placeholders'][(string) $generate_placeholder_markup()];
    unset($x['#attached']['placeholders'][(string) $generate_placeholder_markup()]['#cache']);
    $cases[] = [

    // Case sixteen: render array that has a placeholder that is:
    // - manually created
    // - cacheable
    $x = $base_element_b;
    $x['#markup'] = $placeholder_markup = $generate_placeholder_markup($keys);
    $placeholder_markup = (string) $placeholder_markup;
    $x['#attached']['placeholders'] = [
      $placeholder_markup => [
        '#lazy_builder' => [
        '#cache' => [
          'keys' => $keys,
    $expected_placeholder_render_array = $x['#attached']['placeholders'][$placeholder_markup];
    $cases[] = [
        '#markup' => '<p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>',
        '#attached' => [
          'drupalSettings' => [
            'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [],
          'tags' => [],
          'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,
    return $cases;

   * Generates an element with a placeholder.
   * @return array
   *   An array containing:
   *   - A render array containing a placeholder.
   *   - The context used for that #lazy_builder callback.
  protected function generatePlaceholderElement() {
    $args = [
    $test_element = [];
    $test_element['#attached']['drupalSettings']['foo'] = 'bar';
    $test_element['placeholder']['#cache']['keys'] = [
    $test_element['placeholder']['#cache']['contexts'] = [];
    $test_element['placeholder']['#create_placeholder'] = TRUE;
    $test_element['placeholder']['#lazy_builder'] = [
    return [

   * @param FALSE|array $cid_parts
   * @param array $expected_data
   *   FALSE if no render cache item is expected, a render array with the
   *   expected values if a render cache item is expected.
   * @param string[] $bubbled_cache_contexts
   *   Additional cache contexts that were bubbled when the placeholder was
   *   rendered.
  protected function assertPlaceholderRenderCache($cid_parts, array $bubbled_cache_contexts, array $expected_data) {
    if ($cid_parts !== FALSE) {
      if ($bubbled_cache_contexts) {

        // Verify render cached placeholder.
        $cached_element = $this->memoryCache
          ->get(implode(':', $cid_parts))->data;
        $expected_redirect_element = [
          '#cache_redirect' => TRUE,
          '#cache' => $expected_data['#cache'] + [
            'keys' => $cid_parts,
            'bin' => 'render',
          ->assertEquals($expected_redirect_element, $cached_element, 'The correct cache redirect exists.');

      // Verify render cached placeholder.
      $cached = $this->memoryCache
        ->get(implode(':', array_merge($cid_parts, $bubbled_cache_contexts)));
      $cached_element = $cached->data;
        ->assertEquals($expected_data, $cached_element, 'The correct data is cached: the stored #markup and #attached properties are not affected by the placeholder being replaced.');

   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @dataProvider providerPlaceholders
  public function testUncacheableParent($element, $args, array $expected_placeholder_render_array, $placeholder_cid_parts, array $bubbled_cache_contexts, array $bubbled_cache_tags, array $placeholder_expected_render_cache_array) {
    if ($placeholder_cid_parts) {
    else {

    // No #cache on parent element.
    $element['#prefix'] = '<p>#cache disabled</p>';
    $output = $this->renderer
      ->assertSame('<p>#cache disabled</p><p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>', (string) $output, 'Output is overridden.');
      ->assertSame('<p>#cache disabled</p><p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>', (string) $element['#markup'], '#markup is overridden.');
    $expected_js_settings = [
      'foo' => 'bar',
      'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
      ->assertSame($element['#attached']['drupalSettings'], $expected_js_settings, '#attached is modified; both the original JavaScript setting and the one added by the placeholder #lazy_builder callback exist.');
      ->assertPlaceholderRenderCache($placeholder_cid_parts, $bubbled_cache_contexts, $placeholder_expected_render_cache_array);

   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::get
   * @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::set
   * @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::createCacheID
   * @dataProvider providerPlaceholders
  public function testCacheableParent($test_element, $args, array $expected_placeholder_render_array, $placeholder_cid_parts, array $bubbled_cache_contexts, array $bubbled_cache_tags, array $placeholder_expected_render_cache_array) {
    $element = $test_element;
    $token = hash('crc32b', serialize($expected_placeholder_render_array));
    $placeholder_callback = $expected_placeholder_render_array['#lazy_builder'][0];
    $expected_placeholder_markup = '<drupal-render-placeholder callback="' . $placeholder_callback . '" arguments="0=' . $args[0] . '" token="' . $token . '"></drupal-render-placeholder>';
      ->assertSame($expected_placeholder_markup, Html::normalize($expected_placeholder_markup), 'Placeholder unaltered by Html::normalize() which is used by FilterHtmlCorrector.');

    // GET request: #cache enabled, cache miss.
    $element['#cache'] = [
      'keys' => [
    $element['#prefix'] = '<p>#cache enabled, GET</p>';
    $output = $this->renderer
      ->assertSame('<p>#cache enabled, GET</p><p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>', (string) $output, 'Output is overridden.');
      ->assertTrue(isset($element['#printed']), 'No cache hit');
      ->assertSame('<p>#cache enabled, GET</p><p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>', (string) $element['#markup'], '#markup is overridden.');
    $expected_js_settings = [
      'foo' => 'bar',
      'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
      ->assertSame($element['#attached']['drupalSettings'], $expected_js_settings, '#attached is modified; both the original JavaScript setting and the one added by the placeholder #lazy_builder callback exist.');
      ->assertPlaceholderRenderCache($placeholder_cid_parts, $bubbled_cache_contexts, $placeholder_expected_render_cache_array);

    // GET request: validate cached data.
    $cached = $this->memoryCache

    // There are three edge cases, where the shape of the render cache item for
    // the parent (with CID 'placeholder_test_GET') is vastly different. These
    // are the cases where:
    // - the placeholder is uncacheable (because it has no #cache[keys]), and;
    // - cacheability metadata that meets auto_placeholder_conditions is bubbled
    $has_uncacheable_lazy_builder = !isset($test_element['placeholder']['#cache']['keys']) && isset($test_element['placeholder']['#lazy_builder']);

    // Edge cases: always where both bubbling of an auto-placeholdering
    // condition happens from within a #lazy_builder that is uncacheable.
    // - uncacheable + A5 (cache max-age)
    // @todo in
    // - uncacheable + A6 (cache context)
    $edge_case_a6_uncacheable = $has_uncacheable_lazy_builder && $test_element['placeholder']['#lazy_builder'][0] === 'Drupal\\Tests\\Core\\Render\\PlaceholdersTest::callbackPerUser';

    // - uncacheable + A7 (cache tag)
    $edge_case_a7_uncacheable = $has_uncacheable_lazy_builder && $test_element['placeholder']['#lazy_builder'][0] === 'Drupal\\Tests\\Core\\Render\\PlaceholdersTest::callbackTagCurrentTemperature';

    // The redirect-cacheable edge case: a high-cardinality cache context is
    // bubbled from a #lazy_builder callback for an uncacheable placeholder. The
    // element containing the uncacheable placeholder has cache keys set, and
    // due to the bubbled cache contexts it creates a cache redirect.
    if ($edge_case_a6_uncacheable) {
      $cached_element = $cached->data;
      $expected_redirect = [
        '#cache_redirect' => TRUE,
        '#cache' => [
          'keys' => [
          'contexts' => [
          'tags' => [],
          'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,
          'bin' => 'render',
        ->assertEquals($expected_redirect, $cached_element);

      // Follow the redirect.
      $cached_element = $this->memoryCache
        ->get('placeholder_test_GET:' . implode(':', $bubbled_cache_contexts))->data;
      $expected_element = [
        '#markup' => '<p>#cache enabled, GET</p><p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>',
        '#attached' => [
          'drupalSettings' => [
            'foo' => 'bar',
            'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => $bubbled_cache_contexts,
          'tags' => [],
          'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,
        ->assertEquals($expected_element, $cached_element, 'The parent is render cached with a redirect in ase a cache context is bubbled from an uncacheable child (no #cache[keys]) with a #lazy_builder.');
    elseif ($edge_case_a7_uncacheable) {
      $cached_element = $cached->data;
      $expected_element = [
        '#markup' => '<p>#cache enabled, GET</p><p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>',
        '#attached' => [
          'drupalSettings' => [
            'foo' => 'bar',
            'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [],
          'tags' => $bubbled_cache_tags,
          'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,
        ->assertEquals($expected_element, $cached_element, 'The correct data is cached: the stored #markup and #attached properties are not affected by placeholder #lazy_builder callbacks.');
    else {
      $cached_element = $cached->data;
      $expected_element = [
        '#markup' => '<p>#cache enabled, GET</p>' . $expected_placeholder_markup,
        '#attached' => [
          'drupalSettings' => [
            'foo' => 'bar',
          'placeholders' => [
            $expected_placeholder_markup => [
              '#lazy_builder' => [
        '#cache' => [
          'contexts' => [],
          'tags' => $bubbled_cache_tags,
          'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,
      $expected_element['#attached']['placeholders'][$expected_placeholder_markup] = $expected_placeholder_render_array;
        ->assertEquals($expected_element, $cached_element, 'The correct data is cached: the stored #markup and #attached properties are not affected by placeholder #lazy_builder callbacks.');

    // GET request: #cache enabled, cache hit.
    $element = $test_element;
    $element['#cache'] = [
      'keys' => [
    $element['#prefix'] = '<p>#cache enabled, GET</p>';
    $output = $this->renderer
      ->assertSame('<p>#cache enabled, GET</p><p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>', (string) $output, 'Output is overridden.');
      ->assertFalse(isset($element['#printed']), 'Cache hit');
      ->assertSame('<p>#cache enabled, GET</p><p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>', (string) $element['#markup'], '#markup is overridden.');
    $expected_js_settings = [
      'foo' => 'bar',
      'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
      ->assertSame($element['#attached']['drupalSettings'], $expected_js_settings, '#attached is modified; both the original JavaScript setting and the one added by the placeholder #lazy_builder callback exist.');

   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::get
   * @covers ::replacePlaceholders
   * @dataProvider providerPlaceholders
  public function testCacheableParentWithPostRequest($test_element, $args) {

    // Verify behavior when handling a non-GET request, e.g. a POST request:
    // also in that case, placeholders must be replaced.

    // POST request: #cache enabled, cache miss.
    $element = $test_element;
    $element['#cache'] = [
      'keys' => [
    $element['#prefix'] = '<p>#cache enabled, POST</p>';
    $output = $this->renderer
      ->assertSame('<p>#cache enabled, POST</p><p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>', (string) $output, 'Output is overridden.');
      ->assertTrue(isset($element['#printed']), 'No cache hit');
      ->assertSame('<p>#cache enabled, POST</p><p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>', (string) $element['#markup'], '#markup is overridden.');
    $expected_js_settings = [
      'foo' => 'bar',
      'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
      ->assertSame($element['#attached']['drupalSettings'], $expected_js_settings, '#attached is modified; both the original JavaScript setting and the one added by the placeholder #lazy_builder callback exist.');

    // Even when the child element's placeholder is cacheable, it should not
    // generate a render cache item.
      ->assertPlaceholderRenderCache(FALSE, [], []);

   * Tests a placeholder that adds another placeholder.
   * E.g. when rendering a node in a placeholder the rendering of that node
   * needs a placeholder of its own to be executed (to render the node links).
   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @covers ::replacePlaceholders
  public function testRecursivePlaceholder() {
    $args = [
    $element = [];
    $element['#create_placeholder'] = TRUE;
    $element['#lazy_builder'] = [
    $output = $this->renderer
      ->assertEquals('<p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>', $output, 'The output has been modified by the indirect, recursive placeholder #lazy_builder callback.');
      ->assertSame((string) $element['#markup'], '<p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>', '#markup is overridden by the indirect, recursive placeholder #lazy_builder callback.');
    $expected_js_settings = [
      'dynamic_animal' => $args[0],
      ->assertSame($element['#attached']['drupalSettings'], $expected_js_settings, '#attached is modified by the indirect, recursive placeholder #lazy_builder callback.');

   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @expectedException \DomainException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage The #lazy_builder property must have an array as a value.
  public function testInvalidLazyBuilder() {
    $element = [];
    $element['#lazy_builder'] = '\\Drupal\\Tests\\Core\\Render\\PlaceholdersTest::callback';

   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @expectedException \DomainException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage The #lazy_builder property must have an array as a value, containing two values: the callback, and the arguments for the callback.
  public function testInvalidLazyBuilderArguments() {
    $element = [];
    $element['#lazy_builder'] = [

   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @see testNonScalarLazybuilderCallbackContext
  public function testScalarLazybuilderCallbackContext() {
    $element = [];
    $element['#lazy_builder'] = [
        'string' => 'foo',
        'bool' => TRUE,
        'int' => 1337,
        'float' => 3.14,
        'null' => NULL,
    $result = $this->renderer
      ->assertInstanceOf('\\Drupal\\Core\\Render\\Markup', $result);
      ->assertEquals('<p>This is a rendered placeholder!</p>', (string) $result);

   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @expectedException \DomainException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage A #lazy_builder callback's context may only contain scalar values or NULL.
  public function testNonScalarLazybuilderCallbackContext() {
    $element = [];
    $element['#lazy_builder'] = [
        'string' => 'foo',
        'bool' => TRUE,
        'int' => 1337,
        'float' => 3.14,
        'null' => NULL,
        // array is not one of the scalar types.
        'array' => [

   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @expectedException \DomainException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage When a #lazy_builder callback is specified, no children can exist; all children must be generated by the #lazy_builder callback. You specified the following children: child_a, child_b.
  public function testChildrenPlusBuilder() {
    $element = [];
    $element['#lazy_builder'] = [
    $element['child_a']['#markup'] = 'Oh hai!';
    $element['child_b']['#markup'] = 'kthxbai';

   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @expectedException \DomainException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage When a #lazy_builder callback is specified, no properties can exist; all properties must be generated by the #lazy_builder callback. You specified the following properties: #llama, #piglet.
  public function testPropertiesPlusBuilder() {
    $element = [];
    $element['#lazy_builder'] = [
    $element['#llama'] = '#awesome';
    $element['#piglet'] = '#cute';

   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @expectedException \LogicException
   * @expectedExceptionMessage When #create_placeholder is set, a #lazy_builder callback must be present as well.
  public function testCreatePlaceholderPropertyWithoutLazyBuilder() {
    $element = [];
    $element['#create_placeholder'] = TRUE;

   * Create an element with a child and subchild. Each element has the same
   * #lazy_builder callback, but with different contexts. They don't modify
   * markup, only attach additional drupalSettings.
   * @covers ::render
   * @covers ::doRender
   * @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::get
   * @covers ::replacePlaceholders
  public function testRenderChildrenPlaceholdersDifferentArguments() {
    $args_1 = [
    $args_2 = [
    $args_3 = [
    $test_element = $this
      ->generatePlaceholdersWithChildrenTestElement($args_1, $args_2, $args_3);
    $element = $test_element;
    $output = $this->renderer
    $expected_output = <<<HTML
  <div class="details-wrapper"><details>
  <div class="details-wrapper">Subchild</div>
      ->assertSame($expected_output, (string) $output, 'Output is not overridden.');
      ->assertTrue(isset($element['#printed']), 'No cache hit');
      ->assertSame($expected_output, (string) $element['#markup'], '#markup is not overridden.');
    $expected_js_settings = [
      'foo' => 'bar',
      'dynamic_animal' => [
        $args_1[0] => TRUE,
        $args_2[0] => TRUE,
        $args_3[0] => TRUE,
      ->assertSame($element['#attached']['drupalSettings'], $expected_js_settings, '#attached is modified; both the original JavaScript setting and the ones added by each placeholder #lazy_builder callback exist.');

    // GET request: validate cached data.
    $cached_element = $this->memoryCache
    $expected_element = [
      '#attached' => [
        'drupalSettings' => [
          'foo' => 'bar',
        'placeholders' => [
          'parent-x-parent' => [
            '#lazy_builder' => [
              __NAMESPACE__ . '\\PlaceholdersTest::callback',
          'child-x-child' => [
            '#lazy_builder' => [
              __NAMESPACE__ . '\\PlaceholdersTest::callback',
          'subchild-x-subchild' => [
            '#lazy_builder' => [
              __NAMESPACE__ . '\\PlaceholdersTest::callback',
      '#cache' => [
        'contexts' => [],
        'tags' => [],
        'max-age' => Cache::PERMANENT,
    $dom = Html::load($cached_element['#markup']);
    $xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
    $parent = $xpath
    $child = $xpath
    $subchild = $xpath
      ->query('//details/div[@class="details-wrapper"]/details/div[@class="details-wrapper" and text()="Subchild"]')->length;
      ->assertTrue($parent && $child && $subchild, 'The correct data is cached: the stored #markup is not affected by placeholder #lazy_builder callbacks.');

    // Remove markup because it's compared above in the xpath.
      ->assertEquals($cached_element, $expected_element, 'The correct data is cached: the stored #attached properties are not affected by placeholder #lazy_builder callbacks.');

    // GET request: #cache enabled, cache hit.
    $element = $test_element;
    $output = $this->renderer
      ->assertSame($expected_output, (string) $output, 'Output is not overridden.');
      ->assertFalse(isset($element['#printed']), 'Cache hit');
      ->assertSame($element['#attached']['drupalSettings'], $expected_js_settings, '#attached is modified; both the original JavaScript setting and the ones added by each placeholder #lazy_builder callback exist.');

    // Use the exact same element, but now unset #cache; ensure we get the same
    // result.
    $element = $test_element;
    $output = $this->renderer
      ->assertSame($expected_output, (string) $output, 'Output is not overridden.');
      ->assertSame($expected_output, (string) $element['#markup'], '#markup is not overridden.');
      ->assertSame($element['#attached']['drupalSettings'], $expected_js_settings, '#attached is modified; both the original JavaScript setting and the ones added by each #lazy_builder callback exist.');

   * Generates an element with placeholders at 3 levels.
   * @param array $args_1
   *   The arguments for the placeholder at level 1.
   * @param array $args_2
   *   The arguments for the placeholder at level 2.
   * @param array $args_3
   *   The arguments for the placeholder at level 3.
   * @return array
   *   The generated render array for testing.
  protected function generatePlaceholdersWithChildrenTestElement(array $args_1, array $args_2, array $args_3) {
    $test_element = [
      '#type' => 'details',
      '#cache' => [
        'keys' => [
      '#title' => 'Parent',
      '#attached' => [
        'drupalSettings' => [
          'foo' => 'bar',
        'placeholders' => [
          'parent-x-parent' => [
            '#lazy_builder' => [
              __NAMESPACE__ . '\\PlaceholdersTest::callback',
    $test_element['child'] = [
      '#type' => 'details',
      '#attached' => [
        'placeholders' => [
          'child-x-child' => [
            '#lazy_builder' => [
              __NAMESPACE__ . '\\PlaceholdersTest::callback',
      '#title' => 'Child',
    $test_element['child']['subchild'] = [
      '#attached' => [
        'placeholders' => [
          'subchild-x-subchild' => [
            '#lazy_builder' => [
              __NAMESPACE__ . '\\PlaceholdersTest::callback',
      '#markup' => 'Subchild',
    return $test_element;

   * @return \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManagerInterface|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Builder_InvocationMocker
  protected function setupThemeManagerForDetails() {
    return $this->themeManager
      ->willReturnCallback(function ($theme, array $vars) {
      $output = <<<'EOS'
  <summary>{{ title }}</summary>
  <div class="details-wrapper">{{ children }}</div>
      $output = str_replace([
        '{{ title }}',
        '{{ children }}',
      ], [
      ], $output);
      return $output;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
RendererPlaceholdersTest::assertPlaceholderRenderCache protected function
RendererPlaceholdersTest::generatePlaceholderElement protected function Generates an element with a placeholder.
RendererPlaceholdersTest::generatePlaceholdersWithChildrenTestElement protected function Generates an element with placeholders at 3 levels.
RendererPlaceholdersTest::providerPlaceholders public function Provides the two classes of placeholders: cacheable and uncacheable.
RendererPlaceholdersTest::setUp protected function Overrides RendererTestBase::setUp
RendererPlaceholdersTest::setupThemeManagerForDetails protected function
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testCacheableParent public function @covers ::render @covers ::doRender @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::get @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::set @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::createCacheID
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testCacheableParentWithPostRequest public function @covers ::render @covers ::doRender @covers \Drupal\Core\Render\RenderCache::get @covers ::replacePlaceholders
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testChildrenPlusBuilder public function @covers ::render @covers ::doRender
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testCreatePlaceholderPropertyWithoutLazyBuilder public function @covers ::render @covers ::doRender
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testInvalidLazyBuilder public function @covers ::render @covers ::doRender
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testInvalidLazyBuilderArguments public function @covers ::render @covers ::doRender
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testNonScalarLazybuilderCallbackContext public function @covers ::render @covers ::doRender
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testPropertiesPlusBuilder public function @covers ::render @covers ::doRender
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testRecursivePlaceholder public function Tests a placeholder that adds another placeholder.
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testRenderChildrenPlaceholdersDifferentArguments public function Create an element with a child and subchild. Each element has the same #lazy_builder callback, but with different contexts. They don't modify markup, only attach additional drupalSettings.
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testScalarLazybuilderCallbackContext public function @covers ::render @covers ::doRender
RendererPlaceholdersTest::testUncacheableParent public function @covers ::render @covers ::doRender
RendererTestBase::$cacheContexts protected property
RendererTestBase::$cacheFactory protected property
RendererTestBase::$controllerResolver protected property The mocked controller resolver.
RendererTestBase::$currentUserRole protected property The simulated "current" user role, for use in tests with cache contexts.
RendererTestBase::$elementInfo protected property The mocked element info.
RendererTestBase::$memoryCache protected property
RendererTestBase::$placeholderGenerator protected property The tested placeholder generator. 1
RendererTestBase::$renderCache protected property The tested render cache.
RendererTestBase::$renderer protected property The tested renderer.
RendererTestBase::$rendererConfig protected property The mocked renderer configuration.
RendererTestBase::$requestStack protected property
RendererTestBase::$themeManager protected property The mocked theme manager.
RendererTestBase::assertRenderCacheItem protected function Asserts a render cache item.
RendererTestBase::randomContextValue protected function Generates a random context value for the placeholder tests.
RendererTestBase::setupMemoryCache protected function Sets up a memory-based render cache back-end.
RendererTestBase::setUpRequest protected function Sets up a request object on the request stack.
RendererTestBase::setUpUnusedCache protected function Sets up a render cache back-end that is asserted to be never used.
UnitTestCase::$randomGenerator protected property The random generator.
UnitTestCase::$root protected property The app root.
UnitTestCase::assertArrayEquals protected function Asserts if two arrays are equal by sorting them first.
UnitTestCase::getBlockMockWithMachineName protected function Mocks a block with a block plugin.
UnitTestCase::getClassResolverStub protected function Returns a stub class resolver.
UnitTestCase::getConfigFactoryStub public function Returns a stub config factory that behaves according to the passed in array.
UnitTestCase::getConfigStorageStub public function Returns a stub config storage that returns the supplied configuration.
UnitTestCase::getContainerWithCacheTagsInvalidator protected function Sets up a container with a cache tags invalidator.
UnitTestCase::getRandomGenerator protected function Gets the random generator for the utility methods.
UnitTestCase::getStringTranslationStub public function Returns a stub translation manager that just returns the passed string.
UnitTestCase::randomMachineName public function Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers.