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interface LanguageInterface in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Language/LanguageInterface.php \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface

Defines a language.


Expanded class hierarchy of LanguageInterface

All classes that implement LanguageInterface

183 files declare their use of LanguageInterface
AccountForm.php in core/modules/user/src/AccountForm.php
Contains \Drupal\user\AccountForm.
ActiveLinkResponseFilter.php in core/lib/Drupal/Core/EventSubscriber/ActiveLinkResponseFilter.php
Contains \Drupal\Core\EventSubscriber\ActiveLinkResponseFilter.
AddForm.php in core/modules/path/src/Form/AddForm.php
Contains \Drupal\path\Form\AddForm.
AliasManager.php in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Path/AliasManager.php
Contains \Drupal\Core\Path\AliasManager.
AliasManagerTest.php in core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Path/AliasManagerTest.php
Contains \Drupal\Tests\Core\Path\AliasManagerTest.

... See full list


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Language/LanguageInterface.php, line 13
Contains \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface.


View source
interface LanguageInterface {

   * Special system language code (only applicable to UI language).
   * Refers to the language used in Drupal and module/theme source code. Drupal
   * uses the built-in text for English by default, but if configured to allow
   * translation/customization of English, we need to differentiate between the
   * built-in language and the English translation.
  const LANGCODE_SYSTEM = 'system';

   * The language code used when no language is explicitly assigned (yet).
   * Should be used when language information is not available or cannot be
   * determined. This special language code is useful when we know the data
   * might have linguistic information, but we don't know the language.
   * See

   * The language code used when the marked object has no linguistic content.
   * Should be used when we explicitly know that the data referred has no
   * linguistic content.
   * See

   * Language code referring to the default language of data, e.g. of an entity.
   * See the BCP 47 syntax for defining private language tags:
  const LANGCODE_DEFAULT = 'x-default';

   * Language code referring to site's default language.
  const LANGCODE_SITE_DEFAULT = 'site_default';

   * The language state when referring to configurable languages.

   * The language state when referring to locked languages.
  const STATE_LOCKED = 2;

   * The language state used when referring to all languages.
  const STATE_ALL = 3;

   * The language state used when referring to the site's default language.

   * The type of language used to define the content language.
  const TYPE_CONTENT = 'language_content';

   * The type of language used to select the user interface.
  const TYPE_INTERFACE = 'language_interface';

   * The type of language used for URLs.
  const TYPE_URL = 'language_url';

   * Language written left to right. Possible value of $language->direction.
  const DIRECTION_LTR = 'ltr';

   * Language written right to left. Possible value of $language->direction.
  const DIRECTION_RTL = 'rtl';

   * Gets the name of the language.
   * @return string
   *   The human-readable name of the language (in the language that was
   *   used to construct this object).
  public function getName();

   * Gets the ID (language code).
   * @return string
   *   The language code.
  public function getId();

   * Gets the text direction (left-to-right or right-to-left).
   * @return string
   *   Either self::DIRECTION_LTR or self::DIRECTION_RTL.
  public function getDirection();

   * Gets the weight of the language.
   * @return int
   *   The weight, used to order languages with larger positive weights sinking
   *   items toward the bottom of lists.
  public function getWeight();

   * Returns whether this language is the default language.
   * @return bool
   *   Whether the language is the default language.
  public function isDefault();

   * Returns whether this language is locked.
   * @return bool
   *   Whether the language is locked or not.
  public function isLocked();



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
LanguageInterface::DIRECTION_LTR constant Language written left to right. Possible value of $language->direction.
LanguageInterface::DIRECTION_RTL constant Language written right to left. Possible value of $language->direction.
LanguageInterface::getDirection public function Gets the text direction (left-to-right or right-to-left). 2
LanguageInterface::getId public function Gets the ID (language code). 2
LanguageInterface::getName public function Gets the name of the language. 2
LanguageInterface::getWeight public function Gets the weight of the language. 2
LanguageInterface::isDefault public function Returns whether this language is the default language. 2
LanguageInterface::isLocked public function Returns whether this language is locked. 2
LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_DEFAULT constant Language code referring to the default language of data, e.g. of an entity.
LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_APPLICABLE constant The language code used when the marked object has no linguistic content.
LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED constant The language code used when no language is explicitly assigned (yet).
LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_SITE_DEFAULT constant Language code referring to site's default language.
LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_SYSTEM constant Special system language code (only applicable to UI language).
LanguageInterface::STATE_ALL constant The language state used when referring to all languages.
LanguageInterface::STATE_CONFIGURABLE constant The language state when referring to configurable languages.
LanguageInterface::STATE_LOCKED constant The language state when referring to locked languages.
LanguageInterface::STATE_SITE_DEFAULT constant The language state used when referring to the site's default language.
LanguageInterface::TYPE_CONTENT constant The type of language used to define the content language.
LanguageInterface::TYPE_INTERFACE constant The type of language used to select the user interface.
LanguageInterface::TYPE_URL constant The type of language used for URLs.