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class CoreServiceProvider in Zircon Profile 8.0

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 core/lib/Drupal/Core/CoreServiceProvider.php \Drupal\Core\CoreServiceProvider

ServiceProvider class for mandatory core services.

This is where Drupal core registers all of its compiler passes. The service definitions themselves are in core/ with a few, documented exceptions (typically, install requirements).

Modules wishing to register services to the container should use in their respective directories.


Expanded class hierarchy of CoreServiceProvider

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core/lib/Drupal/Core/CoreServiceProvider.php, line 47
Contains \Drupal\Core\CoreServiceProvider.


View source
class CoreServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function register(ContainerBuilder $container) {

    // Only register the private file stream wrapper if a file path has been set.
    if (Settings::get('file_private_path')) {
        ->register('stream_wrapper.private', 'Drupal\\Core\\StreamWrapper\\PrivateStream')
        ->addTag('stream_wrapper', [
        'scheme' => 'private',

    // Add the compiler pass that lets service providers modify existing
    // service definitions. This pass must come first so that later
    // list-building passes are operating on the post-alter services list.
      ->addCompilerPass(new ModifyServiceDefinitionsPass());
      ->addCompilerPass(new ProxyServicesPass());
      ->addCompilerPass(new BackendCompilerPass());
      ->addCompilerPass(new StackedKernelPass());
      ->addCompilerPass(new StackedSessionHandlerPass());
      ->addCompilerPass(new MainContentRenderersPass());

    // Collect tagged handler services as method calls on consumer services.
      ->addCompilerPass(new TaggedHandlersPass());
      ->addCompilerPass(new RegisterStreamWrappersPass());
      ->addCompilerPass(new GuzzleMiddlewarePass());
      ->addCompilerPass(new TwigExtensionPass());

    // Add a compiler pass for registering event subscribers.
      ->addCompilerPass(new RegisterEventSubscribersPass(), PassConfig::TYPE_AFTER_REMOVING);
      ->addCompilerPass(new RegisterAccessChecksPass());
      ->addCompilerPass(new RegisterLazyRouteEnhancers());
      ->addCompilerPass(new RegisterLazyRouteFilters());

    // Add a compiler pass for registering services needing destruction.
      ->addCompilerPass(new RegisterServicesForDestructionPass());

    // Add the compiler pass that will process the tagged services.
      ->addCompilerPass(new ListCacheBinsPass());
      ->addCompilerPass(new CacheContextsPass());
      ->addCompilerPass(new ContextProvidersPass());

    // Register plugin managers.
      ->addCompilerPass(new PluginManagerPass());
      ->addCompilerPass(new DependencySerializationTraitPass());

   * Determines and registers the UUID service.
   * @param \Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder $container
   *   The container.
   * @return string
   *   Class name for the UUID service.
  public static function registerUuid(ContainerBuilder $container) {
    $uuid_class = 'Drupal\\Component\\Uuid\\Php';

    // Debian/Ubuntu uses the (broken) OSSP extension as their UUID
    // implementation. The OSSP implementation is not compatible with the
    // PECL functions.
    if (function_exists('uuid_create') && !function_exists('uuid_make')) {
      $uuid_class = 'Drupal\\Component\\Uuid\\Pecl';
    elseif (function_exists('com_create_guid')) {
      $uuid_class = 'Drupal\\Component\\Uuid\\Com';
      ->register('uuid', $uuid_class);
    return $uuid_class;

   * Registers services and event subscribers for a site under test.
  protected function registerTest(ContainerBuilder $container) {

    // Do nothing if we are not in a test environment.
    if (!drupal_valid_test_ua()) {

    // Add the HTTP request middleware to Guzzle.
      ->register('test.http_client.middleware', 'Drupal\\Core\\Test\\HttpClientMiddleware\\TestHttpClientMiddleware')



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
CoreServiceProvider::register public function Registers services to the container. Overrides ServiceProviderInterface::register
CoreServiceProvider::registerTest protected function Registers services and event subscribers for a site under test.
CoreServiceProvider::registerUuid public static function Determines and registers the UUID service.