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PageTest.php in Zircon Profile 8


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\Batch\PageTest.
namespace Drupal\system\Tests\Batch;

use Drupal\simpletest\WebTestBase;

 * Tests the content of the progress page.
 * @group Batch
class PageTest extends WebTestBase {

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = array(

   * Tests that the batch API progress page uses the correct theme.
  function testBatchProgressPageTheme() {

    // Make sure that the page which starts the batch (an administrative page)
    // is using a different theme than would normally be used by the batch API.
      ->set('default', 'bartik')
      ->set('admin', 'seven')

    // Log in as an administrator who can see the administrative theme.
    $admin_user = $this
      'view the administration theme',

    // Visit an administrative page that runs a test batch, and check that the
    // theme that was used during batch execution (which the batch callback
    // function saved as a variable) matches the theme used on the
    // administrative page.

    // The stack should contain the name of the theme used on the progress
    // page.
      ->assertEqual(batch_test_stack(), array(
    ), 'A progressive batch correctly uses the theme of the page that started the batch.');

   * Tests that the batch API progress page shows the title correctly.
  function testBatchProgressPageTitle() {

    // Visit an administrative page that runs a test batch, and check that the
    // title shown during batch execution (which the batch callback function
    // saved as a variable) matches the theme used on the administrative page.

    // The stack should contain the title shown on the progress page.
      ->assertEqual(batch_test_stack(), [
      'Batch Test',
    ], 'The batch title is shown on the batch page.');
      ->assertText('Redirection successful.', 'Redirection after batch execution is correct.');

   * Tests that the progress messages are correct.
  function testBatchProgressMessages() {

    // Go to the initial step only.
    $this->maximumMetaRefreshCount = 0;
      ->assertRaw('<div class="progress__description">Initializing.<br />&nbsp;</div>', 'Initial progress message appears correctly.');
      ->assertNoRaw('&amp;nbsp;', 'Initial progress message is not double escaped.');

    // Now also go to the next step.
    $this->maximumMetaRefreshCount = 1;
      ->assertRaw('<div class="progress__description">Completed 1 of 1.</div>', 'Progress message for second step appears correctly.');



Namesort descending Description
PageTest Tests the content of the progress page.