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function file_stream_wrapper_valid_scheme in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/includes/ \file_stream_wrapper_valid_scheme()

Checks that the scheme of a stream URI is valid.


in Drupal 8.0.x-dev, will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Use \Drupal\Core\File\FileSystem::validScheme().

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8 calls to file_stream_wrapper_valid_scheme()
FileDownloadController::download in core/modules/system/src/FileDownloadController.php
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file_valid_uri in core/includes/
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core/includes/, line 106
API for handling file uploads and server file management.


function file_stream_wrapper_valid_scheme($scheme) {
  return \Drupal::service('file_system')