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class NullGenerator in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/NullGenerator.php \Drupal\Core\Routing\NullGenerator

No-op implementation of a Url Generator, needed for backward compatibility.


Expanded class hierarchy of NullGenerator


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Routing/NullGenerator.php, line 19
Contains \Drupal\Core\Routing\NullGenerator.


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class NullGenerator extends UrlGenerator {

   * Override the parent constructor.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack $request_stack
   *   The request stack.
  public function __construct(RequestStack $request_stack) {
    $this->requestStack = $request_stack;
    $this->context = new RequestContext();

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * generate(), generateFromRoute(), and getPathFromRoute() all call this
   * protected method.
  protected function getRoute($name) {
    if ($name === '<front>') {
      return new Route('/');
    elseif ($name === '<current>') {
      return new Route($this->requestStack
    elseif ($name === '<none>') {
      return new Route('');
    throw new RouteNotFoundException();

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function processRoute($name, Route $route, array &$parameters, BubbleableMetadata $bubbleable_metadata = NULL) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function getInternalPathFromRoute($name, Route $route, $parameters = array(), $query_params = array()) {
    return $route

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setContext(SymfonyRequestContext $context) {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getContext() {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function processPath($path, &$options = array(), BubbleableMetadata $bubbleable_metadata = NULL) {
    return $path;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
NullGenerator::getContext public function Gets the request context. Overrides UrlGenerator::getContext
NullGenerator::getInternalPathFromRoute protected function Gets the path of a route. Overrides UrlGenerator::getInternalPathFromRoute
NullGenerator::getRoute protected function generate(), generateFromRoute(), and getPathFromRoute() all call this protected method. Overrides UrlGenerator::getRoute
NullGenerator::processPath protected function Passes the path to a processor manager to allow alterations. Overrides UrlGenerator::processPath
NullGenerator::processRoute protected function Passes the route to the processor manager for altering before compilation. Overrides UrlGenerator::processRoute
NullGenerator::setContext public function Sets the request context. Overrides UrlGenerator::setContext
NullGenerator::__construct public function Override the parent constructor. Overrides UrlGenerator::__construct
UrlGenerator::$context protected property
UrlGenerator::$decodedChars protected property Overrides characters that will not be percent-encoded in the path segment.
UrlGenerator::$pathProcessor protected property The path processor to convert the system path to one suitable for urls.
UrlGenerator::$requestStack protected property A request stack object.
UrlGenerator::$routeProcessor protected property The route processor.
UrlGenerator::doGenerate protected function Substitute the route parameters into the route path.
UrlGenerator::generate public function Generates a URL or path for a specific route based on the given parameters. Overrides UrlGeneratorInterface::generate
UrlGenerator::generateFromRoute public function Generates a URL or path for a specific route based on the given parameters. Overrides UrlGeneratorInterface::generateFromRoute
UrlGenerator::getPathFromRoute public function Gets the internal path (system path) for a route. Overrides UrlGeneratorInterface::getPathFromRoute
UrlGenerator::getRouteDebugMessage public function Convert a route identifier (name, content object etc) into a string usable for logging and other debug/error messages Overrides VersatileGeneratorInterface::getRouteDebugMessage
UrlGenerator::isStrictRequirements public function
UrlGenerator::setStrictRequirements public function
UrlGenerator::supports public function Whether this generator supports the supplied $name. Overrides VersatileGeneratorInterface::supports
UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH constant Generates an absolute path, e.g. "/dir/file".
UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL constant Generates an absolute URL, e.g. "".
UrlGeneratorInterface::NETWORK_PATH constant Generates a network path, e.g. "//". Such reference reuses the current scheme but specifies the host.
UrlGeneratorInterface::RELATIVE_PATH constant Generates a relative path based on the current request path, e.g. "../parent-file".