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class StableLibraryOverrideTest in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/modules/system/src/Tests/Theme/StableLibraryOverrideTest.php \Drupal\system\Tests\Theme\StableLibraryOverrideTest

Tests Stable's library overrides.

@group Theme


Expanded class hierarchy of StableLibraryOverrideTest


core/modules/system/src/Tests/Theme/StableLibraryOverrideTest.php, line 17
Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\Theme\StableLibraryOverrideTest.


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class StableLibraryOverrideTest extends KernelTestBase {

   * The theme manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeManagerInterface
  protected $themeManager;

   * The theme initialization.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeInitializationInterface
  protected $themeInitialization;

   * The library discovery service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Asset\LibraryDiscoveryInterface
  protected $libraryDiscovery;

   * A list of all core modules.
   * @var string[]
  protected $allModules;

   * A list of libraries to skip checking, in the format extension/library_name.
   * @var string[]
  protected $librariesToSkip = [];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
    $this->themeManager = $this->container
    $this->themeInitialization = $this->container
    $this->libraryDiscovery = $this->container

    // Enable all core modules.
    $all_modules = system_rebuild_module_data();
    $all_modules = array_filter($all_modules, function ($module) {

      // Filter contrib, hidden, already enabled modules and modules in the
      // Testing package.
      if ($module->origin !== 'core' || !empty($module->info['hidden']) || $module->status == TRUE || $module->info['package'] == 'Testing') {
        return FALSE;
      return TRUE;
    $this->allModules = array_keys($all_modules);

   * Ensures that Stable overrides all relevant core library assets.
  public function testStableLibraryOverrides() {

    // First get the clean library definitions with no active theme.
    $libraries_before = $this
    $libraries_before = $this

    // Now get the library definitions with Stable as the active theme.
    $libraries_after = $this
    $libraries_after = $this
    $root = \Drupal::root();
    foreach ($libraries_before as $extension => $libraries) {
      foreach ($libraries as $library_name => $library) {

        // Allow skipping libraries.
        if (in_array("{$extension}/{$library_name}", $this->librariesToSkip)) {
        $library_after = $libraries_after[$extension][$library_name];

        // Check that all the CSS assets are overridden.
        foreach ($library['css'] as $index => $asset) {
          $clean_path = $asset['data'];
          $stable_path = $library_after['css'][$index]['data'];

          // Make core/misc assets look like they are coming from a "core"
          // module.
          $replacements = [
            'core/misc/' => "core/modules/core/css/",
          $expected_path = strtr($clean_path, $replacements);

          // Adjust the module asset paths to correspond with the Stable folder
          // structure.
          $expected_path = str_replace("core/modules/{$extension}/css/", "core/themes/stable/css/{$extension}/", $expected_path);
          $assert_path = str_replace("core/modules/{$extension}/", '', $clean_path);
            ->assertEqual($expected_path, $stable_path, "{$assert_path} from the {$extension}/{$library_name} library is overridden in Stable.");

   * Removes all vendor libraries and assets from the library definitions.
   * @param array[] $all_libraries
   *   An associative array of libraries keyed by extension, then by library
   *   name, and so on.
   * @return array[]
   *   The reduced array of libraries.
  protected function removeVendorAssets($all_libraries) {
    foreach ($all_libraries as $extension => $libraries) {
      foreach ($libraries as $library_name => $library) {
        if (isset($library['remote'])) {
        foreach ([
        ] as $asset_type) {
          foreach ($library[$asset_type] as $index => $asset) {
            if (strpos($asset['data'], 'core/assets/vendor') !== FALSE) {

              // Re-key the array of assets. This is needed because
              // libraries-override doesn't always preserve the order.
              if (!empty($all_libraries[$extension][$library_name][$asset_type])) {
                $all_libraries[$extension][$library_name][$asset_type] = array_values($all_libraries[$extension][$library_name][$asset_type]);
    return $all_libraries;

   * Gets all libraries for core and all installed modules.
   * @return array[]
   *   An associative array of libraries keyed by extension, then by library
   *   name, and so on.
  protected function getAllLibraries() {
    $modules = \Drupal::moduleHandler()
    $module_list = array_keys($modules);
      ->assertEqual($this->allModules, $module_list, 'All core modules are installed.');
    $libraries['core'] = $this->libraryDiscovery
    $root = \Drupal::root();
    foreach ($modules as $module_name => $module) {
      $library_file = $module
        ->getPath() . '/' . $module_name . '.libraries.yml';
      if (is_file($root . '/' . $library_file)) {
        $libraries[$module_name] = $this->libraryDiscovery
    return $libraries;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
AssertContentTrait::$content protected property The current raw content.
AssertContentTrait::$drupalSettings protected property The drupalSettings value from the current raw $content.
AssertContentTrait::$elements protected property The XML structure parsed from the current raw $content. 2
AssertContentTrait::$plainTextContent protected property The plain-text content of raw $content (text nodes).
AssertContentTrait::assertEscaped protected function Passes if the raw text IS found escaped on the loaded page, fail otherwise.
AssertContentTrait::assertField protected function Asserts that a field exists with the given name or ID.
AssertContentTrait::assertFieldById protected function Asserts that a field exists with the given ID and value.
AssertContentTrait::assertFieldByName protected function Asserts that a field exists with the given name and value.
AssertContentTrait::assertFieldByXPath protected function Asserts that a field exists in the current page by the given XPath.
AssertContentTrait::assertFieldChecked protected function Asserts that a checkbox field in the current page is checked.
AssertContentTrait::assertFieldsByValue protected function Asserts that a field exists in the current page with a given Xpath result.
AssertContentTrait::assertLink protected function Passes if a link with the specified label is found.
AssertContentTrait::assertLinkByHref protected function Passes if a link containing a given href (part) is found.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoDuplicateIds protected function Asserts that each HTML ID is used for just a single element.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoEscaped protected function Passes if the raw text IS NOT found escaped on the loaded page, fail otherwise.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoField protected function Asserts that a field does not exist with the given name or ID.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoFieldById protected function Asserts that a field does not exist with the given ID and value.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoFieldByName protected function Asserts that a field does not exist with the given name and value.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoFieldByXPath protected function Asserts that a field does not exist or its value does not match, by XPath.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoFieldChecked protected function Asserts that a checkbox field in the current page is not checked.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoLink protected function Passes if a link with the specified label is not found.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoLinkByHref protected function Passes if a link containing a given href (part) is not found.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoLinkByHrefInMainRegion protected function Passes if a link containing a given href is not found in the main region.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoOption protected function Asserts that a select option in the current page does not exist.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoOptionSelected protected function Asserts that a select option in the current page is not checked.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoPattern protected function Triggers a pass if the perl regex pattern is not found in raw content.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoRaw protected function Passes if the raw text is NOT found on the loaded page, fail otherwise.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoText protected function Passes if the page (with HTML stripped) does not contains the text.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoTitle protected function Pass if the page title is not the given string.
AssertContentTrait::assertNoUniqueText protected function Passes if the text is found MORE THAN ONCE on the text version of the page.
AssertContentTrait::assertOption protected function Asserts that a select option in the current page exists.
AssertContentTrait::assertOptionSelected protected function Asserts that a select option in the current page is checked.
AssertContentTrait::assertOptionSelectedWithDrupalSelector protected function Asserts that a select option in the current page is checked.
AssertContentTrait::assertOptionWithDrupalSelector protected function Asserts that a select option in the current page exists.
AssertContentTrait::assertPattern protected function Triggers a pass if the Perl regex pattern is found in the raw content.
AssertContentTrait::assertRaw protected function Passes if the raw text IS found on the loaded page, fail otherwise.
AssertContentTrait::assertText protected function Passes if the page (with HTML stripped) contains the text.
AssertContentTrait::assertTextHelper protected function Helper for assertText and assertNoText.
AssertContentTrait::assertTextPattern protected function Asserts that a Perl regex pattern is found in the plain-text content.
AssertContentTrait::assertThemeOutput protected function Asserts themed output.
AssertContentTrait::assertTitle protected function Pass if the page title is the given string.
AssertContentTrait::assertUniqueText protected function Passes if the text is found ONLY ONCE on the text version of the page.
AssertContentTrait::assertUniqueTextHelper protected function Helper for assertUniqueText and assertNoUniqueText.
AssertContentTrait::buildXPathQuery protected function Builds an XPath query.
AssertContentTrait::constructFieldXpath protected function Helper: Constructs an XPath for the given set of attributes and value.
AssertContentTrait::cssSelect protected function Searches elements using a CSS selector in the raw content.
AssertContentTrait::getAllOptions protected function Get all option elements, including nested options, in a select.
AssertContentTrait::getDrupalSettings protected function Gets the value of drupalSettings for the currently-loaded page.
AssertContentTrait::getRawContent protected function Gets the current raw content.
AssertContentTrait::getSelectedItem protected function Get the selected value from a select field.
AssertContentTrait::getTextContent protected function Retrieves the plain-text content from the current raw content.
AssertContentTrait::getUrl protected function Get the current URL from the cURL handler. 1
AssertContentTrait::parse protected function Parse content returned from curlExec using DOM and SimpleXML.
AssertContentTrait::removeWhiteSpace protected function Removes all white-space between HTML tags from the raw content.
AssertContentTrait::setDrupalSettings protected function Sets the value of drupalSettings for the currently-loaded page.
AssertContentTrait::setRawContent protected function Sets the raw content (e.g. HTML).
AssertContentTrait::xpath protected function Performs an xpath search on the contents of the internal browser.
AssertHelperTrait::castSafeStrings protected function Casts MarkupInterface objects into strings.
KernelTestBase::$configDirectories protected property The configuration directories for this test run.
KernelTestBase::$keyValueFactory protected property A KeyValueMemoryFactory instance to use when building the container.
KernelTestBase::$moduleFiles private property
KernelTestBase::$modules public static property Modules to enable. 192
KernelTestBase::$streamWrappers protected property Array of registered stream wrappers.
KernelTestBase::$themeFiles private property
KernelTestBase::beforePrepareEnvironment protected function Act on global state information before the environment is altered for a test. Overrides TestBase::beforePrepareEnvironment
KernelTestBase::containerBuild public function Sets up the base service container for this test. 12
KernelTestBase::defaultLanguageData protected function Provides the data for setting the default language on the container. 1
KernelTestBase::disableModules protected function Disables modules for this test.
KernelTestBase::enableModules protected function Enables modules for this test.
KernelTestBase::installConfig protected function Installs default configuration for a given list of modules.
KernelTestBase::installEntitySchema protected function Installs the storage schema for a specific entity type.
KernelTestBase::installSchema protected function Installs a specific table from a module schema definition.
KernelTestBase::prepareConfigDirectories protected function Create and set new configuration directories. 1
KernelTestBase::registerStreamWrapper protected function Registers a stream wrapper for this test.
KernelTestBase::render protected function Renders a render array.
KernelTestBase::tearDown protected function Performs cleanup tasks after each individual test method has been run. Overrides TestBase::tearDown
KernelTestBase::__construct function Constructor for Test. Overrides TestBase::__construct
RandomGeneratorTrait::$randomGenerator protected property The random generator.
RandomGeneratorTrait::getRandomGenerator protected function Gets the random generator for the utility methods.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomMachineName protected function Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomObject public function Generates a random PHP object.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomString public function Generates a pseudo-random string of ASCII characters of codes 32 to 126.
RandomGeneratorTrait::randomStringValidate public function Callback for random string validation.
SessionTestTrait::$sessionName protected property The name of the session cookie.
SessionTestTrait::generateSessionName protected function Generates a session cookie name.
SessionTestTrait::getSessionName protected function Returns the session name in use on the child site.
StableLibraryOverrideTest::$allModules protected property A list of all core modules.
StableLibraryOverrideTest::$librariesToSkip protected property A list of libraries to skip checking, in the format extension/library_name.
StableLibraryOverrideTest::$libraryDiscovery protected property The library discovery service.
StableLibraryOverrideTest::$themeInitialization protected property The theme initialization.
StableLibraryOverrideTest::$themeManager protected property The theme manager.
StableLibraryOverrideTest::getAllLibraries protected function Gets all libraries for core and all installed modules.
StableLibraryOverrideTest::removeVendorAssets protected function Removes all vendor libraries and assets from the library definitions.
StableLibraryOverrideTest::setUp public function Performs setup tasks before each individual test method is run. Overrides KernelTestBase::setUp
StableLibraryOverrideTest::testStableLibraryOverrides public function Ensures that Stable overrides all relevant core library assets.
TestBase::$assertions protected property Assertions thrown in that test case.
TestBase::$configImporter protected property The config importer that can used in a test. 5
TestBase::$configSchemaCheckerExclusions protected static property An array of config object names that are excluded from schema checking.
TestBase::$container protected property The dependency injection container used in the test.
TestBase::$databasePrefix protected property The database prefix of this test run.
TestBase::$dieOnFail public property Whether to die in case any test assertion fails.
TestBase::$httpAuthCredentials protected property HTTP authentication credentials (<username>:<password>).
TestBase::$httpAuthMethod protected property HTTP authentication method (specified as a CURLAUTH_* constant).
TestBase::$kernel protected property The DrupalKernel instance used in the test. 1
TestBase::$originalConf protected property The original configuration (variables), if available.
TestBase::$originalConfig protected property The original configuration (variables).
TestBase::$originalConfigDirectories protected property The original configuration directories.
TestBase::$originalContainer protected property The original container.
TestBase::$originalFileDirectory protected property The original file directory, before it was changed for testing purposes.
TestBase::$originalLanguage protected property The original language.
TestBase::$originalPrefix protected property The original database prefix when running inside Simpletest.
TestBase::$originalProfile protected property The original installation profile.
TestBase::$originalSessionName protected property The name of the session cookie of the test-runner.
TestBase::$originalSettings protected property The settings array.
TestBase::$originalShutdownCallbacks protected property The original array of shutdown function callbacks. 1
TestBase::$originalSite protected property The site directory of the original parent site.
TestBase::$originalUser protected property The original user, before testing began. 1
TestBase::$privateFilesDirectory protected property The private file directory for the test environment.
TestBase::$publicFilesDirectory protected property The public file directory for the test environment.
TestBase::$results public property Current results of this test case.
TestBase::$siteDirectory protected property The site directory of this test run.
TestBase::$skipClasses protected property This class is skipped when looking for the source of an assertion.
TestBase::$strictConfigSchema protected property Set to TRUE to strict check all configuration saved. 4
TestBase::$tempFilesDirectory protected property The temporary file directory for the test environment.
TestBase::$testId protected property The test run ID.
TestBase::$timeLimit protected property Time limit for the test.
TestBase::$translationFilesDirectory protected property The translation file directory for the test environment.
TestBase::$verbose public property TRUE if verbose debugging is enabled.
TestBase::$verboseClassName protected property Safe class name for use in verbose output filenames.
TestBase::$verboseDirectory protected property Directory where verbose output files are put.
TestBase::$verboseDirectoryUrl protected property URL to the verbose output file directory.
TestBase::$verboseId protected property Incrementing identifier for verbose output filenames.
TestBase::assert protected function Internal helper: stores the assert.
TestBase::assertEqual protected function Check to see if two values are equal.
TestBase::assertErrorLogged protected function Asserts that a specific error has been logged to the PHP error log.
TestBase::assertFalse protected function Check to see if a value is false.
TestBase::assertIdentical protected function Check to see if two values are identical.
TestBase::assertIdenticalObject protected function Checks to see if two objects are identical.
TestBase::assertNoErrorsLogged protected function Asserts that no errors have been logged to the PHP error.log thus far.
TestBase::assertNotEqual protected function Check to see if two values are not equal.
TestBase::assertNotIdentical protected function Check to see if two values are not identical.
TestBase::assertNotNull protected function Check to see if a value is not NULL.
TestBase::assertNull protected function Check to see if a value is NULL.
TestBase::assertTrue protected function Check to see if a value is not false.
TestBase::changeDatabasePrefix private function Changes the database connection to the prefixed one.
TestBase::checkRequirements protected function Checks the matching requirements for Test. 2
TestBase::config protected function Configuration accessor for tests. Returns non-overridden configuration.
TestBase::configImporter public function Returns a ConfigImporter object to import test importing of configuration. 5
TestBase::copyConfig public function Copies configuration objects from source storage to target storage.
TestBase::deleteAssert public static function Delete an assertion record by message ID.
TestBase::error protected function Fire an error assertion. 3
TestBase::errorHandler public function Handle errors during test runs.
TestBase::exceptionHandler protected function Handle exceptions.
TestBase::fail protected function Fire an assertion that is always negative.
TestBase::filePreDeleteCallback public static function Ensures test files are deletable within file_unmanaged_delete_recursive().
TestBase::generatePermutations public static function Converts a list of possible parameters into a stack of permutations.
TestBase::getAssertionCall protected function Cycles through backtrace until the first non-assertion method is found.
TestBase::getConfigSchemaExclusions protected function Gets the config schema exclusions for this test.
TestBase::getDatabaseConnection public static function Returns the database connection to the site running Simpletest.
TestBase::getDatabasePrefix public function Gets the database prefix.
TestBase::getTempFilesDirectory public function Gets the temporary files directory.
TestBase::insertAssert public static function Store an assertion from outside the testing context.
TestBase::pass protected function Fire an assertion that is always positive.
TestBase::prepareDatabasePrefix private function Generates a database prefix for running tests.
TestBase::prepareEnvironment private function Prepares the current environment for running the test.
TestBase::restoreEnvironment private function Cleans up the test environment and restores the original environment.
TestBase::run public function Run all tests in this class. 1
TestBase::settingsSet protected function Changes in memory settings.
TestBase::storeAssertion protected function Helper method to store an assertion record in the configured database.
TestBase::verbose protected function Logs a verbose message in a text file.