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class ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBaseTest in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/modules/forum/tests/src/Unit/Breadcrumb/ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBaseTest.php \Drupal\Tests\forum\Unit\Breadcrumb\ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBaseTest

@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\forum\Breadcrumb\ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBase @group forum


Expanded class hierarchy of ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBaseTest


core/modules/forum/tests/src/Unit/Breadcrumb/ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBaseTest.php, line 19
Contains \Drupal\Tests\forum\Unit\Breadcrumb\ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBaseTest.


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class ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBaseTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
    $cache_contexts_manager = $this
    $container = new Container();
      ->set('cache_contexts_manager', $cache_contexts_manager);

   * Tests ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBase::__construct().
   * @covers ::__construct
  public function testConstructor() {

    // Make some test doubles.
    $entity_manager = $this
    $config_factory = $this
      'forum.settings' => array(
        'IAmATestKey' => 'IAmATestValue',
    $forum_manager = $this

    // Make an object to test.
    $builder = $this
      ->getMockForAbstractClass('Drupal\\forum\\Breadcrumb\\ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBase', array(

    // Reflect upon our properties, except for config which is a special case.
    $property_names = array(
      'entityManager' => $entity_manager,
      'forumManager' => $forum_manager,
    foreach ($property_names as $property_name => $property_value) {
        ->assertAttributeEquals($property_value, $property_name, $builder);

    // Test that the constructor made a config object with our info in it.
    $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($builder);
    $ref_property = $reflector
    $config = $ref_property
      ->assertEquals('IAmATestValue', $config

   * Tests ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBase::build().
   * @see \Drupal\forum\Breadcrumb\ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBase::build()
   * @covers ::build
  public function testBuild() {

    // Build all our dependencies, backwards.
    $forum_manager = $this
    $prophecy = $this
    $vocab_storage = $this
    $entity_manager = $this
    $config_factory = $this
      'forum.settings' => array(
        'vocabulary' => 'forums',

    // Build a breadcrumb builder to test.
    $breadcrumb_builder = $this
      ->getMockForAbstractClass('Drupal\\forum\\Breadcrumb\\ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBase', array(

    // Add a translation manager for t().
    $translation_manager = $this

    // Our empty data set.
    $route_match = $this

    // Expected result set.
    $expected = array(
      Link::createFromRoute('Home', '<front>'),
      Link::createFromRoute('Fora_is_the_plural_of_forum', 'forum.index'),

    // And finally, the test.
    $breadcrumb = $breadcrumb_builder
      ->assertEquals($expected, $breadcrumb
    ], $breadcrumb
    ], $breadcrumb
      ->assertEquals(Cache::PERMANENT, $breadcrumb



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBaseTest::setUp public function Overrides UnitTestCase::setUp
ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBaseTest::testBuild public function Tests ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBase::build().
ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBaseTest::testConstructor public function Tests ForumBreadcrumbBuilderBase::__construct().
UnitTestCase::$randomGenerator protected property The random generator.
UnitTestCase::$root protected property The app root.
UnitTestCase::assertArrayEquals protected function Asserts if two arrays are equal by sorting them first.
UnitTestCase::getBlockMockWithMachineName protected function Mocks a block with a block plugin.
UnitTestCase::getClassResolverStub protected function Returns a stub class resolver.
UnitTestCase::getConfigFactoryStub public function Returns a stub config factory that behaves according to the passed in array.
UnitTestCase::getConfigStorageStub public function Returns a stub config storage that returns the supplied configuration.
UnitTestCase::getContainerWithCacheTagsInvalidator protected function Sets up a container with a cache tags invalidator.
UnitTestCase::getRandomGenerator protected function Gets the random generator for the utility methods.
UnitTestCase::getStringTranslationStub public function Returns a stub translation manager that just returns the passed string.
UnitTestCase::randomMachineName public function Generates a unique random string containing letters and numbers.