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ViewExecutableTest.php in Zircon Profile 8




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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\views\Tests\ViewExecutableTest.
namespace Drupal\views\Tests;

use Drupal\comment\Tests\CommentTestTrait;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss;
use Drupal\views\Entity\View;
use Drupal\views\Views;
use Drupal\views\ViewExecutable;
use Drupal\views\ViewExecutableFactory;
use Drupal\views\DisplayPluginCollection;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\DefaultDisplay;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\Page;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\style\DefaultStyle;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\style\Grid;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\row\Fields;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\query\Sql;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\pager\PagerPluginBase;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\query\QueryPluginBase;
use Drupal\views_test_data\Plugin\views\display\DisplayTest;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

 * Tests the ViewExecutable class.
 * @group views
 * @see \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable
class ViewExecutableTest extends ViewKernelTestBase {
  use CommentTestTrait;
  public static $modules = [

   * Views used by this test.
   * @var array
  public static $testViews = array(

   * Properties that should be stored in the configuration.
   * @var array
  protected $configProperties = array(

   * Properties that should be stored in the executable.
   * @var array
  protected $executableProperties = array(
  protected function setUpFixtures() {
      ->installSchema('comment', array(
    entity_create('node_type', array(
      'type' => 'page',
      'name' => 'Page',
      ->addDefaultCommentField('node', 'page');

   * Tests the views.executable container service.
  public function testFactoryService() {
    $factory = $this->container
      ->assertTrue($factory instanceof ViewExecutableFactory, 'A ViewExecutableFactory instance was returned from the container.');
    $view = entity_load('view', 'test_executable_displays');
      ->get($view) instanceof ViewExecutable, 'A ViewExecutable instance was returned from the factory.');

   * Tests the initDisplay() and initHandlers() methods.
  public function testInitMethods() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_destroy');
      ->assertTrue($view->display_handler instanceof DefaultDisplay, 'Make sure a reference to the current display handler is set.');
      ->get('default') instanceof DefaultDisplay, 'Make sure a display handler is created for each display.');

    // Check for all handler types.
    $handler_types = array_keys(ViewExecutable::getHandlerTypes());
    foreach ($handler_types as $type) {

      // The views_test integration doesn't have relationships.
      if ($type == 'relationship') {
        ->assertTrue(count($view->{$type}), format_string('Make sure a %type instance got instantiated.', array(
        '%type' => $type,

    // initHandlers() should create display handlers automatically as well.
      ->assertTrue($view->display_handler instanceof DefaultDisplay, 'Make sure a reference to the current display handler is set.');
      ->get('default') instanceof DefaultDisplay, 'Make sure a display handler is created for each display.');
    $view_hash = spl_object_hash($view);
    $display_hash = spl_object_hash($view->display_handler);

    // Test the initStyle() method.
      ->assertTrue($view->style_plugin instanceof DefaultStyle, 'Make sure a reference to the style plugin is set.');

    // Test the plugin has been inited and view have references to the view and
    // display handler.
      ->assertEqual(spl_object_hash($view->style_plugin->view), $view_hash);
      ->assertEqual(spl_object_hash($view->style_plugin->displayHandler), $display_hash);

    // Test the initQuery method().
      ->assertTrue($view->query instanceof Sql, 'Make sure a reference to the query is set');
      ->assertEqual(spl_object_hash($view->query->view), $view_hash);
      ->assertEqual(spl_object_hash($view->query->displayHandler), $display_hash);

    // Test the plugin  get methods.
    $display_plugin = $view
      ->assertTrue($display_plugin instanceof DefaultDisplay, 'An instance of DefaultDisplay was returned.');
      ->assertTrue($view->display_handler instanceof DefaultDisplay, 'The display_handler property has been set.');
      ->assertIdentical($display_plugin, $view
      ->getDisplay(), 'The same display plugin instance was returned.');
    $style_plugin = $view
      ->assertTrue($style_plugin instanceof DefaultStyle, 'An instance of DefaultStyle was returned.');
      ->assertTrue($view->style_plugin instanceof DefaultStyle, 'The style_plugin property has been set.');
      ->assertIdentical($style_plugin, $view
      ->getStyle(), 'The same style plugin instance was returned.');
    $pager_plugin = $view
      ->assertTrue($pager_plugin instanceof PagerPluginBase, 'An instance of PagerPluginBase was returned.');
      ->assertTrue($view->pager instanceof PagerPluginBase, 'The pager property has been set.');
      ->assertIdentical($pager_plugin, $view
      ->getPager(), 'The same pager plugin instance was returned.');
    $query_plugin = $view
      ->assertTrue($query_plugin instanceof QueryPluginBase, 'An instance of QueryPluginBase was returned.');
      ->assertTrue($view->query instanceof QueryPluginBase, 'The query property has been set.');
      ->assertIdentical($query_plugin, $view
      ->getQuery(), 'The same query plugin instance was returned.');

   * Tests the generation of the executable object.
  public function testConstructing() {

   * Tests the accessing of values on the object.
  public function testProperties() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_destroy');
    foreach ($this->executableProperties as $property) {

    // Per default exposed input should fall back to an empty array.
      ->getExposedInput(), []);

   * Tests the display related methods and properties.
  public function testDisplays() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_executable_displays');

    // Tests Drupal\views\ViewExecutable::initDisplay().
      ->assertTrue($view->displayHandlers instanceof DisplayPluginCollection, 'The displayHandlers property has the right class.');

    // Tests the classes of the instances.
      ->get('default') instanceof DefaultDisplay);
      ->get('page_1') instanceof Page);
      ->get('page_2') instanceof Page);

    // After initializing the default display is the current used display.
      ->assertEqual($view->current_display, 'default');
      ->assertEqual(spl_object_hash($view->display_handler), spl_object_hash($view->displayHandlers

    // All handlers should have a reference to the default display.
      ->get('page_1')->default_display), spl_object_hash($view->displayHandlers
      ->get('page_2')->default_display), spl_object_hash($view->displayHandlers

    // Tests Drupal\views\ViewExecutable::setDisplay().
      ->assertEqual($view->current_display, 'default', 'If setDisplay is called with no parameter the default display should be used.');
      ->assertEqual(spl_object_hash($view->display_handler), spl_object_hash($view->displayHandlers

    // Set two different valid displays.
      ->assertEqual($view->current_display, 'page_1', 'If setDisplay is called with a valid display id the appropriate display should be used.');
      ->assertEqual(spl_object_hash($view->display_handler), spl_object_hash($view->displayHandlers
      ->assertEqual($view->current_display, 'page_2', 'If setDisplay is called with a valid display id the appropriate display should be used.');
      ->assertEqual(spl_object_hash($view->display_handler), spl_object_hash($view->displayHandlers

    // Destroy the view, so we can start again and test an invalid display.
    $count_before = count($this->assertions);
    $count_after = count($this->assertions);
      ->assertTrue($count_after - $count_before, 'Error is triggered while calling the wrong display.');
      ->assertEqual($view->current_display, 'default', 'If setDisplay is called with an invalid display id the default display should be used.');
      ->assertEqual(spl_object_hash($view->display_handler), spl_object_hash($view->displayHandlers

    // Test the style and row plugins are replaced correctly when setting the
    // display.
      ->assertTrue($view->style_plugin instanceof DefaultStyle);
      ->assertTrue($view->rowPlugin instanceof Fields);
      ->assertTrue($view->style_plugin instanceof Grid);

    // @todo Change this rowPlugin type too.
      ->assertTrue($view->rowPlugin instanceof Fields);

    // Test the newDisplay() method.
    $view = $this->container
      'id' => 'test_executable_displays',
    $executable = $view
      ->get('default') instanceof DefaultDisplay);
      ->get('page_1') instanceof Page);
      ->get('page_1')->default_display instanceof DefaultDisplay);
      ->get('page_2') instanceof Page);
      ->get('page_2')->default_display instanceof DefaultDisplay);
      ->get('display_test_1') instanceof DisplayTest);
      ->get('display_test_1')->default_display instanceof DefaultDisplay);

   * Tests the setting/getting of properties.
  public function testPropertyMethods() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_executable_displays');

    // Test the setAjaxEnabled() method.

    // There should be no pager set initially.

    // Add a pager, initialize, and test.
      ->overrideOption('pager', array(
      'type' => 'full',
      'options' => array(
        'items_per_page' => 10,

    // Test setting and getting the offset.
    $rand = rand();
      ->getOffset(), $rand);

    // Test the getBaseTable() method.
    $expected = array(
      'views_test_data' => TRUE,
      '#global' => TRUE,
      ->getBaseTables(), $expected);

    // Test response methods.
      ->getResponse() instanceof Response, 'New response object returned.');
    $new_response = new Response();
      ->getResponse()), spl_object_hash($new_response), 'New response object correctly set.');

    // Test the getPath() method.
    $path = $this
      ->overrideOption('path', $path);
      ->getPath(), $path);

    // Test the override_path property override.
    $override_path = $this
    $view->override_path = $override_path;
      ->getPath(), $override_path);

    // Test the title methods.
    $title = $this
      ->getTitle(), Xss::filterAdmin($title));

   * Tests the deconstructor to be sure that necessary objects are removed.
  public function testDestroy() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_destroy');

   * Asserts that expected view properties have been unset by destroy().
   * @param \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view
  protected function assertViewDestroy($view) {
    $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($view);
    $defaults = $reflection

    // The storage and user should remain.
    unset($defaults['storage'], $defaults['user'], $defaults['request'], $defaults['routeProvider']);
    foreach ($defaults as $property => $default) {
        ->getProtectedProperty($view, $property), $default);

   * Returns a protected property from a class instance.
   * @param object $instance
   *   The class instance to return the property from.
   * @param string $property
   *   The name of the property to return.
   * @return mixed
   *   The instance property value.
  protected function getProtectedProperty($instance, $property) {
    $reflection = new \ReflectionProperty($instance, $property);
    return $reflection

   * Tests ViewExecutable::getHandlerTypes().
  public function testGetHandlerTypes() {
    $types = ViewExecutable::getHandlerTypes();
    foreach (array(
    ) as $type) {

      // @todo The key on the display should be footers, headers and empties
      //   or something similar instead of the singular, but so long check for
      //   this special case.
      if (isset($types[$type]['type']) && $types[$type]['type'] == 'area') {
          ->assertEqual($types[$type]['plural'], $type);
      else {
          ->assertEqual($types[$type]['plural'], $type . 's');

   * Tests ViewExecutable::getHandlers().
  public function testGetHandlers() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_executable_displays');
      ->getHandlers('field', 'page_2');

    // getHandlers() shouldn't change the active display.
      ->assertEqual('page_1', $view->current_display, "The display shouldn't change after getHandlers()");

   * Tests the validation of display handlers.
  public function testValidate() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_executable_displays');
    $validate = $view

    // Validating a view shouldn't change the active display.
      ->assertEqual('page_1', $view->current_display, "The display should be constant while validating");
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($view->displayHandlers as $id => $display) {
      $match = function ($value) use ($display) {
        return strpos($value, $display->display['display_title']) !== false;
        ->assertTrue(array_filter($validate[$id], $match), format_string('Error message found for @id display', array(
        '@id' => $id,
      ->assertEqual(count($view->displayHandlers), $count, 'Error messages from all handlers merged.');

    // Test that a deleted display is not included.
    $display =& $view->storage
    $display['deleted'] = TRUE;
    $validate_deleted = $view
      ->assertNotIdentical($validate, $validate_deleted, 'Master display has not been validated.');

   * Tests that nested loops of the display handlers won't break validation.
  public function testValidateNestedLoops() {
    $view = View::create([
      'id' => 'test_validate_nested_loops',
    $executable = $view
    $errors = $executable
    $total_error_count = array_reduce($errors, function ($carry, $item) {
      $carry += count($item);
      return $carry;

    // Assert that there were 9 total errors across 3 displays.
      ->assertIdentical(9, $total_error_count);
      ->assertIdentical(3, count($errors));

   * Tests serialization of the ViewExecutable object.
  public function testSerialization() {
    $view = Views::getView('test_executable_displays');
    $serialized = serialize($view);

    // Test the view storage object is not present in the actual serialized
    // string.
      ->assertIdentical(strpos($serialized, '"Drupal\\views\\Entity\\View"'), FALSE, 'The Drupal\\views\\Entity\\View class was not found in the serialized string.');

    /** @var \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $unserialized */
    $unserialized = unserialize($serialized);
      ->assertTrue($unserialized instanceof ViewExecutable);
      ->id(), $unserialized->storage
      ->id(), 'The expected storage entity was loaded on the unserialized view.');
      ->assertIdentical($unserialized->current_display, 'page_1', 'The expected display was set on the unserialized view.');
      ->assertIdentical($unserialized->args, [
    ], 'The expected argument was set on the unserialized view.');
      ->getCurrentPage(), 2, 'The expected current page was set on the unserialized view.');



Namesort descending Description
ViewExecutableTest Tests the ViewExecutable class.