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interface ModuleHandlerInterface in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/ModuleHandlerInterface.php \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface

Interface for classes that manage a set of enabled modules.

Classes implementing this interface work with a fixed list of modules and are responsible for loading module files and maintaining information about module dependencies and hook implementations.


Expanded class hierarchy of ModuleHandlerInterface

All classes that implement ModuleHandlerInterface

138 files declare their use of ModuleHandlerInterface
AccountSettingsForm.php in core/modules/user/src/AccountSettingsForm.php
Contains \Drupal\user\AccountSettingsForm.
ActionManager.php in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Action/ActionManager.php
Contains \Drupal\Core\Action\ActionManager.
AggregatorPluginManager.php in core/modules/aggregator/src/Plugin/AggregatorPluginManager.php
Contains \Drupal\aggregator\Plugin\AggregatorPluginManager.
AjaxResponseAttachmentsProcessor.php in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Ajax/AjaxResponseAttachmentsProcessor.php
Contains \Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponseAttachmentsProcessor.
AliasStorage.php in core/lib/Drupal/Core/Path/AliasStorage.php
Contains \Drupal\Core\Path\AliasStorage.

... See full list


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/ModuleHandlerInterface.php, line 17
Contains \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface.


View source
interface ModuleHandlerInterface {

   * Includes a module's .module file.
   * This prevents including a module more than once.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name of the module to load.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the item is loaded or has already been loaded.
  public function load($name);

   * Loads all enabled modules.
  public function loadAll();

   * Returns whether all modules have been loaded.
   * @return bool
   *   A Boolean indicating whether all modules have been loaded. This means all
   *   modules; the load status of bootstrap modules cannot be checked.
  public function isLoaded();

   * Reloads all enabled modules.
  public function reload();

   * Returns the list of currently active modules.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension[]
   *   An associative array whose keys are the names of the modules and whose
   *   values are Extension objects.
  public function getModuleList();

   * Returns a module extension object from the currently active modules list.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name of the module to return.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension
   *   An extension object.
   * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
   *   Thrown when the requested module does not exist.
  public function getModule($name);

   * Sets an explicit list of currently active modules.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension[] $module_list
   *   An associative array whose keys are the names of the modules and whose
   *   values are Extension objects.
  public function setModuleList(array $module_list = array());

   * Adds a module to the list of currently active modules.
   * @param string $name
   *   The module name; e.g., 'node'.
   * @param string $path
   *   The module path; e.g., 'core/modules/node'.
  public function addModule($name, $path);

   * Adds an installation profile to the list of currently active modules.
   * @param string $name
   *   The profile name; e.g., 'standard'.
   * @param string $path
   *   The profile path; e.g., 'core/profiles/standard'.
  public function addProfile($name, $path);

   * Determines which modules require and are required by each module.
   * @param array $modules
   *   An array of module objects keyed by module name. Each object contains
   *   information discovered during a Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscovery
   *   scan.
   * @return
   *   The same array with the new keys for each module:
   *   - requires: An array with the keys being the modules that this module
   *     requires.
   *   - required_by: An array with the keys being the modules that will not work
   *     without this module.
   * @see \Drupal\Core\Extension\ExtensionDiscovery
  public function buildModuleDependencies(array $modules);

   * Determines whether a given module is enabled.
   * @param string $module
   *   The name of the module (without the .module extension).
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the module is both installed and enabled.
  public function moduleExists($module);

   * Loads an include file for each enabled module.
   * @param string $type
   *   The include file's type (file extension).
   * @param string $name
   *   (optional) The base file name (without the $type extension). If omitted,
   *   each module's name is used; i.e., "$module.$type" by default.
  public function loadAllIncludes($type, $name = NULL);

   * Loads a module include file.
   * Examples:
   * @code
   *   // Load from the node module.
   *   $this->loadInclude('node', 'inc', 'node.admin');
   *   // Load from the node module.
   *   $this->loadInclude('node', 'inc', ''content_types');
   * @endcode
   * @param string $module
   *   The module to which the include file belongs.
   * @param string $type
   *   The include file's type (file extension).
   * @param string $name
   *   (optional) The base file name (without the $type extension). If omitted,
   *   $module is used; i.e., resulting in "$module.$type" by default.
   * @return string|false
   *   The name of the included file, if successful; FALSE otherwise.
  public function loadInclude($module, $type, $name = NULL);

   * Retrieves a list of hooks that are declared through hook_hook_info().
   * @return array
   *   An associative array whose keys are hook names and whose values are an
   *   associative array containing a group name. The structure of the array
   *   is the same as the return value of hook_hook_info().
   * @see hook_hook_info()
  public function getHookInfo();

   * Determines which modules are implementing a hook.
   * @param string $hook
   *   The name of the hook (e.g. "help" or "menu").
   * @return array
   *   An array with the names of the modules which are implementing this hook.
  public function getImplementations($hook);

   * Write the hook implementation info to the cache.
  public function writeCache();

   * Resets the cached list of hook implementations.
  public function resetImplementations();

   * Returns whether a given module implements a given hook.
   * @param string $module
   *   The name of the module (without the .module extension).
   * @param string $hook
   *   The name of the hook (e.g. "help" or "menu").
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the module is both installed and enabled, and the hook is
   *   implemented in that module.
  public function implementsHook($module, $hook);

   * Invokes a hook in a particular module.
   * @param string $module
   *   The name of the module (without the .module extension).
   * @param string $hook
   *   The name of the hook to invoke.
   * @param ...
   *   Arguments to pass to the hook implementation.
   * @return mixed
   *   The return value of the hook implementation.
  public function invoke($module, $hook, array $args = array());

   * Invokes a hook in all enabled modules that implement it.
   * @param string $hook
   *   The name of the hook to invoke.
   * @param array $args
   *   Arguments to pass to the hook.
   * @return array
   *   An array of return values of the hook implementations. If modules return
   *   arrays from their implementations, those are merged into one array.
  public function invokeAll($hook, array $args = array());

   * Passes alterable variables to specific hook_TYPE_alter() implementations.
   * This dispatch function hands off the passed-in variables to type-specific
   * hook_TYPE_alter() implementations in modules. It ensures a consistent
   * interface for all altering operations.
   * A maximum of 2 alterable arguments is supported. In case more arguments need
   * to be passed and alterable, modules provide additional variables assigned by
   * reference in the last $context argument:
   * @code
   *   $context = array(
   *     'alterable' => &$alterable,
   *     'unalterable' => $unalterable,
   *     'foo' => 'bar',
   *   );
   *   $this->alter('mymodule_data', $alterable1, $alterable2, $context);
   * @endcode
   * Note that objects are always passed by reference in PHP5. If it is absolutely
   * required that no implementation alters a passed object in $context, then an
   * object needs to be cloned:
   * @code
   *   $context = array(
   *     'unalterable_object' => clone $object,
   *   );
   *   $this->alter('mymodule_data', $data, $context);
   * @endcode
   * @param string|array $type
   *   A string describing the type of the alterable $data. 'form', 'links',
   *   'node_content', and so on are several examples. Alternatively can be an
   *   array, in which case hook_TYPE_alter() is invoked for each value in the
   *   array, ordered first by module, and then for each module, in the order of
   *   values in $type. For example, when Form API is using $this->alter() to
   *   execute both hook_form_alter() and hook_form_FORM_ID_alter()
   *   implementations, it passes array('form', 'form_' . $form_id) for $type.
   * @param mixed $data
   *   The variable that will be passed to hook_TYPE_alter() implementations to be
   *   altered. The type of this variable depends on the value of the $type
   *   argument. For example, when altering a 'form', $data will be a structured
   *   array. When altering a 'profile', $data will be an object.
   * @param mixed $context1
   *   (optional) An additional variable that is passed by reference.
   * @param mixed $context2
   *   (optional) An additional variable that is passed by reference. If more
   *   context needs to be provided to implementations, then this should be an
   *   associative array as described above.
  public function alter($type, &$data, &$context1 = NULL, &$context2 = NULL);

   * Returns an array of directories for all enabled modules. Useful for
   * tasks such as finding a file that exists in all module directories.
   * @return array
  public function getModuleDirectories();

   * Gets the human readable name of a given module.
   * @param string $module
   *   The machine name of the module which title should be shown.
   * @return string
   *   Returns the human readable name of the module or the machine name passed
   *   in if no matching module is found.
  public function getName($module);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ModuleHandlerInterface::addModule public function Adds a module to the list of currently active modules. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::addProfile public function Adds an installation profile to the list of currently active modules. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::alter public function Passes alterable variables to specific hook_TYPE_alter() implementations. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::buildModuleDependencies public function Determines which modules require and are required by each module. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::getHookInfo public function Retrieves a list of hooks that are declared through hook_hook_info(). 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::getImplementations public function Determines which modules are implementing a hook. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::getModule public function Returns a module extension object from the currently active modules list. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::getModuleDirectories public function Returns an array of directories for all enabled modules. Useful for tasks such as finding a file that exists in all module directories. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::getModuleList public function Returns the list of currently active modules. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::getName public function Gets the human readable name of a given module. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::implementsHook public function Returns whether a given module implements a given hook. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::invoke public function Invokes a hook in a particular module. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::invokeAll public function Invokes a hook in all enabled modules that implement it. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::isLoaded public function Returns whether all modules have been loaded. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::load public function Includes a module's .module file. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::loadAll public function Loads all enabled modules. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::loadAllIncludes public function Loads an include file for each enabled module. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::loadInclude public function Loads a module include file. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::moduleExists public function Determines whether a given module is enabled. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::reload public function Reloads all enabled modules. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::resetImplementations public function Resets the cached list of hook implementations. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::setModuleList public function Sets an explicit list of currently active modules. 1
ModuleHandlerInterface::writeCache public function Write the hook implementation info to the cache. 1