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class ModulesUninstallForm in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/system/src/Form/ModulesUninstallForm.php \Drupal\system\Form\ModulesUninstallForm

Provides a form for uninstalling modules.


Expanded class hierarchy of ModulesUninstallForm

1 string reference to 'ModulesUninstallForm'
system.routing.yml in core/modules/system/system.routing.yml


core/modules/system/src/Form/ModulesUninstallForm.php, line 20
Contains \Drupal\system\Form\ModulesUninstallForm.


View source
class ModulesUninstallForm extends FormBase {

   * The module handler service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
  protected $moduleHandler;

   * The module installer service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstallerInterface
  protected $moduleInstaller;

   * The expirable key value store.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\KeyValueStoreExpirableInterface
  protected $keyValueExpirable;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new static($container
      ->get('module_handler'), $container
      ->get('module_installer'), $container

   * Constructs a ModulesUninstallForm object.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler
   *   The module handler.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleInstallerInterface $module_installer
   *   The module installer.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\KeyValueStore\KeyValueStoreExpirableInterface $key_value_expirable
   *   The key value expirable factory.
  public function __construct(ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler, ModuleInstallerInterface $module_installer, KeyValueStoreExpirableInterface $key_value_expirable) {
    $this->moduleHandler = $module_handler;
    $this->moduleInstaller = $module_installer;
    $this->keyValueExpirable = $key_value_expirable;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFormId() {
    return 'system_modules_uninstall';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    // Make sure the install API is available.
    include_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/core/includes/';

    // Get a list of all available modules.
    $modules = system_rebuild_module_data();
    $uninstallable = array_filter($modules, function ($module) use ($modules) {
      return empty($modules[$module
        ->getName()]->info['required']) && $module->status;

    // Include so we can use the sort callbacks.
      ->loadInclude('system', 'inc', 'system.admin');
    $form['filters'] = array(
      '#type' => 'container',
      '#attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
    $form['filters']['text'] = array(
      '#type' => 'search',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Filter modules'),
      '#title_display' => 'invisible',
      '#size' => 30,
      '#placeholder' => $this
        ->t('Filter by name or description'),
      '#description' => $this
        ->t('Enter a part of the module name or description'),
      '#attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
        'data-table' => '#system-modules-uninstall',
        'autocomplete' => 'off',
    $form['modules'] = array();

    // Only build the rest of the form if there are any modules available to
    // uninstall;
    if (empty($uninstallable)) {
      return $form;
    $profile = drupal_get_profile();

    // Sort all modules by their name.
    uasort($uninstallable, 'system_sort_modules_by_info_name');
    $validation_reasons = $this->moduleInstaller
    $form['uninstall'] = array(
      '#tree' => TRUE,
    foreach ($uninstallable as $module_key => $module) {
      $name = $module->info['name'] ?: $module
        ->getName()]['#module_name'] = $name;
        ->getName()]['name']['#markup'] = $name;
        ->getName()]['description']['#markup'] = $this
        ->getName()] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => $this
          ->t('Uninstall @module module', array(
          '@module' => $name,
        '#title_display' => 'invisible',

      // If a validator returns reasons not to uninstall a module,
      // list the reasons and disable the check box.
      if (isset($validation_reasons[$module_key])) {
          ->getName()]['#validation_reasons'] = $validation_reasons[$module_key];
          ->getName()]['#disabled'] = TRUE;

      // All modules which depend on this one must be uninstalled first, before
      // we can allow this module to be uninstalled. (The installation profile
      // is excluded from this list.)
      foreach (array_keys($module->required_by) as $dependent) {
        if ($dependent != $profile && drupal_get_installed_schema_version($dependent) != SCHEMA_UNINSTALLED) {
          $name = isset($modules[$dependent]->info['name']) ? $modules[$dependent]->info['name'] : $dependent;
            ->getName()]['#required_by'][] = $name;
            ->getName()]['#disabled'] = TRUE;
    $form['#attached']['library'][] = 'system/drupal.system.modules';
    $form['actions'] = array(
      '#type' => 'actions',
    $form['actions']['submit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => $this
    return $form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function validateForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    // Form submitted, but no modules selected.
    if (!array_filter($form_state
      ->getValue('uninstall'))) {
        ->setErrorByName('uninstall', $this
        ->t('No modules selected.'));

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

    // Save all the values in an expirable key value store.
    $modules = $form_state
    $uninstall = array_keys(array_filter($modules));
    $account = $this

    // Store the values for 6 hours. This expiration time is also used in
    // the form cache.
      ->setWithExpire($account, $uninstall, 6 * 60 * 60);

    // Redirect to the confirm form.



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function 1
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2
FormBase::$configFactory protected property The config factory. 3
FormBase::$loggerFactory protected property The logger factory.
FormBase::$requestStack protected property The request stack. 1
FormBase::$routeMatch protected property The route match.
FormBase::config protected function Retrieves a configuration object.
FormBase::configFactory protected function Gets the config factory for this form. 3
FormBase::container private function Returns the service container.
FormBase::currentUser protected function Gets the current user.
FormBase::getRequest protected function Gets the request object.
FormBase::getRouteMatch protected function Gets the route match.
FormBase::logger protected function Gets the logger for a specific channel.
FormBase::resetConfigFactory public function Resets the configuration factory.
FormBase::setConfigFactory public function Sets the config factory for this form.
FormBase::setRequestStack public function Sets the request stack object to use.
LinkGeneratorTrait::$linkGenerator protected property The link generator. 1
LinkGeneratorTrait::getLinkGenerator protected function Returns the link generator.
LinkGeneratorTrait::l protected function Renders a link to a route given a route name and its parameters.
LinkGeneratorTrait::setLinkGenerator public function Sets the link generator service.
ModulesUninstallForm::$keyValueExpirable protected property The expirable key value store.
ModulesUninstallForm::$moduleHandler protected property The module handler service.
ModulesUninstallForm::$moduleInstaller protected property The module installer service.
ModulesUninstallForm::buildForm public function Form constructor. Overrides FormInterface::buildForm
ModulesUninstallForm::create public static function Instantiates a new instance of this class. Overrides FormBase::create
ModulesUninstallForm::getFormId public function Returns a unique string identifying the form. Overrides FormInterface::getFormId
ModulesUninstallForm::submitForm public function Form submission handler. Overrides FormInterface::submitForm
ModulesUninstallForm::validateForm public function Form validation handler. Overrides FormBase::validateForm
ModulesUninstallForm::__construct public function Constructs a ModulesUninstallForm object.
RedirectDestinationTrait::$redirectDestination protected property The redirect destination service.
RedirectDestinationTrait::getDestinationArray protected function Prepares a 'destination' URL query parameter for use with \Drupal\Core\Url.
RedirectDestinationTrait::getRedirectDestination protected function Returns the redirect destination service.
RedirectDestinationTrait::setRedirectDestination public function Sets the redirect destination service.
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.
UrlGeneratorTrait::$urlGenerator protected property The url generator.
UrlGeneratorTrait::getUrlGenerator protected function Returns the URL generator service.
UrlGeneratorTrait::redirect protected function Returns a redirect response object for the specified route.
UrlGeneratorTrait::setUrlGenerator public function Sets the URL generator service.
UrlGeneratorTrait::url protected function Generates a URL or path for a specific route based on the given parameters.