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function entity_delete_multiple in Zircon Profile 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.0 core/includes/ \entity_delete_multiple()

Deletes multiple entities permanently.

$storage_handler = \Drupal::entityManager()
$entities = $storage_handler


string $entity_type: The type of the entity.

array $ids: An array of entity IDs of the entities to delete.


as of Drupal 8.0.x, will be removed before Drupal 9.0.0. Use the entity storage's delete() method to delete multiple entities:

See also




21 calls to entity_delete_multiple()
BlockTest::testBlockCacheTags in core/modules/block/src/Tests/BlockTest.php
Test that cache tags are properly set and bubbled up to the page cache.
BookTest::testBookDelete in core/modules/book/src/Tests/BookTest.php
Tests the access for deleting top-level book nodes.
Comment::postDelete in core/modules/comment/src/Entity/Comment.php
Acts on deleted entities before the delete hook is invoked.
CommentLinksTest::testCommentLinks in core/modules/comment/src/Tests/CommentLinksTest.php
Tests that comment links are output and can be hidden.
CommentNodeChangesTest::testNodeDeletion in core/modules/comment/src/Tests/CommentNodeChangesTest.php
Tests that comments are deleted with the node.

... See full list


core/includes/, line 270
Entity API for handling entities like nodes or users.


function entity_delete_multiple($entity_type, array $ids) {
  $controller = \Drupal::entityManager()
  $entities = $controller