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class ModuleHandler in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/ModuleHandler.php \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler

Class that manages modules in a Drupal installation.


Expanded class hierarchy of ModuleHandler

3 files declare their use of ModuleHandler
ModuleHandlerTest.php in core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Extension/ModuleHandlerTest.php
Contains \Drupal\Tests\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerTest.
PluginTestBase.php in core/modules/system/src/Tests/Plugin/PluginTestBase.php
Contains \Drupal\system\Tests\Plugin\PluginTestBase.
system.module in core/modules/system/system.module
Configuration system that lets administrators modify the workings of the site.
1 string reference to 'ModuleHandler' in core/
1 service uses ModuleHandler
module_handler in core/


core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/ModuleHandler.php, line 17
Contains \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler.


View source
class ModuleHandler implements ModuleHandlerInterface {

   * List of loaded files.
   * @var array
   *   An associative array whose keys are file paths of loaded files, relative
   *   to the application's root directory.
  protected $loadedFiles;

   * List of installed modules.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension[]
  protected $moduleList;

   * Boolean indicating whether modules have been loaded.
   * @var bool
  protected $loaded = FALSE;

   * List of hook implementations keyed by hook name.
   * @var array
  protected $implementations;

   * List of hooks where the implementations have been "verified".
   * @var true[]
   *   Associative array where keys are hook names.
  protected $verified;

   * Information returned by hook_hook_info() implementations.
   * @var array
  protected $hookInfo;

   * Cache backend for storing module hook implementation information.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface
  protected $cacheBackend;

   * Whether the cache needs to be written.
   * @var bool
  protected $cacheNeedsWriting = FALSE;

   * List of alter hook implementations keyed by hook name(s).
   * @var array
  protected $alterFunctions;

   * The app root.
   * @var string
  protected $root;

   * Constructs a ModuleHandler object.
   * @param string $root
   *   The app root.
   * @param array $module_list
   *   An associative array whose keys are the names of installed modules and
   *   whose values are Extension class parameters. This is normally the
   *   %container.modules% parameter being set up by DrupalKernel.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface $cache_backend
   *   Cache backend for storing module hook implementation information.
   * @see \Drupal\Core\DrupalKernel
   * @see \Drupal\Core\CoreServiceProvider
  public function __construct($root, array $module_list = array(), CacheBackendInterface $cache_backend) {
    $this->root = $root;
    $this->moduleList = array();
    foreach ($module_list as $name => $module) {
      $this->moduleList[$name] = new Extension($this->root, $module['type'], $module['pathname'], $module['filename']);
    $this->cacheBackend = $cache_backend;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function load($name) {
    if (isset($this->loadedFiles[$name])) {
      return TRUE;
    if (isset($this->moduleList[$name])) {
      $this->loadedFiles[$name] = TRUE;
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function loadAll() {
    if (!$this->loaded) {
      foreach ($this->moduleList as $name => $module) {
      $this->loaded = TRUE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function reload() {
    $this->loaded = FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function isLoaded() {
    return $this->loaded;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getModuleList() {
    return $this->moduleList;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getModule($name) {
    if (isset($this->moduleList[$name])) {
      return $this->moduleList[$name];
    throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The module %s does not exist.', $name));

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setModuleList(array $module_list = array()) {
    $this->moduleList = $module_list;

    // Reset the implementations, so a new call triggers a reloading of the
    // available hooks.

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function addModule($name, $path) {
      ->add('module', $name, $path);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function addProfile($name, $path) {
      ->add('profile', $name, $path);

   * Adds a module or profile to the list of currently active modules.
   * @param string $type
   *   The extension type; either 'module' or 'profile'.
   * @param string $name
   *   The module name; e.g., 'node'.
   * @param string $path
   *   The module path; e.g., 'core/modules/node'.
  protected function add($type, $name, $path) {
    $pathname = "{$path}/{$name}.info.yml";
    $filename = file_exists($this->root . "/{$path}/{$name}.{$type}") ? "{$name}.{$type}" : NULL;
    $this->moduleList[$name] = new Extension($this->root, $type, $pathname, $filename);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildModuleDependencies(array $modules) {
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
        ->getName()]['edges'] = array();
      if (isset($module->info['dependencies']) && is_array($module->info['dependencies'])) {
        foreach ($module->info['dependencies'] as $dependency) {
          $dependency_data = static::parseDependency($dependency);
            ->getName()]['edges'][$dependency_data['name']] = $dependency_data;
    $graph_object = new Graph($graph);
    $graph = $graph_object
    foreach ($graph as $module_name => $data) {
      $modules[$module_name]->required_by = isset($data['reverse_paths']) ? $data['reverse_paths'] : array();
      $modules[$module_name]->requires = isset($data['paths']) ? $data['paths'] : array();
      $modules[$module_name]->sort = $data['weight'];
    return $modules;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function moduleExists($module) {
    return isset($this->moduleList[$module]);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function loadAllIncludes($type, $name = NULL) {
    foreach ($this->moduleList as $module => $filename) {
        ->loadInclude($module, $type, $name);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function loadInclude($module, $type, $name = NULL) {
    if ($type == 'install') {

      // Make sure the installation API is available
      include_once $this->root . '/core/includes/';
    $name = $name ?: $module;
    if (isset($this->moduleList[$module])) {
      $file = $this->root . '/' . $this->moduleList[$module]
        ->getPath() . "/{$name}.{$type}";
      if (is_file($file)) {
        require_once $file;
        return $file;
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getHookInfo() {
    if (!isset($this->hookInfo)) {
      if ($cache = $this->cacheBackend
        ->get('hook_info')) {
        $this->hookInfo = $cache->data;
      else {
          ->set('hook_info', $this->hookInfo);
    return $this->hookInfo;

   * Builds hook_hook_info() information.
   * @see \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler::getHookInfo()
  protected function buildHookInfo() {
    $this->hookInfo = array();

    // Make sure that the modules are loaded before checking.

    // $this->invokeAll() would cause an infinite recursion.
    foreach ($this->moduleList as $module => $filename) {
      $function = $module . '_hook_info';
      if (function_exists($function)) {
        $result = $function();
        if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) {
          $this->hookInfo = NestedArray::mergeDeep($this->hookInfo, $result);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getImplementations($hook) {
    $implementations = $this
    return array_keys($implementations);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function writeCache() {
    if ($this->cacheNeedsWriting) {
        ->set('module_implements', $this->implementations);
      $this->cacheNeedsWriting = FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function resetImplementations() {
    $this->implementations = NULL;
    $this->hookInfo = NULL;
    $this->alterFunctions = NULL;

    // We maintain a persistent cache of hook implementations in addition to the
    // static cache to avoid looping through every module and every hook on each
    // request. Benchmarks show that the benefit of this caching outweighs the
    // additional database hit even when using the default database caching
    // backend and only a small number of modules are enabled. The cost of the
    // $this->cacheBackend->get() is more or less constant and reduced further
    // when non-database caching backends are used, so there will be more
    // significant gains when a large number of modules are installed or hooks
    // invoked, since this can quickly lead to
    // \Drupal::moduleHandler()->implementsHook() being called several thousand
    // times per request.
      ->set('module_implements', array());

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function implementsHook($module, $hook) {
    $function = $module . '_' . $hook;
    if (function_exists($function)) {
      return TRUE;

    // If the hook implementation does not exist, check whether it lives in an
    // optional include file registered via hook_hook_info().
    $hook_info = $this
    if (isset($hook_info[$hook]['group'])) {
        ->loadInclude($module, 'inc', $module . '.' . $hook_info[$hook]['group']);
      if (function_exists($function)) {
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function invoke($module, $hook, array $args = array()) {
    if (!$this
      ->implementsHook($module, $hook)) {
    $function = $module . '_' . $hook;
    return call_user_func_array($function, $args);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function invokeAll($hook, array $args = array()) {
    $return = array();
    $implementations = $this
    foreach ($implementations as $module) {
      $function = $module . '_' . $hook;
      $result = call_user_func_array($function, $args);
      if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) {
        $return = NestedArray::mergeDeep($return, $result);
      elseif (isset($result)) {
        $return[] = $result;
    return $return;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function alter($type, &$data, &$context1 = NULL, &$context2 = NULL) {

    // Most of the time, $type is passed as a string, so for performance,
    // normalize it to that. When passed as an array, usually the first item in
    // the array is a generic type, and additional items in the array are more
    // specific variants of it, as in the case of array('form', 'form_FORM_ID').
    if (is_array($type)) {
      $cid = implode(',', $type);
      $extra_types = $type;
      $type = array_shift($extra_types);

      // Allow if statements in this function to use the faster isset() rather
      // than !empty() both when $type is passed as a string, or as an array
      // with one item.
      if (empty($extra_types)) {
    else {
      $cid = $type;

    // Some alter hooks are invoked many times per page request, so store the
    // list of functions to call, and on subsequent calls, iterate through them
    // quickly.
    if (!isset($this->alterFunctions[$cid])) {
      $this->alterFunctions[$cid] = array();
      $hook = $type . '_alter';
      $modules = $this
      if (!isset($extra_types)) {

        // For the more common case of a single hook, we do not need to call
        // function_exists(), since $this->getImplementations() returns only
        // modules with implementations.
        foreach ($modules as $module) {
          $this->alterFunctions[$cid][] = $module . '_' . $hook;
      else {

        // For multiple hooks, we need $modules to contain every module that
        // implements at least one of them.
        $extra_modules = array();
        foreach ($extra_types as $extra_type) {
          $extra_modules = array_merge($extra_modules, $this
            ->getImplementations($extra_type . '_alter'));

        // If any modules implement one of the extra hooks that do not implement
        // the primary hook, we need to add them to the $modules array in their
        // appropriate order. $this->getImplementations() can only return
        // ordered implementations of a single hook. To get the ordered
        // implementations of multiple hooks, we mimic the
        // $this->getImplementations() logic of first ordering by
        // $this->getModuleList(), and then calling
        // $this->alter('module_implements').
        if (array_diff($extra_modules, $modules)) {

          // Merge the arrays and order by getModuleList().
          $modules = array_intersect(array_keys($this->moduleList), array_merge($modules, $extra_modules));

          // Since $this->getImplementations() already took care of loading the
          // necessary include files, we can safely pass FALSE for the array
          // values.
          $implementations = array_fill_keys($modules, FALSE);

          // Let modules adjust the order solely based on the primary hook. This
          // ensures the same module order regardless of whether this if block
          // runs. Calling $this->alter() recursively in this way does not
          // result in an infinite loop, because this call is for a single
          // $type, so we won't end up in this code block again.
            ->alter('module_implements', $implementations, $hook);
          $modules = array_keys($implementations);
        foreach ($modules as $module) {

          // Since $modules is a merged array, for any given module, we do not
          // know whether it has any particular implementation, so we need a
          // function_exists().
          $function = $module . '_' . $hook;
          if (function_exists($function)) {
            $this->alterFunctions[$cid][] = $function;
          foreach ($extra_types as $extra_type) {
            $function = $module . '_' . $extra_type . '_alter';
            if (function_exists($function)) {
              $this->alterFunctions[$cid][] = $function;
    foreach ($this->alterFunctions[$cid] as $function) {
      $function($data, $context1, $context2);

   * Provides information about modules' implementations of a hook.
   * @param string $hook
   *   The name of the hook (e.g. "help" or "menu").
   * @return mixed[]
   *   An array whose keys are the names of the modules which are implementing
   *   this hook and whose values are either a string identifying a file in
   *   which the implementation is to be found, or FALSE, if the implementation
   *   is in the module file.
  protected function getImplementationInfo($hook) {
    if (!isset($this->implementations)) {
      $this->implementations = array();
      $this->verified = array();
      if ($cache = $this->cacheBackend
        ->get('module_implements')) {
        $this->implementations = $cache->data;
    if (!isset($this->implementations[$hook])) {

      // The hook is not cached, so ensure that whether or not it has
      // implementations, the cache is updated at the end of the request.
      $this->cacheNeedsWriting = TRUE;

      // Discover implementations.
      $this->implementations[$hook] = $this

      // Implementations are always "verified" as part of the discovery.
      $this->verified[$hook] = TRUE;
    elseif (!isset($this->verified[$hook])) {
      if (!$this
        ->verifyImplementations($this->implementations[$hook], $hook)) {

        // One or more of the implementations did not exist and need to be
        // removed in the cache.
        $this->cacheNeedsWriting = TRUE;
      $this->verified[$hook] = TRUE;
    return $this->implementations[$hook];

   * Builds hook implementation information for a given hook name.
   * @param string $hook
   *   The name of the hook (e.g. "help" or "menu").
   * @return mixed[]
   *   An array whose keys are the names of the modules which are implementing
   *   this hook and whose values are either a string identifying a file in
   *   which the implementation is to be found, or FALSE, if the implementation
   *   is in the module file.
   * @throws \RuntimeException
   *   Exception thrown when an invalid implementation is added by
   *   hook_module_implements_alter().
   * @see \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler::getImplementationInfo()
  protected function buildImplementationInfo($hook) {
    $implementations = array();
    $hook_info = $this
    foreach ($this->moduleList as $module => $extension) {
      $include_file = isset($hook_info[$hook]['group']) && $this
        ->loadInclude($module, 'inc', $module . '.' . $hook_info[$hook]['group']);

      // Since $this->implementsHook() may needlessly try to load the include
      // file again, function_exists() is used directly here.
      if (function_exists($module . '_' . $hook)) {
        $implementations[$module] = $include_file ? $hook_info[$hook]['group'] : FALSE;

    // Allow modules to change the weight of specific implementations, but avoid
    // an infinite loop.
    if ($hook != 'module_implements_alter') {

      // Remember the original implementations, before they are modified with
      // hook_module_implements_alter().
      $implementations_before = $implementations;

      // Verify implementations that were added or modified.
        ->alter('module_implements', $implementations, $hook);

      // Verify new or modified implementations.
      foreach (array_diff_assoc($implementations, $implementations_before) as $module => $group) {

        // If drupal_alter('module_implements') changed or added a $group, the
        // respective file needs to be included.
        if ($group) {
            ->loadInclude($module, 'inc', "{$module}.{$group}");

        // If a new implementation was added, verify that the function exists.
        if (!function_exists($module . '_' . $hook)) {
          throw new \RuntimeException("An invalid implementation {$module}_{$hook} was added by hook_module_implements_alter()");
    return $implementations;

   * Verifies an array of implementations loaded from the cache, by including
   * the lazy-loaded $module.$, and checking function_exists().
   * @param string[] $implementations
   *   Implementation "group" by module name.
   * @param string $hook
   *   The hook name.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE, if all implementations exist.
   *   FALSE, if one or more implementations don't exist and need to be removed
   *     from the cache.
  protected function verifyImplementations(&$implementations, $hook) {
    $all_valid = TRUE;
    foreach ($implementations as $module => $group) {

      // If this hook implementation is stored in a lazy-loaded file, include
      // that file first.
      if ($group) {
          ->loadInclude($module, 'inc', "{$module}.{$group}");

      // It is possible that a module removed a hook implementation without
      // the implementations cache being rebuilt yet, so we check whether the
      // function exists on each request to avoid undefined function errors.
      // Since ModuleHandler::implementsHook() may needlessly try to
      // load the include file again, function_exists() is used directly here.
      if (!function_exists($module . '_' . $hook)) {

        // Clear out the stale implementation from the cache and force a cache
        // refresh to forget about no longer existing hook implementations.

        // One of the implementations did not exist and needs to be removed in
        // the cache.
        $all_valid = FALSE;
    return $all_valid;

   * Parses a dependency for comparison by drupal_check_incompatibility().
   * @param $dependency
   *   A dependency string, which specifies a module dependency, and optionally
   *   the project it comes from and versions that are supported. Supported
   *   formats include:
   *   - 'module'
   *   - 'project:module'
   *   - 'project:module (>=version, version)'
   * @return
   *   An associative array with three keys:
   *   - 'name' includes the name of the thing to depend on (e.g. 'foo').
   *   - 'original_version' contains the original version string (which can be
   *     used in the UI for reporting incompatibilities).
   *   - 'versions' is a list of associative arrays, each containing the keys
   *     'op' and 'version'. 'op' can be one of: '=', '==', '!=', '<>', '<',
   *     '<=', '>', or '>='. 'version' is one piece like '4.5-beta3'.
   *   Callers should pass this structure to drupal_check_incompatibility().
   * @see drupal_check_incompatibility()
  public static function parseDependency($dependency) {
    $value = array();

    // Split out the optional project name.
    if (strpos($dependency, ':') !== FALSE) {
      list($project_name, $dependency) = explode(':', $dependency);
      $value['project'] = $project_name;

    // We use named subpatterns and support every op that version_compare
    // supports. Also, op is optional and defaults to equals.
    $p_op = '(?<operation>!=|==|=|<|<=|>|>=|<>)?';

    // Core version is always optional: 8.x-2.x and 2.x is treated the same.
    $p_core = '(?:' . preg_quote(\Drupal::CORE_COMPATIBILITY) . '-)?';
    $p_major = '(?<major>\\d+)';

    // By setting the minor version to x, branches can be matched.
    $p_minor = '(?<minor>(?:\\d+|x)(?:-[A-Za-z]+\\d+)?)';
    $parts = explode('(', $dependency, 2);
    $value['name'] = trim($parts[0]);
    if (isset($parts[1])) {
      $value['original_version'] = ' (' . $parts[1];
      foreach (explode(',', $parts[1]) as $version) {
        if (preg_match("/^\\s*{$p_op}\\s*{$p_core}{$p_major}\\.{$p_minor}/", $version, $matches)) {
          $op = !empty($matches['operation']) ? $matches['operation'] : '=';
          if ($matches['minor'] == 'x') {

            // Drupal considers "2.x" to mean any version that begins with
            // "2" (e.g. 2.0, 2.9 are all "2.x"). PHP's version_compare(),
            // on the other hand, treats "x" as a string; so to
            // version_compare(), "2.x" is considered less than 2.0. This
            // means that >=2.x and <2.x are handled by version_compare()
            // as we need, but > and <= are not.
            if ($op == '>' || $op == '<=') {

            // Equivalence can be checked by adding two restrictions.
            if ($op == '=' || $op == '==') {
              $value['versions'][] = array(
                'op' => '<',
                'version' => $matches['major'] + 1 . '.x',
              $op = '>=';
          $value['versions'][] = array(
            'op' => $op,
            'version' => $matches['major'] . '.' . $matches['minor'],
    return $value;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getModuleDirectories() {
    $dirs = array();
    foreach ($this
      ->getModuleList() as $name => $module) {
      $dirs[$name] = $this->root . '/' . $module
    return $dirs;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getName($module) {
    $info = system_get_info('module', $module);
    return isset($info['name']) ? $info['name'] : $module;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ModuleHandler::$alterFunctions protected property List of alter hook implementations keyed by hook name(s).
ModuleHandler::$cacheBackend protected property Cache backend for storing module hook implementation information.
ModuleHandler::$cacheNeedsWriting protected property Whether the cache needs to be written.
ModuleHandler::$hookInfo protected property Information returned by hook_hook_info() implementations.
ModuleHandler::$implementations protected property List of hook implementations keyed by hook name.
ModuleHandler::$loaded protected property Boolean indicating whether modules have been loaded.
ModuleHandler::$loadedFiles protected property List of loaded files.
ModuleHandler::$moduleList protected property List of installed modules.
ModuleHandler::$root protected property The app root.
ModuleHandler::$verified protected property List of hooks where the implementations have been "verified".
ModuleHandler::add protected function Adds a module or profile to the list of currently active modules.
ModuleHandler::addModule public function Adds a module to the list of currently active modules. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::addModule
ModuleHandler::addProfile public function Adds an installation profile to the list of currently active modules. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::addProfile
ModuleHandler::alter public function Passes alterable variables to specific hook_TYPE_alter() implementations. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::alter
ModuleHandler::buildHookInfo protected function Builds hook_hook_info() information.
ModuleHandler::buildImplementationInfo protected function Builds hook implementation information for a given hook name.
ModuleHandler::buildModuleDependencies public function Determines which modules require and are required by each module. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::buildModuleDependencies
ModuleHandler::getHookInfo public function Retrieves a list of hooks that are declared through hook_hook_info(). Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::getHookInfo
ModuleHandler::getImplementationInfo protected function Provides information about modules' implementations of a hook.
ModuleHandler::getImplementations public function Determines which modules are implementing a hook. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::getImplementations
ModuleHandler::getModule public function Returns a module extension object from the currently active modules list. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::getModule
ModuleHandler::getModuleDirectories public function Returns an array of directories for all enabled modules. Useful for tasks such as finding a file that exists in all module directories. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::getModuleDirectories
ModuleHandler::getModuleList public function Returns the list of currently active modules. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::getModuleList
ModuleHandler::getName public function Gets the human readable name of a given module. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::getName
ModuleHandler::implementsHook public function Returns whether a given module implements a given hook. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::implementsHook
ModuleHandler::invoke public function Invokes a hook in a particular module. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::invoke
ModuleHandler::invokeAll public function Invokes a hook in all enabled modules that implement it. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::invokeAll
ModuleHandler::isLoaded public function Returns whether all modules have been loaded. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::isLoaded
ModuleHandler::load public function Includes a module's .module file. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::load
ModuleHandler::loadAll public function Loads all enabled modules. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::loadAll
ModuleHandler::loadAllIncludes public function Loads an include file for each enabled module. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::loadAllIncludes
ModuleHandler::loadInclude public function Loads a module include file. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::loadInclude
ModuleHandler::moduleExists public function Determines whether a given module is enabled. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::moduleExists
ModuleHandler::parseDependency public static function Parses a dependency for comparison by drupal_check_incompatibility().
ModuleHandler::reload public function Reloads all enabled modules. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::reload
ModuleHandler::resetImplementations public function Resets the cached list of hook implementations. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::resetImplementations
ModuleHandler::setModuleList public function Sets an explicit list of currently active modules. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::setModuleList
ModuleHandler::verifyImplementations protected function Verifies an array of implementations loaded from the cache, by including the lazy-loaded $module.$, and checking function_exists().
ModuleHandler::writeCache public function Write the hook implementation info to the cache. Overrides ModuleHandlerInterface::writeCache
ModuleHandler::__construct public function Constructs a ModuleHandler object.