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Functions in Yandex.Metrics 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
yandex_metrics_ajax ./yandex_metrics.module Menu callback; outputs content of one of the 4 reports. It is intended for AJAX calls. 1
yandex_metrics_authorization ./yandex_metrics.module Menu callback; the application authorization form. 1
yandex_metrics_authorization_submit ./yandex_metrics.module Implementation of hook_submit for yandex_metrics_authorization form.
yandex_metrics_block ./yandex_metrics.module Implementation of hook_block().
yandex_metrics_chart_color_schemes ./yandex_metrics.module Implementation of hook_chart_color_schemes of chart module.
yandex_metrics_cron ./yandex_metrics.module Implementation of hook_cron().
yandex_metrics_filter_form ./yandex_metrics.module It is quick filter form for report page. 1
yandex_metrics_filter_form_submit ./yandex_metrics.module Implementation of hook_submit for yandex_metrics_time_interval_form form.
yandex_metrics_footer ./yandex_metrics.module Implementation of hook_footer. Adds Yandex.Metrics counter code to the site footer.
yandex_metrics_get_counter_for_current_site ./yandex_metrics.module Gets counter ID for the current site from Yandex.Metrics. 2
yandex_metrics_help ./yandex_metrics.module Implementation of hook_help.
yandex_metrics_install ./yandex_metrics.install Implementation of hook_install().
yandex_metrics_main_settings ./yandex_metrics.module The main module settings form. 1
yandex_metrics_main_settings_submit ./yandex_metrics.module Implementation of hook_submit for yandex_metrics_main_settings form.
yandex_metrics_menu ./yandex_metrics.module Implementation of hook_menu().
yandex_metrics_oauth_callback ./yandex_metrics.module Menu callback. Perform auth token request by code parameter from url. More information at (Russian): 1
yandex_metrics_perm ./yandex_metrics.module Implementation of hook_perm().
yandex_metrics_report ./yandex_metrics.module Menu callback; displays a Summary page containing reports and charts. 1
yandex_metrics_reports ./yandex_metrics.module Menu callback. Reports setting form. 1
yandex_metrics_retreive_data ./yandex_metrics.module This is the helper function to retreive analytic information from Yandex.Metrics. 7
yandex_metrics_save_popular_content ./yandex_metrics.module Fetch Popuplar content from Yandex.metrika and save it to the database. 2
yandex_metrics_schema ./yandex_metrics.install Implementation of hook_schema().
yandex_metrics_show_counter ./yandex_metrics.module Returns FALSE if we need to disable counter on page. 1
yandex_metrics_show_counter_for_role ./yandex_metrics.module Returns FALSE if we need to disable counter for role. 1
yandex_metrics_uninstall ./yandex_metrics.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
yandex_metrics_update_6100 ./yandex_metrics.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
_yandex_metrics_filter_to_date_range ./yandex_metrics.module Converts filter value to date range array: array( 'start_date' => 'YYYYMMDD', 'end_date' => 'YYYYMMDD', 'group' => 'week' // It is optional element. ); 6
_yandex_metrics_geo_chart ./yandex_metrics.module The function generates pie chart with geographical information on visitors. 2
_yandex_metrics_get_idna_library_path ./yandex_metrics.module Returns path of idna_convert class. 1
_yandex_metrics_idna_decode ./yandex_metrics.module Decode ASCII 'xn--*' domain name to Unicode national domain name if it is possible. Used idna_convert class created by Matthias Sommerfeld <> and licensed under LGPL. 1
_yandex_metrics_is_popular_content_enabled ./yandex_metrics.module 1
_yandex_metrics_popular_content ./yandex_metrics.module The function generates the table of popular content. 2
_yandex_metrics_search_phrases ./yandex_metrics.module The function generates content of search phrases table ordered by popularity. 2
_yandex_metrics_sources_chart ./yandex_metrics.module The function generates pie chart with traffic sources summary. 2
_yandex_metrics_visits_chart ./yandex_metrics.module The function generates bar chart with information about page views, visitors and new visitors. 2

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