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function youtubechannel_getview in YoutubeChannel 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 youtubechannel.module \youtubechannel_getview()
  2. 7 youtubechannel.module \youtubechannel_getview()

Function that build the Youtube videos as a Channel.

1 call to youtubechannel_getview()
youtubechannel_block in ./youtubechannel.module
Implements hook_block().


./youtubechannel.module, line 78
module file for youtubechannel.


function youtubechannel_getview() {
  $youtube_user = variable_get('youtubechannel_user', NULL);
  $max_results = variable_get('youtubechannel_video_limit', 5);
  $theme = variable_get('youtubechannel_theme', 'simple');
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'youtubechannel') . '/themes/' . $theme . '/youtubechannel.css');
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'youtubechannel') . '/js/youtubechannel.js', 'module', 'header');

  // Getting the video list.
  $path = "{$youtube_user}/uploads?max-results={$max_results}";
  $xmlfile = drupal_http_request($path);
  if ($xmlfile->code == 200) {
    $youtube_videos = simplexml_load_string($xmlfile->data);
    (array) $videos;
    if ($youtube_videos->entry) {
      foreach ($youtube_videos->entry as $key => $value) {
        if (preg_match("/videos\\/(.*)/", (string) $value->id, $match)) {
          $youtube_id = $match[1];
          $title = (string) $value->title;
          $thumb = theme('image', "{$youtube_id}/default.jpg", $title, $title, NULL, FALSE);
          $videos[$youtube_id] = array(
            'thumb' => $thumb,
            'title' => $title,
      $vars['width'] = check_plain(variable_get('youtubechannel_video_width', 200));
      $vars['height'] = check_plain(variable_get('youtubechannel_video_height', 150));
    $vars['content'] = $videos;
    $vars['theme'] = $theme;
    return theme('youtubechannel_videos_tpl', $vars);
  return t("Please configure this section in the !link", array(
    '!link' => l(t('admin page'), 'admin/settings/youtubechannel'),