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class ThemeInitialization in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Theme/ThemeInitialization.php \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeInitialization

Provides the theme initialization logic.


Expanded class hierarchy of ThemeInitialization

1 string reference to 'ThemeInitialization' in core/
1 service uses ThemeInitialization
theme.initialization in core/


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Theme/ThemeInitialization.php, line 18
Contains \Drupal\Core\Theme\ThemeInitialization.


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class ThemeInitialization implements ThemeInitializationInterface {

   * The theme handler.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandlerInterface
  protected $themeHandler;

   * The cache backend to use for the active theme.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface
  protected $cache;

   * The app root.
   * @var string
  protected $root;

   * The extensions that might be attaching assets.
   * @var array
  protected $extensions;

   * Constructs a new ThemeInitialization object.
   * @param string $root
   *   The app root.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ThemeHandlerInterface $theme_handler
   *   The theme handler.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface $cache
   *   The cache backend.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler
   *   The module handler to use to load modules.
  public function __construct($root, ThemeHandlerInterface $theme_handler, CacheBackendInterface $cache, ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler) {
    $this->root = $root;
    $this->themeHandler = $theme_handler;
    $this->cache = $cache;
    $this->moduleHandler = $module_handler;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function initTheme($theme_name) {
    $active_theme = $this
    return $active_theme;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getActiveThemeByName($theme_name) {
    if ($cached = $this->cache
      ->get('theme.active_theme.' . $theme_name)) {
      return $cached->data;
    $themes = $this->themeHandler

    // If no theme could be negotiated, or if the negotiated theme is not within
    // the list of installed themes, fall back to the default theme output of
    // core and modules (like Stark, but without a theme extension at all). This
    // is possible, because loadActiveTheme() always loads the Twig theme
    // engine. This is desired, because missing or malformed theme configuration
    // should not leave the application in a broken state. By falling back to
    // default output, the user is able to reconfigure the theme through the UI.
    // Lastly, tests are expected to operate with no theme by default, so as to
    // only assert the original theme output of modules (unless a test manually
    // installs a specific theme).
    if (empty($themes) || !$theme_name || !isset($themes[$theme_name])) {
      $theme_name = 'core';

      // /core/ does not actually exist, but is required because
      // Extension expects a pathname.
      $active_theme = $this
        ->getActiveTheme(new Extension($this->root, 'theme', 'core/'));

      // Early-return and do not set state, because the initialized $theme_name
      // differs from the original $theme_name.
      return $active_theme;

    // Find all our ancestor themes and put them in an array.
    $base_themes = array();
    $ancestor = $theme_name;
    while ($ancestor && isset($themes[$ancestor]->base_theme)) {
      $ancestor = $themes[$ancestor]->base_theme;
      if (!$this->themeHandler
        ->themeExists($ancestor)) {
        if ($ancestor == 'stable') {

          // Themes that depend on Stable will be fixed by system_update_8014().
          // There is no harm in not adding it as an ancestor since at worst
          // some people might experience slight visual regressions on
          // update.php.
        throw new MissingThemeDependencyException(sprintf('Base theme %s has not been installed.', $ancestor), $ancestor);
      $base_themes[] = $themes[$ancestor];
    $active_theme = $this
      ->getActiveTheme($themes[$theme_name], $base_themes);
      ->set('theme.active_theme.' . $theme_name, $active_theme);
    return $active_theme;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function loadActiveTheme(ActiveTheme $active_theme) {

    // Initialize the theme.
    if ($theme_engine = $active_theme
      ->getEngine()) {

      // Include the engine.
      include_once $this->root . '/' . $active_theme
      if (function_exists($theme_engine . '_init')) {
        foreach ($active_theme
          ->getBaseThemes() as $base) {
          call_user_func($theme_engine . '_init', $base
        call_user_func($theme_engine . '_init', $active_theme
    else {

      // include non-engine theme files
      foreach ($active_theme
        ->getBaseThemes() as $base) {

        // Include the theme file or the engine.
        if ($base
          ->getOwner()) {
          include_once $this->root . '/' . $base

      // and our theme gets one too.
      if ($active_theme
        ->getOwner()) {
        include_once $this->root . '/' . $active_theme

    // Always include Twig as the default theme engine.
    include_once $this->root . '/core/themes/engines/twig/twig.engine';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getActiveTheme(Extension $theme, array $base_themes = []) {
    $theme_path = $theme
    $values['path'] = $theme_path;
    $values['name'] = $theme

    // @todo Remove in Drupal 9.0.x.
    $values['stylesheets_remove'] = $this
      ->prepareStylesheetsRemove($theme, $base_themes);

    // Prepare libraries overrides from this theme and ancestor themes. This
    // allows child themes to easily remove CSS files from base themes and
    // modules.
    $values['libraries_override'] = [];

    // Get libraries overrides declared by base themes.
    foreach ($base_themes as $base) {
      if (!empty($base->info['libraries-override'])) {
        foreach ($base->info['libraries-override'] as $library => $override) {
            ->getPath()][$library] = $override;

    // Add libraries overrides declared by this theme.
    if (!empty($theme->info['libraries-override'])) {
      foreach ($theme->info['libraries-override'] as $library => $override) {
          ->getPath()][$library] = $override;

    // Get libraries extensions declared by base themes.
    foreach ($base_themes as $base) {
      if (!empty($base->info['libraries-extend'])) {
        foreach ($base->info['libraries-extend'] as $library => $extend) {
          if (isset($values['libraries_extend'][$library])) {

            // Merge if libraries-extend has already been defined for this
            // library.
            $values['libraries_extend'][$library] = array_merge($values['libraries_extend'][$library], $extend);
          else {
            $values['libraries_extend'][$library] = $extend;

    // Add libraries extensions declared by this theme.
    if (!empty($theme->info['libraries-extend'])) {
      foreach ($theme->info['libraries-extend'] as $library => $extend) {
        if (isset($values['libraries_extend'][$library])) {

          // Merge if libraries-extend has already been defined for this
          // library.
          $values['libraries_extend'][$library] = array_merge($values['libraries_extend'][$library], $extend);
        else {
          $values['libraries_extend'][$library] = $extend;

    // Do basically the same as the above for libraries
    $values['libraries'] = array();

    // Grab libraries from base theme
    foreach ($base_themes as $base) {
      if (!empty($base->libraries)) {
        foreach ($base->libraries as $library) {
          $values['libraries'][] = $library;

    // Add libraries used by this theme.
    if (!empty($theme->libraries)) {
      foreach ($theme->libraries as $library) {
        $values['libraries'][] = $library;
    $values['engine'] = isset($theme->engine) ? $theme->engine : NULL;
    $values['owner'] = isset($theme->owner) ? $theme->owner : NULL;
    $values['extension'] = $theme;
    $base_active_themes = array();
    foreach ($base_themes as $base_theme) {
        ->getName()] = $this
        ->getActiveTheme($base_theme, array_slice($base_themes, 1));
    $values['base_themes'] = $base_active_themes;
    if (!empty($theme->info['regions'])) {
      $values['regions'] = $theme->info['regions'];
    return new ActiveTheme($values);

   * Gets all extensions.
   * @return array
  protected function getExtensions() {
    if (!isset($this->extensions)) {
      $this->extensions = array_merge($this->moduleHandler
        ->getModuleList(), $this->themeHandler
    return $this->extensions;

   * Gets CSS file where tokens have been resolved.
   * @param string $css_file
   *   CSS file which may contain tokens.
   * @return string
   *   CSS file where placeholders are replaced.
   * @todo Remove in Drupal 9.0.x.
  protected function resolveStyleSheetPlaceholders($css_file) {
    $token_candidate = explode('/', $css_file)[0];
    if (!preg_match('/@[A-z0-9_-]+/', $token_candidate)) {
      return $css_file;
    $token = substr($token_candidate, 1);

    // Prime extensions.
    $extensions = $this
    if (isset($extensions[$token])) {
      return str_replace($token_candidate, $extensions[$token]
        ->getPath(), $css_file);

   * Prepares stylesheets-remove specified in the *.info.yml file.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension $theme
   *   The theme extension object.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension[] $base_themes
   *   An array of base themes.
   * @return string[]
   *   The list of stylesheets-remove specified in the *.info.yml file.
   * @todo Remove in Drupal 9.0.x.
  protected function prepareStylesheetsRemove(Extension $theme, $base_themes) {

    // Prepare stylesheets from this theme as well as all ancestor themes.
    // We work it this way so that we can have child themes remove CSS files
    // easily from parent.
    $stylesheets_remove = array();

    // Grab stylesheets from base theme.
    foreach ($base_themes as $base) {
      $base_theme_path = $base
      if (!empty($base->info['stylesheets-remove'])) {
        foreach ($base->info['stylesheets-remove'] as $css_file) {
          $css_file = $this
          $stylesheets_remove[$css_file] = $css_file;

    // Add stylesheets used by this theme.
    if (!empty($theme->info['stylesheets-remove'])) {
      foreach ($theme->info['stylesheets-remove'] as $css_file) {
        $css_file = $this
        $stylesheets_remove[$css_file] = $css_file;
    return $stylesheets_remove;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ThemeInitialization::$cache protected property The cache backend to use for the active theme.
ThemeInitialization::$extensions protected property The extensions that might be attaching assets.
ThemeInitialization::$root protected property The app root.
ThemeInitialization::$themeHandler protected property The theme handler.
ThemeInitialization::getActiveTheme public function Builds up the active theme object from extensions. Overrides ThemeInitializationInterface::getActiveTheme
ThemeInitialization::getActiveThemeByName public function Builds an active theme object. Overrides ThemeInitializationInterface::getActiveThemeByName
ThemeInitialization::getExtensions protected function Gets all extensions.
ThemeInitialization::initTheme public function Initializes a given theme. Overrides ThemeInitializationInterface::initTheme
ThemeInitialization::loadActiveTheme public function Loads a theme, so it is ready to be used. Overrides ThemeInitializationInterface::loadActiveTheme
ThemeInitialization::prepareStylesheetsRemove protected function Prepares stylesheets-remove specified in the *.info.yml file.
ThemeInitialization::resolveStyleSheetPlaceholders protected function Gets CSS file where tokens have been resolved.
ThemeInitialization::__construct public function Constructs a new ThemeInitialization object.